param( [Parameter()][string]$ReleaseNotesFormat = ( Get-BuildProperty ReleaseNotesFormat 'Text' ), [Parameter()][string]$ReleaseNotesFile = ( Get-BuildProperty ReleaseNotesFile '' ) ) #synopsis: Add the staged release notes to the Manifest using 'here string' task set.releasenotes { $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ if ($ReleaseNotesFormat -like 'text') { $releasenotesPath = (Join-Path $config.Staging $ReleaseNotesFile) if (Test-Path $releasenotesPath) { logDebug ' - Adding notes to staging manifest' $releasenotesData = ( -join @( "@'`n", ( Get-Content $releaseNotesPath -Raw), "`n'@" ) ) } } elseif ( $ReleaseNotesFormat -like 'url') { $releasenotesData = $config.ProjectUri + '/blob/main/' } $outputFile = (Join-Path $config.Staging $config.ManifestFile) if (Test-Path $outputFile) { $manifest = Import-Psd $outputFile if (-not($manifest.PrivateData.PSData.ContainsKey('ReleaseNotes'))) { if ((Get-Content $outputFile) -match '\s*#\s*ReleaseNotes') { logInfo "ReleaseNotes is commented out in manifest $outfile" (Get-Content $outputFile) -replace '#\s*ReleaseNotes' , 'ReleaseNotes' | Set-Content $outputFile logInfo 'Removed comment' } else { $xml = Import-PsdXml $outputFile $PSData = $xml.SelectSingleNode('/Data/Table/Item[@Key="PrivateData"]/Table/Item[@Key="PSData"]') $stringElement = $xml.CreateElement('String') $stringElement.InnerText = ' ' $newItem = $xml.CreateElement('Item') $newItem.SetAttribute('Key', 'ReleaseNotes') $newLine = $xml.CreateElement('NewLine') $newItem.AppendChild($stringElement) $PSData.AppendChild($newItem).AppendChild($newLine) Export-PsdXml -Path $outFile -Xml $xml } } $options = @{ Path = (Join-Path $config.Staging $config.ManifestFile) Property = 'ReleaseNotes' Value = $releasenotesData } Update-Metadata @options } else { logWarn "No Manifest found at $outputFile" } } } |