
# Any *.PSA.ps1 file will be run when PSA runs.

# A good thing to do at the start of this file is to connect.


# If $env:AT_PROTOCOL_HANDLE or $env:AT_PROTOCOL_EMAIL is set, it will be treated as the username
# If $env:AT_PROTOCOL_APP_PASSWORD is set, it will be treated as the App Password.
# _Never_ use your actual BlueSky password

# Once we're connected, we can do anything our app password allows.

# However, you _might_ want to output some information first, so that you can see you're connected.

Get-BskyActorProfile -Actor $env:AT_PROTOCOL_HANDLE -Cache | Out-Host

# To ensure you're not going to send a skeet on every checkin, it's a good idea to ask what GitHub is up to

# There will be a variable, $GitHubEvent, that contains information about the event.

# A fairly common scenario is to perform an annoucement whenever a PR is merged.

$isMergeToMain = 
    ($gitHubEvent.head_commit.message -match "Merge Pull Request #(?<PRNumber>\d+)") -and 
    $gitHubEvent.ref -in 'refs/heads/main', 'refs/heads/master'

Push-Location ($PSScriptRoot | Split-Path)
$importedModule = Import-Module .\ugit.psd1 -Global -PassThru
$importedModule | Out-Host
$moduleAndVersion = "$($importedModule.Name) $($importedModule.Version)"

$isManuallyTriggered = $["inputs"]

if ($isMergeToMain -or $isManuallyTriggered) {

    $fullMessage = 
        @(switch ($importedModule.Version) {
            default {
                $importedModule.PrivateData.PSData.Taglines | Get-Random                
        }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2)

    Send-AtProto -Text $fullMessage -WebCard @{
        Url = $importedModule.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectURI
    } -LinkPattern @{
        $importedModule.Name = $importedModule.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectURI
