
Function Set-specStatusMessage {
        Sets and displays status messages with customisable colours.
        The `Set-specStatusMessage` function outputs messages to the host with specific colours based on the status provided. It supports different statuses such as Title, Info, Warning, Error, and Success. Additionally, it has an option to use a muted colour pallete for each status type.
    .PARAMETER Message
        Specifies the message(s) to be displayed. This parameter is mandatory and accepts an array of strings.
    .PARAMETER Status
        Specifies the status of the message. Valid values are 'Title', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', and 'Success'. The default value is 'Info'.
    .PARAMETER MuteColour
        A switch parameter that, when used, uses a muted colour pallete of the message based on the status type.
        Set-specStatusMessage -Message "This is an informational message." -Type Info
        Uses the default bright colour pallete.
        Set-specStatusMessage -Message "This is a warning message." -Type Warning -MuteColour
        Uses a muted version of the colour pallete.
        $x = @(
            message = "Message1"
            type = "info"
            message = "Message2"
            type = "error"
        Uses an array of custom objects to display messages with different statuses.
$x | Set-specStatusMessage -MuteColour
        Author: owen.heaume
            - 1.0 Initial release

    param (
        [parameter (Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [parameter (Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [validateSet('Title', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Success', 'Highlight')]
        [string]$Type = 'Info',


    Begin {}

    Process {
        foreach ($msg in $Message) {
            switch ($Type) {
                'Title' {
                    if ($MuteColour) {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
                    } else {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Cyan
                'Info' {
                    if ($MuteColour) {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkGray
                    } else {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor White
                'Warning' {
                    if ($MuteColour) {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
                    } else {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Yellow
                'Error' {
                    Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red
                'Success' {
                    if ($MuteColour) {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
                    } else {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Green
                'Highlight' {
                    if ($MuteColour) {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta
                    } else {
                        Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Magenta

    End {

# Define an alias for the function
Set-Alias -Name Status -Value Set-specStatusMessage