
function Get-ModuleAssistant {
        Retrieves module assistants based on metadata.
        This function retrieves assistants that have been tagged with the metadata "PSHelp.Copilot".
        It uses the Get-Assistant command from the PSOpenAI module to retrieve the assistants.
        The name of the assistant to retrieve. Supports wildcards.
    .PARAMETER Metadata
        The metadata tag to filter assistants. Defaults to "PSHelp.Copilot".
        Retrieves all assistants tagged with "PSHelp.Copilot". This tag is added when New-ModuleAssistant is used.
        Get-ModuleAssistant -Name "dbatools*"
        Retrieves all assistants with names starting with "dbatools" tagged with "PSHelp.Copilot".

    param (
        [string]$Name = "*",
        [string]$Metadata = "PSHelp.Copilot"
    process {
        Get-Assistant -All | Where-Object {
            $PSItem.Name -like $Name -and $PSItem.Metadata.tag -eq $Metadata