
    git log input
    Extends the parameters for git log, making it easier to use from PowerShell.

    Allows timeframe parameters to be tab-completed:
    * After/Since become --after
    * Before/Until become --before
    * Author/Committer become --author

    Adds -CurrentBranch, which gives the changes between the upstream branch and the current branch.

    Also adds -IssueNumber, which searchers for commits that reference particular issues.
    git log -CurrentBranch

[ValidatePattern('^git log')]
# The number of entries to get.

# Gets logs after a given date

# Gets before a given date

# Gets lof from a given author or committer

# If set, will get all changes between the upstream branch and the current branch.

# One or more issue numbers. Providing an issue number of 0 will find all log entries that reference an issue.

# If set, will get statistics associated with each change

# If provided, will search for specific strings within the change sets of a commit.
# This is especially useful when finding references to or changes to a given function or structure.

# If provided, will search for specific patterns within the change sets of a commit.
# This is especially useful when finding references to or changes to a given function or structure.

# If the number of commits was provided, it should come first.
if ($NumberOfCommits) {

foreach ($dashToDoubleDash in 'after', 'before', 'author') {
    if ($PSBoundParameters[$dashToDoubleDash]) {

if ($CurrentBranch) {
    # Now Better for Forking: (Forks have two remotes) (origin and upstream)
    $headbranch        = git remote | git remote show | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HeadBranch -First 1
    $currentBranchName = git branch | Where-Object IsCurrentBranch
    if ($currentBranchName -ne $headbranch) {
    } else {
        Write-Warning "On $headBranch"

if ($IssueNumber) {
    foreach ($IssueNum in $IssueNumber) {
        if ($IssueNum -eq 0) {
        } else {

if ($SearchString) {

if ($SearchPattern) {

if ($Statistics) {