
Function New-specFunction {
    Creates a comprehensive project structure with folders, a YAML pipeline, and basic files.
    This function automates the creation of a standard project structure. It includes:
        * Root folder and a "src" subfolder
        * Azure DevOps YAML pipeline file (with Pester integration)
        * file
        * Test.ps1 file (with Pester configuration)
        * Functions.ps1 file
        * Pester test file (.tests.ps1)
    Required. The base path where the project structure will be created.
    Required. The name of the project (used for folder and file names).
    .PARAMETER DevOpsPath
    Required. The DevOps path to the function, used within the YAML pipeline.
    New-specFunction -Path C:\Projects -Name NewProject -RelativePath "_GBL\Scripts"
    This creates the entire project structure under "C:\Projects\NewProject".
    Author: owen.heaume
    Version: 1.0.0 - Initial release


    param (



    Begin {}

    Process {
        # 1. Create the folder structure
        $paths = New-FolderStructure -Path $Path -Name $Name
        Write-Host ''

        # 2. Create the YAML file
        New-YamlFile -Path $Path -Name $Name -RelativePath $RelativePath
        Write-Host ''

        # 3. create the file
        New-ReadMe -Path $paths.folderPath -Name $name
        Write-Host ''

        # 4. Create the Test.ps1 file
        New-TestFile -Path $paths.folderpath
        Write-Host ''

        # 5. Create the Functions.ps1 file
        New-FunctionsFile -Path $paths.src
        Write-Host ''

        # 6. Create the Pester tests file
        New-PesterTestsFile -Path $paths.src -Name $Name
        Write-Host ''

    End {
        Write-Host "Function '$name' has been setup successfully" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen