.VERSION 1.0.3 .GUID 4ee202bc-b16f-46b4-a15b-72ae9f4ae177 .AUTHOR voytas75 .TAGS text database, database, simple, minimal .PROJECTURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 1.0.3: added listing tables. 1.0.2: Improved modularity, added centralized error handling and logging. Enhanced documentation with detailed help blocks and a comprehensive usage guide. Included unit tests for all critical functions and ensured compatibility with different environments. 1.0.1: initializing. #> <# .SYNOPSIS Simple Miniature Text Relational Database Management System (TDB) .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script implements a simple text-based relational DBMS. It supports CRUD operations, search functionality, indexing, and data integrity checks. The script is designed to be clean, efficient, and functional, adhering to best practices. .PARAMETER configFilePath Specifies the path to the configuration file. If not provided, the script will attempt to load the default configuration file from the script's directory. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$configFilePath ) #region Script Metadata # Define the current version of the script $tdbVersion = "1.0.3" # Get the script name from the invocation without the extension $scriptname = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath) # Default columns setting (system application setting) $DefaultColumns = @("ID", "CreationTime") #endregion Script Metadata #region Functions function Get-LatestVersion { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$scriptName ) try { # Find the script on PowerShell Gallery $scriptInfo = Find-Script -Name $scriptName -ErrorAction Stop # Return the latest version return $scriptInfo.Version } catch [System.Exception] { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name #Write-Warning "Error occurred while trying to find the script '$scriptName' on PowerShell Gallery." Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath return } } function Get-CheckForScriptUpdate { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [version]$currentScriptVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$scriptName ) try { # Retrieve the latest version of the script $latestScriptVersion = Get-LatestVersion -scriptName $scriptName if ($latestScriptVersion) { # Compare the current version with the latest version if (([version]$currentScriptVersion) -lt [version]$latestScriptVersion) { Write-Host " A new version ($latestScriptVersion) of $scriptName is available. You are currently using version $currentScriptVersion. " -BackgroundColor DarkYellow -ForegroundColor Blue write-Host "`n`n" } } #else { # Write-Warning "Failed to check for the latest version of the script." #} } catch [System.Exception] { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } function Show-Banner { Write-Host @' __powershell___________/\\\___/\\\________ ___voytas75___________\/\\\__\/\\\________ _____/\\\_____________\/\\\__\/\\\________ __/\\\\\\\\\\\________\/\\\__\/\\\________ _\////\\\////____/\\\\\\\\\__\/\\\\\\\\\__ ____\/\\\_______/\\\////\\\__\/\\\////\\\_ ____\/\\\_/\\__\/\\\__\/\\\__\/\\\__\/\\\_ ____\//\\\\\___\//\\\\\\\/\\_\/\\\\\\\\\__ _____\/////_____\///////\//__\/////////___ powershell [t]ext [d]ata[b]ase '@ } # Logging function function Write-tdbLog { param ( [string]$Message, [string]$Level = "INFO" ) $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" $logDir = Split-Path -Path $config.LogFilePath -Parent if (-not (Test-Path -Path $logDir)) { New-Item -Path $logDir -ItemType Directory -Force } "$timestamp [$Level] - $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $config.LogFilePath -Append -Force } # Error handling function function Handle-tdbError { param ( [string]$ErrorMessage ) Write-tdbLog -Message $ErrorMessage -Level "ERROR" throw $ErrorMessage } function Update-ErrorHandling { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrorRecord, [string]$ErrorContext, [string]$LogFilePath ) # Capture detailed error information $errorDetails = [ordered]@{ Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ErrorMessage = $ErrorRecord.Exception.Message ExceptionType = $ErrorRecord.Exception.GetType().FullName ErrorContext = $ErrorContext ScriptFullName = $MyInvocation.ScriptName LineNumber = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber StackTrace = $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace UserName = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name MachineName = $env:COMPUTERNAME PowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() } | ConvertTo-Json # Provide suggestions based on the error type $suggestions = switch -Regex ($ErrorMessage) { "Get-tdbRecord" { "Check the table name and ensure it exists. Verify the filter and logical operator parameters." } "New-tdbTable" { "Ensure the table name is unique and follows the naming conventions. Verify the columns provided." } "Insert-tdbRecord" { "Check if the table exists and the record format is correct. Ensure the ID field is not manually set." } "Update-tdbRecords" { "Verify the table name, filter criteria, and new values. Ensure the table exists and the filter matches records." } "Remove-tdbRecords" { "Ensure the table exists and the filter criteria are correct. Verify that matching records exist." } "New-tdbIndex" { "Check if the index name is unique and the table and column names are correct. Ensure the table exists." } "Reindex-tdbIndex" { "Verify the index name and ensure it exists. Check the table and column names in the index metadata." } "UnauthorizedAccessException" { "Check the file permissions and ensure you have the necessary access rights to the file or directory." } "IOException" { "Ensure the file path is correct and the file is not being used by another process." } default { "Refer to the error message and stack trace for more details. Consult the official documentation or seek help from the community." } } # Display the error details and suggestions #Write-Host "-- Error: $($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "-- Error: $($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "-- Context: $ErrorContext" Write-Host "-- Suggestions: $suggestions" # Log the error details if LogFilePath is provided if ($LogFilePath) { $errorDetails | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -Force if (Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath) { Write-Host ">> Error details have been saved to the file: $LogFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Write-Host "-- The specified log file path does not exist: $LogFilePath" -ForegroundColor Red } } } # Function to create a new table function New-tdbTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$")] # Only allow alphanumeric and underscore [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]]$Columns ) try { $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" # Check if the table already exists if (Test-Path -Path $tablePath) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$TableName' already exists." } # Combine default columns with user-defined columns, ensuring no duplicates $allColumns = $DefaultColumns + ($Columns | Where-Object { $DefaultColumns -notcontains $_ }) $header = $allColumns -join "," # Ensure the directory exists $dbDir = Split-Path -Path $tablePath -Parent if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dbDir)) { New-Item -Path $dbDir -ItemType Directory -Force } $header | Out-File -FilePath $tablePath -Force Write-tdbLog -Message "Table '$TableName' created with columns: $allColumns" } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error creating table '$TableName'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to list all tables in the current database or show info for a specific table function Get-tdbTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$TableName ) try { Write-Verbose "Retrieving database directory from configuration." # Get the database directory from the configuration $dbDir = $config.DBDirectory Write-Verbose "Checking if the database directory exists." # Check if the database directory exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dbDir)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Database directory '$dbDir' does not exist." } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('TableName')) { Write-Verbose "Retrieving information for table '$TableName'." # Show info for the provided table $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $dbDir -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tablePath)) { Write-Output "Table '$TableName' does not exist." #Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$TableName' does not exist." return } $tableSize = (Get-Item $tablePath).Length $tableInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ TableName = $TableName CreatedOn = (Get-Item $tablePath).CreationTime ModifiedOn = (Get-Item $tablePath).LastWriteTime SizeInBytes = $tableSize } Write-Output "Table: $($tableInfo.TableName), Created On: $($tableInfo.CreatedOn), Last Modified On: $($tableInfo.ModifiedOn), Size: $($tableInfo.SizeInBytes) bytes" } else { Write-Verbose "Retrieving list of all tables in the database." # Get all CSV files in the database directory, which represent tables $tables = Get-ChildItem -Path $dbDir -Filter *.csv | ForEach-Object { $tablePath = $_.FullName $tableSize = (Get-Item $tablePath).Length [PSCustomObject]@{ TableName = $_.BaseName CreatedOn = $_.CreationTime ModifiedOn = $_.LastWriteTime SizeInBytes = $tableSize } } # Output the list of tables or a message if no tables are found if ($tables.Count -eq 0) { Write-Output "No tables found in the database." } else { Write-Output "Tables in the database:" $tables | ForEach-Object { Write-Output "Table: $($_.TableName), Created On: $($_.CreatedOn), Last Modified On: $($_.ModifiedOn), Size: $($_.SizeInBytes) bytes" } } } Write-Verbose "Showing context." # Show context of config file path Write-Output "Configuration file path: $configFilePath" } catch { # Handle any errors that occur during the process $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error retrieving tables from database" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to insert a new record function Insert-tdbRecord { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$Record ) try { Write-Verbose "Starting to insert record into table '$TableName'." $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tablePath)) { $errorMessage = "Table '$TableName' does not exist. Please ensure the table name is correct and the table has been created." Write-Output $errorMessage #Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage $errorMessage return } Write-Verbose "Reading columns from table '$TableName'." $columns = (Get-Content -Path $tablePath -First 1) -split "," # Get the current max ID and increment it Write-Verbose "Importing data from table '$TableName'." $data = Import-Csv -Path $tablePath $maxId = if ($data) { [int]($data | Measure-Object -Property ID -Maximum).Maximum } else { 0 } $newId = $maxId + 1 Write-Verbose "New ID for the record will be $newId." # Check if user provided ID and show info that ID is auto-incrementing if ($Record.ContainsKey("ID")) { Write-Warning "The 'ID' field is auto-incrementing and will be $newId." } # Add auto-increment ID and CreationTime to the record $Record["ID"] = $newId $Record["CreationTime"] = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") Write-Verbose "Preparing values for the new record." $values = foreach ($col in $columns) { if ($Record.ContainsKey($col)) { $Record[$col] } else { $null } } $line = ($values -join ",") Write-Verbose "Appending new record to table '$TableName'." Add-Content -Path $tablePath -Value $line Write-tdbLog -Message "Inserted record into '$TableName': $Record" # Update indexes if they exist $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" $indexFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $indexDir -Filter "*.index" foreach ($indexFile in $indexFiles) { Write-Verbose "Checking index file: $($indexFile.Name)" $indexData = Import-Clixml -Path $indexFile.FullName if ($indexData.TableName -eq $TableName) { Write-Verbose "Index file $($indexFile.Name) matches table $TableName. Updating index." # Check if the Records property exists and is an array if (-not $indexData.PSObject.Properties['Records']) { $indexData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Records' -Value @() } elseif (-not ($indexData.Records -is [System.Collections.ArrayList])) { $indexData.Records = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($indexData.Records) } # Ensure the Records property is an ArrayList to allow adding new items if ($indexData.Records -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { $indexData.Records.Add($Record) } else { $tempArrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $tempArrayList.AddRange($indexData.Records) $tempArrayList.Add($Record) $indexData.Records = $tempArrayList } Write-Verbose "Exporting updated index data to file $($indexFile.FullName)." $indexData | Export-Clixml -Path $indexFile.FullName -Force Write-tdbLog -Message "Index '$($indexFile.BaseName)' updated with new record." } else { Write-Verbose "Index file $($indexFile.Name) does not match table $TableName. Skipping." } } Write-Verbose "Finished inserting record into table '$TableName'." } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error inserting record into '$TableName'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to read records function Get-tdbRecord { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$TableName, [hashtable]$Filter, [string]$LogicalOperator = 'AND', [ValidateSet("equals", "contains", "starts with", "ends with")] [string]$ComparisonOperator = 'equals' ) try { Write-Verbose "Starting Get-tdbRecord for table '$TableName' with filter and logical operator '$LogicalOperator'." Write-Debug "Parameters: TableName=$TableName, Filter=$($Filter | Out-String), LogicalOperator=$LogicalOperator, ComparisonOperator=$ComparisonOperator" $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" Write-Debug "Table path: $tablePath" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tablePath)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$TableName' does not exist." } $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" Write-Debug "Index directory: $indexDir" $indexFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $indexDir -Filter "*.index" Write-Debug "Index files found: $($indexFiles | Out-String)" $indexUsed = $false foreach ($indexFile in $indexFiles) { $indexData = Import-Clixml -Path $indexFile.FullName Write-Debug "Checking index file: $($indexFile.FullName)" Write-Debug "Checking if index file matches table and filter keys: TableName=$($indexData.TableName), FilterKeys=$($Filter.Keys)" Write-Debug "Index data: $($indexData | Out-String)" $indexData.TableName -eq $TableName -and $Filter.Keys -contains $indexData.ColumnName if ($indexData.TableName -eq $TableName -and $Filter.Keys -contains $indexData.ColumnName) { $indexPath = $indexFile.FullName $indexUsed = $true Write-Debug "Index file $($indexFile.FullName) matches table $TableName and filter keys. Using this index." break } } if (Test-Path -Path $indexPath) { Write-Verbose "Using index file: $indexPath" $indexData = Import-Clixml -Path $indexPath Write-Debug "Index data imported: $($indexData | Out-String)" $data = $indexData.Records | Where-Object { $result = $true $record = $_ Write-Debug "Evaluating record: $($record | Out-String)" foreach ($key in $Filter.Keys) { if (-not $record.PSObject.Properties.Match($key)) { Write-Warning "The property '$key' cannot be found in index. Skipping this filter." continue } $value = $Filter[$key] Write-Debug "Filtering with key: $key, value: $value" $conditionMet = switch ($ComparisonOperator) { "equals" { $record.$key -eq $value } "contains" { $record.$key -like "*$value*" } "starts with" { $record.$key -like "$value*" } "ends with" { $record.$key -like "*$value" } default { throw "Unsupported comparison operator: $ComparisonOperator" } } Write-Debug "Condition met: $conditionMet" if ($LogicalOperator -eq 'OR') { $result = $result -or $conditionMet if ($result) { break } } else { $result = $result -and $conditionMet } } Write-Debug "Result for record: $result" return $result } $indexUsed = $true } if (-not $indexUsed) { Write-Verbose "No suitable index found. Performing full table scan." $data = Import-Csv -Path $tablePath Write-Verbose "Data imported from $tablePath" Write-Debug "Imported data: $($data | Out-String)" if ($Filter) { $data = $data | Where-Object { $result = $true $record = $_ Write-Debug "Evaluating record: $($record | Out-String)" foreach ($key in $Filter.Keys) { if (-not $record.PSObject.Properties.Match($key)) { Write-Warning "The property '$key' cannot be found on table '$tablePath'. Skipping this filter." continue } $value = $Filter[$key] Write-Debug "Filtering with key: $key, value: $value" $conditionMet = switch ($ComparisonOperator) { "equals" { if ($record.PSObject.Properties.Match($key)) { Write-Verbose "Comparing property '$key' '$record' with value '$value'" $record.$key -eq $value } else { Write-Verbose "Property '$key' not found in the data" $false } } "contains" { $_.$key -like "*$value*" } "starts with" { $_.$key -like "$value*" } "ends with" { $_.$key -like "*$value" } default { throw "Unsupported comparison operator: $ComparisonOperator" } } Write-Debug "Condition met: $conditionMet" if ($LogicalOperator -eq 'OR') { $result = $result -or $conditionMet if ($result) { break } } else { $result = $result -and $conditionMet } } Write-Debug "Result for record: $result" return $result } } } Write-Verbose "Finished Get-tdbRecord for table '$TableName'." Write-Debug "Final data: $($data | Out-String)" return $data } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error reading records from '$TableName' '$tablePath'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to update records function Update-tdbRecords { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$NewValues ) try { $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tablePath)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$TableName' does not exist." } $data = Import-Csv -Path $tablePath $updated = $false foreach ($row in $data) { $match = $true foreach ($key in $Filter.Keys) { if ($row.$key -ne $Filter[$key]) { $match = $false break } } if ($match) { foreach ($key in $NewValues.Keys) { $row.$key = $NewValues[$key] } $updated = $true } } if ($updated) { $data | Export-Csv -Path $tablePath -NoTypeInformation Write-tdbLog -Message "Updated records in '$TableName' where $Filter with $NewValues" } else { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "No matching records found to update in '$TableName'." } } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error updating records in '$TableName'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to delete records function Remove-tdbRecords { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable]$Filter ) try { $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$TableName.csv" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $tablePath)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$TableName' does not exist." } $data = Import-Csv -Path $tablePath $originalCount = $data.Count $data = $data | Where-Object { $match = $true foreach ($key in $Filter.Keys) { if ($_.($key) -ne $Filter[$key]) { $match = $false break } } -not $match } if ($data.Count -lt $originalCount) { $data | Export-Csv -Path $tablePath -NoTypeInformation Write-tdbLog -Message "Deleted records from '$TableName' where $Filter" } else { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "No matching records found to delete in '$TableName'." } } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error deleting records from '$TableName'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to create an index function New-tdbIndex { param ( [string]$TableName, [string]$ColumnName, [string]$IndexName ) Write-Warning "The indexing feature is experimental and may not work as expected." # Ensure the index directory exists $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $indexDir)) { New-Item -Path $indexDir -ItemType Directory -Force } # Check if index already exists $indexPath = Join-Path -Path $indexDir -ChildPath "$IndexName.index" if (Test-Path $indexPath) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Index '$IndexName' already exists." } # Create index file and write metadata New-Item -Path $indexPath -ItemType File -Force $metadata = @{ TableName = $TableName ColumnName = $ColumnName CreatedOn = (Get-Date) } $metadata | Export-Clixml -Path $indexPath Write-tdbLog -Message "Index '$IndexName' created successfully." } # Function to list all indexes function Get-tdbIndexes { Write-Warning "The indexing feature is experimental and may not work as expected." $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" Get-ChildItem -Path $indexDir -Filter *.index | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ IndexName = $_.BaseName Metadata = Import-Clixml -Path $_.FullName } } } # Function to delete an index function Remove-tdbIndex { param ( [string]$IndexName ) Write-Warning "The indexing feature is experimental and may not work as expected." $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" $indexPath = Join-Path -Path $indexDir -ChildPath "$IndexName.index" if (Test-Path $indexPath) { Remove-Item -Path $indexPath -Force Write-tdbLog -Message "Index '$IndexName' deleted successfully." } else { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Index '$IndexName' does not exist." -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } function Reindex-tdbIndex { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$IndexName ) Write-Warning "The indexing feature is experimental and may not work as expected." try { Write-Verbose "Starting reindexing process for index '$IndexName'." Write-Debug "Parameters: IndexName=$IndexName" $indexDir = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "Indexes" $indexPath = Join-Path -Path $indexDir -ChildPath "$IndexName.index" Write-Debug "Index path: $indexPath" if (-not (Test-Path $indexPath)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Index '$IndexName' does not exist." return } # Load existing metadata Write-Verbose "Loading existing metadata for index '$IndexName'." $metadata = Import-Clixml -Path $indexPath Write-Debug "Metadata loaded: $($metadata | Out-String)" # Validate metadata if (-not $metadata.TableName -or -not $metadata.ColumnName) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Invalid metadata for index '$IndexName'." return } # Load table data $tablePath = Join-Path -Path $config.DBDirectory -ChildPath "$($metadata.TableName).csv" Write-Debug "Table path: $tablePath" if (-not (Test-Path $tablePath)) { Handle-tdbError -ErrorMessage "Table '$($metadata.TableName)' does not exist." return } Write-Verbose "Loading table data from '$tablePath'." $tableData = Import-Csv -Path $tablePath Write-Debug "Table data loaded: $($tableData | Out-String)" # Recreate index based on table data Write-Verbose "Recreating index based on table data." $indexData = [PSCustomObject]@{ TableName = $metadata.TableName ColumnName = $metadata.ColumnName CreatedOn = (Get-Date) Records = @() } foreach ($record in $tableData) { Write-Debug "Adding record to index: $($record | Out-String)" $indexData.Records += $record } # Save the new index Write-Verbose "Saving the new index to '$indexPath'." $indexData | Export-Clixml -Path $indexPath -Force Write-tdbLog -Message "Index '$IndexName' reindexed successfully based on table data." Write-Verbose "Reindexing process for index '$IndexName' completed successfully." } catch { $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function; Error reindexing '$IndexName'" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } } # Function to validate data types function Validate-tdbDataType { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject] $Record, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Schema ) foreach ($key in $Schema.Keys) { if ($Record.PSObject.Properties[$key]) { $expectedType = $Schema[$key] $actualType = $Record.$key.GetType().Name if ($actualType -ne $expectedType) { throw "Invalid data type for field '$key'. Expected: $expectedType, Found: $actualType" } } } } # Function to validate required fields function Validate-tdbRequiredFields { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject] $Record, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $RequiredFields ) foreach ($field in $RequiredFields) { if (-not $Record.PSObject.Properties[$field] -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Record.$field)) { throw "Required field '$field' is missing or empty." } } } # Function to validate unique constraints function Validate-tdbUniqueConstraints { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject] $Record, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $UniqueFields, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.ArrayList] $ExistingRecords ) foreach ($field in $UniqueFields) { foreach ($existingRecord in $ExistingRecords) { if ($existingRecord.$field -eq $Record.$field) { throw "Duplicate value found for unique field '$field'. Value: $($Record.$field)" } } } } # Sample usage guide function Show-tdbUsage { Write-Output "Usage Guide for Miniature Text Relational DBMS (tdb)" Write-Output "---------------------------------------------" Write-Output "1. Creating a new table: New-tdbTable -TableName 'Users' -Columns @('Name', 'Email')" Write-Output "2. Inserting a record: Insert-tdbRecord -TableName 'Users' -Record @{Name='John Doe'; Email=''}" Write-Output "3. Reading records: Get-tdbRecord -TableName 'Users' -Filter @{Name='John Doe'} -LogicalOperator equals" Write-Output "4. Getting table information: Get-tdbTable -TableName 'Users'" Write-Output "5. Updating records: Update-tdbRecords -TableName 'Users' -Filter @{ID=1} -NewValues @{Email=''}" Write-Output "6. Deleting records: Remove-tdbRecords -TableName 'Users' -Filter @{ID=1}" Write-Output "7. Troubleshooting Tips: Check the log file at `$config.LogFilePath for detailed error messages if any operation fails." } #endregion Functions #region Entry Point # Display the banner Show-Banner # Inform the user how to display the usage guide Write-Output "To display the usage guide at any time, run the cmdlet: Show-tdbUsage" try { # Configuration Section if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('configFilePath') -and (Test-Path -Path $configFilePath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Verbose "User provided configuration file path: $configFilePath. Loading configuration." # Load the configuration from the provided file $configFilePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $configFilePath).Path $config = Get-Content -Path $configFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Host "Configuration loaded successfully from user-provided path: $configFilePath" } else { # Determine the path to the default configuration file $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value Write-Verbose "Determining the parent path of the current script." $parentPath = Split-Path -Parent $Invocation.MyCommand.Path Write-Verbose "Parent path determined: $parentPath" Write-Verbose "Joining the parent path with the default configuration file name." $ConfigFilePath = Join-Path -Path $parentPath -ChildPath ".tdb_default.config" Write-Host "Default configuration loaded successfully from path: $ConfigFilePath" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigFilePath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Verbose "Default configuration file not found. Creating default configuration." # If the default config file does not exist, create a default configuration $config = @{ LogFilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\$scriptname\Logs\tdb.Log" # Path to the log file DBDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\$scriptname\DB" # Path to the database directory IndexDirectory = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\$scriptname\DB\Indexes" # Path to the index directory } # Create default config file with default settings $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $defaultConfigFilePath Write-Verbose "Default configuration file created at: $defaultConfigFilePath" } else { Write-Verbose "Default configuration file found. Loading configuration." # If the default config file exists, load the configuration from the file $config = Get-Content -Path $defaultConfigFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Verbose "Configuration loaded successfully from default path." } } # Check for script updates Get-CheckForScriptUpdate -currentScriptVersion $tdbVersion -scriptName $scriptname } catch [System.Exception] { # Handle any exceptions that occur during the configuration process $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath $config.LogFilePath } #endregion Entry Point |