
function Find-specStringInFile {
        Searches for a specified text pattern in one or more files and returns the result.
        The `Find-specStringInFile` function searches for a specified text pattern in one or more files. It returns a custom object for each file, indicating whether the text pattern was found, and if so, providing the line number and the text containing the pattern.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        The path(s) of the file(s) to search. This parameter supports pipeline input by property name or by value.
    .PARAMETER TextToFind
        The text pattern to search for within the specified files. This parameter supports pipeline input by property name.
        Find-specStringInFile -FilePath "C:\TestFile1.txt" -TextToFind "keyword"
        This example searches for the text pattern "keyword" in the file "C:\TestFile1.txt".
        "C:\TestFile1.txt", "C:\TestFile2.txt" | Find-specStringInFile -TextToFind "keyword"
        This example searches for the text pattern "keyword" in multiple files "C:\TestFile1.txt" and "C:\TestFile2.txt", using pipeline input.
        Find-specStringInFile -FilePath "C:\TestFile1.txt", "C:\TestFile2.txt" -TextToFind "keyword"
        This example searches for the text pattern "keyword" in multiple files "C:\TestFile1.txt" and "C:\TestFile2.txt".
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Folder" -Filter "*.txt" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        $files | Find-specStringInFile -TextToFind "keyword"
        This example searches for the text pattern "keyword" in all text files within the "C:\Folder" directory, using pipeline input.
            The file path(s) to search, passed via the pipeline or directly as a parameter.
            The text pattern to search for, passed directly as a parameter.
            An object containing the file path, status of the search (Present/Not present), line number, and the text containing the pattern.
        Version: 1.0 - Initial release
        Author: owen.heaume


    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    process {
        foreach ($file in $filepath) {
            if ($result = Select-String -Path $file -Pattern $textToFind) {
                $result = $result -split ':'

                    FilePath   = $file
                    Status     = 'Present'
                    LineNumber = $result[2]
                    Text       = $result[3]
            } else {
                    FilePath   = $file
                    Status     = 'Not present'
                    LineNumber = ''
                    Text       = ''