function ansiSequence([string] $Value) { if ($Value.Contains($esc)) {$Value} else {"$esc[$Value"} } Class Pure { static hidden [char] $esc = $esc static hidden [string] ansiSequence([string] $value) { return ansiSequence $value } hidden [string] $_pwdColor = (ansiSequence "34m") hidden [string] $_branchColor = (ansiSequence "90m") hidden [string] $_remoteColor = (ansiSequence "36m") hidden [string] $_errorColor = (ansiSequence "91m") hidden [string] $_promptColor = (ansiSequence "35m") hidden [string] $_fetchInterval = ([timespan]::FromMinutes(5)) [timespan] $SlowCommandTime = ([timespan]::FromSeconds(5)) [char] $PromptChar = '❯' [char] $UpChar = '⇡' [char] $DownChar = '⇣' [scriptblock] $BranchFormatter = {$args} [scriptblock] $PwdFormatter = {$args -replace [Regex]::Escape($HOME), '~'} [scriptblock] $PrePrompt = {param ($cwd, $git, $slow) "$cwd $git $slow"} hidden addColorProperty([string] $name) { $this | Add-Member -Name $name -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value { $this."_$name" + "⬛$([pure]::esc)[0m" # pretty it up for `$pure` display purposes }.GetNewClosure() -SecondValue { param([string] $value) $this."_$name" = [pure]::ansiSequence($value) }.GetNewClosure() } Pure() { @('PwdColor', 'BranchColor', 'RemoteColor', 'ErrorColor', 'PromptColor') | % { $this.addColorProperty($_) } $this | Add-Member -Name FetchInterval -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value { $this._fetchInterval } -SecondValue { param([timespan] $value) if ($value -lt [timespan]::FromSeconds(30)) { throw "Minimum fetch interval is 30s." } $Script:watcher.GitFetchMs = $Value.TotalMilliseconds $this._fetchInterval = $value } } } function initOptions() { $Global:pure = New-Object Pure $psrOptions = Get-PSReadlineOption if ($psrOptions) { if ((Get-PSReadlineOption).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'PromptText') { Set-PSReadLineOption -PromptText ("{0} " -f $pure.PromptChar) } else { # PSReadLine < 2.0 seems to mangle the preferred characters on redraw $pure.PromptChar = '→' $pure.UpChar = '↑' $pure.DownChar = '↓' } if ((Get-PSReadlineOption).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'ContinuationPrompt') { Set-PSReadLineOption -ContinuationPrompt ("{0}{0} " -f $pure.PromptChar) } if ((Get-PSReadlineOption).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'Colors') { Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors @{ ContinuationPrompt = $pure.PromptColor } } if ((Get-PSReadlineOption).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'ExtraPromptLineCount') { Set-PSReadLineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount 2 } } } |