Get-SkParams $PageTitle = "AD Explorer" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script:SearchValue)) { $PageTitle += ": $($Script:SearchValue)" } $content = "" $menulist = "" $tabset = "" $pagelink = Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $outree = $null $query = $null $xxx = "" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script:SearchValue)) { $oulist = Get-SkAdOuTree | Where {$_.FullPath -like "$Script:SearchValue*"} $IsFiltered = $True } else { $oulist = Get-SkAdOuTree | Where {$_.ChildPath.Length -eq 1} } $rowcount = 0 if ($Script:SearchValue -ne "") { $content = "<h3>$($Script:SearchValue.ToUpper())</h3>" } else { $content = "<h3>$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN)</h3>" } $content += "<table style=`"width:100%; border=0`"><tr>" $content += "<td style=`"width:250px;vertical-align:top`">" $content += "<table id=table1>" $content += "<tr><th>Name</th></tr>" foreach ($ou in $oulist) { $ouname = $ou.Name $fpath = $ou.FullPath $cdist = $ou.ChildPath.Length if ($SearchValue -ne "" -and $cdist -eq 1) { $xlink = "<a href=`"adbrowser.ps1`">< back...</a>" } elseif ($fpath -eq $SearchValue) { $spath = ($fpath -replace "$ouname", "").TrimEnd('/') $xlink = "<a href=`"adbrowser.ps1?f=FullPath&v=$spath`">< back...</a>" } else { $xlink = "<a href=`"adbrowser.ps1?f=FullPath&v=$fpath`" title=`"Explore`">$ouname</a>" } $content += "<tr><td>$xlink</td></tr>" $rowcount++ } $content += "<tr><td class=lastrow>$rowcount found</td></tr>" $content += "</table>" $content += "</td><td style=`"vertical-align:top`">" try { # convert "contoso.local/CORP" to "ou=CORP,dc=contoso,dc=local" $pathset = ($SearchValue -split '/') # convert "contoso.local" to "dc=contoso,dc=local" $domset = ($pathset[0].Split('.') | %{"dc=$_"}) -join ',' # convert ("CORP","Workstations") to "ou=workstations,ou=corp" $tailset = $pathset[1..($pathset.Length -1)] [array]::Reverse($tailset) $tailset = ($tailset | %{"ou=$_"}) -join ',' $oupath = "$tailset,$domset" $items = Get-SkAdOuObjects -ou $oupath $content += "<table id=table1>" $content += "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Class</th></tr>" $xlist = @('Organizational-Unit','Service-Connection-Point') foreach ($item in $items) { if ($item.path -eq $oupath -and ($item.name -ne $ouname -and $item.type -notin $xlist)) { $itemName = $item.name $objName = ($item.ObjName).TrimEnd('$') $itemTypeName = $item.type switch ($itemTypeName) { 'person' { $tlink = "<a href=`"aduser.ps1?f=username&v=$objName&x=equals&n=$itemName`">$itemName</a>" break; } 'computer' { $tlink = "<a href=`"adcomputer.ps1?f=name&v=$objName&x=equals&n=$itemName`">$itemName</a>" break; } 'group' { $tlink = "<a href=`"adgroup.ps1?f=name&v=$objName&x=equals&n=$itemName`">$itemName</a>" break; } default { $tlink = $itemName break; } } $content += "<tr><td>$tlink</td><td>$itemTypeName</td></tr>" } } $content += "</table>" } catch {} finally { $content += "</td></tr></table>" } Write-SkWebContent |