
function Get-ModuleUpdates {
        Check powershell modules for updates
        Check powershell modules for updates
        Check imported modules for updates
        Check-ModuleUpdates -all
        Check all available modules for updates
        Check-ModuleUpdates PowershellGet -all
        Check module PowershellGet for updates
        Check-ModuleUpdates -update -skipUpdate "PSReadLine"
        Will update all imported modules except module PSReadLine
        "scour|PSWindowsUpdate|Pscx" | cmu -allowPrerelease -update -skipScan
        Will update modules "scour|PSWindowsUpdate|Pscx" with no scan of installed module versions
        cmu "scour|PSWindowsUpdate|Pscx" -allowPrerelease -update -skipScan
        Will update modules "scour|PSWindowsUpdate|Pscx" with no scan of installed module versions
        Check-ModuleUpdates PackageManagement -all -update
        Will check and update module PackageManagement
        Check-ModuleUpdates -all -update
        Will try to update all available modules
        Check-ModuleUpdates -createSchedTask
        Will create scheduled task to run the script every Friday at 5am. SchedTask will be created for powershell edition, the command was ran from
        cmu -createSchedTaskWithTranscript
        Will create scheduled task with transcript enabled
        cmu -getLastUpdateCommand
        Get latest module update command from the transcript file, created by scheduled task
        cmu -getLastUpdateCommand | iex
        Run latest module update command
        cmu (gmo ps.check*)
        Will check for updates (gmo ps.check*) modules
        Check-ModuleUpdates -all -update -skipUpdate "PSReadLine|PSWindowsUpdate"
        Will update all modules available except modules PSReadLine and PSWindowsUpdate
        Check-ModuleUpdates -all -skipUpdate "VMware.VimAutomation.Srm|VMware.VimAutomation.Storage"
        For PowerCLI, only VMware.PowerCLI should be installed
        Check-ModuleUpdates -allowPrerelease -all
        Will check also prerelease versions
        Check-ModuleUpdates -allowPrerelease -update "PSReadLine"
        Will update PSReadLine to higher prerelease
        Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast
        Will check all modules for updates and send toast notification to Action center
        cmu -compressTranscriptDir
        Will set compression attribute to log/transcript directory ($env:USERPROFILE\.ps.checkModuleUpdate)
        cmu "aws|psreadline" -getModuleAllVersions | ? count -gt 1
        Get-InstalledModule AWSPowerShell -AllVersions | ? version -notmatch "version1|version2" | Uninstall-Module -force -AllowPrerelease
        Get the list of all installed module versions and then uninstall the older ones except two latest versions
        Start-ThreadJob {Get-InstalledModule VMware.VimAutomation.Srm -AllVersions | ? version -NotMatch | Uninstall-Module -force}
        Get-Job | Receive-Job -Keep
        Remove old module versions and then check job results

    param (
        [switch]$update, [switch]$all, [switch]$sendToast, [switch]$createSchedTask, [switch]$createSchedTaskWithTranscript, [switch]$allowPrerelease, [switch]$skipScan, [switch]$getLastUpdateCommand,
        [switch]$compressTranscriptDir, [switch]$getModuleAllVersions
    begin {
        # Set toast
        [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
        [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
        # Get-StartApps | sort name

        # Default scope according platform
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {$PSDefaultParameterValues=@{'Install-module:Scope'="$ScopeCore";'Update-Module:Scope'="$ScopeCore"}}
        else {$PSDefaultParameterValues=@{'Install-module:Scope'="$Scope";'Update-Module:Scope'="$Scope"}}

        if ($getLastUpdateCommand) {
            try {dir $schedTaskTranscriptPath\*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)* | sort LastWriteTime -desc | select -first 1 | gc | sls "cmu -update -all -allowPrerelease -skipScan"; break}
            catch {$_.Exception}

        if ($compressTranscriptDir) {compact.exe /s /c $env:USERPROFILE\.ps.checkModuleUpdate\; break}

    Process {
        if (!$module -and $skipScan) {Write-Host "ERROR: No module names provided for update. Run command with no -skipScan!" -f Red; return}

        if ($getModuleAllVersions) {get-module -ListAvailable | ? name -match $module | select ModuleType,Version,Name,PSEdition,path | group name | sort count -desc | select count -ExpandProperty group | select count,name,version,path | sort count,name,version,path; return}

        # Create sched task
        if ($createSchedTask) {
            # $actionArgCommandString="-command . $SchedTaskScriptPath; Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast"
            $actionArgCommandString="-command import-module ps.checkModuleUpdates; Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast"
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
                    Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT
                    Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am
            elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") {
                    Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT
                    Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am
            Register-ScheduledTask @splatArgs

        if ($createSchedTaskWithTranscript) {
            $schedTaskTranscriptPathFile="Transcript-$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)-"+'$(date -f yyyy-MM-dd)-$(Get-Random 1000).txt'
            $actionArgCommandString="-command import-module ps.checkModuleUpdates; if (!(Test-Path $schedTaskTranscriptPath)) {mkdir -force $schedTaskTranscriptPath}; Start-Transcript -Path $schedTaskTranscriptPath\$schedTaskTranscriptPathFile; Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast; Stop-Transcript"
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
                    Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT
                    Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am
            elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") {
                    Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT
                    Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am
            Register-ScheduledTask @splatArgs


        if (!$skipScan) {

            if ($all) {$gModParam=@{ListAvailable=$true}} else {$gModParam=@{ListAvailable=$false}}
            if ($allowPrerelease) { 
                get-module @gModParam | ? name -notmatch "$exclude" | ? name -match "$module" | select -Unique -pv localModule | %{
                    "--> $_ --> $($", $(
                        if ($_.PrivateData.psdata.prerelease) {$localPrerel=$_.version.ToString()+"-"+$_.PrivateData.psdata.prerelease;"$localPrerel"} 
                        else {$_.version.toString()}), 
                            find-module -name $_ -ea silent -AllowPrerelease | %{
                                if ($localPrerel) {
                                    if (diff $_.version ($localPrerel)) {$_.version.ToString() + " <--"; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()}
                                elseif ($_.version -match '[a-zA-Z]') {if (diff $_.version $localModule.version.toString()) {$_.version.ToString() + " <--"; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()}}
                                else {if ([version]$_.version -gt $localModule.version) {$_.version + ' <--'; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()} }
            else { get-module @gModParam | ? name -notmatch "$exclude" | ? name -match "$module" | select -Unique -pv localModule | %{"--> $_ --> $($", $_.version.ToString(), (find-module -name $_ -ea silent | %{if ([version]$_.version -gt $localModule.version) {[string]$_.version + ' <--'; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()} })} }

            $changelist=$changelist | ?{$_}
            if ($skipUpdate) {$changelist=$changelist | ?{$_ -notmatch "$skipUpdate"} | ?{$_}}

            if (!$changelist -and !$skipUpdate) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green}
            elseif (!$changelist -and $skipUpdate) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow}
            elseif ($changelist -and $skipUpdate) {Write-Host "Module(s) to update: " -f yellow -nonewline; Write-Host "$changelist" -f red; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow}
            elseif ($update -and $skipUpdate -and !$changelist) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow}
            else {Write-Host "Module(s) to update: " -f yellow -nonewline; Write-Host "$changelist" -f red; Write-Host "Run: " -nonewline -f yellow; Write-Host "`"$($changelist -join "|")`" | cmu -update -all -allowPrerelease -skipScan`n" -f cyan}

        if ($module -and $skipScan) {[array]$changelist=($module).split('|')}
        if ($update -and $changelist -and $allowPrerelease) {
            Write-Output "`nWill update: $changelist ..."; foreach ($modName in $changelist) {install-module $modName -force -allowClobber -AllowPrerelease}
        elseif ($update -and $changelist) {Write-Output "`nWill update: $changelist ..."; install-module $changelist -force -allowClobber}
        # Send toast
        if ($sendToast -and $changelist) {
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
                $XmlString = @"
                    <binding template="ToastGeneric">
                    <text>Module updates (PSCore):</text>

            elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") {
                $XmlString = @"
                    <binding template="ToastGeneric">
                    <text>Module updates:</text>
