<# .SYNOPSIS This function retrieves a MISP event. .DESCRIPTION The Get-MISPEvents function is used to retrieve all MISP events from a specified MISP instance. It requires authentication headers, MISP URI, MISP organization, MISP event name, and MISP attribute as input parameters. .PARAMETER AuthHeader The authentication header to be used for the MISP API request. .PARAMETER MISPUrl The URI of the MISP instance. .PARAMETER MISPOrg The organization name in MISP. .EXAMPLE $Headers = New-MISPAuthHeader -MISPAuthKey "YOUR_API_KEY" $MISPUrl = "https://misp.domain" $MISPOrg = "MyOrg" $MISPEventName = "Event123" $MISPAttribute = "Attribute1" Get-MISPEvent -AuthHeader $Headers -MISPUrl $MISPUrl #> function Get-MISPEvents { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPAuthHeader, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MISPUrl, [switch]$SelfSigned ) # Set the endpoint Write-Host "Getting all events from MISP" $Endpoint = "events/index" $MISPUrl = "$MISPUrl/$Endpoint" try { if ($SelfSigned) { <# Action to perform if the condition is true #> $return = Invoke-MISPRestMethod -Headers $MISPAuthHeader -Method "GET" -Uri "$MISPUrl" -SelfSigned } else { <# Action to perform if the condition is false #> $return = Invoke-MISPRestMethod -Headers $MISPAuthHeader -Method "GET" -Uri "$MISPUrl" } $return = $return.content | ConvertFrom-Json } catch { <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#> Write-Host "Error: $($_)" } Write-Host "Found $($return.Count) events" return $return } |