.SYNOPSIS Converts MISP event and attributes to Upload Indicators API format. .DESCRIPTION This function takes a MISP event and its attributes and converts them into a format suitable for the Upload Indicators API. It generates indicators with specific expiration dates based on the type of attribute. .PARAMETER MISPEvent The MISP event object containing event details. .PARAMETER MISPAttributes The list of MISP attributes associated with the event. .PARAMETER DaysToExpire The default number of days until the indicator expires. Default is 50 days. .PARAMETER DaysToExpireStart The start date for the expiration period. Default is the current date. .PARAMETER DaysToExpireIPV4 The number of days until an IPv4 indicator expires. Default is 180 days. .PARAMETER DaysToExpireIPV6 The number of days until an IPv6 indicator expires. Default is 180 days. .PARAMETER DaysToExpireDomain The number of days until a domain indicator expires. Default is 180 days. .PARAMETER DaysToExpireURL The number of days until a URL indicator expires. Default is 365 days. .RETURNS A JSON string representing the converted indicators in the Upload Indicators API format. .EXAMPLE $MISPEvent = Get-MISPEvent -EventId 123 $MISPAttributes = Get-MISPAttributes -EventId 123 $result = ConvertTo-UploadIndicatorsAPIFormat -MISPEvent $MISPEvent -MISPAttributes $MISPAttributes Write-Output $result .NOTES This function assumes that the MISP attributes contain a 'uuid' and 'value' property. #> function ConvertTo-UploadIndicatorsAPIFormat { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPEvent, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPAttributes, $DaysToExpire = 50, $DaysToExpireStart = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), $DaysToExpireIPV4 = 180, $DaysToExpireIPV6 = 180, $DaysToExpireDomain = 180, $DaysToExpireURL = 365, $Confidence, $SourceSystem = "pwshuploadindicatorsapi" ) $indicators = @() # Set labels from the event - labels should be a list of strings $labels = @() foreach($tag in $MISPEvent.EventTag) { $labels += $tag.Tag.Name.TrimStart() } # Check event for confidence tag foreach($tag in $labels) { if($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="completely-confident"') { $Confidence = 100 } elseif ($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="usually-confident"') { $Confidence = 75 } elseif ($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="confidence-cannot-be-evaluated"') { $Confidence = 50 } elseif ($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="fairly-confident"') { $Confidence = 50 } elseif ($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="rarely-confident"') { $Confidence = 25 } elseif($tag -eq 'misp:confidence-level="unconfident"') { $Confidence = 0 } else { # Default confidence level if(!$Confidence) { $Confidence = 50 } } } # Set severity level from the event tags foreach($tag in $labels) { if($tag -like '*misp:threat-level="high-risk"*') { $Severity = 100 } elseif ($tag -like '*misp:threat-level="medium-risk"*') { $Severity = 50 } elseif ($tag -like '*misp:threat-level="low-risk"*') { $Severity = 25 } elseif($tag -like '*misp:threat-level="no-risk"*') { $Severity = 0 } elseif (-not $Severity) { # Default severity level $Severity = $null } } # Set indicatorstypes from the severity and confidence tags $indicator_types = @() if($Severity -eq 100) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-severity-high" } elseif ($Severity -eq 50) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-severity-medium" } elseif ($Severity -eq 25) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-severity-low" } elseif ($Severity -eq 0) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-severity-none" } if($Confidence -eq 100) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-confidence-100" } elseif ($Confidence -eq 75) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-confidence-75" } elseif ($Confidence -eq 50) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-confidence-50" } elseif ($Confidence -eq 25) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-confidence-25" } elseif ($Confidence -eq 0) { $indicator_types += "threatstream-confidence-0" } foreach ($attribute in $MISPAttributes) { # Set the correct expiration date based on the attribute type if($attribute.type -eq "ip-src" -or $attribute.type -eq "ip-dst") { $daysToExpire = $DaysToExpireIPV4 } elseif($attribute.type -eq "ipv6-src" -or $attribute.type -eq "ipv6-dst") { $daysToExpire = $DaysToExpireIPV6 } elseif($attribute.type -eq "domain") { $daysToExpire = $DaysToExpireDomain } elseif($attribute.type -eq "url") { $daysToExpire = $DaysToExpireURL } else { $daysToExpire = $DaysToExpire } # Set the created timestamp $created_timestamp = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($attribute.timestamp).DateTime $indicator = @{ type = "indicator" spec_version = "2.1" id = "indicator--$($attribute.uuid)" name = $ description = $attribute.comment created = (Get-Date($created_timestamp)).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") modified = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") pattern = "[ipv4-addr:value = '$($attribute.value)']" pattern_type = "stix" valid_from = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") valid_until = (Get-Date).AddDays($daysToExpire).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") labels = $labels confidence = $Confidence indicator_types = $indicator_types } $indicators += $indicator } $output = @{ sourcesystem = $SourceSystem indicators = $indicators } return $output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } |