Function Set-specUSBPrinters { <# .NOTES Author: owen.heaume Version: 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added additional write-host to display if USB printer already added, or if adding. #> [cmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [System.Object[]]$usbAssignedPrinters, [Parameter()] [System.Object[]]$printerModelTblData, [Parameter()] [System.Object[]]$usbLocalPrinters ) #region 3.USB Printer processing if ((Get-specNumberOfItems $usbAssignedPrinters) -gt 0) { Write-Host 'Configuring USB printers' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan Write-Host '------------------------' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan } foreach ($usbPrtr in $usbAssignedPrinters) { # Extract the printer model and model number from the Printer_Name. # Assumes Printer_Name follows the format: <Manufacturer>_<Model>_<OptionalDetails> $model = ($usbPrtr.Printer_Name.Split('_')[0, 1]) -join ('_') $modelNo = ($usbPrtr.Printer_Name.Split('_')[1]) # Get the printer model details $printerModelIndex = $printerModelTblData | Where-Object { $_.Printer_Type -eq $model } # Check if the printer exists locally (using $usbLocalPrinters) $printerExists = $usbLocalPrinters | ? { $_.Name -eq $usbPrtr.printer_name } if ($printerexists) { Write-Host "USB printer $($usbPrtr.printer_name) is already installed. Skipping installation." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-Host "USB printer $($usbPrtr.printer_name) not found locally. Checking for a matching local USB port driver '$($printerModelIndex.Printer_DriverName)' against the Azure table data..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray # Find a matching USB port foreach ($localPrinter in $usbLocalPrinters) { if ($localPrinter.DriverName -eq $printerModelIndex.Printer_DriverName) { Write-Host "Matching port name $($localPrinter.PortName) for $($usbPrtr.printer_name)" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $printerPORT = $localPrinter.PortName # Add the printer here # Instantiate the Printer object using New-specPrinterObject $printer = New-specPrinterObject -Name $usbPrtr.printer_name -Driver $printerModelIndex.Printer_DriverName -PortName $printerPORT Write-Host "Adding printer: $($usbPrtr.printer_name)`: " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline $printer.AddPrinter() Write-Host 'OK' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen break } else { if ($localPrinter.Name -notmatch $modelNo) { Write-Host "Printer model $modelNo NOT matching $($localPrinter.Name) as driver is $($printerModelIndex.Printer_DriverName)" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow } } } # Check if a port was assigned if (!$printerPORT) { Write-Host 'No matching local USB port found. Please check printer connections and driver installation.' -ForegroundColor DarkYellow } Write-Host } } #endregion 3.USB Printer processing } |