<# Code in this file will be added to the beginning of the .psm1. For example, you should place any using statements here. #> # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/included/optional-kubectl-configs-pwsh/ # but we are going to switch the completer to 'k' from 'kubectl' Function Add-specialKAutoCompletion { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [switch]$ToProfile ) $toReplace = "-CommandName 'kubectl'" $argCompleter = (kubectl completion powershell) -replace $toReplace, "-CommandName 'k'" if ($argCompleter -like 'error*') { throw $argCompleter } if ($null -ne $argCompleter) { $argCompleter | Out-String | Invoke-Expression } if ($ToProfile.IsPresent) { $argCompleter | Out-File $PROFILE -Append } } function k { $skipArgs = @( 'exec', 'cp', 'scale', 'rollout', 'delete', 'logs' ) if ($skipArgs -contains $args[0]) { & kubectl $args } else { $out = (& kubectl $args) # if the output starts with the typical headers if ($out -and ($out[0] -match '^(NAME |NAMESPACE |CURRENT |LAST SEEN )') ) { # check for namespace $namespace = $out[0] -match '^NAMESPACE' # check for output $checkArgs = $args[2..$args.count] foreach ($arg in $checkArgs) { if ($arg -match '^--output=?(?<type>.*)?') { $outputType = if ($Matches.type.length -gt 0) { $Matches.type } else { $checkArgs[$checkArgs.IndexOf($arg) + 1] } } elseif ($arg -match '^-o=?(?<type>.*)?') { $outputType = if ($Matches.type.length -gt 0) { $Matches.type } else { $checkArgs[$checkArgs.IndexOf($arg) + 1] } } } # locate all positions to place semicolons # we are using the headers since some values may be null in the data if ($null -ne $out) { $m = $out[0] | Select-String -Pattern ' \S' -AllMatches } # place semicolons $out = foreach ($line in $out) { foreach ($index in ($m.Matches.Index | Sort-Object -Descending)) { $line = $line.Insert($index + 2, ';') } $line } $pluralCheck = $args[1] if ( $args[0] -eq 'get' ) { $pluralCheck = $pluralCheck -replace '(.*)s$', '$1' } if ($objectCommands[$args[0]] -contains $pluralCheck) { # select the format type name if ($namespace) { $typeName = "$($args[0])-$($pluralCheck)-ns" } else { $typeName = "$($args[0])-$($pluralCheck)" } if ($outputType -eq 'wide') { $typeName = "$typeName-wide" } $out -replace ' +;', ';' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' | ForEach-Object { $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $typeName); $_ } } else { $out -replace ' +;', ';' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' } } else { $out } } } <# Code in this file will be added to the end of the .psm1. For example, you should set variables or other environment settings here. #> $script:objectCommands = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\formats.json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable |