#Region '.\_PrefixCode.ps1' 0 # Code in here will be prepended to top of the psm1-file. #EndRegion '.\_PrefixCode.ps1' 2 #Region '.\Public\ConvertTo-AsciiArt.ps1' 0 Function ConvertTo-AsciiArt { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ImagePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Width = 80, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Height = 160 ) # Load the System.Drawing namespace Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing # Load the image file $image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImagePath) # Set the width and height of the ASCII art $width = $Width $height = $Height # Resize the image to fit the console $aspectRatio = $image.Width / $image.Height $newWidth = $height * $aspectRatio $newHeight = $width / $aspectRatio if ($newWidth -gt $width) { $consoleWidth = $width $consoleHeight = $newHeight } else { $consoleWidth = $newWidth $consoleHeight = $height } $image = $image.GetThumbnailImage($consoleWidth, $consoleHeight, $null, [IntPtr]::Zero) # Convert the image to ASCII art $ascii = "" for ($y = 0; $y -lt $image.Height; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x -lt $image.Width; $x++) { $pixel = [System.Drawing.Color]$image.GetPixel($x, $y) $brightness = ($pixel.R + $pixel.G + $pixel.B) / 3 if ($brightness -ge 230) { $ascii += " " } elseif ($brightness -ge 200) { $ascii += "." } elseif ($brightness -ge 180) { $ascii += ":" } elseif ($brightness -ge 160) { $ascii += "-" } elseif ($brightness -ge 130) { $ascii += "=" } elseif ($brightness -ge 100) { $ascii += "+" } elseif ($brightness -ge 70) { $ascii += "*" } elseif ($brightness -ge 50) { $ascii += "#" } elseif ($brightness -ge 30) { $ascii += "%" } else { $ascii += "@" } } $ascii += "`n" } # Output the ASCII art to the console Write-Host $ascii } #EndRegion '.\Public\ConvertTo-AsciiArt.ps1' 69 #Region '.\Public\ConvertTo-AsciiArtColor.ps1' 0 Function ConvertTo-AsciiArtColor { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ImagePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Width = 80, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Height = 160 ) # Load the System.Drawing namespace Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing # Load the image file $image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImagePath) # Set the width and height of the ASCII art $width = $Width $height = $Height # Resize the image to fit the console $aspectRatio = $image.Width / $image.Height $newWidth = $height * $aspectRatio $newHeight = $width / $aspectRatio if ($newWidth -gt $width) { $consoleWidth = $width $consoleHeight = $newHeight } else { $consoleWidth = $newWidth $consoleHeight = $height } $image = $image.GetThumbnailImage($consoleWidth, $consoleHeight, $null, [IntPtr]::Zero) # Convert the image to ASCII art for ($y = 0; $y -lt $image.Height; $y++) { $line = "" for ($x = 0; $x -lt $image.Width; $x++) { $pixel = [System.Drawing.Color]$image.GetPixel($x, $y) $brightness = ($pixel.R + $pixel.G + $pixel.B) / 3 if ($brightness -ge 230) { $line += " " } elseif ($brightness -ge 200) { $line += "." } elseif ($brightness -ge 180) { $line += ":" } elseif ($brightness -ge 160) { $line += "-" } elseif ($brightness -ge 130) { $line += "=" } elseif ($brightness -ge 100) { $line += "+" } elseif ($brightness -ge 70) { $line += "*" } elseif ($brightness -ge 50) { $line += "#" } elseif ($brightness -ge 30) { $line += "%" } else { $line += "@" } # Set the foreground color based on the pixel color $color = [System.ConsoleColor]::Black if ($pixel.R -ge 128) { $color += 1 } if ($pixel.G -ge 128) { $color += 2 } if ($pixel.B -ge 128) { $color += 4 } Write-Host -NoNewline $line[-1] -ForegroundColor $color } Write-Host "" } } #EndRegion '.\Public\ConvertTo-AsciiArtColor.ps1' 73 |