
#region functions

#region helper functions
function Write-LogOutput
Outputs color coded messages to the screen and/or log file based on the category.

This function is used to produce screen and log output which is categorized, time stamped and color coded.

This the category of message being outputed. If you want color coding, use either "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" or "SUM".

This is the actual message you want to display.

If you want to log output to a file as well, use logfile to pass the log file full path name.

Author: Stephane Bourdeaud (

.\Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "You must be kidding!"
Displays an error message.


    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] #make this function advanced




        $Date = get-date #getting the date so we can timestamp the output entry
        $FgColor = "Gray" #resetting the foreground/text color
        switch ($Category) #we'll change the text color depending on the selected category
            "INFO" {$FgColor = "Green"}
            "WARNING" {$FgColor = "Yellow"}
            "ERROR" {$FgColor = "Red"}
            "SUM" {$FgColor = "Magenta"}
            "SUCCESS" {$FgColor = "Cyan"}
            "STEP" {$FgColor = "Magenta"}
            "DEBUG" {$FgColor = "White"}

        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $FgColor "$Date [$category] $Message" #write the entry on the screen
        if ($LogFile) #add the entry to the log file if -LogFile has been specified
            Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Value "$Date [$Category] $Message"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Wrote entry to log file $LogFile" #specifying that we have written to the log file if -verbose has been specified

}#end function Write-LogOutput

#helper-function Get-RESTError
function Help-RESTError 
    $global:helpme = $body
    $global:helpmoref = $moref
    $global:result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $global:reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($global:result)
    $global:responseBody = $global:reader.ReadToEnd();

    return $global:responsebody

}#end function Get-RESTError

#function used to display progress with a percentage bar
Function New-PercentageBar
    Create percentage bar.
    This cmdlet creates percentage bar.
    Value in percents (%).
    Value in arbitrary units.
    100% value.
    Bar length in chars.
    Different char sets to build the bar.
.PARAMETER GreenBorder
    Percent value to change bar color from green to yellow (relevant with -DrawBar parameter only).
.PARAMETER YellowBorder
    Percent value to change bar color from yellow to red (relevant with -DrawBar parameter only).
    Exclude percentage number from the bar.
    Directly draw the colored bar onto the PowerShell console (unsuitable for calculated properties).
    PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Percent 90 -DrawBar
    Draw single bar with all default settings.
    PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Percent 95 -DrawBar -GreenBorder 70 -YellowBorder 90
    Draw the bar and move the both color change borders.
    PS C:\> 85 |New-PercentageBar -DrawBar -NoPercent
    Pipeline the percent value to the function and exclude percent number from the bar.
    PS C:\> For ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i+=10) {New-PercentageBar -Percent $i -DrawBar -Length 100 -BarView AdvancedThin2; "`r"}
    Demonstrates advanced bar view with custom bar length and different percent values.
    PS C:\> $Folder = 'C:\reports\'
    PS C:\> $FolderSize = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder |measure -Property Length -Sum).Sum
    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder -File |sort Length -Descending |select -First 10 |select Name,Length,@{N='SizeBar';E={New-PercentageBar -Value $_.Length -MaxValue $FolderSize}} |ft -au
    Get file size report and add calculated property 'SizeBar' that contains the percent of each file size from the folder size.
    PS C:\> $VolumeC = gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk |? {$_.DeviceID -eq 'c:'}
    PS C:\> Write-Host -NoNewline "Volume C Usage:" -ForegroundColor Yellow; `
    PS C:\> New-PercentageBar -Value ($VolumeC.Size-$VolumeC.Freespace) -MaxValue $VolumeC.Size -DrawBar; "`r"
    Get system volume usage report.
    Author :: Roman Gelman @rgelman75
    Version 1.0 :: 04-Jul-2016 :: [Release] :: Publicly available

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'PERCENT')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'PERCENT')]
        [ValidateRange(0, 100)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'VALUE')]
        [ValidateRange(0, [double]::MaxValue)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'VALUE')]
        [ValidateRange(1, [double]::MaxValue)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [Alias("BarSize", "Length")]
        [ValidateRange(10, 100)]
        [int]$BarLength = 20
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [ValidateSet("SimpleThin", "SimpleThick1", "SimpleThick2", "AdvancedThin1", "AdvancedThin2", "AdvancedThick")]
        [string]$BarView = "SimpleThin"
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [ValidateRange(50, 80)]
        [int]$GreenBorder = 60
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [ValidateRange(80, 90)]
        [int]$YellowBorder = 80
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VALUE'))
            If ($Value -gt $MaxValue)
                Throw "The [-Value] parameter cannot be greater than [-MaxValue]!"
                $Percent = $Value/$MaxValue * 100 -as [int]
        If ($YellowBorder -le $GreenBorder) { Throw "The [-YellowBorder] value must be greater than [-GreenBorder]!" }
        Function Set-BarView ($View)
            Switch -exact ($View)
                "SimpleThin"    { $GreenChar = [char]9632; $YellowChar = [char]9632; $RedChar = [char]9632; $EmptyChar = "-"; Break }
                "SimpleThick1"    { $GreenChar = [char]9608; $YellowChar = [char]9608; $RedChar = [char]9608; $EmptyChar = "-"; Break }
                "SimpleThick2"    { $GreenChar = [char]9612; $YellowChar = [char]9612; $RedChar = [char]9612; $EmptyChar = "-"; Break }
                "AdvancedThin1"    { $GreenChar = [char]9632; $YellowChar = [char]9632; $RedChar = [char]9632; $EmptyChar = [char]9476; Break }
                "AdvancedThin2"    { $GreenChar = [char]9642; $YellowChar = [char]9642; $RedChar = [char]9642; $EmptyChar = [char]9643; Break }
                "AdvancedThick"    { $GreenChar = [char]9617; $YellowChar = [char]9618; $RedChar = [char]9619; $EmptyChar = [char]9482; Break }
            $Properties = [ordered]@{
                Char1 = $GreenChar
                Char2 = $YellowChar
                Char3 = $RedChar
                Char4 = $EmptyChar
            $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
        } #End Function Set-BarView
        $BarChars = Set-BarView -View $BarView
        $Bar = $null
        Function Draw-Bar
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
                [string]$Color = 'White'
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            If ($Draw)
                Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor ([System.ConsoleColor]$Color) $Char
                return $Char
        } #End Function Draw-Bar
    } #End Begin
        If ($NoPercent)
            $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char "[ " -Draw $DrawBar
            If ($Percent -eq 100) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char "$Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar }
            ElseIf ($Percent -ge 10) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " $Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar }
            Else { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " $Percent% [ " -Draw $DrawBar }
        For ($i = 1; $i -le ($BarValue = ([Math]::Round($Percent * $BarLength / 100))); $i++)
            If ($i -le ($GreenBorder * $BarLength / 100)) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char1) -Color 'DarkGreen' -Draw $DrawBar }
            ElseIf ($i -le ($YellowBorder * $BarLength / 100)) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char2) -Color 'Yellow' -Draw $DrawBar }
            Else { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char3) -Color 'Red' -Draw $DrawBar }
        For ($i = 1; $i -le ($EmptyValue = $BarLength - $BarValue); $i++) { $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char ($BarChars.Char4) -Draw $DrawBar }
        $Bar += Draw-Bar -Char " ]" -Draw $DrawBar
    } #End Process
        If (!$DrawBar) { return $Bar }
    } #End End
} #EndFunction New-PercentageBar


#region prism
#this function is used to make a REST api call to Prism
function Invoke-PrismAPICall
  Makes api call to prism based on passed parameters. Returns the json response.
  Makes api call to prism based on passed parameters. Returns the json response.
  Author: Stephane Bourdeaud
  REST method (POST, GET, DELETE, or PUT)
.PARAMETER credential
  PSCredential object to use for authentication.
  URL to the api endpoint.
  JSON payload to send.
.\Invoke-PrismAPICall -credential $MyCredObject -url https://myprism.local/api/v3/vms/list -method 'POST' -payload $MyPayload
Makes a POST api call to the specified endpoint with the specified payload.

    [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
    [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

    [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
    [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

    if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) -and (!$credential)) {
        throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] You must specify a credential object when using Powershell Core!"
    if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) -and (!$username) -and (!$password))  {
        throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] You must specify a username and password (as a secure string)!"
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [INFO] Making a $method call to $url" -ForegroundColor Green
    try {
        #check powershell version as PoSH 6 Invoke-RestMethod can natively skip SSL certificates checks and enforce Tls12 as well as use basic authentication with a pscredential object
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
            $headers = @{
            if ($payload) {
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Body $payload -SkipCertificateCheck -SslProtocol Tls12 -Authentication Basic -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop
            } else {
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $headers -SkipCertificateCheck -SslProtocol Tls12 -Authentication Basic -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop
        } else {
            $headers = @{
                "Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($username+":"+([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PrismSecurePassword))) ));
            if ($payload) {
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Body $payload -ErrorAction Stop
            } else {
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $headers -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Host "$(get-date) [SUCCESS] Call $method to $url succeeded." -ForegroundColor Cyan 
        if ($debugme) {Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [DEBUG] Response Metadata: $($resp.metadata | ConvertTo-Json)" -ForegroundColor White}
    catch {
        $saved_error = $_.Exception.Message
        # Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [INFO] Headers: $($headers | ConvertTo-Json)"
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [INFO] Payload: $payload" -ForegroundColor Green
        Throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] $saved_error"
    finally {
        #add any last words here; this gets processed no matter what
    return $resp

#this function is used to upload a file to AHV Prism Image Configuration library
function Send-FileToPrism
    #input: username, password, url, method, file
    #output: REST response
  Uploads a file to AHV Prism Image Configuration library.
  This function is used to upload a file to the AHV image configuration library.
  Author: Stephane Bourdeaud
.PARAMETER username
  Specifies the Prism username.
.PARAMETER password
  Specifies the Prism password.
  Specifies the Prism url.
  .\Send-FileToPrism -username admin -password admin -url$image_uuid/upload -method "PUT" -container_uuid $container_uuid -file /media/backup/vmdisk.qcow2



         #Setup authentication header for REST call
        $myvarHeader = @{"Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($username+":"+$password ))}   

        $myvarHeader += @{"Accept"="application/json"}
        $myvarHeader += @{"Content-Type"="application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8"}
        #$myvarHeader += @{"X-Nutanix-Destination-Container"=$container_uuid}
        if ($IsLinux) 
                $myvarRESTOutput = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $myvarHeader -Body $file -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
                    $RESTError = Help-RESTError -ErrorAction Stop
                    $RESTErrorMessage = ($RESTError | ConvertFrom-Json).Message
                    if ($RESTErrorMessage) 
                        Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "$RESTErrorMessage"
                    Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "Could not retrieve full REST error details."
                $myvarRESTOutput = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers $myvarHeader -Body $file -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
                    $RESTError = Help-RESTError -ErrorAction Stop
                    $RESTErrorMessage = ($RESTError | ConvertFrom-Json).Message
                    if ($RESTErrorMessage) 
                        Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "$RESTErrorMessage"
                    Write-LogOutput -category "ERROR" -message "Could not retrieve full REST error details."

        return $myvarRESTOutput
}#end function Upload-FileToPrism

#this function is used to get a Prism task status
function Get-NTNXTask
Gets status for a given Prism task uuid (replaces NTNX cmdlet)
Gets status for a given Prism task uuid

        # Param1 help description
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        $myvarUrl = "https://"+$cluster+":9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/tasks/$($TaskId.task_uuid)"
        $result = Invoke-PrismAPICall -credential $credential -method "GET" -url $myvarUrl
        return $result
}#end function Get-NTNXTask

Function Get-PrismTaskStatus
Retrieves the status of a given task uuid from Prism and loops until it is completed.

Retrieves the status of a given task uuid from Prism and loops until it is completed.

Prism task uuid.

Author: Stephane Bourdeaud (

.\Get-PrismTaskStatus -Task $task
Prints progress on task $task until successfull completion. If the task fails, print the status and error code and details and exits.


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] #make this function advanced


        #region get initial task details
            Write-LogOutput -Category "INFO" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Retrieving details of task $task..."
            $url = "https://$($cluster):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/tasks/$task"
            $method = "GET"
            $taskDetails = Invoke-PrismRESTCall -method $method -url $url -credential $prismCredentials
            Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Retrieved details of task $task"

        if ($taskDetails.percentage_complete -ne "100") 
                New-PercentageBar -Percent $taskDetails.percentage_complete -DrawBar -Length 100 -BarView AdvancedThin2; "`r"
                Sleep 5
                $url = "https://$($cluster):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/tasks/$task"
                $method = "GET"
                $taskDetails = Invoke-PrismRESTCall -method $method -url $url -credential $prismCredentials
                if ($taskDetails.status -ne "running") 
                    if ($taskDetails.status -ne "succeeded") 
                        Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Task $($taskDetails.meta_request.method_name) failed with the following status and error code : $($taskDetails.progress_status) : $($taskDetails.meta_response.error_code)"
            While ($taskDetails.percentage_complete -ne "100")
            New-PercentageBar -Percent $taskDetails.percentage_complete -DrawBar -Length 100 -BarView AdvancedThin2; "`r"
            Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Task $($taskDetails.meta_request.method_name) completed successfully!"
            New-PercentageBar -Percent $taskDetails.percentage_complete -DrawBar -Length 100 -BarView AdvancedThin2; "`r"
            Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Task $($taskDetails.meta_request.method_name) completed successfully!"

#region credentials
#this function is used to create saved credentials for the current user
function Set-CustomCredentials 
#input: path, credname
    #output: saved credentials file
  Creates a saved credential file using DAPI for the current user on the local machine.
  This function is used to create a saved credential file using DAPI for the current user on the local machine.
  Author: Stephane Bourdeaud
  Specifies the custom path where to save the credential file. By default, this will be %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowershell\CustomCredentials.
.PARAMETER credname
  Specifies the credential file name.
.\Set-CustomCredentials -path c:\creds -credname prism-apiuser
Will prompt for user credentials and create a file called prism-apiuser.txt in c:\creds

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        if (!$path)
            if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) 
                $path = $home
                $path = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\CustomCredentials"
            Write-Host "$(get-date) [INFO] Set path to $path" -ForegroundColor Green
        #prompt for credentials
        $credentialsFilePath = "$path\$credname.txt"
        $credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter the credentials to save in $path\$credname.txt"
        #put details in hashed format
        $user = $credentials.UserName
        $securePassword = $credentials.Password
        #convert secureString to text
            $password = $securePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] Could not convert password : $($_.Exception.Message)"

        #create directory to store creds if it does not already exist
        if(!(Test-Path $path))
                $result = New-Item -type Directory $path -ErrorAction Stop
                throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] Could not create directory $path : $($_.Exception.Message)"

        #save creds to file
            Set-Content $credentialsFilePath $user -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] Could not write username to $credentialsFilePath : $($_.Exception.Message)"
            Add-Content $credentialsFilePath $password -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] Could not write password to $credentialsFilePath : $($_.Exception.Message)"

        Write-Host "$(get-date) [SUCCESS] Saved credentials to $credentialsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Cyan                

#this function is used to retrieve saved credentials for the current user
function Get-CustomCredentials 
#input: path, credname
    #output: credential object
  Retrieves saved credential file using DAPI for the current user on the local machine.
  This function is used to retrieve a saved credential file using DAPI for the current user on the local machine.
  Author: Stephane Bourdeaud
  Specifies the custom path where the credential file is. By default, this will be %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowershell\CustomCredentials.
.PARAMETER credname
  Specifies the credential file name.
.\Get-CustomCredentials -path c:\creds -credname prism-apiuser
Will retrieve credentials from the file called prism-apiuser.txt in c:\creds

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        if (!$path)
            if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) 
                $path = $home
                $path = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\CustomCredentials"
            Write-Host "$(get-date) [INFO] Retrieving credentials from $path" -ForegroundColor Green
        $credentialsFilePath = "$path\$credname.txt"
        if(!(Test-Path $credentialsFilePath))
            throw "$(get-date) [ERROR] Could not access file $credentialsFilePath : $($_.Exception.Message)"

        $credFile = Get-Content $credentialsFilePath
        $user = $credFile[0]
        $securePassword = $credFile[1] | ConvertTo-SecureString

        $customCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $securePassword

        Write-Host "$(get-date) [SUCCESS] Returning credentials from $credentialsFilePath" -ForegroundColor Cyan 
        return $customCredentials


#region misc
#this function is used to prompt the user for a yes/no/skip response in order to control the workflow of a script
function Write-CustomPrompt 
Creates a user prompt with a yes/no/skip response. Returns the response.

Creates a user prompt with a yes/no/skip response. Returns the response in lowercase. Valid responses are "y" for yes, "n" for no, "s" for skip.

Author: Stephane Bourdeaud (

Creates the prompt.


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] #make this function advanced


    [String]$userChoice = "" #initialize our returned variable
    if ($skip)
        do {$userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (Y[es]/N[o]/S[kip])"} #display the user prompt
        while ($userChoice -notmatch '[ynsYNS]') #loop until the user input is valid
        do {$userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (Y[es]/N[o])"} #display the user prompt
        while ($userChoice -notmatch '[ynYN]') #loop until the user input is valid
    $userChoice = $userChoice.ToLower() #change to lowercase
    return $userChoice

} #end Write-CustomPrompt function

Function Write-Menu
    Display custom menu in the PowerShell console.
    The Write-Menu cmdlet creates numbered and colored menues
    in the PS console window and returns the choiced entry.
    Menu entries.
.PARAMETER PropertyToShow
    If your menu entries are objects and not the strings
    this is property to show as entry.
    User prompt at the end of the menu.
    Menu title (optional).
    Quantity of <TAB> keys to shift the menu items right.
    Menu text color.
.PARAMETER HeaderColor
    Menu title color.
    Add 'Exit' as very last entry.
    PS C:\> Write-Menu -Menu "Open","Close","Save" -AddExit -Shift 1
    Simple manual menu with 'Exit' entry and 'one-tab' shift.
    PS C:\> Write-Menu -Menu (Get-ChildItem 'C:\Windows\') -Header "`t`t-- File list --`n" -Prompt 'Select any file'
    Folder content dynamic menu with the header and custom prompt.
    PS C:\> Write-Menu -Menu (Get-Service) -Header ":: Services list ::`n" -Prompt 'Select any service' -PropertyToShow DisplayName
    Display local services menu with custom property 'DisplayName'.
    PS C:\> Write-Menu -Menu (Get-Process |select *) -PropertyToShow ProcessName |fl
    Display full info about choicen process.
    Any type of data (object(s), string(s), number(s), etc).
    [The same type as input object] Single menu item.
    Author :: Roman Gelman @rgelman75
    Version 1.0 :: 21-Apr-2016 :: [Release] :: Publicly available
    Version 1.1 :: 03-Nov-2016 :: [Change] :: Supports a single item as menu entry
    Version 1.2 :: 22-Jun-2017 :: [Change] :: Throws an error if property, specified by -PropertyToShow does not exist. Code optimization
    Version 1.3 :: 27-Sep-2017 :: [Bugfix] :: Fixed throwing an error while menu entries are numeric values

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [Alias("MenuEntry", "List")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$PropertyToShow = 'Name'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$Prompt = 'Pick a choice'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$Header = ''
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [ValidateRange(0, 5)]
        [Alias("Tab", "MenuShift")]
        [int]$Shift = 0
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [Alias("Color", "MenuColor")]
        [System.ConsoleColor]$TextColor = 'White'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [System.ConsoleColor]$HeaderColor = 'Yellow'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Alias("Exit", "AllowExit")]
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        if ($Menu -isnot [array]) { $Menu = @($Menu) }
        if ($Menu[0] -is [psobject] -and $Menu[0] -isnot [string])
            if (!($Menu | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty -Name $PropertyToShow)) { Throw "Property [$PropertyToShow] does not exist" }
        $MaxLength = if ($AddExit) { 8 }
        else { 9 }
        $AddZero = if ($Menu.Length -gt $MaxLength) { $true }
        else { $false }
        [hashtable]$htMenu = @{ }
        ### Write menu header ###
        if ($Header -ne '') { Write-Host $Header -ForegroundColor $HeaderColor }
        ### Create shift prefix ###
        if ($Shift -gt 0) { $Prefix = [string]"`t" * $Shift }
        ### Build menu hash table ###
        for ($i = 1; $i -le $Menu.Length; $i++)
            $Key = if ($AddZero)
                $lz = if ($AddExit) { ([string]($Menu.Length + 1)).Length - ([string]$i).Length }
                else { ([string]$Menu.Length).Length - ([string]$i).Length }
                "0" * $lz + "$i"
            $htMenu.Add($Key, $Menu[$i - 1])
            if ($Menu[$i] -isnot 'string' -and ($Menu[$i - 1].$PropertyToShow))
                Write-Host "$Prefix[$Key] $($Menu[$i - 1].$PropertyToShow)" -ForegroundColor $TextColor
                Write-Host "$Prefix[$Key] $($Menu[$i - 1])" -ForegroundColor $TextColor
        ### Add 'Exit' row ###
        if ($AddExit)
            [string]$Key = $Menu.Length + 1
            $htMenu.Add($Key, "Exit")
            Write-Host "$Prefix[$Key] Exit" -ForegroundColor $TextColor
        ### Pick a choice ###
            $Choice = Read-Host -Prompt $Prompt
            $KeyChoice = if ($AddZero)
                $lz = if ($AddExit) { ([string]($Menu.Length + 1)).Length - $Choice.Length }
                else { ([string]$Menu.Length).Length - $Choice.Length }
                if ($lz -gt 0) { "0" * $lz + "$Choice" }
                else { $Choice }
        Until ($htMenu.ContainsKey($KeyChoice))
        return $htMenu.get_Item($KeyChoice)
} #EndFunction Write-Menu

#region posh and dotnet configuration
#this function is used to make sure we use the proper Tls version (1.2 only required for connection to Prism)
function Set-PoshTls
Makes sure we use the proper Tls version (1.2 only required for connection to Prism).

Makes sure we use the proper Tls version (1.2 only required for connection to Prism).

Author: Stephane Bourdeaud (

Makes sure we use the proper Tls version (1.2 only required for connection to Prism).


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] #make this function advanced



        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [INFO] Adding Tls12 support" -ForegroundColor Green
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = `
        ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor `



#this function is used to configure posh to ignore invalid ssl certificates
function Set-PoSHSSLCerts
Configures PoSH to ignore invalid SSL certificates when doing Invoke-RestMethod
Configures PoSH to ignore invalid SSL certificates when doing Invoke-RestMethod


        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) [INFO] Ignoring invalid certificates" -ForegroundColor Green
        if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type) {
            $certCallback = @"
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback
    public static void Ignore()
        if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
                    Object obj,
                    X509Certificate certificate,
                    X509Chain chain,
                    SslPolicyErrors errors
                    return true;

            Add-Type $certCallback

}#end function Set-PoSHSSLCerts

#region vmware
#this function is used to load PowerCLI
function Get-PowerCLIModule
Makes sure we use the VMware.PowerCLI version 10 or above is installed and loaded.

Installs VMware.PowerCLI module and loads it. Configures PowerCLI to accept invalid SSL certificates.

Author: Stephane Bourdeaud (

Installs VMware.PowerCLI module and loads it. Configures PowerCLI to accept invalid SSL certificates.


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] #make this function advanced





        if (!(Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI)) 
        {#module isn't loaded
                Write-LogOutput -Category "INFO" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Loading VMware.PowerCLI module..."
                Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Loaded VMware.PowerCLI module"
            {#couldn't load
                Write-LogOutput -Category "WARNING" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Could not load VMware.PowerCLI module!"
                    Write-LogOutput -Category "INFO" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Installing VMware.PowerCLI module..."
                    Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Installed VMware.PowerCLI module"
                        Write-LogOutput -Category "INFO" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Loading VMware.PowerCLI module..."
                        Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Loaded VMware.PowerCLI module"
                    {#couldn't load
                        Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Could not load the VMware.PowerCLI module : $($_.Exception.Message)"
                {#couldn't install
                    Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Could not install the VMware.PowerCLI module. Install it manually from : $($_.Exception.Message)"

        #check PowerCLI version
        if ((Get-Module -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core).Version.Major -lt 10) 
        {#check version
                Update-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop
            {#couldn't update
                Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Could not update the VMware.PowerCLI module : $($_.Exception.Message)"
        Write-LogOutput -Category "INFO" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Setting the PowerCLI configuration to ignore invalid certificates..."
        {#configure ssl
            $result = Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        {#couldn't configure ssl
            Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Could not change the VMware.PowerCLI module configuration: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        Write-LogOutput -Category "SUCCESS" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "Successfully configured the PowerCLI configuration to ignore invalid certificates"



#this function is used to run an hv query
function Invoke-HvQuery
    #input: QueryType (see, ViewAPI service object
    #output: query results
  Runs a Horizon View query.
  Runs a Horizon View query. Processes all queries as a single page (with 1000 records max), except for ADUserOrGroupSummaryView which is paginated.
  Author: Stephane Bourdeaud
  Type of query (see
  View API service object.
.\Invoke-HvQuery -QueryType PersistentDiskInfo -ViewAPIObject $ViewAPI




        $serviceQuery = New-Object "Vmware.Hv.QueryServiceService"
        $query = New-Object "Vmware.Hv.QueryDefinition"
        $query.queryEntityType = $QueryType
        $query.MaxPageSize = 5000
        if ($query.QueryEntityType -eq 'PersistentDiskInfo') 
        {#add filter for PersistentDiskInfo query
            $query.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterNotEquals -property @{'memberName'='storage.virtualCenter'; 'value' =$null}
        if (($query.QueryEntityType -eq 'ADUserOrGroupSummaryView') -or ($query.QueryEntityType -eq 'MachineSummaryView')) 
        {#get AD or machine information in multiple pages
            $paginatedResults = @() #we use this variable to save all pages of results
            {#run the query and process the results using pagination
                $object = $serviceQuery.QueryService_Create($ViewAPIObject,$query)
                    while ($object.results -ne $null)
                    {#we still have data in there
                        $paginatedResults += $object.results

                        if ($ -eq $null)
                        {#no more pages of results
                        #fetching the next page of results
                        $object = $serviceQuery.QueryService_GetNext($ViewAPIObject,$
                {#delete the paginated query on the server to save resources and avoid the 5 query limit
                    if ($ -ne $null)
                    {#make sure this was the last page
            {#query failed
                Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
        {#get all other type of information using a single list limited to $query.MaxPageSize (or related server setting)
            {#run the query
                $object = $serviceQuery.QueryService_Query($ViewAPIObject,$query)
            {#query failed
                Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"

        if (!$object) 
            Write-LogOutput -Category "ERROR" -LogFile $myvarOutputLogFile -Message "The View API query did not return any data... Exiting!"

        if (($query.QueryEntityType -eq 'ADUserOrGroupSummaryView') -or ($query.QueryEntityType -eq 'MachineSummaryView')) 
        {#we ran an AD query so we probably have paginated results to return
            return $paginatedResults
        {#we ran a single page query so let's return that
            return $object.results
}#end function Invoke-HvQuery


New-Alias -Name Get-PrismRESTCall -value Invoke-PrismAPICall -Description "Invoke Nutanix Prism REST call."
New-Alias -Name Invoke-PrismRESTCall -value Invoke-PrismAPICall -Description "Invoke Nutanix Prism REST API call."