param( [Parameter()][string]$HelpDocLogFile = ( Get-BuildProperty HelpDocLogFile '' ) ) #synopsis: Update the existing markdown documents using the comment-based help task update.markdownhelp.file { $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ $name = $config.Name logInfo "checking for markdown files in $($config.Docs)" $pages = Get-ChildItem -Path $config.Docs -Filter '*.md' if (($null -ne $pages) -or ($pages.Count -eq 0)) { logWarn ' No markdown pages to update.' } else { logInfo " Updating markdown help files for $name" foreach ($page in $pages) { $cmd = $page.BaseName # if the basename is not the module name if ($cmd -ne $name) { $docOptions = @{ Path = (Join-Path $config.Docs "$") AlphabeticParamsOrder = $true UpdateInputOutput = $true ExcludeDontShow = $true Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 } if (-not([string]::IsNullorEmpty($HelpDocLogFile))) { $docOptions['LogPath'] = $HelpDocLogFile } logInfo " - Updating help for $cmd" Update-MarkdownHelp @docOptions } else { # we encountered a module page. Refresh it with any logInfo ' Now updating the module page' Update-MarkdownHelpModule -Path $config.Docs -RefreshModulePage } } } } } |