function Invoke-MISPAttributeSearch { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPAuthHeader, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Filter, [switch]$SelfSigned ) # Create the endpoint $Endpoint = "attributes/restSearch" $MISPUrl = "$MISPUrl/$Endpoint" # Create the body of the request - the filter object will contain what we want to search for $FilterObject = $Filter | ConvertFrom-Json # Create the data object # First, is published set to true or false? $Published = if($FilterObject.published -eq 1) { $FilterObject.published} else { $false } # last $Last = if($FilterObject.last -ne $null) { $FilterObject.last} else { $null } # Tags $Tags = if($FilterObject.tags -ne $null) { $FilterObject.tags} else { $null } # eventId $EventId = if($FilterObject.eventid -ne $null) { $FilterObject.eventId} else { $null } # sharing group $SharingGroup = if($FilterObject.sharingGroup -ne $null) { $FilterObject.sharingGroup} else { $null } # category $Category = if($FilterObject.category -ne $null) { $FilterObject.category} else { $null } # type $Type = if($FilterObject.type -ne $null) { $FilterObject.type} else { $null } # value $Value = if($FilterObject.value -ne $null) { $FilterObject.value} else { $null } # Page $Page = if($ -ne $null) { $} else { $null } # Limit $Limit = if($FilterObject.limit -ne $null) { $FilterObject.limit} else { $null } # data object $Data = @{ published = $Published last = $Last tags = $Tags value = $Value category = $Category type = $Type eventid = $EventId sharinggroup = $SharingGroup page = $Page limit = $Limit } if($SelfSigned) { $return = Invoke-MISPRestMethod -Headers $MISPAuthHeader -Method "POST" -Body $Data -Uri "$MISPUrl" -SelfSigned } else { $return = Invoke-MISPRestMethod -Headers $MISPAuthHeader -Method "POST" -Body $Data -Uri "$MISPUrl" } # check if return is empty $return = $return.content | ConvertFrom-Json if($return -eq $null) { Write-Host "No events found" return } # Filter out unwanted tags if ($NotTags -ne $null) { $return = $return | Where-Object { $includeEvent = $true foreach ($tag in $_.EventTag.Tag) { if ($NotTags -contains $tag.Name.Trim()) { $includeEvent = $false break } } $includeEvent } } # Filter out unwanted organizations if ($NotOrgs -ne $null) { $return = $return | Where-Object { $NotOrgs -notcontains $_.Org.Name } } return $return.response } |