
Invokes a REST method against a MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) instance.
The Invoke-MISPRestMethod function is used to send HTTP requests to a MISP instance. It takes in the necessary parameters such as headers, HTTP method, request body, and URI, and returns the response from the MISP server.
The headers to be included in the HTTP request.
The HTTP method to be used for the request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
The body of the HTTP request.
The URI of the MISP endpoint to send the request to.
$Headers = New-MISPAuthHeader -MISPAuthKey "YOUR_API_KEY"
$URI = "https://misp-instance/events"
$Data = @{
    test = Test
Invoke-MISPRestMethod -Headers $Headers -Method GET -Body ($Data | ConvertTo-Json) -Uri $URI
This function requires the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet, which is available in PowerShell 3.0 and later.

function Invoke-MISPRestMethod {
    try {
      # Run the query against MISP
      if($Body) {
        if($SelfSigned) {
          $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $Headers -Method $Method -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) -Uri $URI -SkipCertificateCheck
        } else {
          $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $Headers -Method $Method -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) -Uri $URI
      } else {
        if($SelfSigned) {
          $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $Headers -Method $Method -Uri $URI -SkipCertificateCheck
        } else {
          $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $Headers -Method $Method -Uri $URI
    catch {
      $errorReturn = $_ 
      if($errorReturn.ErrorDetails.Message -eq "A similar attribute already exists for this event") {
        Write-Host "Attribute already exists"
      elseif($errorReturn.ErrorDetails.Message -match "RemoteCertificateNameMismatch" -or $errorReturn.ErrorDetails.Messagee -match "RemoteCertificateChainErrors") {
        Write-Host "Error: Certificate error. Please check the certificate of the MISP instance, or use the -SelfSigned switch to skip certificate validation."
      else {
        Write-Host "Error: $($_)"
    return $Result