
function Write-Calendar {
    Writes out calendar elements, either a single month or an entire year depending on the inputs.

    .PARAMETER Month
    If specified, will limit output to a single month with this numeral value.

    If specified, will output an entire year.

    .PARAMETER ShowHolidays
    If specified, holidays for the year and month are shown.

    .PARAMETER ObservedHolidays
    If specified with the ShowHolidays flag, observed holidays will be shown instead of the actual dates.

    .PARAMETER $DateColors
    A [ConsoleColor] array of two elements specifying the foreground color and background color for each day printed

    .PARAMETER $TodayColors
    A [ConsoleColor] array of two elements specifying the foreground color and background color for today's date

    .PARAMETER $HolidayColors
    A [ConsoleColor] array of two elements specifying the foreground color and background color for holidays printed

    This script has some functionality which many would consider weird or inconsistent. Specifically, if a month is specifed and a year is not, then the output is typically the calendar for the input month and the current year. However, if the specified month is greater than 12, then it's treated as a year and the whole year is outputted.

    The reason for this is to emulate the *NIX cal function, which behaves similarly. That is, cal outputs the current month, cal 2012 outpus the calendar for 2012 and cal 05 2012 outputs the calendar for May 2012.

    That is pretty much how Write-Calendar works with the exception that Write-Calendar 05 will write out the calendar for May of the current year whereas cal will output the calendar for the year 5.

    Since the point of this script is to emulate cal's functionality I will probably not change it to make it more consistent.

    Outputs the current month.

    Write-Calendar 2013
    Outputs the calendar for 2013.

    Write-Calendar 04 2011
    Outputs the calendar for April, 2011.

    Write-Calendar 7
    Outputs the calendar for September of this year.

    param (
        [int] $Month = (Get-Date).Month,
        [int] $Year = (Get-Date).Year,
        [switch] $ShowHolidays,
        [switch] $ObservedHolidays,
        [ConsoleColor[]] $DateColors = @([ConsoleColor]::White, [Console]::BackgroundColor),
        [ConsoleColor[]] $TodayColors = @([ConsoleColor]::Red, [Console]::BackgroundColor),
        [ConsoleColor[]] $HolidayColors = @([ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::DarkCyan)

    process {
        Set-Variable -name daysLine -option Constant -value "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa "

        if ($year -lt 0) {
            throw "Year parameter must be greater than 0"

        if ($month -lt 0) {
            throw "Month parameter must be between 1 and 12"

        if (($month -gt 12) -and ($year -eq (Get-Date).Year)) {
            $year = $month
            $month = 0
        elseif (($month -gt 12) -and ($year -ne (Get-Date).Year)) {
            throw "Month parameter must be between 1 and 12"

        foreach ($array in @($DateColors, $TodayColors, $HolidayColors)) {
            if ($array.Length -lt 2) {
                throw "Must specify both foreground and background colors for color parameters"

        function Get-Holiday ($year) {
            $holidays = @(
                Get-Date -Year $year -Month 1 -Day 1 # New Year's Day
                Find-WeekDayMultiple $year 1 "Monday" 3 # MLK Day
                Find-WeekDayMultiple $year 2 "Monday" 3 # President's Day
                Find-GoodFriday $year # Good Friday
                Find-LastWeekDay $year 5 "Monday" # Memorial Day
                Get-Date -Year $year -Month 7 -Day 4 # Fourth of July
                Find-WeekDayMultiple $year 9 "Monday" 1 # Labor Day
                Find-WeekDayMultiple $year 10 "Monday" 2 # Columbus Day
                Get-Date -Year $year -Month 11 -Day 11 # Veterans Day
                Find-WeekDayMultiple $year 11 "Thursday" 4 # Thanksgiving
                Get-Date -Year $year -Month 12 -Day 25 # Christmas
            ) | ForEach-Object { $_.Date }

            if ($ObservedHolidays.IsPresent) {
                return $holidays | ForEach-Object { Find-ObservedHoliday $_ }
            else {
                return $holidays

        function Print-Month ($month, $year) {
            $firstDayOfMonth = Get-Date -month $month -day 1 -year $year
            $lastDayOfMonth = (Get-Date -month $firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).Month -day 1 -year $firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).Year).AddDays(-1)

            $header = (Get-Date $firstDayOfMonth -Format MMMM) + " " + $firstDayOfMonth.Year
            Write-Host ((" " * (($daysLine.Length - $header.Length) / 2)) + $header)
            Write-Host $daysLine

            for ($day = $firstDayOfMonth; $day -le $lastDayOfMonth; $day = $day.AddDays(1)) {
                $ForegroundColor = $DateColors[0]
                $BackgroundColor = $DateColors[1]

                if ($ -eq (get-date).date) {
                    $ForegroundColor = $TodayColors[0]
                    $BackgroundColor = $TodayColors[1]
                elseif ($ShowHolidays.IsPresent) {
                    if ((Get-Holiday $year).Contains($day.Date)) {
                        $ForegroundColor = $HolidayColors[0]
                        $BackgroundColor = $HolidayColors[1]

                if ($ -eq 1) {
                    Write-Host (" " * 3 * [int](Get-Date $day -uformat %u)) -NoNewLine

                Write-Host ((Get-Date $day -Format dd).ToString()) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor
                Write-Host " " -NoNewLine

                if ($day.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday") {

            if ($lastDayOfMonth.DayOfWeek -ne "Saturday") {


        function Print-Year ($year) {
            if ($ShowHolidays.IsPresent) {
                $holidays = Get-Holiday $year


            for ($month = 1; $month -le 12; $month += 3) {
                $header = ""

                for ($i = $month; $i -lt $month + 3; $i++) {
                    $tempHeader = (Get-Date -month $i -Format MMMM) + " " + $year.ToString()
                    $header += ((" " * (($daysLine.Length - $tempHeader.Length) / 2)) + $tempHeader + (" " * (($daysLine.Length - $tempHeader.Length) / 2)))
                    $header += " "

                Write-Host $header
                Write-Host (($daysLine + " ") * 3)

                $dayCounts = (1, 1, 1)
                $i = 0

                while ($dayCounts[0] -le (Get-Date -day 1 -month ($month + 1) -year $year).AddDays(-1).day -or `
                        $dayCounts[1] -le (Get-Date -day 1 -month ($month + 2) -year $year).AddDays(-1).day -or `
                        $dayCounts[2] -le (Get-Date -day 1 -month (($month + 3) % 12) -year $year).AddDays(-1).day) {

                    $dayOfMonth = $dayCounts[$i]
                    $dayOffset = [int](Get-Date -day 1 -month ($month + $i) -year $year -uformat %u)
                    $ForegroundColor = $DateColors[0]
                    $BackgroundColor = $DateColors[1]

                    if ($dayOfMonth -eq 1) {
                        Write-Host (" " * 3 * $dayOffSet) -NoNewLine

                    if ($dayOfMonth -le (Get-Date -day 1 -month ((($i + $month) % 12) + 1) -year $year).AddDays(-1).day) {
                        $currentDay = (Get-Date -day $dayOfMonth -month ((($i + $month - 1) % 12) + 1) -year $year)

                        if ($ -eq (Get-Date).date) {
                            $ForegroundColor = $TodayColors[0]
                            $BackgroundColor = $TodayColors[1]
                        elseif ($ShowHolidays.IsPresent) {
                            if ($holidays.Contains($currentDay.Date)) {
                                $ForegroundColor = $HolidayColors[0]
                                $BackgroundColor = $HolidayColors[1]

                        Write-Host ((Get-Date -month ($i + $month) -day $dayOfMonth -year $year -Format dd).ToString()) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor
                        Write-Host " " -NoNewLine
                    else {
                        Write-Host " " -NoNewLine

                    if ((($dayOfMonth + $dayOffset) % 7) -eq 0) {
                        $i = ($i + 1) % 3
                        Write-Host " " -NoNewLine

                        if ($i -eq 0) {

                $dayCounts = (1, 1, 1)

        function Find-WeekDayMultiple ($year, $month, $dayOfWeek, $multiple) {
            $result = Get-Date -Year $year -Month $month -Day 1
            $multipleCount = 0

            do {
                if ($result.DayOfWeek -eq $dayOfWeek) {

                $result = $result.AddDays(1)

                if ($result.Month -ne $month) {
                    throw "Could not find weekday multiple."
            while ($multipleCount -lt $multiple)

            return $result.AddDays(-1)

        function Find-LastWeekDay ($year, $month, $dayOfWeek) {
            $result = $dayCounter = Get-Date -Year $year -Month $month -Day 1

            while ($dayCounter.Month -eq $month) {
                if ($dayCounter.DayOfWeek -eq $dayOfWeek) {
                    $result = $dayCounter

                $dayCounter = $dayCounter.AddDays(1)

            return $result

        function Find-GoodFriday ($year) {
            # Taken from
            $a = $year % 19
            $b = [Math]::Floor($year / 100)
            $c = $year % 100
            $d = [Math]::Floor($b / 4)
            $e = $b % 4
            $f = [Math]::Floor(($b + 8) / 25)
            $g = [Math]::Floor(($b - $f + 1) / 3)
            $h = (19 * $a + $b - $d - $g + 15) % 30
            $i = [Math]::Floor($c / 4)
            $k = $c % 4
            $L = (32 + 2 * $e + 2 * $i - $h - $k) % 7
            $m = [Math]::Floor(($a + 11 * $h + 22 * $L) / 451)
            $month = [Math]::Floor(($h + $L - 7 * $m + 114) / 31)
            $day = (($h + $L - 7 * $m + 114) % 31) + 1
            return (Get-Date -Year $year -Month $month -Day $day).AddDays(-2)

        function Find-ObservedHoliday ($holiday) {
            if ($holiday.DayOfWeek -eq "Saturday") {
                return $holiday.AddDays(-1)
            elseif ($holiday.DayOfWeek -eq "Sunday") {
                return $holiday.AddDays(1)
            else {
                return $holiday

        if ($month -ne 0) {
            Print-Month $month $year
        else {
            Print-Year $year