
function New-Login
New-login is the first fucntion to call in the module; this connects you to the server so that you can excecute any other commands
The login endpoint is typically the url that you hit + api/
example: may be the normal endpoint
the url for the system would be

    $script:uri = $url
    $requestObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        op = 'login'
        user = $credential.UserName
        password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password 
    $requestJson = $requestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    write-verbose $requestJson
    $params = @{
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest @params -Body $requestJson
    $script:session_id = ($response.Content |ConvertFrom-Json).content.session_id
    if (!$script:session_id){throw "login issue"}

Function Get-Categories
    $requestObject = '' | Select-Object sid,op
    $requestObject.op = 'getCategories'
    $requestObject.sid = $script:session_id
    $requestJson = $requestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $script:params = @{
    $iwr = @{
    Write-Debug $requestJson
    write-verbose $requestJson   
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest @iwr -Body $requestJson
    #$session_id = $response
    ($response.Content |ConvertFrom-Json).content

Function Get-Feeds

    $requestObject = '' | Select-Object sid,op,cat_id
    $requestObject.op = 'getFeeds'
    $requestObject.cat_id = $category
    $requestObject.sid = $script:session_id
    $requestJson = $requestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        $iwr = @{
    write-verbose $requestJson   
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest @iwr  -Body $requestJson
    #$session_id = $response
    ($response.Content |ConvertFrom-Json).content

Function Get-Headlines
        [ValidateSet("all_articles", "unread", "adaptive", "marked", "updated")]
    $requestObject = '' | Select-Object sid,op,feed_id,view_mode 
    $requestObject.op = 'getHeadlines'
    $requestObject.feed_id  = $feed_id 
    $requestObject.sid = $script:session_id
    $requestObject.view_mode = $view_mode
    if ($show_content)
        $requestObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName show_content -NotePropertyValue $true

    $requestJson = $requestObject | ConvertTo-Json
    write-verbose $requestJson   
    $iwr = @{
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest @iwr -Body $requestJson

    ($response.Content |ConvertFrom-Json).content

Function Set-Article{
Set-Article modifies the article read/starred/published setting in TTRSS.
article_ids (comma-separated list of integers) - article IDs to operate on
mode (integer) - type of operation to perform (0 - set to false, 1 - set to true, 2 - toggle)
field (integer) - field to operate on (0 - starred, 1 - published, 2 - unread, 3 - article note since api level 1)
Update information on specified articles.
article_ids (comma-separated list of integers) - article IDs to operate on
mode (integer) - type of operation to perform (0 - set to false, 1 - set to true, 2 - toggle)
field (integer) - field to operate on (0 - starred, 1 - published, 2 - unread, 3 - article note since api level 1)
data (string) - optional data parameter when setting note field (since api level 1)
E.g. to set unread status of articles X and Y to false use the following:
Since version:1.5.0 returns a status message:
“Updated” is number of articles updated by the query.


    $requestObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        op = 'updateArticle'
        sid = $script:session_id
        article_ids = $article -join ','
        mode = $mode
        field = $field
        data = $data
    $requestJson = $requestObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

    write-verbose $requestJson
    $params = @{
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest @params -Body $requestJson

    ($response.Content |ConvertFrom-Json).content

Function ConvertTo-Text {
    $d = [HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument]::new()