# ######################################################### # PowerShell script for Terraform Tools plugin # # Author: Patrick Tavares <tavarespatrick01@gmail.com> # ######################################################### . $PSScriptRoot\terraform-tools-aliases.ps1 # ========================================================= # Define Module Constants # ========================================================= $API_GITUB = "https://api.github.com/repos" $TF_DOCS_RELEASE = "terraform-docs/terraform-docs/releases" $TF_TRIVY_RELEASE = "aquasecurity/trivy/releases" $TF_LINT_RELEASE = "terraform-linters/tflint/releases" $TF_AUTO_MV_RELEASE = "busser/tfautomv/releases" $TF_SWITCHER_RELEASE = "warrensbox/terraform-switcher/releases" # ========================================================= # Define Local Module directory # ========================================================= $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME = "$env:USERPROFILE\.terrafom-tools" # ========================================================= # Define Module file to store tools version # ========================================================= $TF_DOCS_VERSION_FILE = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME "version_tfdocs.txt" $TF_TRIVY_VERSION_FILE = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME "version_trivy.txt" $TF_LINT_VERSION_FILE = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME "version_tflint.txt" $TF_AUTO_MV_VERSION_FILE = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME "version_tfautomv.txt" $TF_SWITCHER_VERSION_FILE = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME "version_tfswitch.txt" # ========================================================= # Install tools Functions # ========================================================= <# .SYNOPSIS Centralized Module Log. .DESCRIPTION Centralized Module Log. .PARAMETER Color Color used to Log Message .PARAMETER Message Message to output #> function Write-TerraformToolLog { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Color, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Message ) # Save previous colors $previousForegroundColor = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor # Set ForegroundColor $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $Color # Output Message Write-Output "[Terraform-Module] $Message" # Restore previous colors $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $previousForegroundColor } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve last version of a tool from Github. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve last version of a tool from Github using Github API. .PARAMETER Tool Color used to Log Message. .OUTPUTS string. The last version of the tool founded. #> function Get-TerraformToolLastVersion { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ToolName ) return (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$API_GITUB/$ToolName/latest").tag_name } <# .SYNOPSIS Download and install a tool. .DESCRIPTION Download and install Version ToolName in DestDir . .PARAMETER ToolName ToolName to Download. .PARAMETER Version Version of the tool to Download. .PARAMETER DestDir Directory where tool will be stored. #> function Install-DownloadTerraformTools { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToolNameName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DestDir ) # TODO : Add try catch Exception Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" " -> Download and install $ToolNameName $Version" $architecture = ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE).ToLower() switch ($ToolNameName) { "tfdocs" { $url = "https://github.com/$TF_DOCS_RELEASE/download/$Version/terraform-docs-$Version-windows-$architecture.zip" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -OutFile "$DestDir\tmp.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "$DestDir\tmp.zip"-DestinationPath $DestDir -Force | Out-Null Remove-Item "$DestDir\*.zip" $Version | Out-File $TF_DOCS_VERSION_FILE } "trivy" { if ($architecture -eq "amd64") { $architecture = "64bit" } else { $architecture = "32bit" } $SimpleVersion = $Version.Substring(1) + "_windows" $url = "https://github.com/$TF_TRIVY_RELEASE/download/$Version/trivy_$SimpleVersion-$architecture.zip" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -OutFile "$DestDir\tmp.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "$DestDir\tmp.zip"-DestinationPath $DestDir -Force | Out-Null Remove-Item "$DestDir\*.zip" $Version | Out-File $TF_TRIVY_VERSION_FILE } "tflint" { $url = "https://github.com/$TF_LINT_RELEASE/download/$Version/tflint_windows_$architecture.zip" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -OutFile "$DestDir\tmp.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "$DestDir\tmp.zip" -DestinationPath $DestDir -Force | Out-Null Remove-Item "$DestDir\tmp.zip" $Version | Out-File $TF_LINT_VERSION_FILE } "tfautomv" { $subVersion = $Version.Substring(1) $url = "https://github.com/$TF_AUTO_MV_RELEASE/download/$Version/tfautomv_${subVersion}_windows_$architecture.zip" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -OutFile "$DestDir\tmp.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "$DestDir\tmp.zip" -DestinationPath $DestDir -Force | Out-Null Remove-Item "$DestDir\tmp.zip" $Version | Out-File $TF_AUTO_MV_VERSION_FILE } "tfswitch" { $url = "https://github.com/$TF_SWITCHER_RELEASE/download/$Version/terraform-switcher_${Version}_windows_$architecture.zip" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -OutFile "$DestDir\tmp.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "$DestDir\tmp.zip" -DestinationPath $DestDir -Force | Out-Null Remove-Item "$DestDir\tmp.zip" $Version | Out-File $TF_SWITCHER_VERSION_FILE } default { Write-TerraformToolLog "Red" "Unknown tool" return } } Write-TerraformToolLog "Green" " -> Install OK for $ToolNameName at version $Version" } <# .SYNOPSIS Managed the installation of a Terraform tool. .DESCRIPTION Managed the installation of a Terraform tool (get last version + donwload and install). .PARAMETER ToolName ToolName to Download. .PARAMETER ReleaseURL URL to find the last tool version available. #> function Install-TerraformTool { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToolName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ReleaseURL ) Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" " --> $ToolName <--" $ToolNameDir = Join-Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME $ToolName New-Item -Path $ToolNameDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null $lastVersion = Get-TerraformToolLastVersion $ReleaseURL Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "-> retrieve last version of $ToolName..." Install-DownloadTerraformTools -ToolName $ToolName -Version $lastVersion -DestDir $ToolNameDir } <# .SYNOPSIS Managed the installation of all Terraform tools. .DESCRIPTION Managed the installation of all Terraform tools (create directory + run installation). #> function Install-TerraformTools { Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "#############################################" Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "Installing Terraform tools..." Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "-> Creating Terraform tools home dir : $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME" New-Item -Path $env:TF_TOOLS_HOME -ItemType Directory | Out-Null # Install tfdocs Install-TerraformTool "tfdocs" $TF_DOCS_RELEASE # Install trivy Install-TerraformTool "trivy" $TF_TRIVY_RELEASE # Install tflint Install-TerraformTool "tflint" $TF_LINT_RELEASE # Install tfautomv Install-TerraformTool "tfautomv" $TF_AUTO_MV_RELEASE # Install tfswitch Install-TerraformTool "tfswitch" $TF_SWITCHER_RELEASE Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "#############################################" } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Terraform tool to the last available version. .DESCRIPTION Perform an update for a Terraform tools. If the tools version is outdated, will remove old one and replace it by the last version. .PARAMETER ToolName ToolName to check. .PARAMETER ReleaseFile File that contains the current version of the tool. .PARAMETER ReleaseURL URL to find the last tool version available. #> function Update-TerraformTool { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToolName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ReleaseFile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ReleaseURL ) $currentVersion = Get-Content $ReleaseFile $lastVersion = Get-TerraformToolLastVersion $ReleaseURL if ($lastVersion -ge $currentVersion) { Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "-> Checking $ToolName..." Write-TerraformToolLog "Green" "Already up to date, current version : $currentVersion" } else { Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "-> Updating $ToolName..." Install-TerraformTool $ToolName $ReleaseURL Write-TerraformToolLog "Green" "Update OK" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Managed the installation of all Terraform tools. .DESCRIPTION Managed the installation of all Terraform tools (create directory + run installation). #> function Update-TerraformTools { Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "#############################################" Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "Checking new version of Terraform tools..." # Update tfdocs Update-TerraformTool -ToolName "tfdocs" -ReleaseFile $TF_DOCS_VERSION_FILE -ReleaseURL $TF_DOCS_RELEASE # Update trivy Update-TerraformTool -ToolName "trivy" -ReleaseFile $TF_TRIVY_VERSION_FILE -ReleaseURL $TF_TRIVY_RELEASE # Update tflint Update-TerraformTool -ToolName "tflint" -ReleaseFile $TF_LINT_VERSION_FILE -ReleaseURL $TF_LINT_RELEASE # Update tfautomv Update-TerraformTool -ToolName "tfautomv" -ReleaseFile $TF_AUTO_MV_VERSION_FILE -ReleaseURL $TF_AUTO_MV_RELEASE # Update tfswitch Update-TerraformTool -ToolName "tfswitch" -ReleaseFile $TF_SWITCHER_VERSION_FILE -ReleaseURL $TF_SWITCHER_RELEASE Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "#############################################" } # ========================================================= # # Install and/or load terraform tools function # ========================================================= function TerraformToolsAddToPath { param ( [string] $DirectoryToAdd ) # Get Currecnt user PATH $currentPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # Check if directoryToAdd is already PATH if (-not $currentPath.Contains($DirectoryToAdd)) { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', "$currentPath;$DirectoryToAdd", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) } } function TerraformToolsLoads { Write-TerraformToolLog "Blue" "Expanding user PATH with tools..." # Export PATH TerraformToolsAddToPath "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\tfdocs" TerraformToolsAddToPath "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\trivy" TerraformToolsAddToPath "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\tflint" TerraformToolsAddToPath "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\tfautomv" TerraformToolsAddToPath "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\tfswitch" Write-TerraformToolLog "Green" "Expanding user PATH with tools OK" } # Install terraform and all tools if it isn't already installed if (-not (Test-Path "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\version_*.txt") -or (Get-ChildItem "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\version_*.txt").Count -ne 5 ) { Install-TerraformTools } # Load terraform and all tools if it is installed if ((Get-ChildItem "$env:TF_TOOLS_HOME\version_*.txt").Count -gt 0) { TerraformToolsLoads } |