
function Get-TerraformVersion {

    Display all installed versions of Terraform.


    Display all versions of Terraform that are in the library, highlighting the current active version.


    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-TerraformVersion.


    System string.





    param (
    if (!$SilentlyRun) {
        Write-Host "Versions of Terraform, switch active version by using Set-TerraformVersion"
    # Get the library path and get the currently available versions
    $versionsAvailable = (Get-ChildItem $tfPath -Directory).Name
    # Find out what the current version of Terraform is, or give a warning of there are none
    try {
        $activeVersion = ((terraform --version | select-string -Pattern "([\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+-[\w]+[\d]+|[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)").Matches.Value | Select-Object -First 1 -ErrorAction Stop)
    catch {
        $noActive = $true
        Write-Warning "There are no versions of Terraform currently active."
    $results = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

    $versionsAvailable | ForEach-Object {
        if (($_ -match "($activeVersion\b)")-and (!$noActive)) {
            $results.add("> $_") | Out-Null
        } else {
            $results.add(" $_") | Out-Null
    return $results
function Set-TerraformVersion {

    Sets the active version of Terraform.


    Set the version of Terraform that you want active. If the version doesn't exists in the library, it will ask to download the version.

    .PARAMETER Version
    Version of Terraform to set as active.


    None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-TerraformVersion.


    System string.


    Set-TerraformVersion -Version 0.13.1
    Set-TerraformVersion 0.13.1



    param (
        # Terraform version
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
    try {
        Write-Host "Switching to Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        # Copy the terraform file to the WindowsApps directory on Windows, so you're able to execute it
        # On linux, we copy the file to the library folder and add that to $Env:PATH through our $PROFILE
        # TODO: Check whether the Unix flow will be the right one for all platforms, so that we can have one less switch, maybe...
        switch ($machineOS) {
            "windows_amd64" {
                Copy-Item -Path "$tfPath/$Version/terraform.exe" -Destination "$execDir/terraform.exe" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Default {
                Copy-Item -Path "$tfPath/$Version/terraform" -Destination "$tfPath/terraform" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                chmod +x "$tfPath/terraform"
    catch {
        Write-Error "Version of Terraform not present in library"
        Write-Host "Download Terraform v$Version ?"
        do {
            $userResponse = Read-Host "(Y)es, (N)o"
        } until ($userResponse -eq "y" -or "n")
        switch ($userResponse.ToLower()) {
            y {
                Install-Terraform -Version $Version -DisableLogo
            n {
                Write-Host "Not downloading v$Version" -ForegroundColor Red
        $activeVersion = (terraform --version | select-string -Pattern "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)").Matches.Value | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($activeVersion -eq $Version) {
            Write-Host "Verification: Version downloaded and is currently active" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow