#region import modules $ThisModule = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '').psd1" $ThisModuleName = (($ThisModule | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.psd1') Get-Module -Name $ThisModuleName -All | Remove-Module -Force Import-Module -Name $ThisModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop #endregion describe 'Module-level tests' { it 'should validate the module manifest' { { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ThisModule -ErrorAction Stop } | should not throw } it 'should pass all error-level script analyzer rules' { Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $PSScriptRoot -Severity Error | should benullOrEmpty } it 'should have nuget.exe included' { Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\nuget.exe" | should be $true } } InModuleScope $ThisModuleName { $Defaults = @{ NugetServerUrl = '' LocalNuGetExePath = 'C:\folder\nuget.exe' NuGetExeUrl = '' } describe 'New-PmModulePackage' { $commandName = 'New-PmModulePackage' $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName #region Mocks mock 'New-PmPackage' {} -ParameterFilter { -not $PassThru } mock 'New-PmPackage' { New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileInfo' } -ParameterFilter { $PassThru } #endregion $testModulePath = 'TestDrive:\module' $null = mkdir $testModulePath Add-Content -Path "$testModulePath\module.psd1" -Value "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0' Description = 'deschere' Author = 'Adam Bertram' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ ProjectUri = 'projecturihere' Tags = @('PSModule') } } }" Add-Content -Path "$testModulePath\module.psm1" -Value '' $parameterSets = @( @{ Path = $testModulePath TestName = 'Mandatory parameters' } @{ Path = $testModulePath PassThru = $true TestName = 'Mandatory parameters' } ) $testCases = @{ All = $parameterSets NoPassThru = $parameterSets.where({-not $_.ContainsKey('PassThru')}) PassThru = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('PassThru')}) } context 'when PassThru is used' { it 'should should return the same object in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.PassThru { param($Path,$PassThru) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters } } context 'when PassThru is not used' { it 'returns nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.NoPassThru { param($Path,$PassThru) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullOrEmpty } } it 'should create the package with the expected parameters: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Path,$PassThru) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'New-PmPackage' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Name -eq 'module' -and $PSBoundParameters.Path -eq $Path -and $PSBoundParameters.PackageFolderPath -eq $Path $PSBoundParameters.Version -eq '1.0' -and $PSBoundParameters.Desription -eq 'deschere' $PSBoundParameters.Authors -eq 'Adam Bertram' -and (diff $PSBoundParameters.Tags @('PSModule')) -eq $null -and $PSBoundParameters.ProjectUrl -eq 'projecturihere' } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } # context 'Help' { # $nativeParamNames = @( # 'Verbose' # 'Debug' # 'ErrorAction' # 'WarningAction' # 'InformationAction' # 'ErrorVariable' # 'WarningVariable' # 'InformationVariable' # 'OutVariable' # 'OutBuffer' # 'PipelineVariable' # 'Confirm' # 'WhatIf' # ) # $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName # $commandParamNames = [array]($command.Parameters.Keys | where {$_ -notin $nativeParamNames}) # $help = Get-Help -Name $commandName # $helpParamNames = $ # it 'has a SYNOPSIS defined' { # $help.synopsis | should not match $commandName # } # it 'has at least one example' { # $help.examples | should not benullorempty # } # it 'all help parameters have a description' { # $help.Parameters | where { ('Description' -in $_.Parameter.PSObject.Properties.Name) -and (-not $_.Parameter.Description) } | should be $null # } # it 'there are no help parameters that refer to non-existent command paramaters' { # if ($commandParamNames) { # @(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $commandParamNames).where({ # $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' # }) | should benullorempty # } # } # it 'all command parameters have a help parameter defined' { # if ($commandParamNames) { # @(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $commandParamNames).where({ # $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' # }) | should benullorempty # } # } # } } describe 'Publish-PmPackage' { $commandName = 'Publish-PmPackage' $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName #region Mocks mock 'Invoke-NuGet' { 'package was pushed' } #endregion $parameterSets = @( @{ Path = 'C:\Path\package.nupkg' FeedUrl = 'feedurlhere' ApiKey = 'apikeyhere' TestName = 'Mandatory parameters' } @{ Path = 'C:\Path\package.nupkg' FeedUrl = 'feedurlhere' ApiKey = 'apikeyhere' Timeout = 10 TestName = 'Mandatory parameters' } ) $testCases = @{ All = $parameterSets WithTimeout = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Timeout')}) NoTimeout = $parameterSets.where({-not $_.ContainsKey('Timeout')}) } context 'when no timeout specified' { it 'should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.NoTimeout { param($Path,$FeedUrl,$ApiKey,$Timeout) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Invoke-Nuget' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Action -eq 'push' -and (-not (diff ([array]$PSBoundParameters.Arguments.Keys) @($Path,'source','apikey')) -and -not (diff ([array]$PSBoundParameters.Arguments.Values) @(''))) } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'when a timeout is specified' { it 'should invoke nuget.exe with the expected arguments: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.WithTimeout { param($Path,$FeedUrl,$ApiKey,$Timeout) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Invoke-NuGet' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Action -eq 'push' -and (-not (diff ([array]$PSBoundParameters.Arguments.Keys) @('timeout','source','apikey')) -and -not (diff ([array]$PSBoundParameters.Arguments.Values) @($Timeout,$FeedUrl,$ApiKey))) } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'when nuget.exe fails' { mock 'Invoke-Nuget' { throw 'error!' } it 'should throw an exception with nuget.exe output: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Path,$FeedUrl,$ApiKey,$Timeout) $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters { & $commandName @params } | should throw 'error!' } } it 'returns nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Path,$FeedUrl,$ApiKey,$Timeout) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty } } describe 'Invoke-NuGet' { $commandName = 'Invoke-NuGet' $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName #region Mocks mock 'Start-Process' { [pscustomobject]@{ ExitCode = 0 } } mock 'Get-Content' { 'Successfully created package' } #endregion $parameterSets = @( @{ Action = 'push' Arguments = @{'C:\package.nuspec' = $null; 'timeout' = '1'; 'source' = 'val2'; 'apikey' = 'xxx'} TestName = 'Push' } @{ Action = 'pack' Arguments = @{'C:\package.nuspec' = $null; 'OutputDirectory' = 'val'; 'BasePath' = 'val2'} TestName = 'Pack' } ) $testCases = @{ All = $parameterSets Pack = $parameterSets.where({$_.Action -eq 'pack'}) Push = $parameterSets.where({$_.Action -eq 'push'}) } context 'Pack' { it 'should pass the expected arguments to nuget.exe: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Pack { param($Action,$Arguments) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Start-Process' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $matchString = [regex]::Escape(("{0} `"C:\package.nuspec`" -OutputDirectory `"val`" -BasePath `"val2`"" -f $Action)) $PSBoundParameters.ArgumentList -match $matchString } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'Push' { it 'should pass the expected arguments to nuget.exe: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Push { param($Action,$Arguments) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Start-Process' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $matchString = [regex]::Escape(("{0} `"C:\package.nuspec`" -timeout `"1`" -source `"val2`" -apikey `"xxx`"" -f $Action)) $PSBoundParameters.ArgumentList -match $matchString } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'when nuget.exe fails' { mock 'Get-Content' { 'error!' } mock 'Start-Process' { [pscustomobject]@{ ExitCode = 1 } } it 'should throw an exception: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Action,$Arguments) $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters { & $commandName @params } | should throw 'error!' } } it 'should return nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Action,$Arguments) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty } } describe 'Publish-PmModule' { $commandName = 'Publish-PmModule' $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName $script:availModules = @( [pscustomobject]@{ ModuleBase = 'C:\mymodule1' } [pscustomobject]@{ ModuleBase = 'C:\mymodule2' } ) #region Mocks mock 'Get-Module' { $script:availModules } -ParameterFilter { @($Name).Count -gt 1} mock 'Get-Module' { $script:availModules | where {$_.ModuleBase -eq 'C:\mymodule1' } } -ParameterFilter { @($Name).Count -eq 1} mock 'New-PmModulePackage' { $obj = New-MockObject -Type 'System.IO.FileInfo' $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullName' -Force -Value 'C:\mymodule.nupkg' -PassThru } -ParameterFilter { $PassThru } mock 'New-PmModulePackage' mock 'Publish-PmPackage' mock 'Get-DependentModule' #endregion $parameterSets = @( @{ Name = 'mymodule' NuGetApiKey = 'nugetapikeyhere' TestName = 'Parameter Set: ByName / Mandatory Parameters' } @{ Path = 'C:\mymodule' NuGetApiKey = 'nugetapikeyhere' TestName = 'Parameter Set: ByPath / Mandatory Parameters' } ) $testCases = @{ All = $parameterSets ByName = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Name')}) ByPath = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Path')}) } context 'when not all modules provided can be found' { mock 'Get-Module' -ParameterFilter { $Name } it 'should throw an exception: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters { & $commandName @params } | should throw 'One or more modules could not be found' } } context 'when called with a module name' { it 'should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.ByName { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Get-Module' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Name -eq 'mymodule' } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'when called with a folder path' { it 'should find the module with the expected name: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.ByPath { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Get-Module' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Name -eq 'C:\mymodule' } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } context 'when the module has dependent modules' { mock 'Get-DependentModule' { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'depmodule1' Version = 'depmodule1version' ModuleBase = 'depmodule1modulebase' } } } it 'should return nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullOrEmpty } it 'should use the expected module folder to create package: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'New-PmModulePackage' Times = @($Name).Count Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Path -in $script:availModules.ModuleBase } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } it 'should use the created package to publish: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Publish-PmPackage' Times = @($Name).Count Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Path -eq 'C:\mymodule.nupkg' } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } it 'should use the expected URL for publishing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Publish-PmPackage' Times = @($Name).Count Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.FeedUrl -eq $FeedUrl } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } it 'should use the expected API key for publishing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Name,$Path,$NuGetApiKey,$FeedUrl,$Timeout,$PublishDependencies) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Publish-PmPackage' Times = @($Name).Count Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.ApiKey -eq $NuGetApiKey } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } # context 'Help' { # $nativeParamNames = @( # 'Verbose' # 'Debug' # 'ErrorAction' # 'WarningAction' # 'InformationAction' # 'ErrorVariable' # 'WarningVariable' # 'InformationVariable' # 'OutVariable' # 'OutBuffer' # 'PipelineVariable' # 'Confirm' # 'WhatIf' # ) # $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName # $commandParamNames = [array]($command.Parameters.Keys | where {$_ -notin $nativeParamNames}) # $help = Get-Help -Name $commandName # $helpParamNames = $ # it 'has a SYNOPSIS defined' { # $help.synopsis | should not match $commandName # } # it 'has at least one example' { # $help.examples | should not benullorempty # } # it 'all help parameters have a description' { # $help.Parameters | where { ('Description' -in $_.Parameter.PSObject.Properties.Name) -and (-not $_.Parameter.Description) } | should be $null # } # it 'there are no help parameters that refer to non-existent command paramaters' { # if ($commandParamNames) { # @(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $commandParamNames).where({ # $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' # }) | should benullorempty # } # } # it 'all command parameters have a help parameter defined' { # if ($commandParamNames) { # @(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $commandParamNames).where({ # $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' # }) | should benullorempty # } # } # } } describe 'New-PmPackage' { $commandName = 'New-PmPackage' $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName #region Mocks mock 'Remove-Item' mock 'Test-Path' { $true } mock 'New-PackageSpec' { @{ FullName = 'C:\packagespec.nuspec' } } mock 'Invoke-NuGet' mock 'Get-Item' { New-MockObject -Type 'System.Io.FileInfo' } mock 'New-Guid' { [pscustomobject]@{ Guid = 'guidhere' } } #endregion $parameterSets = @( @{ Path = 'C:\Folder' Version = '1.0.0' TestName = 'Mandatory params' } @{ Path = 'C:\Folder' Version = '1.0.0' PassThru = $true TestName = 'Passthru' } @{ Path = 'C:\Folder' Version = '1.0' TestName = 'Blank build' } ) $testCases = @{ All = $parameterSets PassThru = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('PassThru')}) } it 'when PassThru is used, returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.PassThru { param($Path,$Name,$PackageFolderPath,$Version,$Authors,$Id,$Description,$Owners,$LicenseUrl,$ProjectUrl,$IconUrl,$ReleaseNotes,$Tags,$Dependencies,$PassThru) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name } it 'when PassThru is not used, should return nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Path,$Name,$PackageFolderPath,$Version,$Authors,$Id,$Description,$Owners,$LicenseUrl,$ProjectUrl,$IconUrl,$ReleaseNotes,$Tags,$Dependencies,$PassThru) & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty } it 'should remove the temp nuspec file: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All { param($Path,$Name,$PackageFolderPath,$Version,$Authors,$Id,$Description,$Owners,$LicenseUrl,$ProjectUrl,$IconUrl,$ReleaseNotes,$Tags,$Dependencies,$PassThru) $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Remove-Item' Times = 1 Exactly = $true Scope = 'It' ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Path -eq "$env:TEMP\guidhere.nuspec" } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } } |