
# Helper
function Copy-ScheduleToDto

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    if ($Schedule)
        $Dto.TimeZoneId = $Schedule.TimeZoneId
        $Dto.ScheduleType = $Schedule.ScheduleType
        $Dto.RepeatInterval = $Schedule.RepeatInterval
        $Dto.TimeOfDayType = $Schedule.TimeOfDayType
        # Monthly-specific
        if ($Schedule.RepeatMonthlyScheduleType) { $Dto.RepeatMonthlyScheduleType = $Schedule.RepeatMonthlyScheduleType }
        if ($Schedule.RepeatWeekOfMonth) { $Dto.RepeatWeekOfMonth = $Schedule.RepeatWeekOfMonth }
        if ($Schedule.RepeatDayOfWeek) { $Dto.RepeatDayOfWeek = $Schedule.RepeatDayOfWeek }
        if ($Schedule.RepeatDayOfMonth) { $Dto.RepeatDayOfMonth = $Schedule.RepeatDayOfMonth }
        # Weekly-specific
        if ($Schedule.RepeatDaysOfWeek) { $Dto.RepeatDaysOfWeek = $Schedule.RepeatDaysOfWeek }
        # Times
        if ($null -ne $Schedule.StartHour) { $Dto.StartHour = $Schedule.StartHour }
        if ($null -ne $Schedule.StartMinute) { $Dto.StartMinute = $Schedule.StartMinute }


Create a new Safeguard schedule object for use with other cmdlets.

Create a new schedule that can be associated to create or update profile components.
This cmdlet creates a hashtable object that represents the desired schedule and can
be passed as a parameter to other Safeguard cmdlets.

Select the schedule type of Never, meaning don't ever run. Actually, this just returns null.

.PARAMETER MonthsByDayOfWeek
Select the schedule type of MonthsByDayOfWeek, meaning run every X months (see ScheduleInterval)
on a particular day (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat) of a particular week (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,Last).

Select theschedule type of MonthsByDay, meaning runevery X months (see ScheduleInterval)
on a particular day of the month (1-31).

Select the schedule type of Weeks, meaning run every X weeks (see ScheduleInterval)
on one or more days of the week (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat).

Select the schedule type of Days, meaning run every X days (see ScheduleInterval).

Select the schedule type of Hours, meaning run every X hours (see ScheduleInterval).

Select the schedule type of Minutes, meaning run every X minutes (see ScheduleInterval).

.PARAMETER ScheduleInterval
The interval at which to run, for example every X months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes. (default: 1),
In other words the default is monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, every minute.

Which week of the month to run MonthsByDayOfWeek schedule type.

Which day of the week to run for MonthsByDayOfWeek schedule type.

Which day of the month to run for MonthsByDay schedule type.

.PARAMETER RepeatDaysOfWeek
Which day(s) of the week to run for Weeks schedule type.

Which time zone to use for calculating schedule times. The IDs returned by Get-SafeguardTimeZone can be used to
determine valid values that can be passed in for this parameter. (default: time zone of this computer, e.g. Get-TimeZone)

The hour at which to start running the schedule (0-23, using 24-hour clock).

.PARAMETER StartMinute
The minute at which to start running the schedule (0-59).

New-SafeguardSchedule -Hours -ScheduleInterval 8 -StartHour 8 -StartMinute 0

New-SafeguardSchedule -MonthsByDayOfWeek -ScheduleInterval 6 -WeekOfMonth Last -DayOfWeekOfMonth Saturday -StartTime 1 -StartMinute 30 -TimeZone "Eastern Standard Time"

function New-SafeguardSchedule
        [bool]$Never = $true,
        [int]$ScheduleInterval = 1,
        [string]$TimeZone = (Get-TimeZone).Id,

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    $local:Schedule = @{}

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Never")
        if ($TimeZone -ieq "Coordinated Universal Time")
            $TimeZone = "UTC"
        $local:Schedule.TimeZoneId = $TimeZone
        $local:Schedule.RepeatInterval = $ScheduleInterval
        # since we don't support time windows for now
        $local:Schedule.TimeOfDayType = "Instant"

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
        "MonthsByDayOfWeek" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Monthly"
            $local:Schedule.RepeatMonthlyScheduleType = "DayOfWeekOfMonth"
            $local:Schedule.RepeatWeekOfMonth = $WeekOfMonth
            $local:Schedule.RepeatDayOfWeek = $DayOfWeekOfMonth
        "MonthsByDay" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Monthly"
            $local:Schedule.RepeatMonthlyScheduleType = "DayOfMonth"
            $local:Schedule.RepeatDayOfMonth = $DayOfMonth
        "Weeks" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Weekly"
            $local:Schedule.RepeatDaysOfWeek = $RepeatDaysOfWeek
        "Days" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Daily"
        "Hours" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Hourly"
        "Minutes" {
            $local:Schedule.ScheduleType = "Minute"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Never" -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Minutes" -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Hours")
        $local:Schedule.StartHour = $StartHour

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Never" -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Minutes")
        $local:Schedule.StartMinute = $StartMinute

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Never")

Create a new once monthly (on a specified day of a specified week) Safeguard schedule
object for use with other cmdlets.

Create a new schedule that can be associated to create or update profile components.
This cmdlet creates a hashtable object that represents the desired schedule and can
be passed as a parameter to other Safeguard cmdlets.

Which week of the month to run.

Which day of the week to run.

A string represent the time to start running the schedule (hh:mm).

The hour at which to start running the schedule (0-23, using 24-hour clock).

.PARAMETER StartMinute
The minute at which to start running the schedule (0-59).

Which time zone to use for calculating schedule times. The IDs returned by Get-SafeguardTimeZone can be used to
determine valid values that can be passed in for this parameter. (default: time zone of this computer, e.g. Get-TimeZone)

New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDayOfWeek -WeekOfMonth First -DayOfWeekOfMonth Sunday -StartTime "5:00" -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time"

New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDayOfWeek -WeekOfMonth Second -DayOfWeekOfMonth Saturday -StartHour 12 -StartMinute 0

function New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDayOfWeek
        [string]$TimeZone = (Get-TimeZone).Id

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "StartTime")
        $local:Pair = ($StartTime -split ":")
        if ($local:Pair.Length -ne 2)
            throw "Unable to parse '$($StartTime)' using expected format of 'hh:mm'."
        $StartHour = $local:Pair[0]
        $StartMinute = $local:Pair[1]

    New-SafeguardSchedule -MonthsByDayOfWeek -ScheduleInterval 1 -WeekOfMonth $WeekOfMonth -DayOfWeekOfMonth $DayOfWeekOfMonth `
        -StartHour $StartHour -StartMinute $StartMinute -TimeZone $TimeZone

Create a new once monthly (on a specified day of the month) Safeguard schedule
object for use with other cmdlets.

Create a new schedule that can be associated to create or update profile components.
This cmdlet creates a hashtable object that represents the desired schedule and can
be passed as a parameter to other Safeguard cmdlets.

Which day of the month to run.

A string represent the time to start running the schedule (hh:mm).

The hour at which to start running the schedule (0-23, using 24-hour clock).

.PARAMETER StartMinute
The minute at which to start running the schedule (0-59).

Which time zone to use for calculating schedule times. The IDs returned by Get-SafeguardTimeZone can be used to
determine valid values that can be passed in for this parameter. (default: time zone of this computer, e.g. Get-TimeZone)

New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDay -DayOfMonth 15 -StartTime "23:30"

New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDay -DayOfMonth 1 -StartHour 22 -StartMinute 0 -TimeZone "Mountain Standard Time"

function New-SafeguardScheduleMonthlyByDay
        [string]$TimeZone = (Get-TimeZone).Id

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "StartTime")
        $local:Pair = ($StartTime -split ":")
        if ($local:Pair.Length -ne 2)
            throw "Unable to parse '$($StartTime)' using expected format of 'hh:mm'."
        $StartHour = $local:Pair[0]
        $StartMinute = $local:Pair[1]

    New-SafeguardSchedule -MonthsByDay -ScheduleInterval 1 -DayOfMonth $DayOfMonth `
        -StartHour $StartHour -StartMinute $StartMinute -TimeZone $TimeZone

Create a new weekly Safeguard schedule object for use with other cmdlets.

Create a new schedule that can be associated to create or update profile components.
This cmdlet creates a hashtable object that represents the desired schedule and can
be passed as a parameter to other Safeguard cmdlets.

.PARAMETER RepeatDaysOfWeek
Which day(s) of the week to run.

A string represent the time to start running the schedule (hh:mm).

The hour at which to start running the schedule (0-23, using 24-hour clock).

.PARAMETER StartMinute
The minute at which to start running the schedule (0-59).

Which time zone to use for calculating schedule times. The IDs returned by Get-SafeguardTimeZone can be used to
determine valid values that can be passed in for this parameter. (default: time zone of this computer, e.g. Get-TimeZone)

New-SafeguardScheduleWeekly -RepeatDaysOfWeek Saturday -StartTime "11:00"

New-SafeguardScheduleWeekly -RepeatDaysOfWeek Tuesday,Saturday -StartHour 23 -StartMinute 30 -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time"

function New-SafeguardScheduleWeekly
        [string]$TimeZone = (Get-TimeZone).Id

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "StartTime")
        $local:Pair = ($StartTime -split ":")
        if ($local:Pair.Length -ne 2)
            throw "Unable to parse '$($StartTime)' using expected format of 'hh:mm'."
        $StartHour = $local:Pair[0]
        $StartMinute = $local:Pair[1]

    New-SafeguardSchedule -Weeks -ScheduleInterval 1 -RepeatDaysOfWeek $RepeatDaysOfWeek -StartHour $StartHour -StartMinute $StartMinute -TimeZone $TimeZone

Create a new once daily Safeguard schedule object for use with other cmdlets.

Create a new schedule that can be associated to create or update profile components.
This cmdlet creates a hashtable object that represents the desired schedule and can
be passed as a parameter to other Safeguard cmdlets.

A string represent the time to start running the schedule (hh:mm).

The hour at which to start running the schedule (0-23, using 24-hour clock).

.PARAMETER StartMinute
The minute at which to start running the schedule (0-59).

Which time zone to use for calculating schedule times. The IDs returned by Get-SafeguardTimeZone can be used to
determine valid values that can be passed in for this parameter. (default: time zone of this computer, e.g. Get-TimeZone)

New-SafeguardScheduleDaily -StartTime "23:00" -TimeZone "Central Europe Standard Time"

New-SafeguardScheduleDaily -StartHour 12 -StartMinute 30 -TimeZone "Coordinated Universal Time"

function New-SafeguardScheduleDaily
        [string]$TimeZone = (Get-TimeZone).Id

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorAction")) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue("VerbosePreference") }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "StartTime")
        $local:Pair = ($StartTime -split ":")
        if ($local:Pair.Length -ne 2)
            throw "Unable to parse '$($StartTime)' using expected format of 'hh:mm'."
        $StartHour = $local:Pair[0]
        $StartMinute = $local:Pair[1]

    New-SafeguardSchedule -Days -ScheduleInterval 1 -StartHour $StartHour -StartMinute $StartMinute -TimeZone $TimeZone