<# .SYNOPSIS If any modules are listed as nested in the manifest, move the staged module under the parent #> task move.nested.module { $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ $name = $config.Name if (-not([string]::IsNullorEmpty($config.Parent))) { logInfo "$name is a nested module of $($config.Parent)" if ($BuildInfo.Modules.Containskey($config.Parent)) { logDebug " $($config.Parent) is part of this project" $parent = $buildInfo.Modules[$config.Parent] $destination = $parent.Staging logDebug " moving staged $name module to $destination" $options = @{ Path = $config.Staging Destination = $parent.Staging } try { Move-Item @options if (Test-Path (Join-Path $parent.Staging $name)) { logInfo "$name moved to $($parent.Staging)" } } catch { throw "Could not move $name to Parent module location $($parent.Staging)`n$_" } } else { logError "$name is listed as a nested module of $($config.Parent), but $($config.Parent) was not found in project " } } } } |