Set-Alias cleanse Add-CleanseTask Set-Alias cleanup Add-CleanseTask function Add-CleanseTask { <# .SYNOPSIS The `cleanse` task removes files and directories using the standard `Get-ChildItem` parameters. Any paths listed in `$ExcludePathFromClean` will be Excluded .EXAMPLE cleanse 'clean.artifacts' -Path $Artifact -Filter '*' -Recurse #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [string]$Name, # The root path to clean [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1 )] [string]$Path, # Wildcard pattern to include [Parameter( Position = 2 )] [string[]]$Include, # Wildcard pattern to exclude [Parameter( Position = 3 )] [string[]]$Exclude, # Filter pattern to include [Parameter( Position = 4 )] [string]$Filter, # Include subfolders and items [Parameter( )] [switch]$Recurse, # Overwrite Destination if present [Parameter( )] [switch]$Force ) Add-BuildTask $Name -Data $PSBoundParameters -Source $MyInvocation { <#------------------------------------------------------------------ First, confirm that the path is within the project ------------------------------------------------------------------#> if (Test-Path $Task.Data.Path) { logDebug 'Checking path is in project prior to removing' try { $root = Resolve-ProjectRoot -ErrorAction Stop } catch { logError "Could not get the project root from $((Get-Location).Path)" return } if (-not($Task.Data.Path | Test-PathIsIn $root -CaseSensitive:($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS))) { logError "$($Task.Data.Path) is not in project ($root)" return } <#------------------------------------------------------------------ Gather the items to be removed using the Parameters passed to Add-CleanseTask ------------------------------------------------------------------#> $options = $Task.Data $null = $options.Remove('Name') $items = Get-ChildItem @options logDebug "$($items.Count) items in $($options.Path) found for removal" if ($null -ne $items) { <#------------------------------------------------------------------ Sort the items so that the contents of the folder are removed before the folder is removed ------------------------------------------------------------------#> [array]::Reverse($items) <#------------------------------------------------------------------ Remove the item if it is not found in $ExcludePathFromClean ------------------------------------------------------------------#> $excludeCount = 0 :item foreach ($item in $items) { if (-not([string]::IsNullorEmpty($ExcludePathFromClean))) { #! the exclusions would be written as relative paths $rel = [System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($root, $item.FullName) logDebug "Checking for an exclusion for '$rel'" foreach ($exclusion in $ExcludePathFromClean) { $ex = [System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($root, $exclusion) #! If we find a match skip to the next item if ($rel -like $ex) { logDebug "Excluded from Cleanse '$rel'" $excludeCount++ continue item } } } else { logDebug "No exclusions found in project" } logDebug " - Removing '$rel'" if (Test-Path $item) { $item | Remove-Item -Recurse } } logInfo "Cleansed $($options.Path) ($excludeCount items excluded)" } else { logDebug "No items found in Path $($options.Path)" } } } } |