$options = @{ Name = 'saveto' Value = 'Add-SaveToTask' Description = 'Save a module to the given Destination' Scope = 'Script' } Set-Alias @options Remove-Variable options -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue function Add-SaveToTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Save the module directory from staging to the Destination .DESCRIPTION Add-SaveToTask mirrors the `Save-Module` functionality. .EXAMPLE Add-SaveToTask -Destination $env:HOME\CustomModules #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the Invoke-Build Task [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [string]$Name, # The target directory to save the module to [Parameter( Position = 1 )] [string]$Destination, # The name of the module[s] to save. All modules in the project are saved by default [Parameter( Position = 2 )] [string[]]$Module, # Overwrite Destination if present [Parameter( )] [switch]$Force ) task $Name -Data $PSBoundParameters -Source $MyInvocation { if (-not(Test-Path $Task.Data.Destination)) { throw "$($Task.Data.Destination) is not a valid path" } else { if ([string]::IsNullorEmpty($Task.Data.Module)) { if ([string]::IsNullorEmpty($BuildInfo)) { $BuildInfo = Get-BuildConfiguration } $Task.Data.Module = $BuildInfo.Modules.Keys } } logInfo 'Copying Modules' $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ logInfo "- Module: $($config.Name)" if ($Task.Data.Module -contains $config.Name) { $options = @{ Path = $config.Staging Destination = $Task.Data.Destination Recurse = $true Force = $Task.Data.Force } try { logDebug "Save module $($config.Name) : $($options.Path) to $($options.Destination)" Copy-Item @options } catch { throw "Could not save module $($config.Name) to $($options.Destination)`n$_" } } else { logInfo "$($config.Name) was not included in $($Task.Name) Module parameter" } } } } |