try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("MySql.Data") | Out-Null; $Global:MySQLConnection = $null; } catch { Write-Error "MySQL Connector for .NET not installed, please visit"; break } Function Connect-MySqlServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to a MySQL Server .DESCRIPTION This function will establish a connection to a local or remote instance of a MySQL Server. By default it will connect to the local instance on the default port. .PARAMETER ComputerName The name of the remote computer to connect to, otherwise default to localhost .PARAMETER Port By default this is 3306, otherwise specify the correct value .PARAMETER Credential Typically this may be your root credentials, or to work in a specific database the credentials with appropriate rights to do work in that database. .PARAMETER Database An optional parameter that will connect you to a specific database .EXAMPLE Connect-MySqlServer -Credential (Get-Credential) cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential ServerThread : 2 DataSource : localhost ConnectionTimeout : 15 Database : UseCompression : False State : Open ServerVersion : 5.6.22-log ConnectionString : server=localhost;port=3306;User Id=root IsPasswordExpired : False Site : Container : Description ----------- Connect to the local mysql instance as root. This example uses the Get-Credential cmdlet to prompt for username and password. .EXAMPLE Connect-MySqlServer -ComputerName -Credential (Get-Credential) cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential ServerThread : 2 DataSource : ConnectionTimeout : 15 Database : UseCompression : False State : Open ServerVersion : 5.6.22-log ConnectionString :;port=3306;User Id=root IsPasswordExpired : False Site : Container : Description ----------- Connect to a remote mysql instance as root. This example uses the Get-Credential cmdlet to prompt for username and password. .NOTES FunctionName : Connect-MySqlServer Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 09:19:10 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string]$ComputerName = "localhost", [int]$Port = 3306, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$Database ) Begin { Write-Verbose "Build connection string"; if ($Database) { $ConnectionString = "server=$($ComputerName);port=$($Port);uid=$($Credential.UserName);pwd=$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password);database=$($Database);"; } else { $ConnectionString = "server=$($ComputerName);port=$($Port);uid=$($Credential.UserName);pwd=$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password);"; } } Process { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; Write-Verbose "Create connection object"; [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($ConnectionString); Write-Verbose "Open connection"; $Connection.Open(); $Global:MySQLConnection = $Connection if ($Database) { Write-Verbose "Using $($Database)"; [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand]$Command = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand("USE $($Database)", $Connection); } } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { return $Connection; } } Function Disconnect-MySqlServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnect a MySQL connection .DESCRIPTION This function will disconnect (logoff) a MySQL server connection .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .EXAMPLE $Connection = Connect-MySqlServer -Credential (Get-Credential) Disconnect-MySqlServer -Connection $Connection ServerThread : DataSource : localhost ConnectionTimeout : 15 Database : UseCompression : False State : Closed ServerVersion : ConnectionString : server=localhost;port=3306;User Id=root IsPasswordExpired : Site : Container : Description ----------- This example shows connecting to the local instance of MySQL Server and then disconnecting from it. .NOTES FunctionName : Disconnect-MySqlServer Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 12:16:24 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection ) Begin { } Process { $Connection.Close(); $Connection } End { } } Function Select-MySqlDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the default database to work with .DESCRIPTION This function sets the default database to use, this value is pulled from the connection object on functions that have database as a parameter. .PARAMETER Connection .PARAMETER Database .EXAMPLE # jspatton@IT08082 | 16:35:02 | 02-16-2015 | C:\projects\mod-posh\powershell\production $ Connect-MySqlServer -Credential (Get-Credential) cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential ServerThread : 12 DataSource : localhost ConnectionTimeout : 15 Database : UseCompression : False State : Open ServerVersion : 5.6.22-log ConnectionString : server=localhost;port=3306;User Id=root IsPasswordExpired : False Site : Container : # jspatton@IT08082 | 16:35:13 | 02-16-2015 | C:\projects\mod-posh\powershell\production $ Get-MySqlDatabase Database -------- information_schema mynewdb mysql mytest performance_schema test testing wordpressdb wordpressdb1 wordpressdb2 # jspatton@IT08082 | 16:35:24 | 02-16-2015 | C:\projects\mod-posh\powershell\production $ Select-MySqlDatabase -Database mytest ServerThread : 12 DataSource : localhost ConnectionTimeout : 15 Database : mytest UseCompression : False State : Open ServerVersion : 5.6.22-log ConnectionString : server=localhost;port=3306;User Id=root IsPasswordExpired : False Site : Container : Description ----------- This example shows connecting to MySQL Server, you can see there is no value for database. Then we list all the databases on the server, and finally we select the mytest database. The output of the command shows that we are now using mytest. .NOTES FunctionName : Select-MySqlDatabase Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/16/2015 16:29:43 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Database ) Begin { } Process { try { if (Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Database) { $Connection.ChangeDatabase($Database); } else { throw "Unknown database $($Database)"; } $Global:MySQLConnection = $Connection; $Connection; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function New-MySqlDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new MySQL DB .DESCRIPTION This function will create a new Database on the server that you are connected to. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Name The name of the database to create .EXAMPLE New-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name "MyNewDB" Database -------- mynewdb Description ----------- This example creates the MyNewDB database on a MySQL server. .NOTES FunctionName : New-MySqlDatabase Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 09:35:02 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name ) Begin { $Query = "CREATE DATABASE $($Name);"; } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Verbose "Getting newly created database"; Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Name; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Get-MySqlDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Get one or more tables from a MySQL Server .DESCRIPTION This function returns one or more Database names from a MySQL Server .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Name An optional parameter that if provided will scope the output to the requested DB. If blank this will return all the Datbases the user has the ability to see based on their credentials. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection Database -------- information_schema mynewdb mysql performance_schema test testing wordpressdb wordpressdb1 wordpressdb2 Description ----------- This example shows the output when the Name parameter is ommitted. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name mynewdb Database -------- mynewdb Description ----------- This example shows the output when passing in the name of a Database. .NOTES FunctionName : Get-MySqlDatabase Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 10:05:20 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [string]$Name ) Begin { if ($Name) { $Query = "SHOW DATABASES WHERE ``Database`` LIKE '$($Name)';"; } else { $Query = "SHOW DATABASES;"; } } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function New-MySqlUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a MySQL User .DESCRIPTION This function will create a user in the MySQL Server. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Credential A Credential object that represents the user and password to be created on MySQL .EXAMPLE New-MySqlUser -Connection $Connection -Credential (Get-Credential) cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: Credential Host : localhost User : user-01 Password : *2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19 Select_priv : N Insert_priv : N Update_priv : N Delete_priv : N Create_priv : N Drop_priv : N Reload_priv : N Shutdown_priv : N Process_priv : N File_priv : N Grant_priv : N References_priv : N Index_priv : N Alter_priv : N Show_db_priv : N Super_priv : N Create_tmp_table_priv : N Lock_tables_priv : N Execute_priv : N Repl_slave_priv : N Repl_client_priv : N Create_view_priv : N Show_view_priv : N Create_routine_priv : N Alter_routine_priv : N Create_user_priv : N Event_priv : N Trigger_priv : N Create_tablespace_priv : N ssl_type : ssl_cipher : {} x509_issuer : {} x509_subject : {} max_questions : 0 max_updates : 0 max_connections : 0 max_user_connections : 0 plugin : mysql_native_password authentication_string : password_expired : N Description ----------- This example uses the Get-Credential object to create a user (user-01) on the MySQL Server .NOTES FunctionName : New-MySqlUser Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 10:28:35 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential ) Begin { $Query = "CREATE USER '$($Credential.UserName)'@'$($Connection.DataSource)' IDENTIFIED BY '$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)';"; } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Verbose "Getting newly created user"; Get-MySqlUser -Connection $Connection -User $Credential.UserName; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Get-MySqlUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Get one or more MySQL Server users .DESCRIPTION This function will return a list of users from the MySQL server when you omit the User parameter. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER User An optional parameter that represents the username of a MySQL Server user .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlUser -Connection $Connection |Format-Table Host User Password Select_priv Insert_priv Update_priv Delete_priv Create_priv Drop_priv Reload_priv ---- ---- -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- localhost root *A158E86... Y Y Y Y Y Y Y root *A158E86... Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ::1 root *A158E86... Y Y Y Y Y Y Y localhost user-01 *2470C0C... N N N N N N N Description ----------- This example shows the output when omitting the optional parameter user .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlUser -Connection $Connection -User user-01 Host : localhost User : user-01 Password : *2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19 Select_priv : N Insert_priv : N Update_priv : N Delete_priv : N Create_priv : N Drop_priv : N Reload_priv : N Shutdown_priv : N Process_priv : N File_priv : N Grant_priv : N References_priv : N Index_priv : N Alter_priv : N Show_db_priv : N Super_priv : N Create_tmp_table_priv : N Lock_tables_priv : N Execute_priv : N Repl_slave_priv : N Repl_client_priv : N Create_view_priv : N Show_view_priv : N Create_routine_priv : N Alter_routine_priv : N Create_user_priv : N Event_priv : N Trigger_priv : N Create_tablespace_priv : N ssl_type : ssl_cipher : {} x509_issuer : {} x509_subject : {} max_questions : 0 max_updates : 0 max_connections : 0 max_user_connections : 0 plugin : mysql_native_password authentication_string : password_expired : N Description ----------- This shows the output when passing in a value for User .NOTES FunctionName : Get-MySqlUser Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 10:45:50 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [string]$User ) Begin { if ($User) { $Query = "SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE ``User`` LIKE '$($User)';"; } else { $Query = "SELECT * FROM mysql.user;" } } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function New-MySqlTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a table .DESCRIPTION This function creates a table .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Table The name of the table to create .PARAMETER Database The name of the database to create the table in, if blank the current database .PARAMETER Column A hashtable containing at least a name and datatype for a row to be created in the table. For example it could be something as simple or complex as the following @{"id"="INT"} @{"id"="INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT","PRIMARY KEY"="(id)"} .EXAMPLE $Fields.GetEnumerator() Name Value ---- ----- Death DATE Birth DATE Owner VARCHAR (20) Species VARCHAR (20) Sex VARCHAR (1) Name VARCHAR (20) New-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection -Table bar -Column $Fields Tables_in_wordpressdb --------------------- bar Description ----------- This example shows using a hashtable object to set the field names and values of the various fields to be created in the new table. It then shows how to create a table with that object. .EXAMPLE New-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection -Table sample_tbl -Column @{"id"="INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";"PRIMARY KEY"="(id)"} Tables_in_wordpressdb --------------------- sample_tbl Description ----------- This example shows creating a table and passing in the column defintions on the command line .NOTES FunctionName : New-MySqlTable Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 12:31:18 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Table, [string]$Database, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$Column ) Begin { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; if ($Database) { if (Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Database) { $Connection.ChangeDatabase($Database); } else { throw "Unknown database $($Database)"; } } else { if (!($Connection.Database)) { throw "Please connect to a specific database"; } } } catch { $Error[0]; break } $Fields = ""; foreach ($C in $Column.GetEnumerator()) { $Fields += "$($C.Name) $($C.Value)," }; $Fields = $Fields.Substring(0, $Fields.Length - 1); Write-Verbose $Fields; $Query = "CREATE TABLE $($Table) ($($Fields));" } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Verbose "Getting newly created table"; Get-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection -Table $Table; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Get-MySqlTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of one or more tables on a database .DESCRIPTION This function will return one or more tables on a database. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Database The name of the database to get tables from .PARAMETER Table The name of the table to get .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection Tables_in_test -------------- bar Description ----------- A listing of tables from the database the connection is already attached to .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection -Database wordpressdb Tables_in_wordpressdb --------------------- foo bar sample_tbl Description ----------- A listing of tables from the wordpressdb database .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlTable -Connection $Connection -Database wordpressdb -Table sample_tbl Tables_in_wordpressdb --------------------- sample_tbl Description ----------- The sample_tbl from the wordpressdb .NOTES FunctionName : Get-MySqlTable Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 12:47:03 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [string]$Database, [string]$Table ) Begin { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; if ($Database) { if (Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Database) { $Connection.ChangeDatabase($Database); } else { throw "Unknown database $($Database)"; } } else { if (!($Connection.Database)) { throw "Please connect to a specific database"; } } } catch { $Error[0]; break } $db = $Connection.Database; if ($Table) { $Query = "SHOW TABLES FROM $($db) WHERE ``Tables_in_$($db)`` LIKE '$($Table)';" } else { $Query = "SHOW TABLES FROM $($db);" } } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Get-MySqlColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of columns in a table .DESCRIPTION This function will return a list of columns from a table. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Database The name of the database that contains the table .PARAMETER Table The name of the table to return columns from .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlColumn -Connection $Connection -Table sample_tbl Field : id Type : int(11) Null : NO Key : PRI Default : Extra : auto_increment Field : name Type : varchar(10) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : age Type : int(11) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Description ----------- A list of fields from the sample_tbl in the current database .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlColumn -Connection $Connection -Database test -Table bar Field : NAME Type : varchar(20) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : OWNER Type : varchar(20) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : DEATH Type : date Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : BIRTH Type : date Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Description ----------- A list of fields from the bar table in the test database .NOTES FunctionName : Get-MySqlField Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 13:17:25 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [string]$Database, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Table ) Begin { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; if ($Database) { if (Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Database) { $Connection.ChangeDatabase($Database); } else { throw "Unknown database $($Database)"; } } else { if (!($Connection.Database)) { throw "Please connect to a specific database"; } } } catch { $Error[0]; break } $Query = "DESC $($Table);"; } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Add-MySqlColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a column to a MySQL table .DESCRIPTION This function will add one or more columns to a MySQL table .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Database The name of the database to connect ot .PARAMETER Table The name of the table to add a column to .PARAMETER Column A hashtable containing at least a name and datatype for a row to be created in the table. For example it could be something as simple or complex as the following @{"id"="INT"} @{"id"="INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";"PRIMARY KEY"="(id)";"Species"="VARCHAR(20)"} .EXAMPLE Add-MySqlColumn -Connection $Connection -Database test -Table bar -Column @{"id"="INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";"PRIMARY KEY"="(id)";"Species"="VARCHAR(20)"} Field : NAME Type : varchar(20) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : OWNER Type : varchar(20) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : DEATH Type : date Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : BIRTH Type : date Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Field : id Type : int(11) Null : NO Key : PRI Default : Extra : auto_increment Field : Species Type : varchar(20) Null : YES Key : Default : Extra : Description ----------- This example shows how to add multiple columns to a table .NOTES FunctionName : Add-MySqlColumn Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 13:21:29 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [string]$Database, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Table, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$Column ) Begin { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; if ($Database) { if (Get-MySqlDatabase -Connection $Connection -Name $Database) { $Connection.ChangeDatabase($Database); } else { throw "Unknown database $($Database)"; } } else { if (!($Connection.Database)) { throw "Please connect to a specific database"; } } $Fields = ""; foreach ($C in $Column.GetEnumerator()) { $Fields += "$($C.Name) $($C.Value)," }; $Fields = $Fields.Substring(0, $Fields.Length - 1); Write-Verbose $Fields; $Query = "ALTER TABLE $($Table) ADD ($($Fields));"; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } Process { try { Write-Verbose "Invoking SQL"; Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop; Get-MySqlColumn -Connection $Connection -Database $Database -Table $Table; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { } } Function Invoke-MySqlQuery { <# .SYNOPSIS Run an ad-hoc query against a MySQL Server .DESCRIPTION This function can be used to run ad-hoc queries against a MySQL Server. It is also used by nearly every function in this library to perform the various tasks that are needed. .PARAMETER Connection A connection object that represents an open connection to MySQL Server .PARAMETER Query A valid MySQL query .EXAMPLE Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query "CREATE DATABASE sample_tbl;" Description ----------- Create a table .EXAMPLE Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query "SHOW DATABASES;" Database -------- information_schema mynewdb mysql performance_schema test testing wordpressdb wordpressdb1 wordpressdb2 Description ----------- Return a list of databases .EXAMPLE Invoke-MySqlQuery -Connection $Connection -Query "INSERT INTO foo (Name) VALUES ('Bird'),('Cat');" Description ----------- Add data to a sql table .NOTES FunctionName : Invoke-MySqlQuery Created by : jspatton Date Coded : 02/11/2015 11:09:26 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection]$Connection = $Global:MySQLConnection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Query ) Begin { } Process { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; Write-Verbose "Creating the Command object"; [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand]$Command = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand; Write-Verbose "Assigning Connection object to Command object"; $Command.Connection = $Connection; Write-Verbose "Assigning Query to Command object"; $Command.CommandText = $Query; Write-Verbose $Query; Write-Verbose "Creating DataAdapter with Command object"; [MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter]$DataAdapter = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter($Command); Write-Verbose "Creating Dataset object to hold records"; [System.Data.DataSet]$DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet; Write-Verbose "Filling Dataset"; $RecordCount = $DataAdapter.Fill($DataSet); Write-Verbose "$($RecordCount) records found"; } catch { $Error[0]; break } } End { Write-Verbose "Returning Tables object of Dataset"; return $DataSet.Tables; } } Export-ModuleMember * |