
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID 8115a829-e7dc-4cee-bc7e-f495471c29ae
.AUTHOR henrik@laueriksson.com
.TAGS .NET Test Rerun Retry
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/hlaueriksson/ConductOfCode

    Runs tests in a given path, and reruns the tests that fails.
    Runs "dotnet test" and use the trx logger result file to collect failed tests.
    Then reruns the failed tests and reports the final result.
    .Parameter Path
    Path to the: project | solution | directory | dll | exe
    .Parameter Configuration
    Build configuration for environment specific appsettings.json file.
    .Parameter Filter
    Filter to run selected tests based on: TestCategory | Priority | Name | FullyQualifiedName
    .Parameter Settings
    Path to the .runsettings file.
    .Parameter Retries
    Number of retries for each failed test.
    .Parameter Percentage
    Required percentage of passed tests.
    .\test.ps1 -filter "TestCategory=RegressionTest"
    # Runs regression tests
    .\test.ps1 .\FooBar.Tests\FooBar.Tests.csproj -filter "TestCategory=SmokeTest" -configuration "Development"
    # Runs FooBar smoke tests in Development
    .\test.ps1 -retries 1 -percentage 95
    # Retries failed tests once and reports the run as green if 95% of the tests passed
    .\test.ps1 -settings .\test.runsettings
    # Runs tests configured with a .runsettings file

param (
    [string]$path = ".",

    [ValidateSet("Debug", "Release", "Development", "Production")]
    [string]$configuration = "Debug",



    [ValidateRange(1, 9)]
    [int]$retries = 2,

    [ValidateRange(0, 100)]
    [int]$percentage = 100

function Get-Option {
    param (


    if ($value.Length -gt 0) {
        "$option $value"
    else {

function Green {
    process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Green }

function Red {
    process { Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red }

function Get-Elapsed {
    param (

    if ($timer.Elapsed.TotalHours -gt 1) {
        "$($timer.Elapsed.TotalHours.ToString("0.0000")) Hours"
    elseif ($timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -gt 1) {
        "$($timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString("0.0000")) Minutes"
    else {
        "$($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.0000")) Seconds"

$timer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

dotnet build $path --configuration $configuration

if (!$?) {
    # Build FAILED.
    Exit $LastExitCode

$currentPath = (Get-Item .).FullName
$testResultsPath = "$($currentPath)$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)testResults.trx"
$options = $("--no-build --logger `"trx;logfilename=$testResultsPath`" --configuration $configuration $(Get-Option "--filter" $filter) $(Get-Option "--settings" $settings)").Split(' ')

dotnet test $path $options

if ($?) {
    # Passed!

[xml]$testResults = Get-Content -Path $testResultsPath

$failedUnitTestResults = $testResults.TestRun.Results.UnitTestResult | Where-Object outcome -eq 'Failed'
$unitTests = $testResults.TestRun.TestDefinitions.UnitTest
$counters = $testResults.TestRun.ResultSummary.Counters
$passedTests = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string]
$failedTests = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string]

Write-Output "`r`nRetry $($counters.failed) failed tests..."

foreach ($failed in $failedUnitTestResults) {
    $unitTest = $unitTests | Where-Object id -eq $failed.testId | Select-Object -First 1
    $fqn = "$($unitTest.TestMethod.className).$($unitTest.TestMethod.name)"

    Write-Output "`r`nRetry $fqn..."

    # Retry
    for ($i = 1; $i -le $retries; $i++) {
        $options = $("--no-build --logger `"console;verbosity=detailed`" --configuration $configuration --filter FullyQualifiedName=$fqn $(Get-Option "--settings" $settings)").Split(' ')
        $escapeparser = '--%'
        $parameters = "-- TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\`"Retry\`", value=\`"$i\`")"

        dotnet test $path $options $escapeparser $parameters

        if ($?) {
            # Passed!

    if (!$?) {
        # Failed!


$successPercentage = (($counters.executed - $failedTests.Count) * 100) / [int]$counters.executed

if ($failedTests.Count -eq 0 -or $successPercentage -ge $percentage) {
    # Passed!
    Write-Output "`r`nTest Rerun Successful." | Green
else {
    # Failed!
    Write-Output "`r`nTest Rerun Failed." | Red

Write-Output "Total tests: $($counters.executed)"
Write-Output " Reruned: $($counters.failed)"
Write-Output " Passed: $($counters.executed - $failedTests.Count) " | Green
Write-Output " Failed: $($failedTests.Count)" | Red
if ($percentage -lt 100 -and $successPercentage -ge $percentage) {
    Write-Output " Success %: $successPercentage (>= $percentage)" | Green
if ($percentage -lt 100 -and $successPercentage -lt $percentage) {
    Write-Output " Success %: $successPercentage (< $percentage)" | Red
Write-Output " Total time: $(Get-Elapsed $timer)"

Write-Output "`r`nReruned:"

foreach ($passed in $passedTests) {
    Write-Output "Passed $passed" | Green

foreach ($fail in $failedTests) {
    Write-Output "Failed $fail" | Red

if ($failedTests.Count -eq 0 -or $successPercentage -ge $percentage) {
    # Passed!

# Failed!
Exit $failedTests.Count