
function Get-SpecAzTableRow {
    Gets a specific row from an Azure table based on the supplied key and value.
    The Get-SpecAzTableRow function retrieves a specific row from an Azure table by matching the specified key and value. It accepts pipeline input and can return multiple rows based on the $Value variable received through the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER TableName
    The name of the Azure table.
    .PARAMETER TableResourceGroup
    The resource group of the Azure table storage account.
    .PARAMETER TableStorageAccount
    The name of the Azure table storage account.
    The key (Column header) to match against in the Azure table.
    .PARAMETER Value
    The value to match against the Key in the Azure table. Accepts pipeline input.
    Get-SpecAzTableRow -TableName "MyTable" -TableResourceGroup "MyResourceGroup" -TableStorageAccount "MyStorageAccount" -Key "Name" -Value "John"
    This example retrieves a row from the Azure table "MyTable" in the "MyResourceGroup" resource group and "MyStorageAccount" storage account, where the "Name" key matches the value "John".
    "John", "Alice" | Get-SpecAzTableRow -TableName "MyTable" -TableResourceGroup "MyResourceGroup" -TableStorageAccount "MyStorageAccount" -Key "Name"
    This example uses pipeline input to retrieve rows from the Azure table "MyTable" in the "MyResourceGroup" resource group and "MyStorageAccount" storage account, where the "Name" key matches the values "John" and "Alice".
    You can pipe one or more values to the `Value` parameter.
    It will return various error numbers depending on the error:
        501 - Storage account not found
        502 - Table Not found
    Author: owen.heaume
    Version: - 1.0 Initial release
             - 1.1 Remove Exit codes and replace with return numbers

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    Begin {
        # clean up leading and trailing whitespace in vars
        $TableName = $TableName.Trim()
        $tableResourceGroup = $tableResourceGroup.Trim()
        $tableStorageAccount = $tableStorageAccount.Trim()
        $key = $key.Trim()
        # Get the table to work with
        $cloudTable = get-specCloudtable -TableName $TableName -tableResourceGroup $tableResourceGroup -tableStorageAccount $tableStorageAccount

        # Check for errors
        switch ($cloudTable) {
            501 { return 501 }
            502 { return 502 }

    process {
        foreach ($val in $value) {
            $Val = $Val.Trim()
            Write-verbose "Getting row based on column header: $Key containing value: $Value"
            $tableresult = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -columnName $key -value $val -operator Equal -ErrorAction Stop

            if ($null -eq $tableresult) {
                Write-Warning "No record found for key: $key using value: $val"
            Return $tableResult