
Visual DesignerShell 3.0.0
This project merges a restyled Visual DialogShell vds 0.3.38 and
powershell-designer 2.1.7
The intent of this project is to bring the functionality of Visual DialogShell
into PowerShell refactoring from the Visual DialogScript style guide and
switching to the PowerShell style guide. In addition, this project will
refactor the output of scripts generated with powershell-designer to better
conform with the PowerShell style guide. This project breaks compatibility with
code written in Visual DialogShell, even so, it supercedes that previous
product and contains bug fixes that will not be implemented in the previous
project. Compatibility will be maintained with powershell-designer 2.1.7 but may
include bug fixes not found in the previous product.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Brandon Cunningham
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

function Add-Alt {
        Sends the ALT key plus string.
        This function will prepend a the string parameter with the alt key
        commonly specified by the '%' character.
    .PARAMETER TextValue
        The text being passed to the Function
        $altfs = "$(Add-Alt F) S"
        $altfs = "$(Add-Alt -TextValue F) S"
        $altfs = "$('F' | Add-Alt) S"
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) "$(Add-Alt F) S"
        TextValue as String
        Only useful with 'Send-Window'.

    param (

    return "%$TextValue"

function Add-CommonControl {
        Adds a common control to a vdsForm object
        This function adds a common control to a vdsForm object.
        The vdsForm to add the object to.
    .PARAMETER ControlType
        The type of control to add to the vdsForm from the following set:
        'Button','CheckBox','CheckedListBox','ComboBox', 'DataGrid',
        The value of the Top property of the control.
        The value of the Left property of the control.
    .PARAMETER Width
        The value of the Width property of the control.
    .PARAMETER Hieght
        The value of the Height property of the control.
        The value of the Text property of the control.
        $Button1 = Add-CommonControl $Form1 Button 60 30 200 25 "Execute"
        $TextBox1 = Add-CommonControl -Form $Form1 -ControlType TextBox -Top 30 -Left 30 -Width 200 -Height 25
        $TextBox1 = $Form1 | Add-CommonControl -ControlType TextBox -Top 30 -Left 30 -Width 200 -Height 25
        Form as Object, ControlType as ValidatedString, Top as Int, Left as Int, Width as Int, Height as Int, Text as String
        System Windows Forms (ControlType)
        Normally precedented by the New-Form command.

    param (
    $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ControlType
    $Control.Top = $Top * $ctscale
    $Control.Left = $Left * $ctscale
    $Control.Width = $Width * $ctscale
    $Control.Height = $Height * $ctscale
    $Control.Text = $Text
    return $Control

function Add-ContextMenuStrip {
        Adds a ContextMenuStrip control to an existing object.
        This function will add a ContextMenuStrip control to a specified existing object.
    .PARAMETER Object
        The object to add a ContextMenuStrip to.
        $CMenuStrip1 = Add-ContextMenuStrip $Form1
        $ContextMenuStrip1 = Add-MenuStrip -object $Taskicon1
        $CMenuStrip1 = $Form1 | Add-MenuStrip
        Object as Object
        System Windows Forms ContextMenuStrip

    param (
    $MenuStrip = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
    $MenuStrip.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
    $Object.ContextMenuStrip = $MenuStrip
    return $MenuStrip

function Add-ContextMenuStripItem{
        Adds an item to a context menu strip.
        This function will add an item to an existing context menu strip.
    .PARAMETER ContextMenuStrip
        The ContextMenuStrip to add an item to.
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title to apply to the item.
    .PARAMETER Image
        The image from file or stream to apply to the menu row item.
    .PARAMETER ShortCutKeys
        The ShortCutKey to apply to the menu row item.
        $ContextMenuStripRow1 = Add-ContextMenuStripItem $ContextMenuStrip1 "&New"
        $ContextMenuStripRow1 = Add-ContextMenuStripItem $ContextMenuStrip1 "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        $ContextMenuStripRow1 = Add-ContextMenuStripItem -ContextMenuStrip $ContextMenuStrip1 -Title "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        $ContextMenuStripRow1 = $ContextMenuStrip1 | Add-ContextMenuStripItem -Title "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        ContextMenuStrip as System Windows Forms ContextMenuStrip, Title as String, Image as String, ShortCutKeys as String
        System Windows Forms ToolStripMenuItem

    param (
    $MenuRow = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
    if ($Image -ne ""){
        if ((Get-SubString $Image 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
            $MenuRow.Image = Get-ImageFromStream $Image
            $MenuRow.Image = Get-ImageFromFile $Image
    if ($ShortCutKeys -ne ""){
        $MenuRow.ShortCutKeys = $ShortCutKeys
        $MenuRow.ShowShortCutKeys = $True
    $MenuRow.Name = $Title
    $MenuRow.Text = $Title
    $ContextMenuStrip.Items.add($MenuRow) | Out-Null
    return $MenuRow

function Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator {
        Adds a seperator in the rows of a context menu strip.
        This function will add a seperator in the rows of a context menu strip.
    .PARAMETER ContextMenuStrip
        The ContextMenuStrip to add a seperator to.
        $Sep1 = Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator $TaskIcon1ContextMenu
        $Sep1 = Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator -ContextMenuStrip $TaskIcon1ContextMenu
        $Sep1 = $TaskIcon1ContextMenu | Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator
        ContextMenuStrip as System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip

    param (
    $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
    $ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add($item) | Out-Null

function Add-CTRL {
        Sends the CTRL key plus string. Only useful with 'Send-Window'.
        This function will prepend a the string parameter with the ctrl key
        commonly specified by the '^' character.
    .PARAMETER TextValue
        The text being passed to the Function
        $ctrls = "$(Add-CTRL S)"
        $ctrls = "$(Add-CTRL -TextValue S)"
        $ctrls = "$('S' | Add-CTRL)"
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) "$(Add-CTRL S)"
        TextValue as String

    param (

    return "^$TextValue"

function Add-ExcelWorkbook {
        Adds a new excel workbook to a initialized excel object.
        This function will add a excel workbook to a initialized excel object.
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The initialized excel object to add a workbook to.
        $Workbook = Add-ExcelWorkbook $ExcelObject
        $Workbook = Add-ExcelWorkbook -Excel $ExcelObject
        $Workbook = $ExcelObject | Add-ExcelWorkbook
        $Excel as Excel.Application

    param (
    return $Excel.Workbooks.add()

function Add-ExcelWorksheet {
        Adds a new excel worksheet to an excel workbook
        This function will add a excel worksheet to a excel workbook
    .PARAMETER Workbook
        The workbook to add a worksheet to
        $Worksheet = Add-ExcelWorksheet $Workbook
        $Worksheet = Add-ExcelWorksheet -workbook $Workbook
        $Worksheet = $Workbook | Add-ExcelWorksheet
        $Excel as Excel.Application.Workbook

    param (
    return $Workbook.Worksheets.Add()

function Add-Font {
        Installs a font from a font file
        This function installs a font from a font file
        The path of the font file
        Add-Font 'c:\temp\cgtr66w.ttf'
        Add-Font -path 'c:\temp\cgtr66w.ttf'
        'c:\temp\cgtr66w.ttf' | Add-Font
        Path as String

    param (
    $shellapp =  New-Object -ComoObject Shell.Application
    $Fonts = $shellapp.NameSpace(0x14)

function Add-Hotkey {
        Registers a global hotkey to a form.
        This function registers a hotkey to a form of type vdsForm
        The form to register the hotkey to.
        Add-Hotkey $Form1 1 ((Get-VirtualKey Alt)+(Get-VirtualKey Control)) (Get-VirtualKey v)
        function hotkeyEvent {
            param (
            switch ($Event) {
                '1' {
                    #Process event here
        Add-Hotkey -form $Form1 -registerindex 1 -ModifierVirtualKeys $null -VirtualKey (Get-VirtualKey F1)
        function hotkeyEvent {
            param (
            switch ($Event) {
                '1' {
                    #Process event here
        $Form1 | Add-Hotkey -registerindex 1 -ModifierVirtualKeys $null -VirtualKey (Get-VirtualKey F1)
        function hotkeyEvent {
            param (
            switch ($Event) {
                '1' {
                    #Process event here
        Form as vdsForm, RegisterIndex as Integer,
        ModifierVirtualKeys[] as Hexidecimal,
        VirtualKey as Hexidecimal
        Registered Event
        The use of this function REQUIRES the event to be caught by the
        hotkeyEvent function which processes the event by hotkey index.

    param (
    [vdsForm]::RegisterHotKey($Form.handle,$RegisterIndex,$ModifierVirtualKeys,$VirtualKey) | out-null
    if ($global:hotkeyobject -ne $true) {
        $hotkey = Add-CommonControl -Form $Form -ControlType 'label' -top 0 -left 0 -width 0 -height 0
        $hotkey.Name = 'hotkey'
            if ($this.text -ne ""){
                hotkeyEvent $this.text
            $this.text = ""
        $global:hotkeyobject = $true

function Add-MenuColumn {
        Adds a Menu column header to an existing MenuStrip control.
        This function will add a menu column header tool strip menu item to an
        existing menustrip control.
    .PARAMETER MenuStrip
        The menustrip to add a column header to.
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title to apply to the column header.
        $FileColumn = Add-MenuColumn $MenuStrip1 "&File"
        $FileColumn = Add-MenuColumn -MenuStrip $MenuStrip1 -Title "&File"
        $FileColumn = $MenuStrip1 | Add-MenuColumn -Title "&File"
        MenuStrip as System Windows Forms MenuStrip, Title as String
        System Windows Forms ToolStripMenuItem

    param (
    $MenuColumn = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
    $MenuColumn.Name = $Title
    $MenuColumn.Text = $Title
    $MenuStrip.Items.add($MenuColumn) | Out-Null
    return $MenuColumn

function Add-MenuColumnSeperator {
        Adds a seperator in the rows of a menu column.
        This function will add a seperator in the rows of a menu column.
    .PARAMETER MenuColumn
        The MenuColumn to add a seperator to.
        $Sep1 = Add-MenuColumnSeperator $FileMenu
        $Sep1 = Add-MenuColumnSeperator -MenuColumn $FileMenu
        $Sep1 = $FileMenu | Add-MenuColumnSeperator
        MenuColumn as System Windows Forms MenuStripItem

    param (
    $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
    $MenuColumn.DropDownItems.Add($item) | Out-Null

function Add-MenuRow {
        Adds a Menu row to an existing menu column header or context menu.
        This function will add a menu column header tool strip menu item to an
        existing menustrip control or context menu.
    .PARAMETER MenuStrip
        The menustrip to add a column header to.
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title to apply to the column header.
    .PARAMETER Image
        The image from file or stream to apply to the menu row item.
    .PARAMETER ShortCutKeys
        The ShortCutKey to apply to the menu row item.
        $FileMenuRow1 = Add-MenuRow $FileMenu "&New"
        $FileMenuSubRow1 = Add-MenuRow $FileMenuRow1 "&Text File"
        $FileMenuRow1 = Add-MenuRow $FileMenu "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        $FileMenuRow1 = Add-MenuRow -MenuColumn $FileMenu -Title "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        $FileMenuRow1 = $FileMenu | Add-MenuRow -Title "&New" -Image "c:\images\new.png" -ShortCutKeys "Ctrl+N"
        MenuStrip as System Windows Forms MenuStrip, Title as String
        System Windows Forms ToolStripMenuItem

    param (
    $MenuRow = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
    if ($Image -ne ""){
        if ((Get-SubString $Image 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
            $MenuRow.Image = Get-ImageFromStream $Image
            $MenuRow.Image = Get-ImageFromFile $Image
    if ($ShortCutKeys -ne ""){
        $MenuRow.ShortCutKeys = $ShortCutKeys
        $MenuRow.ShowShortCutKeys = $True
    $MenuRow.Name = $Title
    $MenuRow.Text = $Title
    $MenuColumn.DropDownItems.Add($MenuRow) | Out-Null
    return $MenuRow

function Add-MenuStrip {
        Adds a MenuStrip control to an existing form.
        This function will add a MenuStrip control to a specified existing form.
        The form to add a MenuStrip to.
        $MenuStrip1 = Add-MenuStrip $Form1
        $MenuStrip1 = Add-MenuStrip -Form $Form1
        $MenuStrip1 = $Form1 | Add-MenuStrip
        Form as Object
        System Windows Forms MenuStrip

    param (
    $MenuStrip = new-object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
    $MenuStrip.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
    return $MenuStrip

function Add-Shift {
        Sends the SHIFT key plus string.
        This function will prepend a the string parameter with the shift key
        commonly specified by the '+' character.
    .PARAMETER TextValue
        The text being passed to the Function
        $shift = Add-Shift f
        $shift = Add-Shift -textvalue f
        $shift = f | Add-Shift
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) (Add-Shift f)
        TextValue as String
        Only useful with 'Send-Window'.

    param (
    return "+$TextValue"

function Add-StatusStrip {
        Creates a StatusStrip control
        This function creates a StatusStrip control to be added to a form.
        The vdsForm to add the StatusStrip to.
        $StatusStrip1 = Add-StatusStrip $Form1
        $StatusStrip1.items[0].Text = "Ready"
        $StatusStrip1 = Add-StatusStrip -Form $Form1
        $StatusStrip1.items[0].Text = "Ready"
        $StatusStrip1 = $Form1 | Add-StatusStrip
        $StatusStrip1.items[0].Text = "Ready"
        Form as Object
        System Windows Forms StatusStrip with System Windows Forms ToolStripStatusLabel as a child object.

    param (
    $statusstrip = new-object System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip
    $ToolStripStatusLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel
    return $statusstrip

function Add-Tab() {
        Sends the tab key
        This function sends the tab key
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) Add-Tab
        Only useful with 'Send-Window'.
    return "`t" 

function Add-ToolStrip {
        Adds a ToolStrip to an existing Form.
        This function adds a ToolStrip to an existing Form.
        The Form to add the ToolStrip to.
        $ToolStrip1 = Add-ToolStrip $Form1
        $ToolStrip1 = Add-ToolStrip -Form $Form1
        $ToolStrip1 = $Form1 | Add-ToolStrip
        Form as Object
        System Windows Forms ToolStrip

    param (
    $ToolStrip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip
    $ToolStrip.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
    $ToolStrip.Height = $ToolStrip.Height * $ctscale
    return $ToolStrip

function Add-ToolStripItem {
        Adds a ToolStripItem to an existing ToolStrip.
        This function adds a ToolStripItem to an existing ToolStrip.
        The Form to add the ToolStrip to.
        $ToolStripItem1 = Add-ToolStripItem
        $ToolStrip1 = Add-ToolStrip -Form $Form1
        $ToolStrip1 = $Form1 | Add-ToolStrip
        ToolStrip as System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip, Name as String, Image as String, ToolTipText as String, VisibleText as String
        This function does not return an output because after a ToolStripButton
        is initialized it must be referenced by name or index by the parent
        ToolStrip object, this is why Name is required. If it where to be
        returned from this function it would have to be as global, which is
        outside of style. This is a problem with non-standard behavior of the
        ToolStrip object and would need fixed by the Microsoft.NET team.
            $ToolStrip1.Items["Undo"].Add_Click({Write-Host "Process Undo"})

    param (
    $btn = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton
    $btn.text = $VisibleText
    $btn.Name = $Name
    if ((Get-Substring $Image 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
        $btn.image = Get-ImageFromStream $Image
    else {
    $btn.image = Get-ImageFromFile $Image
    $btn.ToolTipText = $ToolTipText

function Add-ToolStripSeperator {
        Adds a seperator in the items of a tool strip.
        This function will add a seperator in the items of a tool strip.
    .PARAMETER ToolStrip
        The ToolStrip to add a seperator to.
        $Sep1 = Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator $TaskIcon1ContextMenu
        $Sep1 = Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator -ContextMenuStrip $TaskIcon1ContextMenu
        $Sep1 = $TaskIcon1ContextMenu | Add-ContextMenuStripSeperator
        ContextMenuStrip as System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip

    param (
    $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
    $ToolStrip.Items.Add($item) | Out-Null

function Add-WPFControl {
        Creates a control inside of a wpf container object
        This function creates a control inside of a wpf container object
    .PARAMETER ControlType
        The type of control to add from the following validated list:
        Button, Calendar, CheckBox,ComboBox,
        ComboBoxItem, DatePicker, DocumentViewer, Expander,
        FlowDocumentReader, GroupBox, Hyperlink, Image, InkCanvas,
        Label, ListBox, ListBoxItem, Menu, MenuItem, PasswordBox,
        ProgressBar, RadioButton, RichTextBox, SrollViewer,
        SinglePageViewer,Slider, TabControl, TabItem, Table,
        TextBlock, TextBox, ToolBar, ToolTip, TreeView,
        TreeViewItem, WebBrowser
    .PARAMETER Container
        The container to add the control to
        The text to display on the control
        The top position for the control
        The left position for the control
    .PARAMETER Height
        The height for the control
    .PARAMETER Width
        The width for the control
        $Button1 = Add-WPFControl 'Button' 'Grid1' 'Button1' 20 20 20 200
        $Button1 = Add-WPFControl -ControlType 'Button' -Container 'Grid1' -Text 'Button1' -top 20 -left 20 -height 20 -width 200
        $Button1 = 'Button' | Add-WPFControl -Container 'Grid1' -Text 'Button1' -top 20 -left 20 -height 20 -width 200
        ControlType as ValidatedString, Container as Object, Text as String, Top as String, Left as String, Height as String, Width as String

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Button', 'Calendar', 'CheckBox','ComboBox', 
        'ComboBoxItem', 'DatePicker', 'DocumentViewer', 'Expander', 
        'FlowDocumentReader', 'GroupBox', 'Hyperlink', 'Image', 'InkCanvas', 
        'Label', 'ListBox', 'ListBoxItem', 'Menu', 'MenuItem', 'PasswordBox', 
        'ProgressBar', 'RadioButton', 'RichTextBox', 'SrollViewer',
        'SinglePageViewer','Slider', 'TabControl', 'TabItem', 'Table', 
        'TextBlock', 'TextBox', 'ToolBar', 'ToolTip', 'TreeView', 
        'TreeViewItem', 'WebBrowser')]
    $control = new-object System.Windows.Controls.$ControlType
    $control.Content = "$Text"
    $Container.Children.Insert($Container.Children.Count, $control)
    $control.VerticalAlignment = "Top"
    $control.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
    $control.Margin = "$Left,$Top,0,0"
    $control.Height = "$Height"
    $control.Width = "$Width"
    return $control

function Assert-List {
        Asserts a list operation
        This function asserts a list operation.
        The list to assert the operation.
    .PARAMETER Assertion
        The assertion for the list.
        Add, Append, Assign, Clear, Create, Copy,
        Delete, Insert, Paste, Put, Reverse, Seek, Sort,
        Dropfiles, Filelist, Folderlist, Fontlist, Loadfile,
        Loadtext, Modules, Regkeys, Regvals, Savefile, Tasklist,
    .PARAMETER Parameter
        The Parameter to the assertion.
        Add=Text, Append=LineFeedItems, Assign=List, Insert=Text, Put=Text,
        Seek=Text, DropFiles=$_, Filelist=Path, Folderlist=Path,
        Loadfile=Path, Loadtext=LineFeedItems, Modules=Process, Regkeys=Path,
        Regvals=Path, Savefile=Path
        Assert-List $list1 Add "item"
        Assert-List -list $list1 -assertion Add -parameter "item"
        $list1 | Assert-List -assertion Add -parameter "item"
        Assert-List $list1 append "Banana
        Assert-List $list1 assign $list2
        Assert-List $list1 clear
        $list1 = Assert-List -assertion Create
        Assert-List $list1 copy
        Assert-List $list1 delete
        Assert-List $list1 insert $item
        Assert-List $list1 paste
        Assert-List $list1 put $item
        Assert-List $list1 reverse
        Assert-List $list1 seek 5
        Assert-List $list1 sort
        $list1.AllowDrop = $true
            Assert-List $list1 dropfiles $_
        Assert-List $list1 filelist "c:\temp\"
        Assert-List $list1 folderlist "c:\temp\"
        Assert-List $ComboBox1 Fontlist
        Assert-List $list1 Loadfile 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        Assert-List $list1 loadtext "Rice
        Assert-List $list1 modules "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
        Assert-List $list1 regkeys hkcu:\software\dialogshell
        Assert-List $list1 regvals hkcu:\software\dialogshell
        Assert-List $list1 savefile "c:\temp\temp-modifled.txt"
        Assert-List $list1 tasklist
        Assert-List $list1 winlist
        List as Object, Assertion as String, Parameter as String

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Add', 'Append', 'Assign', 'Clear', 'Create', 'Copy',
        'Delete', 'Insert', 'Paste', 'Put', 'Reverse', 'Seek', 'Sort', 
        'Dropfiles', 'Filelist', 'Folderlist', 'Fontlist', 'Loadfile', 
        'Loadtext', 'Modules', 'Regkeys', 'Regvals', 'Savefile', 'Tasklist',
    switch ($Assertion) {
        add {
            $List.Items.Add($Parameter) | Out-Null
        append {
        assign {
        clear {
        return New-Object System.Windows.Forms.listbox
        copy {
            Set-Clipboard $List.items
        delete {
        insert {
        paste {     
                $clip = Get-Clipboard
        put {
                $sel = $List.selectedIndex
        reverse {
            $rev = [array]$List.items
        seek {
            $List.selectedIndex = $Parameter
        sort {
            $List.sorted = $true
        dropfiles {
            if ($Parameter.Data.GetDataPresent([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                foreach ($filename in $Parameter.Data.GetData([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                    list add $List $filename
        }# list dropfiles $List1 $_
         # declare: $List1.AllowDrop = $true
         # Use $List1.add_DragEnter
        filelist {
            $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($item in $items) {
                if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory") {
                    list add $List $item
        folderlist {
            $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($item in $items) {
                if ($item.Attributes -eq "Directory") {
                    list add $List $item
        fontlist {  
            $r = (New-Object System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection).Families
            foreach ($s in $r){
        loadfile {
            $content = (get-content $Parameter).Split([char][byte]10)
        loadtext {
        modules {
            $process = Get-Process $Parameter -module
            foreach ($module in $process) {
                $List.items.Add($module) | Out-Null
        regkeys {
            $keys = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                $List.items.add($key) | Out-Null
        regvals {
            #$name = Get-Item -Path $Parameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | Out-String
            $name = $(out-string -inputobject $(select-object -inputobject $(get-item -path $Parameter) -expandproperty property))
        savefile {
        $List.items | Out-File $Parameter
        tasklist {
            $proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName | Out-String
        winlist {
            $win = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -ne ""} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MainWindowTitle | Out-String

function Clear-Clipboard {
    Clears the text from the clipboard.
    This function will clear the value from the Text portion of the clipboard.

    echo $null | clip

function Close-DataSourceName {
        Closes the connection to a data source name in the ODBC object
        This function closes the connection to a Data Source Name (DSN) that an
        ODBC Object to connected to. The ODBC Object is the parameter for this
        The ODBCObject, usually the return object from the Initialize-ODBC command.
        Close-DataSourceName $database
        Close-DataSourceName -ODBCObject $database
        $database | Close-DataSourceName
        System Data ODBC ODBCConnection

    param (

function Close-Window {
        Closes a window
        This function closes a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Close-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Close-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Close-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    New-SendMessage $Handle 0x0112 0xF060 0

function Compress-Window {
        Minimizes a window
        This function minimizes a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Compress-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Compress-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Compress-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_MINIMIZE")

function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {
        Opens a form from XAML in the format specified by 'powershell-designer'
        or its predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        This function opens a form from XAML in the format specified by 'powershell-designer'
        or its predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        The XML object or XML string specifying the parameters for the form object
    .PARAMETER Reference
        This function recursively calls itself. Internal parameter for child
        objects, not typically called programatically. Also this function is
        maintained for legacy compatibility PowerShell WinForm Creator, which
        does require the call in some instances due to not creating automatic
    .PARAMETER Supress
        This function recursively calls itself. Internal parameter for child
        objects, not typically called programatically.
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
        <Form Name="MainForm" Size="800,600" Tag="VisualStyle,DPIAware" Text="MainForm">
            <Button Name="Button1" Location="176,94" Text="Button1" />
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML @"
        <Form Name="MainForm" Size="800,600" Tag="VisualStyle,DPIAware" Text="MainForm">
            <Button Name="Button1" Location="176,94" Text="Button1" />
    $content = [xml](get-content $Path)
    ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -xml $content.Data.Form.OuterXml
    $content = [xml](get-content $Path)
    ConvertFrom-WinformsXML $content.Data.Form.OuterXml
        Xml as String || Xml as xml
        Each object created has a variable created to access the object
        according to its Name attribute e.g. $Button1

    try {
        if ( $Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {
            $Xml = ([xml]$Xml).ChildNodes
        $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            if ($attribName -eq 'Tag'){
                if (($attrib.Value | Out-String).Contains("VisualStyle")) {
                if (($attrib.Value | Out-String).Contains("DPIAware")) {
        $Cskip = $false
        if ($attribName -eq 'ControlType') {
            $newControl = New-Object ($attrib.Value | Out-String)
            $Cskip = $true
        switch ($Xml.ToString()){
        'Form'{$newControl = [vdsForm] @{
             ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 0,0}}
        'WebView2'{$newControl = New-Object Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.WebView2}
        'FastColoredTextBox'{$newControl = New-Object FastColoredTextBoxNS.FastColoredTextBox}
            if ($Cskip -eq $false){
                $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString())}}
        if ( $ParentControl ) {
            if ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ToolStrip' ) {
                $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
            else {
                if ( $Xml.ToString() -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    if ( $ParentControl.GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    else {
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {
                    $ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = $newControl
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {
                    $newControl = $ParentControl.$($Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])
                else {

        $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            if ($attribName -eq 'Opacity'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split('%')
                $attrib.value = $n[0]/100
            if ($attribName -eq 'ColumnWidth'){
                $attrib.Value = [math]::round(($attrib.Value / 1)  * $ctscale)
            if ($attribName -eq 'Size'){                
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'Location'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'MaximumSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'MinimumSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'ImageScalingSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'TileSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"

            if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $attribName ) {
                if ( $attribName -eq 'Items' ) {
                    $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object {
                else {
                        # Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control
                    $methodName = "Add$($attribName)" -replace "s$"
                    $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object { 
            else {
                switch ($attribName) {
                    FlatAppearance {
                        $attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {
                            $newControl.FlatAppearance.$($_.Split('=')[0]) = $_.Split('=')[1]
                    default {
                        if ( $null -ne $newControl.$attribName ) {
                            if ( $newControl.$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                                if ( $attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {
                                    $value = $true
                                else {
                                    $value = $false
                            else {
                                $value = $attrib.Value
                        else {
                            $value = $attrib.Value
                        switch ($xml.ToString()) {
                            "FolderBrowserDialog" {
                                if ($xml.Description) {
                                    $newControl.Description = $xml.Description
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.RootFolder) {
                                    $newControl.RootFolder = $xml.RootFolder
                                if ($xml.SelectedPath) {
                                    $newControl.SelectedPath = $xml.SelectedPath
                                if ($xml.ShowNewFolderButton) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNewFolderButton = $xml.ShowNewFolderButton
                            "OpenFileDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AddExtension) {
                                        $newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension
                                if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled) {
                                    $newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled
                                if ($xml.CheckFileExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists
                                if ($xml.CheckPathExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists
                                if ($xml.DefaultExt) {
                                    $newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt
                                if ($xml.DereferenceLinks) {
                                    $newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks
                                if ($xml.FileName) {
                                    $newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName
                                if ($xml.Filter) {
                                    $newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter
                                if ($xml.FilterIndex) {
                                    $newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex
                                if ($xml.InitialDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory
                                if ($xml.Multiselect) {
                                    $newControl.Multiselect = $xml.Multiselect
                                if ($xml.ReadOnlyChecked) {
                                    $newControl.ReadOnlyChecked = $xml.ReadOnlyChecked
                                if ($xml.RestoreDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowReadOnly) {
                                    $newControl.ShowReadOnly = $xml.ShowReadOnly
                                if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions) {
                                    $newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.Title) {
                                    $newControl.Title = $xml.Title
                                if ($xml.ValidateNames) {
                                    $newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames
                            "ColorDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowFullOpen) {
                                    $newControl.AllowFullOpen = $xml.AllowFullOpen
                                if ($xml.AnyColor) {
                                    $newControl.AnyColor = $xml.AnyColor
                                if ($xml.Color) {
                                    $newControl.Color = $xml.Color
                                if ($xml.FullOpen) {
                                    $newControl.FullOpen = $xml.FullOpen
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.SolidColorOnly) {
                                    $newControl.SolidColorOnly = $xml.SolidColorOnly
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "FontDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowScriptChange) {
                                    $newControl.AllowScriptChange = $xml.AllowScriptChange
                                if ($xml.AllowSimulations) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSimulations = $xml.AllowSimulations
                                if ($xml.AllowVectorFonts) {
                                    $newControl.AllowVectorFonts = $xml.AllowVectorFonts
                                if ($xml.Color) {
                                    $newControl.Color = $xml.Color
                                if ($xml.FixedPitchOnly) {
                                    $newControl.FixedPitchOnly = $xml.FixedPitchOnly
                                if ($xml.Font) {
                                    $newControl.Font = $xml.Font
                                if ($xml.FontMustExists) {
                                    $newControl.FontMustExists = $xml.FontMustExists
                                if ($xml.MaxSize) {
                                    $newControl.MaxSize = $xml.MaxSize
                                if ($xml.MinSize) {
                                    $newControl.MinSize = $xml.MinSize
                                if ($xml.ScriptsOnly) {
                                    $newControl.ScriptsOnly = $xml.ScriptsOnly
                                if ($xml.ShowApply) {
                                    $newControl.ShowApply = $xml.ShowApply
                                if ($xml.ShowColor) {
                                    $newControl.ShowColor = $xml.ShowColor
                                if ($xml.ShowEffects) {
                                    $newControl.ShowEffects = $xml.ShowEffects
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "PageSetupDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowMargins) {
                                    $newControl.AllowMargins = $xml.AllowMargins
                                if ($xml.AllowOrientation) {
                                    $newControl.AllowOrientation = $xml.AllowOrientation
                                if ($xml.AllowPaper) {
                                    $newControl.AllowPaper = $xml.AllowPaper
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.EnableMetric) {
                                    $newControl.EnableMetric = $xml.EnableMetric
                                if ($xml.MinMargins) {
                                    $newControl.MinMargins = $xml.MinMargins
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowNetwork) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "PrintDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowCurrentPage) {
                                    $newControl.AllowCurrentPage = $xml.AllowCurrentPage
                                if ($xml.AllowPrintToFile) {
                                    $newControl.AllowPrintToFile = $xml.AllowPrintToFile
                                if ($xml.AllowSelection) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSelection = $xml.AllowSelection
                                if ($xml.AllowSomePages) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSomePages = $xml.AllowSomePages
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.PrintToFile) {
                                    $newControl.PrintToFile = $xml.PrintToFile
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowNetwork) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.UseEXDialog) {
                                    $newControl.UseEXDialog = $xml.UseEXDialog
                            "PrintPreviewDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AutoSizeMode) {
                                    $newControl.AutoSizeMode = $xml.AutoSizeMode
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.MainMenuStrip) {
                                    $newControl.MainMenuStrip = $xml.MainMenuStrip
                                if ($xml.ShowIcon) {
                                    $newControl.ShowIcon = $xml.ShowIcon
                                if ($xml.UseAntiAlias) {
                                    $newControl.UseAntiAlias = $xml.UseAntiAlias
                            "SaveFileDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AddExtension) {
                                    $newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension
                                if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled) {
                                    $newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled
                                if ($xml.CheckFileExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists
                                if ($xml.CheckPathExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists
                                if ($xml.CreatePrompt) {
                                    $newControl.CreatePrompt = $xml.CreatePrompt
                                if ($xml.DefaultExt) {
                                    $newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt
                                if ($xml.DereferenceLinks) {
                                    $newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks
                                if ($xml.FileName) {
                                    $newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName
                                if ($xml.Filter) {
                                    $newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter
                                if ($xml.FilterIndex) {
                                    $newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex
                                if ($xml.InitialDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory
                                if ($xml.Multiselect) {
                                    $newControl.OverwritePrompt = $xml.OverwritePrompt
                                if ($xml.RestoreDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions) {
                                    $newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.Title) {
                                    $newControl.Title = $xml.Title
                                if ($xml.ValidateNames) {
                                    $newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames
                            "Timer" {
                                if ($xml.Enabled) {
                                    $newControl.Enabled = $xml.Enabled
                                if ($xml.Interval) {
                                    $newControl.Interval = $xml.Interval
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            default {
                                $newControl.$attribName = $value
            if ($newControl.Name){             
                if ((Test-Path variable:global:"$($newControl.Name)") -eq $False) {
                    New-Variable -Name $newControl.Name -Scope global -Value $newControl | Out-Null
            if (( $attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( $Reference -ne '' )) {
                try {
                    $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -Value @{} | Out-Null
                    $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ( $Xml.ChildNodes ) {
            $Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml $_ -ParentControl $newControl -Reference $Reference -Suppress}
        if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {
            return $newControl
    catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"

function ConvertFrom-WPFXaml {
        Transforms XAML string into a Windows Presentation Foundation window
        This function transforms XAML string into a Windows Presentation
        Foundation window (ambiguous)
    .PARAMETER xaml
        The source XAML string to transform
        ConvertFrom-WPFXaml $xaml
        ConvertFrom-WPFXaml -xaml $xaml
        $xaml | ConvertFrom-WPFXaml
        xaml as String
        Windows.Markup.XamlReader and Global Variables for Controls within the window by Control Name

    param (
    $xaml = $xaml -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace 'd:DesignHeight="\d*?"', '' -replace 'x:Class=".*?"', '' -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace 'd:DesignWidth="\d*?"', '' 
    [xml]$xaml = $xaml
    $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml))
    $xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{
        Set-Variable -Name $_.Name.ToString() -Value $presentation.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global
    return $presentation

function ConvertTo-DateTime {
        Returns back the value of a string as datetime.
        This function will return the value of the string parameter as a
        datetime object.
    .PARAMETER DateTime
        The text to convert Date/Time format.
        $Date = ConvertTo-DateTime '7/7/2024'
        $Date = ConvertTo-DateTime -DateTime '7/7/2024'
        $Date = '7/7/2024' | ConvertTo-DateTime
        write-host (ConvertTo-DateTime '7/17/2020 8:52:33 pm').AddDays(-1)
        DateTime as String

    param (
    return [System.Convert]::ToDateTime($DateTime)

function ConvertTo-String {
        Converts the input to string
        This function converts the input to string
    .PARAMETER Input
        The input to convert to string
        $toString = ConvertTo-String $Object
        $toString = ConvertTo-String -input $Object
        $toString = $Object | ConvertTo-String
        Input as Variant

    param (
    return ($Input | Out-String).trim()

function Copy-File {
        Copies a file to a destination
        This function copies a file to a destination
        Path to copy the file from
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The destination to copy the file to
        Copy-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt' 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        Copy-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt' -Destination 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Copy-File -Destination 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        Path as String, Destination as String

    param (
    copy-item -path $Path -destination $Destination -recurse

function Copy-RegistryKey {
        Copies a registry key to another location
        This function copies a registry key to another location.
        The path to the registry key
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The path to copy the key to
        Copy-RegistryKey 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        Copy-RegistryKey -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' -destination 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        Path as String, Destination as String

    param (
    Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination

function Expand-Window {
        Maximizes a window
        This function maximizes a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Expand-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Expand-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Expand-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_MAXIMIZE")

function Find-ListMatch {
        Finds and seeks the index of an item in a list
        This function finds and seeks the index of an item in a list
        The list to seek
        The text to seek
    .PARAMETER Start
        The start point (optional)
        $index = FindListMatch $ListBox1 "Guitar"
        $index = FindListMatch -list $ListBox1 -text "Guitar" -start ($index + 1)
        $index = $ListBox1 | FindListMatch -text "Guitar"
        List as Object, Text as String, Start as Integer

    param (
    if ($Start -eq $null){
        $Start = -1
    try {
        $return = $List.FindString($Text,$Start)
    catch {
        $return = $List.Items.IndexOf($Text)
    return $return

function Get-Abs {
        Returns the absolute value of a number.
        This function will call upon the math module to take the input of a
        number and return the absolute value of that number.
    .PARAMETER NumberValue
        The number being passed to the function.
        Get-Abs -34.6
        Get-Abs -NumberValue -34.6
        -34.6 | Get-Abs
        Write-Host "The absolute value of -34.6 is $(Get-Abs -34.6)"
        NumberValue as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::abs($NumberValue)

function Get-ActiveWindow {
        Returns the handle of the active window
        This function returns the handle of the active window
        $winactive = Get-ActiveWindow

    return [vds]::GetForegroundWindow()

function Get-Answer {
        Opens a dialog window to ask the user a yes or no question.
        This function will call upon Windows Forms to display a Information
        dialog asking the user a Yes or No quesiton.
    .PARAMETER QuestionText
        The question to ask the end user.
    .PARAMETER TitleText
        Get-Answer "Are the birds singing?"
        Get-Answer "Are the birds singing?" "About the birds"
        Get-Answer -TitleText "About the birds" -QuestionText "Are the birds singing?"
        "Are the birds singing?" | Get-Answer
        QuestionText as String, TitleText as String
        Yes or No as String

    param (
    $GetAnswer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($QuestionText,$TitleText,'YesNo','Info')
    return $GetAnswer

function Get-Arctangent {
        Returns arctangent
        This function returns the arctangent of a number
    .PARAMETER Number
        $arc = Get-Arctangent 36
        $arc = Get-Arctangent -Number 36
        $arc = 36 | Get-Arctangent
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::atan($Number)

function Get-Ascii {
        Returns the ascii code number related to the character specified
        in the string parameter.
        This function will return the ascii code number or 'byte character'
        related to the character specified in the string parameter.
    .PARAMETER CharacterText
        The character being passed to the function.
        Get-Ascii A
        Get-Ascii -CharacterText A
        'A' | Get-Ascii
        Write-Host Get-Ascii -CharacterText 'A'
        CharacterText as String

    param (
        [ValidateLength(1, 1)]
    return [byte][char]$CharacterText

function Get-BootTime {
        Returns the system boot time
        This function returns the system boot time
        $BootTime = Get-BootTime

    $return = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | fl lastbootuptime | Out-String
    $return = $return.split('e')[1].Trim()
    $return = $(Get-Substring $return 2 $return.length)
    return $return

function Get-CarriageReturn {
        Returns a carriage return character.
        This function returns a carriage return character and does not include a line feed.
        $Label1.Text = "Item 1$(Get-CarriageReturn)$(Get-LineFeed)Item 2$(Get-CarriageReturn)$(Get-LineFeed)Item 3"

    return Get-Character(13)

function Get-Character {
        Returns the text character related to the ascii code specified
        in the string parameter.
        This function will return the text character or 'character byte'
        related to the ascii code specified in the string parameter.
    .PARAMETER AsciiCode
        The character being passed to the function.
        Get-Character 34
        Get-Character -AsciiCode 34
        34 | Get-Character
        Write-Host Get-Character -AsciiCode 34
        AsciiCode as String

    param (
    return [char][byte]$AsciiCode

function Get-ChildWindow {
        Gets the first child window handle from a window handle
        This function gets the first child window handle from a window handle
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the parent window
        $child = Get-ChildWindow (Get-WindowExists notepad)
        $child = Get-ChildWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists notepad)
        $child = (Get-WindowExists notepad) | Get-ChildWindow
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    return [vds]::GetWindow($Handle, 5)

function Get-ColorByName {
        Returns the system drawing color related to the color name specified
        in the string parameter.
        This function will return the system drawing color related to the color
        name specified by the text in the string parameter.
    .PARAMETER ColorName
        The name of the color specified in the string parameter.
        Get-ColorByName Brown
        Get-ColorByName -ColorName Brown
        Brown | Get-ColorByName
        Button1.BackColor = (Get-ColorByName 'Brown')
        ColorName as String
        System Drawing Color

    param (
    return [System.Drawing.Color]::FromName($ColorName)

function Get-ColorByRGB {
        Returns the system drawing color related to the RGB values specified
        in the integer parameters.
        This function will return the system drawing color related to the RGB
        values specified by the values in the integer parameters.
        The value of Red in the RGB value set
        The value of Green in the RGB value set
        The value of Blue in the RGB value set
        Get-ColorByRGB 165 42 42
        Get-ColorByRGB -R 165 -G 42 -B 42
        Button1.BackColor = (Get-ColorByRGB 165 42 42)
        R as int, B as int, G as int
        System Drawing Color

    param (
    return  [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb($R,$G,$B)

function Get-Cosine {
        Returns cosine
        This function returns the cosine of a number
    .PARAMETER Number
        $cos = Get-Cosine 36
        $cos = Get-Cosine -Number 36
        $cos = 36 | Get-Cosine
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::cos($Number)

function Get-CurrentDirectory {
        Returns the current directory as string
        This function returns the current directory of the application as string.
        Write-Host Get-CurrentDirectory

    return (Get-Location | Select-Object -expandproperty Path | Out-String).Trim()

function Get-DataTables {
        Executes a query to the Data Source opened in a ODBC Object. Returns
        back the tables impacted as a dataset.
        This function executes a query specified by the string parameter and
        returns the dataset that was impacted.
        The ODBCObject, usually the return object from the Initialize-ODBC command.
    .PARAMETER Query
        The SQL query to execute upon the ODBCObject.
        $dataset = Get-DataTables $database ("select * from TestStruct where name like '%"+$SearchBox.text+"%'")
        $dataset = Get-DataTables -ODBCObject $database -Query ("select * from TestStruct where name like '%"+$SearchBox.text+"%'")
        $dataset = $database | Get-DataTables -Query ("select * from TestStruct where name like '%"+$SearchBox.text+"%'")
        ODBCObject as System Data ODBC ODBCConnection, Query as String

    param (
    $command = New-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand($Query,$ODBCObject)
    $getdata = new-object System.Data.Dataset
    (new-object System.Data.odbc.Odbcdataadapter($command)).Fill($getdata)
    return $getdata.tables

function Get-EnvironmentVariable {
        Returns the environment variable specified
        This function will return an environment variable
    .PARAMETER Variable
        The variable to return
        $windir = Get-EnvironmentVariable 'windir'
        $windir = Get-EnvironmentVariable -variable 'windir'
        $windir = 'windir' | Get-EnvironmentVariable
        Variable as String

    param (
    $loc = Get-Location | select -ExpandProperty Path
    Set-Location Env:
    $return = Get-ChildItem Env:$a | select -ExpandProperty Value
    Set-Location $loc
    return $return

function Get-Escape {
        Returns a escape character
        This function returns a escape character
        Send-Window (Get-Window 'Save As...') Get-Escape

    return Get-Character 27

function Get-ExcelCell {
        Gets an excel value
        This function gets an excel value specified from the provided row and column parameters
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        The row by number to get to a value
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column by number to get to a value
        $2x4 = Get-ExcelCell $excel 2 4
        $2x4 = Get-ExcelCell -excel $excel -row 2 -column 4
        $2x4 = $excel | Get-ExcelCell -row 2 -column 4
        Excel as Object, Row as Integer, Column as Integer

    param (
    return $Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Column).Value2

function Get-ExcelColumnCount {
        Returns the column count
        This function returns the column count
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        $columncount = Get-ExcelColumnCount $excel
        $columncount = Get-ExcelColumnCount -excel $excel
        $columncount = $excel | Get-ExcelColumnCount
        Excel as Object

    param (
    return $Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count    

function Get-ExcelRowCount {
        Returns the row count
        This function returns the row count
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        $rowcount = Get-ExcelRowCount $excel
        $rowcount = Get-ExcelRowCount -excel $excel
        $rowcount = $excel | Get-ExcelRowCount
        Excel as Object

    param (
    return $Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

function Get-ExitCode {
        Returns the last error exit code of an application called in session.
        This function will return the last error exit code of an application
        called in session.
        $err = Notepad | Get-ExitCode

    return $LASTEXITCODE

function Get-Exponent {
        Returns exponent
        This function returns the exponent of a number
    .PARAMETER Number
        $exp = Get-Exponent 36
        $exp = Get-Exponent -Number 36
        $exp = 36 | Get-Exponent
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::exp($Number)

function Get-FileExtension {
        Gets the extension of a file at the path specified.
        This function will get the extension of a file at the path specified.
        The path to the file to get the extension from
        $ext = Get-FileExtension 'c:\temp\text.txt'
        $ext = Get-FileExtension -Path 'c:\temp\text.txt'
        $ext = 'c:\temp\text.txt' | Get-FileExtension
        Path as String

    param (
    $split = $Path.Split('.')
    if ($split.count -gt 1) {
        return $split[$split.count -1]

function Get-FileName {
        Returns the name of the file from the full path
        This function returns the name of the file from the full path
        The path to the file
        Get-FileName 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        Get-FileName -path 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Get-FileName
        Path as string

    param (
    return [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path)

function Get-FilePath {
        This function returns the root folder of the file specified
        This function returns the root folder of the file specified
        The path to the file
        Get-FilePath 'c:\windows\win.ini'
        Get-FilePath -path 'c:\windows\win.ini'
        'c:\windows\win.ini' | Get-FilePath
        Path as String

    param (
    return Split-Path -Path $Path

function Get-FileShortname {
        Returns the shortname from a path
        This function returns the 8.3 shortname from a path specified
        The path of the file to return the shortname from
        $shortname = Get-FileShortname 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\vsjitdebuggerps.dll'
        $shortname = Get-FileShortname -file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\vsjitdebuggerps.dll'
        $shortname = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\vsjitdebuggerps.dll' | Get-FileShortname
        Path as String

    param (
    if ((Get-Item $Path).PSIsContainer -eq $true) {
        $SFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
        $short = $SFSO.GetFolder($Path).ShortPath
    else {
        $SFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
        $short = $SFSO.GetFile($Path).ShortPath
    return $short


function Get-Focus {
        Returns the control that has focus on a given form.
        This function returns the control that has focus on a given form.
        The form to get the activecontrol from.
        $Focus = Get-Focus $Form1
        $Focus = Get-Focus -Form $Form1
        $Focus = $Form1 | Get-Focus
        Form as object
        Active Control

    param (
    return $Form.ActiveControl

function Get-Fractional {
        Returns the portion of a number after the decimal point
        This function returns the portion of a number after the decimal point
    .PARAMETER Decimal
        The decimal number to return the fractonal part of.
        Get-Fractional 1.123
        Get-Fractional -decimal 1.123
        1.123 | Get-Fractional
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    $Decimal = $Decimal | Out-String 
    return $Decimal.split(".")[1]/1    

function Get-FreeMemory {
        Returns the free memory in kilobytes
        This function returns the free memory in kilobytes
        $memory = Get-FreeMemory

    return (Get-CIMInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select FreePhysicalMemory).FreePhysicalMemory

function Get-Hex {
        Returns hexidecimal from text
        This function returns hexidecimal from text
        The string to return hex from.
        Get-Hex 'Division'
        Get-Hex -string 'Division'
        'Division' | Get-Hex
        Text as String
    param (
    return $Text | format-hex

function Get-ImageFromFile {
        Gets an image from a file.
        This function returns an image from a file location.
        The path of the file.
        $PictureBox1.Image = Get-ImageFromFile "c:\images\img1.jpg"
        $PictureBox1.Image = Get-ImageFromFile -File 'c:\images\img2.jpg'
        $PictureBox1.Image = 'c:\images\img3.png' | Get-ImageFromFile
        File as String
        System Drawing Image

    param (
return [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($File)

function Get-ImageFromStream {
        Gets an image from http protocol.
        This function returns an image from the world wide web.
        The URL of the image.
        $PictureBox1.Image = Get-ImageFromStream
        $PictureBox1.Image = Get-ImageFromStream -URL ''
        $PictureBox1.Image = '' | Get-ImageFromStream
        URL as String
        System Drawing Image

    param (
    $s = iwr $URL
    $r = New-Object IO.MemoryStream($s.content, 0, $s.content.Length)
    $r.Write($s.content, 0, $s.content.Length)
    return [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream($r, $true)       

function Get-Innertext {
        Returns the inner text of a string.
        This function returns the inner text of a string
        The text to parse the inner text from
    .PARAMETER LeftText
        The left parse string
    .PARAMETER RightText
        The right parse string
        $innertext = Get-Innertext "They don't know" "hey" "kno"
        $innertext = Get-Innertext -Text "They don't know" -LeftText "hey" -RightText "kno"
        $innertext = "They don't know" | Get-Innertext -LeftText "hey" -RightText "kno"
        Text as String, LeftText as String, RightText as String

    param (
    $split1 = $Text -Split $LeftText
    $split2 = ($split1[1] | out-string) -Split $RightText
    return ($split2[0] | out-string)

function Get-InputBox {
        Displays a dialog for user input.
        This function displays a dialog for user input.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to present to the user for input
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title of the input box
    .PARAMETER Default
        The default input
        $input = Get-InputBox "Please describe the problem" "Encounter Issue" "No Spawn"
        $input = Get-InputBox -Message "Please describe the problem" -Title "Encounter Issue" -Default "No Spawn"
        $input = "Please describe the problem" | Get-InputBox -Title "Encounter Issue" -Default "No Spawn"
        Message as String, Title as String, Default as String

    param (
    $input = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($Message,$Title,$Default)
    return $input

function Get-Key {
        Gets a operation character for the Send-Window function.
        This function gets a operation character for the Send-Window function.
        Validated character from from the following set:
        TAB, UP, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9,
        F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16
        Send-Window (Get-Window 'notepad') (Get-Key 'Home')
        $Key = Get-Key -key 'Home'
        $Key = 'Home' | Get-Key
        Key as ValidatedString

    param (
        [ValidateSet('BACKSPACE', 'BS', 'BKSP', 'BREAK', 'CAPSLOCK', 'DELETE',
        'DEL', 'DOWN', 'END', 'ENTER', 'ESC', 'HELP', 'HOME', 'INSERT', 'INS',
        'TAB', 'UP', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 
        'F10', 'F11', 'F12', 'F13', 'F14', 'F15', 'F16')]
   return $(Get-Character $(Get-Ascii "{"))+$Key+$(Get-Character $(Get-Ascii "}"))

function Get-LastEvent {
        Returns the last event in the call stack.
        This function returns the last event in the call stack.
        $event = Get-LastEvent

    return (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command

function Get-LineFeed {
        Returns a line feed character.
        This function returns a line feed character.
        $lf = Get-LineFeed

    return Get-Character 10

function Get-ListText {
        Gets all the items in a list object and converts them to string
        This function gets all the items in a list object and converts them to string
        The list to convert the items to text from
        $toString = Get-ListText $List1
        $toString = Get-ListText -list $List1
        $toString = $List1 | Get-ListText
        List as Object

    param (
    return [array]$List.items | Out-String

function Get-Log {
        Returns the logarithm value of a number.
        This function will call upon the math module to take the input of a
        number and return the logarithm value of that number.
    .PARAMETER NumberValue
        The number being passed to the function.
        Get-Log 34.6
        Get-Log -NumberValue 34.6
        34.6 | Get-Log
        Write-Host "The logarithm value of 34.6 is $(Get-Log 34.6)"
        NumberValue as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::log($NumberValue)

function Get-MouseButtonDown {
        Returns the mouse button that is pressed down.
        This function returns the mouse button that is pressed down.
        $mousedown = Get-MouseButtonDown
        MouseButtons as String

    return [System.Windows.Forms.UserControl]::MouseButtons | Out-String

function Get-MousePosition {
        Returns the X and Y of the mouse position.
        This function returns the X and Y of the mouse position.
        $mouseX = (Get-MousePosition).X
        $mouseY = (Get-MousePosition).Y

    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property X, Y
    $return.X = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
    $return.Y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y
    return $return

function Get-ObjectPosition {
        Returns the position of an object specified
        This function will return the top, left, width and height properties of
        an object as the same properties in a custom object.
    .PARAMETER Object
        The object to get the dimensions of
        $position = Get-ObjectPosition $Button1
        $position = Get-ObjectPosition -Object $Button1
        $position = $Button1 | Get-ObjectPosition
        Object as Object

    param (
    $Position = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Top, Left, Width, Height
    $Position.Top = $Object.Top / $ctscale
    $Position.Left = $Object.Left / $ctscale
    $Position.Width = $Object.Width / $ctscale
    $Position.Height = $Object.Width / $ctscale
    return $Position

function Get-OK {
        Returns if the previous command was successful.
        This function returns if the previous command was successful.
        $ok = Get-OK

    return $?

function Get-OKCancelDialog {
        Displays an OK Cancel dialog window for input from the user.
        This function displays an OK Cancel dialog window for input from the user.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to display
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title for the dialog window
        $ok = Get-OKCancelDialog "Message" "Title"
        $ok = Get-OKCancelDialog -message "Message" -title "Title"
        $ok = "Message" | Get-OKCancelDialog -title "Title"
        Message as String, Title as String

    param (
    $query = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message,$Title,"OKCancel",32)
    return $query

function Get-OSWordSize {
        Returns the current version of Microsoft Windows.
        This function returns the current version of Microsoft Windows.
        $Bitness = Get-OSWordSize

    return ([IntPtr]::size * 8)

function Get-PowerShellDesignerVersion {
        Returns the current version of PowerShell Designer.
        This function returns the current version of PowerShell Designer.
        $PSDVersion = Get-PowerShellDesignerVersion

    return '2.4.6'

function Get-PowerShellVersion {
        Returns the current version of PowerShell.
        This function returns the current version of PowerShell.
        $PSVersion = Get-PowerShellVersion

    $major = $psversiontable.psversion.major | Out-String
    $minor = $psversiontable.psversion.minor | Out-String
    $build = $ | Out-String
    $revision = $psversiontable.psversion.revision | Out-String
    return $major.Trim()+'.'+$minor.Trim()+'.'+$build.Trim()+'.'+$revision.Trim()

function Get-RegistryExists {
        Returns if a registry key or value exists as boolean.
        This function returns if a registry key or value exists as boolean.
        The path to the registry key to check for
        Optional, the name of the value to check for
        $exists = Get-RegistryExists 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        $exists = Get-RegistryExists -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' -name 'EULA'
        $exists = 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' | Get-RegistryExists
        Path as String, Name as String

    param (
    if ($Name -eq '') {
        $return = Test-Path -path $Path
    else {
        if (Test-Path -path $Path) {
            try {
                $return = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -erroraction 'silentlycontinue'
            catch {
                $return = $false
        else {
            $return = $false
    if ($return) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false

function Get-RegistryType {
        Returns a registry type from the path to the value
        This function returns a registry type from the path to the value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name of the value
        $type = Get-RegistryType -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NumberOfEmployees"
        Path as String, Name as String

    param (
    switch ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name).$Name.gettype().Name){ 
        "String" {
            return "String"
        "Int32" {
            return "DWord"
        "Int64" {
            return "QWord"
        "String[]" {
            return "ExpandString"
        "Byte[]" {
            return "Binary"
        default {
            return "Unknown"

function Get-RegistryValue {
        Returns a registry value
        This function returns a registry value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name of the value
        $numemp = Get-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NumberOfEmployees"
        Path as String, Name as String

    param (
    return Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name | Select -ExpandProperty $Name

function Get-ScreenHeight {
        Returns screen physical screen height as a PSCustomObject
        This function returns screen physical screen height as a PSCustomObject
        $ScreenHeight = Get-ScreenHeight
        The 'Primary' attribute of the object returns the primary screen. Each
        screen height is returned in the Screen# property.

    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Primary
    $i = 1
    foreach ($screen in []::AllScreens) {
        $return | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Screen$($i)" -NotePropertyValue $screen.Bounds.Height
        if ($screen.Primary) {
            $return.Primary = "Screen$($i)"
        $i = $i + 1
    return $return

function Get-ScreenScale {
        Returns the screen scale
        This function gets the virtual screen scale according to how the
        application currently perceives it.
        $return = Get-ScreenScale
        The return will be different according to before and after Set-DPIAware is called.

    return $ctscale

function Get-ScreenVirtualHeight {
        Returns the screen height
        This function gets the virtual screen height according to how the
        application currently perceives it.
        $return = Get-ScreenVirtualHeight
        The return will be different according to before and after Set-DPIAware
        is called and it addresses the screen controlling the DPI of the application.

    return [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height

function Get-ScreenVirtualWidth {
        Returns the screen width
        This function gets the virtual screen width according to how the
        application currently perceives it.
        $return = Get-ScreenVirtualWidth
        The return will be different according to before and after Set-DPIAware
        is called and it addresses the screen controlling the DPI of the application.

    return [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.width

function Get-ScreenWidth {
        Returns screen physical screen width as a PSCustomObject
        This function returns screen physical screen width as a PSCustomObject
        $ScreenWidth = Get-ScreenWidth
        The 'Primary' attribute of the object returns the primary screen. Each
        screen Width is returned in the Screen# property.

    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Primary
    $i = 1
    foreach ($screen in []::AllScreens) {
        $return | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Screen$($i)" -NotePropertyValue $screen.Bounds.Width
        if ($screen.Primary) {
            $return.Primary = "Screen$($i)"
        $i = $i + 1
    return $return

function Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute {
        Gets an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
        This function gets an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
    .PARAMETER Attribute
        The attribute to search by
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value to search for
        $Element = Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute $Selenium 'class' 'DisplayTable'
        $Element = Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable'
        $Element = $Selenium | Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable'
        Selenium as Object, Attribute as String, Value as String

    param (
    return $Selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$Attribute, '$Value')]")

function Get-SeleniumElementByXPath {
        Gets an object through Selenium by XPath
        This function gets an object through Selenium by by XPath
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
        The XPath of the object
        $Element = Get-SeleniumElementByXPath $Selenium '/html/body/ntp-app//div/ntp-logo//div'
        $Element = Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -XPath '/html/body/ntp-app//div/ntp-logo//div'
        $Element = $Selenium | Get-SeleniumElementByAttribute -XPath '/html/body/ntp-app//div/ntp-logo//div'
        Selenium as Object, XPath as String

    param (
    return $Selenium.FindElementsByXPath($XPath)

function Get-Sine {
        Returns sine from a number
        This function returns sine from a given number
    .PARAMETER Number
        The decimal number to return sine from
        Get-Sine 1.123
        Get-Sine -Number 1.123
        1.123 | Get-Sine
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::sin($Number)

function Get-SquareRoot {
        Returns square root from a number
        This function returns square root from a given number
    .PARAMETER Number
        The decimal number to return square root from
        Get-SqaureRoot 36
        Get-SquareRoot -Number 36
        36 | Get-SquareRoot
        Number as Decimal

    param (
    return [math]::sqt($Number)

function Get-StringRemove {
        Removes the portion of a string between the start index and the end index
        This function removes the portion of a string between the start index and the end index
    .PARAMETER String
        The string to remove the portion of
    .PARAMETER StartIndex
        The index to start at
    .PARAMETER EndIndex
        The index to end at
        $strdel = Get-StringRemove Computer 2 4
        $strdel = Get-StringRemove -string Computer -StartIndex 2 -EndIndex 4
        $strdel = Computer | Get-StringRemove -StartIndex 2 -EndIndex
        String as String, StartIndex as Integer, EndIndex as Integer

    param (
    return ($String.substring(0,$StartIndex)+$(Get-Substring $String $EndIndex $String.length))

function Get-SubString {
    Gets the value of a string between a start index and a end index.
        This function returns the value of a string between a start index and a
        end index.
        The string to be manipulated.
    .PARAMETER Start
        The start index of the return string.
        The end index of the return string.
        $string = Get-Substring $string 3 7
        $string = Get-Substring -Text $string -Start 3 -End 7
        Text as String, Start as Integer, End as Integer

    param (
    return $Text.substring($Start,($End-$Start))

function Get-SystemDirectory {
        Returns the system directory
        This function returns the system directory
        $windir = Get-SystemDirectory

    return [System.Environment]::SystemDirectory

function Get-SystemLanguage {
        Returns the system language
        This function returns the system language
        $Lang = Get-SystemLanguage

    return Get-UICulture.Name

function Get-TextPosition {
        Retrieves the Text position within a specified string.
        This function retrieves the Text position within a specified string.
    .PARAMETER String
        The source string to search for the position of text within
        The text to retrieve the postion of.
        Get-TextPosition "Is Brandon there?" "there"
        Get-TextPosition -string "Is Brandon there?" -text "there"
        "Is Brandon there?" | Get-TextPosition -text "there"
        String as String, Text as String
        Integer || Boolean

    param (
    $regEx = [regex]$String
    $pos = $regEx.Match($Text)
    if ($pos.Success){ 
        return $pos.Index
    else {
        return false

function Get-VirtualKey {
        Returns a virtual key
        This function returns a virtual key
    .PARAMETER VirtualKey
        The virtual key to return, must be a member of the following set:
        'None', 'Alt', 'Control', 'Shift', 'WinKey', 'LBUTTON',
        'MODECHANGE', 'SPACE', 'PRIOR', 'NEXT', 'END', 'HOME', 'LEFT', 'UP',
        'DELETE', 'HELP', '0', '1', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B',
        'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
        'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'LWIN', 'RWIN',
        'APPS', 'SLEEP', 'NUMPAD0', 'NUMPAD1', 'NUMPAD2', 'NUMPAD3', 'NUMPAD4',
        'ADD', 'SEPARATOR', 'SUBTRACT', 'DECIMAL', 'DIVIDE', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3',
        'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11', 'F12', 'F13', 'F14',
        'F15', 'F16', 'F17', 'F18', 'F19', 'F20', 'F21', 'F22', 'F23', 'F24',
        'OEM_PLUS', 'OEM_COMMA', 'OEM_MINUS', 'OEM_PERIOD', 'OEM_2', 'OEM_3',
        'OEM_4', 'OEM_5', 'OEM_6', 'OEM_7', 'OEM_8', 'OEM_102', 'PROCESSKEY',
        'PACKET', 'ATTN', 'CRSEL', 'EXSEL', 'EREOF', 'PLAY', 'ZOOM', 'NONAME',
        'PA1', 'OEM_CLEAR'
        $vkeyF16 = Get-VirtualKey F16
        $vkeyF16 = Get-VirtualKey -VirtualKey 'F16'
        $vkeyF16 = 'F16' | Get-VirtualKey
        VirtualKey as String

    param (
        [ValidateSet('None', 'Alt', 'Control', 'Shift', 'WinKey', 'LBUTTON', 
        'KANA', 'HANGUEL', 'HANGUL', 'IME_ON', 'JUNJA', 'FINAL', 'HANJA', 
        'MODECHANGE', 'SPACE', 'PRIOR', 'NEXT', 'END', 'HOME', 'LEFT', 'UP',
        'DELETE', 'HELP', '0', '1', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 
        'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 
        'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'LWIN', 'RWIN', 
        'APPS', 'SLEEP', 'NUMPAD0', 'NUMPAD1', 'NUMPAD2', 'NUMPAD3', 'NUMPAD4',
        'ADD', 'SEPARATOR', 'SUBTRACT', 'DECIMAL', 'DIVIDE', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 
        'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11', 'F12', 'F13', 'F14', 
        'F15', 'F16', 'F17', 'F18', 'F19', 'F20', 'F21', 'F22', 'F23', 'F24', 
        'OEM_PLUS', 'OEM_COMMA', 'OEM_MINUS', 'OEM_PERIOD', 'OEM_2', 'OEM_3', 
        'OEM_4', 'OEM_5', 'OEM_6', 'OEM_7', 'OEM_8', 'OEM_102', 'PROCESSKEY', 
        'PACKET', 'ATTN', 'CRSEL', 'EXSEL', 'EREOF', 'PLAY', 'ZOOM', 'NONAME', 
        'PA1', 'OEM_CLEAR')]
    switch($VirtualKey) {
        None{return 0}
        Alt{return 1}
        Control{return 2}
        Shift{return 4}
        WinKey{return 8}
        LBUTTON{return 0x01}
        RBUTTON{return 0x02}
        CANCEL{return 0x03}
        MBUTTON{return 0x04}
        XBUTTON1{return 0x05}
        XBUTTON2{return 0x06}
        BACK{return 0x08}
        TAB{return 0x09}
        CLEAR{return 0x0C}
        RETURN{return 0x0D}
        SHIFT{return 0x10}
        CONTROL{return 0x11}
        MENU{return 0x12}
        PAUSE{return 0x13}
        CAPITAL{return 0x14}
        KANA{return 0x15}
        HANGUEL{return 0x15}
        HANGUL{return 0x15}
        IME_ON{return 0x16}
        JUNJA{return 0x17}
        FINAL{return 0x18}
        HANJA{return 0x19}
        KANJI{return 0x19}
        IME_OFF{return 0x1A}
        ESCAPE{return 0x1B}
        CONVERT{return 0x1C}
        NONCONVERT{return 0x1D}
        ACCEPT{return 0x1E}
        MODECHANGE{return 0x1F}
        SPACE{return 0x20}
        PRIOR{return 0x21}
        NEXT{return 0x22}
        END{return 0x23}
        HOME{return 0x24}
        LEFT{return 0x25}
        UP{return 0x26}
        RIGHT{return 0x27}
        DOWN{return 0x28}
        SELECT{return 0x29}
        PRINT{return 0x2A}
        EXECUTE{return 0x2B}
        SNAPSHOT{return 0x2C}
        INSERT{return 0x2D}
        DELETE{return 0x2E}
        HELP{return 0x2F}
        0{return 0x31}
        1{return 0x32}
        3{return 0x34}
        4{return 0x35}
        6{return 0x36}
        7{return 0x37}
        8{return 0x38}
        9{return 0x39}
        A{return 0x41}
        B{return 0x42}
        C{return 0x43}
        D{return 0x44}
        E{return 0x45}
        F{return 0x46}
        G{return 0x47}
        H{return 0x48}
        I{return 0x49}
        J{return 0x4A}
        K{return 0x4B}
        L{return 0x4C}
        M{return 0x4D}
        N{return 0x4E}
        O{return 0x4F}
        P{return 0x50}
        Q{return 0x51}
        R{return 0x52}
        S{return 0x53}
        T{return 0x54}
        U{return 0x55}
        V{return 0x56}
        W{return 0x57}
        X{return 0x58}
        Y{return 0x59}
        Z{return 0x5A}
        LWIN{return 0x5B}
        RWIN{return 0x5C}
        APPS{return 0x5D}
        SLEEP{return 0x5F}
        NUMPAD0{return 0x60}
        NUMPAD1{return 0x61}
        NUMPAD2{return 0x62}
        NUMPAD3{return 0x63}
        NUMPAD4{return 0x64}
        NUMPAD5{return 0x65}
        NUMPAD6{return 0x66}
        NUMPAD7{return 0x67}
        NUMPAD8{return 0x68}
        NUMPAD9{return 0x69}
        MULTIPLY{return 0x6A}
        ADD{return 0x6B}
        SEPARATOR{return 0x6C}
        SUBTRACT{return 0x6D}
        DECIMAL{return 0x6E}
        DIVIDE{return 0x6F}
        F1{return 0x70}
        F2{return 0x71}
        F3{return 0x72}
        F4{return 0x73}
        F5{return 0x74}
        F6{return 0x75}
        F7{return 0x76}
        F8{return 0x77}
        F9{return 0x78}
        F10{return 0x79}
        F11{return 0x7A}
        F12{return 0x7B}
        F13{return 0x7C}
        F14{return 0x7D}
        F15{return 0x7E}
        F16{return 0x7F}
        F17{return 0x80}
        F18{return 0x81}
        F19{return 0x82}
        F20{return 0x83}
        F21{return 0x84}
        F22{return 0x85}
        F23{return 0x86}
        F24{return 0x87}
        NUMLOCK{return 0x90}
        SCROLL{return 0x91}
        LSHIFT{return 0xA0}
        RSHIFT{return 0xA1}
        LCONTROL{return 0xA2}
        RCONTROL{return 0xA3}
        LMENU{return 0xA4}
        RMENU{return 0xA5}
        BROWSER_BACK{return 0xA6}
        BROWSER_FORWARD{return 0xA7}
        BROWSER_REFRESH{return 0xA8}
        BROWSER_STOP{return 0xA9}
        BROWSER_SEARCH{return 0xAA}
        BROWSER_FAVORITES{return 0xAB}
        BROWSER_HOME{return 0xAC}
        VOLUME_MUTE{return 0xAD}
        VOLUME_DOWN{return 0xAE}
        VOLUME_UP{return 0xAF}
        MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK{return 0xB0}
        MEDIA_PREV_TRACK{return 0xB1}
        MEDIA_STOP{return 0xB2}
        MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE{return 0xB3}
        LAUNCH_MAIL{return 0xB4}
        LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT{return 0xB5}
        LAUNCH_APP1{return 0xB6}
        LAUNCH_APP2{return 0xB7}
        OEM_1{return 0xBA}
        OEM_PLUS{return 0xBB}
        OEM_COMMA{return 0xBC}
        OEM_MINUS{return 0xBD}
        OEM_PERIOD{return 0xBE}
        OEM_2{return 0xBF}
        OEM_3{return 0xC0}
        OEM_4{return 0xDB}
        OEM_5{return 0xDC}
        OEM_6{return 0xDD}
        OEM_7{return 0xDE}
        OEM_8{return 0xDF}
        OEM_102{return 0xE2}
        PROCESSKEY{return 0xE5}
        PACKET{return 0xE7}
        ATTN{return 0xF6}
        CRSEL{return 0xF7}
        EXSEL{return 0xF8}
        EREOF{return 0xF9}
        PLAY{return 0xFA}
        ZOOM{return 0xFB}
        NONAME{return 0xFC}
        PA1{return 0xFD}
        OEM_CLEAR{return 0xFE}

function Get-WebFile {
        Downloads a file from a URL
        This function downloads a file from a URL
        The URL to download the file from.
        The file path to save the URL to.
        Get-WebFile c:\temp\image1.jpg
        Get-WebFile -URL '' -Path 'c:\temp\image1.jpg'
        '' | Get-WebFile -Path 'c:\temp\image1.jpg'
        URL as String, Path as String

    param (
    $file = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

function Get-WebServerContext {
        Gets a client request
        This function gets a client request
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server object
        $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
        $Context = Get-WebServerContext -server $Server
        $Context = $Server | Get-WebServerContext
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        while (1){
            #Script pauses on the line below until $Context contains a value
            $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
            $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
            if ($Path -eq "/") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Hello World"
            elseif ($Path -eq "/Beans") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Beans"
            elseif($Path -eq "/SecretStop") {
                Stop-WebServer $Server
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        Server as Object
        Client Context

    param (
    return $Server.GetContext()

function Get-WebServerLocalPath {
        Gets the path of a client request
        This function gets the path of a client request
    .PARAMETER Context
        The client context request
        $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
        $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath -context $Context
        $Path = $Context | Get-WebServerLocalPath
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        while (1){
            #Script pauses on the line below until $Context contains a value
            $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
            $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
            if ($Path -eq "/") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Hello World"
            elseif ($Path -eq "/Beans") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Beans"
            elseif($Path -eq "/SecretStop") {
                Stop-WebServer $Server
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        Context as Object
        LocalPath as String

    param (
    return $Context.Request.Url.LocalPath

function Get-WindowClass {
        Gets the class of a window by handle
        This function gets the class of a window by handle
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        $class = Get-WindowClass (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $class = Get-WindowClass -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $class = (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Get-WindowClass
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    $stringbuilt = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256
    $that = [vds]::GetClassName($Handle, $stringbuilt, 256)
    return $($stringbuilt.ToString())

function Get-WindowExists {
        Returns the handle of a window, or null if it doesn't exists
        This function returns the handle of a window, or null if it doesn't exists
    .PARAMETER Window
        The title of a window, the class of a window, or the window as a powershell object
        Set-WindowText (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Set-WindowText -handle (Get-WindowExists -window "Untitled - Notepad") -text "Hello World"
        ("Untitled - Notepad" | Get-WindowExists) | Set-WindowText -text "Hello World"
        Window as String

    param (
    $class = [vds]::FindWindowByClass($Window)
    if ($class) {
        return $class/1
    else {
        $title = [vds]::FindWindowByTitle($Window)
        if ($title){
            return $title/1
        else {
            if ($Window.handle) {
                return $Window.handle

function Get-WindowFromPoint {
        Returns the window panel from an x y point
        This function returns the window panel from an x y point
        The x point
        The y point
        $xyWindow = Get-WindowFromPoint 980 540
        $xyWindow = Get-WindowFromPoint -x 980 -y 540
        x as Integer, y as Integer

    param (
    $p = new-object system.drawing.point($x,$y)
    $return = [vds]::WindowFromPoint($p)
    return $return

function Get-WindowParent {
        Returns the handle of a windows parent
        This function returns the handle of a windows parent
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the child window
        $winexists = Get-WindowParent (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries")
        $winexists = Get-WindowParent -handle (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries")
        $winexists = (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries") | Get-WindowParent
        Handle as Integer

    param (
    return [vds]::GetParent($Handle)

function Get-WindowPosition {
        Returns an object with Left, Top, Width and Height properties of a windows position
        This function returns an object with Left, Top, Width and Height properties of a windows position according to a handle specified
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window to return the postion of
        $winpos = Get-WindowPosition (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winpos = Get-WindowPosition -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winexists = (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries") | Get-WindowParent
        Handle as Integer

    param (
    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Top, Left, Width, Height
    $Rect = New-Object RECT
    [vds]::GetWindowRect($Handle,[ref]$Rect) | Out-Null
    $return.Top = $Rect.Top
    $return.Left = $Rect.Left
    $return.Width = $Rect.Right - $Rect.Left
    $return.Height = $Rect.Bottom - $Rect.Top
    return $return

function Get-WindowsDirectory {
        Returns the windows directory
        This function returns the windows directory
        $windir = Get-WindowsDirectory

    return Get-EnvironmentVariable windir

function Get-WindowSibling {
        Returns the sibling of a window
        This function returns the sibling of a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window to return the sibling of
        $winsibling = Get-WindowSibling (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winsibling = Get-WindowSibling -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winsibling = (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries") | Get-WindowSibling
        Handle as Integer

    param (
    return [vds]::GetWindow($Handle, 2)

function Get-WindowsVersion {
        Returns the current version of Microsoft Windows.
        This function returns the current version of Microsoft Windows.
        $WinVersion = Get-WindowsVersion

    $major = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Major | Out-String
    $minor = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Minor | Out-String
    $build = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Build | Out-String
    $revision = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Revision | Out-String
    return $major.Trim()+'.'+$minor.Trim()+'.'+$build.Trim()+'.'+$revision.Trim()

function Get-WindowText {
        Returns the text of a window
        This function returns the text of a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window to return the sibling of
        $wintext = Get-WindowText (Get-WindowExists "notepad")
        $wintext = Get-WindowText -handle (Get-WindowExists "notepad")
        $wintext = (Get-WindowExists "notepad") | Get-WindowText
        Handle as Integer

    param (
    $strbld = [vds]::GetWindowTextLength($Handle)
    $stringbuilt = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $strbld+1
    $that = [vds]::GetWindowText($Handle, $stringbuilt, $strbld+1)
    return $($stringbuilt.ToString())

function Get-WPFControl {
        Returns the control associated with the name specified.
        This function returns the control associated with the name specified.
    .PARAMETER Presentation
        The presentation window that contains the control
        The name of the control
        Get-WPFControl $Form1 "Button1"
        Get-WPFControl -presentation $Form1 -control "Button1"
        $Form1 | Get-WPFControl -presentation $Form1 -control "Button1"
        Presentation as Object, Name as String
        Normally only useful with externally sourced XAML loaded by Assert-WPF.

    param (
    return $Presentation.FindName($Name)

function Hide-Excel {
        Hides an initialized excel application object
        This function will hide an initialized excel application object
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The initialized excel object to hide
        Hide-Excel $Excel
        Hide-Excel -Excel $Excel
        $Excel | Hide-Excel
        $Excel as Excel.Application

    param (
    $Excel.visible = $false

function Hide-TaskBar {
        Hides the taskbar
        This function will hide the taskbar

    $hWnd = [vds]::FindWindowByClass("Shell_TrayWnd")
    [vds]::ShowWindow($hWnd, "SW_HIDE")    

function Hide-Window {
        Hides a window
        This function hides a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Hide-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Hide-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Hide-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_HIDE")

function Initialize-Excel {
        Returns an Excel object.
        This function returns an Excel object.
        $ExcelObject = Initialize-Excel

    return new-object -comobject Excel.Application

function Initialize-FastColoredTextBox {
        Loads the FastColoredTextBox module.
        This function loads the FastColoredTextBox module.

    try {
        if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer).count -gt 1){
            [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(split-path -path (Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer)[0].path)\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
            [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(split-path -path (Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer).path)\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
    catch {
        [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(".\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null

function Initialize-ODBC {
        Returns an initialized ODBC object.
        This function returns the initialized ODBC object.
        $database = Initialize-ODBC
        System Data ODBC ODBCConnection

    return new-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

function Initialize-Selenium {
        Initializes a session between Google Chrome and W3C Selenium.
        This function initializes a session between Google Chrome and W3C Selenium.
        The path to the ChromeDriver.exe and WebDriver.dll
        $Selenium = initialize-selenium -path C:\Users\Brandon\Downloads\chromedriver_win32\
        $Selenium = C:\Users\Brandon\Downloads\chromedriver_win32\ | initialize-selenium
        Path as String
        Requires chromedriver.exe and Webdriver.dll be present in the path specified.

    param (
    $env:PATH += ";$Path"
    Add-Type -Path ($Path + 'WebDriver.dll')
    $ChromeOptions = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions
    return New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver($ChromeOptions)

function Initialize-WebView2 {
        Initializes the webview2 control.
        This function initializes Initializes the webview2 control.
        The path to Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll
        Initialize-WebView2 -Path $Path
        Initialize-WebView2 $Path
        $Path | Initialize-WebView2
        Path as String
        Requires Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll to be present in the path specified.

    param (
        Add-Type -Path "$Path\Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll"

function Invoke-Form {
        Runs a form as an application.
        Runs a form as an application. This differs from ShowDialog and Show.
        The form to run as an application
        Invoke-Form $MainForm
        Invoke-Form -form $MainForm
        $MainWindow | Invoke-Form
        Form as Object

    param (
    [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::Run($Form) | Out-Null

function Move-Cursor {
        Sets the mouse cursor to a position without clicking
        This function sets the position of the cursor to the x and y specified
        The x position to set the cursor to
        The y position to set the cursor to
        Move-Cursor 23 45
        Move-Cursor -x 23 -y 45
        x as Integer, y as Integer

    param (
    [vds]::SetCursorPos($x, $y)

function Move-File {
        Moves a file to a destination
        This function moves a file to a destination
        Path to move the file from
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The destination to move the file to
        Move-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt' 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        Move-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt' -Destination 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Move-File -Destination 'c:\temp\rename.txt'
        Path as String, Destination as String

    param (
    Move-item -path $Path -destination $Destination 

function Move-RegistryKey {
        Moves a registry key
        This function moves a registry key
        The path to the registry key to move
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The destination for the new key location
        Move-RegistryKey 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        Move-RegistryKey -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' -destination 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        Path as String, Destination as String

    param (
    Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination
    Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse

function Move-Window {
        Moves a window
        This function moves a window per left, top, width and height parameters
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The left position of the window
        The top position of the window
    .PARAMETER Width
        The width of the window
    .PARAMETER Height
        The height of the window
        Move-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 10 100 1000 100
        Move-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -left 10 -height 100 -width 1000 -height 100
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Move-Window -left 10 -height 100 -width 1000 -height 100
        Handle as Handle

    param (

function New-Beep {
        Plays a system beep sound.
        System Beep Sound


function New-ExcelColumn {
        Inserts an excel column
        This function inserts an excel column
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column by number
        New-ExcelColumn $excel 3
        New-ExcelColumn -excel $excel -column 3
        $excel | New-ExcelColumn -column 4
        Excel as Object, Column as Integer

    param (

function New-ExcelRow {
        Inserts an excel row
        This function inserts an excel row
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        The row by number
        New-ExcelRow $excel 3
        New-ExcelRow -excel $excel -row 3
        $excel | New-ExcelRow -Row 4
        Excel as Object, Row as Integer

    param (

function New-Folder {
        Creates a new folder at the path specified
        This function with create a new folder at the path specified
        The folder to create
        New-Folder 'c:\temp'
        New-Folder -path 'c:\temp'
        'c:\temp' | New-Folder
        Path as String

    param (
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Path

function New-Form {
        Creates a new vdsForm
        This function creates a new vdsForm.
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title of the vdsForm.
        The value of the Top property of the control.
        The value of the Left property of the control.
    .PARAMETER Width
        The value of the Width property of the control.
    .PARAMETER Hieght
        The value of the Height property of the control.
        $Form1 = New-Form "This is the size of a monitor from 1993" 30 30 640 480
        $Form1 = New-Form -Title "Form1" -Top 30 -Left 30 -Width 640 -Height 480
        $Form1 = "Form1" | New-Form -Top 30 -Left 30 -Width 640 -Height 480
        Title as String, Top as Int, Left as Int, Width as Int, Height as Int
        Usually precedes the Add-CommonControl command and is usually followed by the Show-Form or Show-FormModal command.

    param (
    $Form = [vdsForm] @{
    ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 0,0}
    $Form.Text = $Title
    $Form.Top = $Top * $ctscale
    $Form.Left = $Left * $ctscale
    $Form.Width = $Width * $ctscale
    $Form.Height = $Height * $ctscale
    return $Form

function New-RegistryKey {
        Creates a registry key
        This function creates a registry key
        The path to the registry key to rename
        The name for the key.
        New-RegistryKey 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\' 'AdobeNotes'
        New-RegistryKey -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\' -name 'AdobeNotes'
        Path as String, Name as String

    param (
    New-Item -Path $Path -Name $Name

function New-RegistryValue {
        Creates a registry value
        This function creates a registry value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name for the value
    .PARAMETER PropertyType
        The values' property type from the following:
        String, ExpandString, Binary, DWord, MultiString, Qword, Unknown
        This parameter is not required
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value of registry object
        New-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NoOfEmployees" -Value 822
        New-RegistryValue -path HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NoOfEmployees" -PropertyType "String" -Value "822"
        Path as String, Name as String, PropertyType as ValidatedString, Value as Variant

    param (
        [ValidateSet('String', 'ExpandString', 'Binary', 'DWord', 'MultiString', 'Qword', 'Unknown')]
    New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -PropertyType $PropertyType -Value $Value

function New-SendMessage {
        Sends a message to a window object using sendmessage API
        This function sends a message to a window object using sendmessage API
        The identifier of the window object
        The message to be sent, usually in hex
    .PARAMETER wParam
        Additonal message specific information
    .PARAMETER lParam
        Additonal message specific information
        $currentrow = (New-SendMessage -hWnd $RichEdit.hWnd -Msg 0x00c1 -wParam $RichEdit.SelectionStart -lParam 0)
        hWnd as HWND, Msg as UINT, wParam as WPARAM, lParam as LPARAM
        A powerful magic, from an ancient time.

    param (
    [vds]::SendMessage($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)

function New-ShellVerb {
        Invokes a shell call by verb
        This function invokes a shell call by verb
        A valid verb for the file type.
        The path of the file
        New-ShellVerb "&Print" c:\windows\win.ini
        New-ShellVerb -verb "&Print" -path c:\windows\win.ini
        "&Print" | New-ShellVerb -path c:\windows\win.ini
        Verb as String, Path as String

    param (
    $shell = new-object -com shell.application
    $f = $shell.NameSpace((Get-FilePath $Path))
    $file = $f.ParseName((Get-FileName $Path)+'.'+(Get-FileExtension $Path))
    $file.Verbs() | ForEach-Object {
        if($_.Name -eq $Verb) {

function New-ShortCut {
        Creates a shortcut to a file.
        This function creates a shortcut to a file.
    .PARAMETER ShortCut
        The path for the shortcut to be created at
    .PARAMETER TargetPath
        The path to the target of the shortcut
    .PARAMETER IconLocation
        The path to the icon for the shortcut
    .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory
        The working directory to launch the program in
    .PARAMETER Arguments
        Any additional parameters to launch the target with
    .PARAMETER RequireAdmin
        Swith that forces the shortcut to run the program elevated
    .PARAMETER WindowStyle
        1 for Normal, 3 for Maximized, 7 for Minimized
        New-ShortCut "c:\temp\temp.lnk" "c:\windows\explorer.exe" "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
        New-ShortCut -shortcut "c:\temp\temp.lnk" -targetpath "c:\windows\explorer.exe" -iconlocation "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
        "c:\temp\temp.lnk" | New-ShortCut -targetpath "c:\windows\explorer.exe" -iconlocation "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
        ShortCut as String, TargetPath as String, IconLocation as String, WorkingDirectory as String, Arguments as String, RequireAdmin as Switch, WindowStyle as ValidatedInteger
        ShortCut file

    param (
    $Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell")
    $Shell = $Shell.CreateShortcut($ShortCut)
    $Shell.TargetPath = $TargetPath
    $Shell.Arguments = $Arguments
    $Shell.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory
    if ($WindowStyle -ne $null){
        $Shell.WindowStyle = $WindowStyle
    else {
        $Shell.WindowStyle = 1
    $Shell.Hotkey = ""
    $Shell.IconLocation = $IconLocation
    if ($RequireAdmin -eq $true) {
        $bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($ShortCut)
        $bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20
        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($ShortCut, $bytes)

function New-Sound {
        Plays a sound according to the path specified.
        This function plays a sound according to the path specified. If the
        PlaySync switch is set, the program will pause until the sound has
        The path to the file
    .PARAMETER PlaySync
        The switch that specifies if the program should wait for the sound to
        New-Sound c:\temp\temp.wav
        New-Sound -path c:\temp\temp.wav -playsync
        'c:\temp\temp.wav' | New-Sound
        Path as String, PlaySync as Switch

    param (
    $PlayWav=New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer
    if ($PlaySync) {
    else {

function New-Taskicon {
        This function creates a TaskIcon in the TaskTray.
        This function will create a taskicon in the system tasktray.
        The file path of the icon
        The mouseover text of the tasktray icon.
    .PARAMETER BalloonTipText
        The main body of the Balloon.
    .PARAMETER BalloonTipTitle
        The title of the Balloon.
        $TaskIcon1 = New-Taskicon "c:\images\res.ico"
        $TaskIcon1 = New-Taskicon -Icon "c:\images\res.ico" -Text "Resource TaskIcon"
        $TaskIcon1 = New-Taskicon -Icon "c:\images\res.ico" -Text "Resource TaskIcon" -BalloonTipTitle "Resources" -BalloonTipText "Here you will find the resources you need"
        $TaskIcon1 = "c:\images\res.ico" | New-Taskicon -Text "Resource TaskIcon" -BalloonTipTitle "Resources" -BalloonTipText "Here you will find the resources you need"
        Icon as String, Text as String, BallonTipText as String, BalloonTipTitle as String
        System Windows Forms Taskicon

    param (
    $taskicon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
    $taskicon.Text = $Text
    $taskicon.Icon = $Icon
    $taskicon.BalloonTipText = $BalloonTipText
    $taskicon.BalloonTipTitle = $BalloonTipTitle
    return $taskicon

function New-Timer {
        Returns a timer object that ticks at the interval specified
        This function returns a timer object that ticks at the interval specified
    .PARAMETER Interval
        The interval in milliseconds
        $timer1 = New-Timer 1000
        $timer1 = New-Timer -interval 1000
        $timer1 = 1000 | New-Timer
        $timer1 = 1000 | New-Timer
            Write-Host "Tick"
        Interval as Integer

    param (
    $timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
    $timer.Interval = $Interval
    $timer.Enabled = $true
    return $timer

function New-WPFWindow {
        Creates a Windows Presentation Foundation window
        This function Creates a Windows Presentation Foundation window
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title for the window
    .PARAMETER Height
        The height for the window
    .PARAMETER Width
        The width for the window
        A name property for the grid created within the window.
        New-WPFWindow "Brandon's Window" "480" "800" "Grid1"
        New-WPFWindow -title "Brandon's Window" -height "480" -width "800" -grid "Grid1"
        "Brandon's Window" | New-WPFWindow -height "480" -width "800" -grid "Grid1"
        Title as String, Height as String, Width as String, Grid as String

    param (
    $xaml = @"
                Title="$Title" Height="$Height" Width="$Width">
                <Grid Name="$Grid">

        $MainWindow = (Assert-WPF $xaml)
        return $MainWindow

function Open-DataSourceName {
        Specifies a data source name to an initialized ODBC object.
        This function creates a connection to a data source via a previously
        initialized ODBC object which was commonly specified in the
        Initialize-ODBC function.
        The ODBCObject, usually the return object from the Initialize-ODBC command.
    .PARAMETER DataSourceName
        The datasource that must exists in the Windows ODBC Data Sources.
        Open-DataSourceName $database $DSN
        Open-DataSourceName -ODBCObject $database -DataSourceName $DSN
        $database | Open-DataSourceName -DataSourceName $DSN
        ODBCObject as System Data ODBC ODBCConnection, DataSourceName as String

    param (
    $ODBCObject.connectionstring = "DSN="+$DataSourceName

function Open-DynamicLinkLibrary {
        Opens a Dynamic Link Library
        This function opens a Dynamic Link Library
        The path for the shortcut to be created at
        Open-DynamicLinkLibrary 'c:\temp\FastColoredTextBox.dll'
        Open-DynamicLinkLibrary -path 'c:\temp\FastColoredTextBox.dll'
        'c:\temp\FastColoredTextBox.dll' | Open-DynamicLinkLibrary
        Path as String

    param (
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Path) | Out-Null

function Open-ExcelWorkbook {
        Has a initialized excel object open a workbook at a specified path.
        This function has a initialized excel object open a workbook at a specified path.
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The initialized excel object
        The path of the workbook to open
        $Workbook = Add-ExcelWorkbook $ExcelObject
        $Workbook = Add-ExcelWorkbook -Excel $ExcelObject
        $Workbook = $ExcelObject | Add-ExcelWorkbook
        $Excel as Excel.Application

    param (

function Open-FormFromFBS {
        Opens a form from an FBS file created with 'powershell-designer' or its
        predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        This function will open a form from an FBS file created with
        'powershell-designer' or its predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        The path to the FBS file.
        Open-FormFromPSD 'C:\Users\Brandon\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell Designer\testing.fbs'
        Open-FormFromPSD -path 'C:\Users\Brandon\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell Designer\testing.fbs'
        'C:\Users\Brandon\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell Designer\testing.fbs' | Open-FormFromPSD
        Path as String
        Each object created has a variable created to access the object
        according to its Name attribute e.g. $Button1

    $content = [xml](get-content $Path)
    ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -xml $content.Data.Form.OuterXml

function Open-SeleniumURL {
        Opens a URL via Selenium WebDriver
        This function opens a URL via Selenium WebDriver
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object to open the URL
        The path of the URL
        Open-SeleniumURL $Selenium ''
        Open-SeleniumURL -selenium $Selenium -url ''
        $Selenium | Open-SeleniumURL -url ''
        Selenium as Object, URL as String

    param (

function Protect-Secret {
        Encrypts a secret with a value key pair.
        This function takes the text that you input and returns the encrypted
        value locked with a AES Key to a single object that has "Secret" and
        "Key" property attributes than can then be passed to the
        Unprotect-Secret function for decryption.
    .PARAMETER Secret
        The text to protect.
        $Secret = Protect-Secret '9/27/1975'
        $Secret = Protect-Secret -secret '9/27/1975'
        $Secret = '9/27/1975' | Protect-Secret
        Secret as String

    param (
    $SecureString = $Secret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    $AESKey = New-Object Byte[] 32
    $Secret = $SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $AESKey
    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Secret, Key
    $return.Secret = $Secret
    $return.Key = "$($AESKey)"
    return $return

function Push-WPFControl {
        Inserts a control inside of a wpf container object
        This function inserts a control inside of a wpf container object
    .PARAMETER ControlType
        The type of control to add from the following validated list:
        Button, Calendar, CheckBox,ComboBox,
        ComboBoxItem, DatePicker, DocumentViewer, Expander,
        FlowDocumentReader, GroupBox, Hyperlink, Image, InkCanvas,
        Label, ListBox, ListBoxItem, Menu, MenuItem, PasswordBox,
        ProgressBar, RadioButton, RichTextBox, SrollViewer,
        SinglePageViewer,Slider, TabControl, TabItem, Table,
        TextBlock, TextBox, ToolBar, ToolTip, TreeView,
        TreeViewItem, WebBrowser
    .PARAMETER Container
        The container to add the control to
        $Button1 = Push-WPFControl 'Button' 'Grid1'
        $Button1 = Push-WPFControl -ControlType 'Button' -Container 'Grid1'
        $Button1 = 'Button' | Push-WPFControl -Container 'Grid1'
        ControlType as ValidatedString, Container as Object

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Button', 'Calendar', 'CheckBox','ComboBox', 
        'ComboBoxItem', 'DatePicker', 'DocumentViewer', 'Expander', 
        'FlowDocumentReader', 'GroupBox', 'Hyperlink', 'Image', 'InkCanvas', 
        'Label', 'ListBox', 'ListBoxItem', 'Menu', 'MenuItem', 'PasswordBox', 
        'ProgressBar', 'RadioButton', 'RichTextBox', 'SrollViewer',
        'SinglePageViewer','Slider', 'TabControl', 'TabItem', 'Table', 
        'TextBlock', 'TextBox', 'ToolBar', 'ToolTip', 'TreeView', 
        'TreeViewItem', 'WebBrowser')]
    $control = new-object System.Windows.Controls.$ControlType
    $Container.Children.Insert($Container.Children.Count, $control)
    return $control

function Read-CSV {
        Reads a cell from a CSV file.
        This function will read in the value from a cell withinn a CSV file
        according to column and row specified
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        The path to the file to read in the cell value from
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column of the cell to read in the value from
        The row of the cell to read in the value from
    .PARAMETER ColumnCount
        Optional parameter for specifying the count of the columns if the value
        needs to be different than 256
        $Value = Read-CSV "c:\temp\temp.csv" 2 3 340
        $Value = Read-CSV "c:\temp\temp.csv" 2 3
        $Value = Read-CSV -FilePath "c:\temp\temp.csv" -Column 2 -Row 3 -ColumnCount 340
        $Value = Read-CSV -FilePath "c:\temp\temp.csv" -Column 2 -Row 3
        $Value = "c:\temp\temp.csv" | Read-CSV -Column 2 -Row 3
        FilePath as String, Column as Integer, Row as Integer, ColumnCount as Integer

    param (
    if ($ColumnCount){
        while ($i -lt $ColumnCount) {
            $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
            $i = $i+2
    else {
        while ($i -lt 256) {
            $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
            $i = $i+2

    $csv = Import-Csv $FilePath -header $build.ForEach({ $_ })
    $i = 0
    $csv | %{
        $i = $i+1
        if ($i -eq $Row){
            return $_.$Column

function Read-InitializationFile {
        Reads a key value pair from a section of a initialization file.
        This function reads a key value pair from a section of a initialization file.
        The initialization file to read from
    .PARAMETER Section
        The section to read the key value pair from.
        The key of the key value pair.
        Read-InitializationFile "c:\temp\temp.ini" "Section" "Key"
        Read-InitializationFile -File "c:\temp\temp.ini" -section "Section" -key "Key"
        "c:\temp\temp.ini" | Read-InitializationFile -section "Section" -key "Key"
        File as String, Section as String, Key as String

    param (
    $Items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    $content = get-content $File
    if ($content) {
    if ($Items.indexof("[$Section]") -eq -1) {
        $return = ""
    else {
        $return = ""
        For ($i=$Items.indexof("[$Section]")+1; $i -lt $Items.count; $i++) {
            if ($Items[$i].length -gt $Key.length) {
                if ($Items[$i].substring(0,$Key.length) -eq $Key -and $gate -ne $true) {
                    $return = $Items[$i].split("=")[1]
                    $gate = $true
            if ($Items[$i].length -gt 0) {
                if (($Items[$i].substring(0,1) -eq "[") -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                    $gate = $true
    return $return    

function Remove-ExcelColumn {
        Deletes an excel column
        This function deletes an excel column
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column by number
        Remove-ExcelColumn $excel 3
        Remove-ExcelColumn -excel $excel -column 3
        $excel | Remove-ExcelColumn -column 4
        Excel as Object, Column as Integer

    param (

function Remove-ExcelRow {
        Deletes an excel row
        This function deletes an excel row
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        The row by number
        Remove-ExcelRow $excel 3
        Remove-ExcelRow -excel $excel -row 3
        $excel | Remove-ExcelRow -Row 3
        Excel as Object, Row as Integer

    param (

function Remove-File {
        Removes a file at the path specified
        This function removes a file at the path specified
        The path to the file.
        Remove-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        Remove-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Remove-File
        Path as String

    param (
    Remove-item -path $Path -force

function Remove-Folder {
        Removes a folder at the path specified
        This function will remove a folder at the path specified
        The folder to remove
        Remove-Folder 'c:\temp'
        Remove-Folder -path 'c:\temp'
        'c:\temp' | Remove-Folder
        Path as String

    param (
    Remove-Item -path $Path -recurse -force

function Remove-Font {
        Removes a font from the system
        This function removes a font from the system
    .PARAMETER FontName
        The name of the font
        Remove-Font 'CG Times'
        Remove-Font -fontname 'CG Times'
        'CG Times' | Remove-Font
        FontName as String

    param (
    $name = Get-Item -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | Out-String
    $keys = $name.Split([char][byte]10)
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        $key = $key.Trim()
        if ($(Get-SubString $key 0 ($FontName.length)) -eq $FontName) {
            $file = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' -Name $key | Select -ExpandProperty $key
            $file = $file.trim() 
            Remove-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' -Name $key 

function Remove-RegistryKey {
        Removes a registry key
        This function removes a registry key
        The path to the registry key
        Remove-RegistryKey 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        Remove-RegistryKey -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer'
        'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' | Remove-RegistryKey
        Path as String

    param (
       Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse

function Remove-RegistryValue {
        Removes a registry value
        This function removes a registry value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name of the value
        Remove-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NumberOfEmployees"
        Path as String, Name as String

    param (
    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name

function Rename-File {
        Renames a file
        This function renames a file
        The path to the file.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name of the file.
        Rename-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt' 'c:\temp\newname.txt'
        Rename-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt' -NewName 'c:\temp\newname.txt'
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Rename-File -NewName 'c:\temp\newname.txt'
        Path as String, NewName as String

    param (
    Rename-Item -Path $Path -NewName $NewName

function Rename-Folder {
        Renames a folder at the path specified
        This function will rename a folder at the path specified
        The folder to rename
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name of the folder
        Rename-Folder 'c:\temp' 'c:\pmet'
        Rename-Folder -path 'c:\temp' -newname 'c:\pmet'
        'c:\temp' | Rename-Folder -newname 'c:\pmet'
        Path as String

    param (
    Rename-Item -path $Path -NewName $NewName

function Rename-RegistryKey {
        Renames a registry key
        This function renames a registry key
        The path to the registry key to rename
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name for the key.
        Rename-RegistryKey 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' 'AdobeEditor'
        Rename-RegistryKey -path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AdobeViewer' -newname 'AdobeEditor'
        Path as String, NewName as String

    param (
    Rename-Item -Path $Path -NewName $NewName

function Rename-RegistryValue {
        Renames a registry value
        This function renames a registry value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name of the value
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name for the registry object containing the value
        Rename-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NoOfEmployees" -NewName "NumberOfEmployees"
        Path as String, Name as String, NewName as String

    param (
    Rename-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -NewName $NewName

function Save-ExcelWorkbook {
        Saves an open workbook
        This function has saves an open workbook
    .PARAMETER Workbook
        The workbook object
        The path of the workbook file
        Save-ExcelWorkbook $Workbook
        Save-ExcelWorkbook $Workbook "c:\temp\temp.xlsx"
        Save-ExcelWorkbook -workbook $Workbook
        Save-ExcelWorkbook -workbook $Workbook -path "c:\temp\temp.xlsx"
        $Workbook = $ExcelObject | Save-ExcelWorkbook
        $Workbook = $ExcelObject | Save-ExcelWorkbook -path "c:\temp\temp.xlsx"
        Workbook as Excel.Application.Workbook

    param (
    if ($Path -eq "") {
    else {

function Select-ExcelSheet {
        Selects an excel sheet
        This function selects an excel sheet
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
    .PARAMETER Sheet
        The sheet to select
        Select-ExcelSheet $excel 'Sheet1'
        Select-ExcelSheet -excel $excel -sheet 'Sheet1'
        $excel | Select-ExcelSheet -sheet 'Sheet1'
        Excel as Object, Sheet as String

    param (

function Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute {
        Clicks an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
        This function clicks an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
    .PARAMETER Attribute
        The attribute to search by
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value inside the element attribute to search for
        Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute $Selenium 'class' 'DisplayTable'
        Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable'
        $Selenium | Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable'
        Selenium as Object, Attribute as String, Value as String

    param (
    $Selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$Attribute, '$Value')]").Click()

function Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByXPath {
        Sends text to an object through Selenium by XPath
        This function sends text to an object through Selenium by by XPath
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object to open the URL
        The XPath of the object
        The text to send into the element
        Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByXPath $Selenium '/html/body/input'
        Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -XPath '/html/body/input'
        $Selenium | Send-ClickToSeleniumElementByAttribute -XPath '/html/body/input'
        Selenium as Object, XPath as String

    param (

function Send-ClickToWindow {
        Sends a click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
        This function sends a click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The x position for the click
        The y position for the click
        Send-ClickToWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        Send-ClickToWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Send-ClickToWindow 25 50
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    Set-ActiveWindow $Handle
    $yp = $y + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top
    $xp = $x + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left
    [vds]::LeftClickAtPoint($xp,$yp,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.width,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.height) | out-null

function Send-KeyPress {
        Holds down a specified virtual key
        This function returns an object with Left, Top, Width and Height properties of a windows position according to a handle specified
        The virtual key to hold down
    .PARAMETER Seconds
        Seconds to hold the key, as decimal
        Send-KeyPress (Get-VirtualKey "w") 5.5
        Send-KeyPress -vKey (Get-VirtualKey "w") -seconds 5.5
        vKey as Hex, Seconds as Decimal

    param (
    Start-Sleep ($Seconds * 1000)

function Send-RightClickToWindow {
        Sends a right click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
        This function sends a right click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The x position for the click
        The y position for the click
        Send-RightClickToWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        Send-RightClickToWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Send-RightClickToWindow 25 50
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    Set-ActiveWindow $Handle
    $yp = $y + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top
    $xp = $x + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left
    [vds]::RightClickAtPoint($xp,$yp,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.width,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.height) | out-null

function Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute {
        Sends text to an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
        This function sends text to an object through Selenium by the attribute specified
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
    .PARAMETER Attribute
        The attribute to search by
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value inside the element attribute to search for
        The text to send into the element
        Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute $Selenium 'class' 'DisplayTable' '<td>No Values Set</td>'
        Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable' -Send '<td>No Values Set</td>'
        $Selenium | Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute -Attribute 'class' -Value 'DisplayTable' -Send '<td>No Values Set</td>'
        Selenium as Object, Attribute as String, Value as String, Send as String

    param (
    $Selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$Attribute, '$Value')]").SendKeys($Send)

function Send-SeleniumElementByXPath {
        Sends text to an object through Selenium by XPath
        This function sends text to an object through Selenium by by XPath
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
        The XPath of the object
        The text to send into the element
        Send-SeleniumElementByXPath $Selenium '/html/body/input' 'Hello'
        Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute -selenium $Selenium -XPath '/html/body/input' -Send 'Hello'
        $Selenium | Send-SeleniumElementByAttribute -XPath '/html/body/input' -Send 'Hello'
        Selenium as Object, XPath as String, Send as String

    param (

function Send-Window {
        Sends a string to a window
        This function sends a string to a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
    .PARAMETER String
        The string to send to the window
        Send-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Send-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -string "Hello World"
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Send-Window -string "Hello World"
        Handle as Handle, String as String

    param (
    Set-ActiveWindow $Handle
    $wshell = New-Object -ComObject

function Set-ActiveWindow {
        Sets the window as active
        This function sets the active window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-ActiveWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-ActiveWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-ActiveWindow
        Handle as Handle

    param (

function Set-CurrentDirectory {
        Changes the current working directory to the path specified.
        This function will change the current working directory to the path
        The path to change to.
        Set-CurrentDirectory 'c:\temp'
        Set-CurrentDirectory -path 'c:\temp'
        'c:\temp' | Set-CurrentDirectory
        Path as String

    param (
    Set-Location $Path
    [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $Path

function Set-DPIAware {
        Causes the dialog window to be DPI Aware.
        This function will call upon the windows application programming
        interface to cause the window to be DPI Aware.

    $vscreen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    [vds]::SetProcessDPIAware() | out-null
    $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    $global:ctscale = ($screen/$vscreen)

function Set-EnableVisualStyle {
        Enables modern visual styles in the dialog window.
        This function will call upon the windows application programming
        interface to apply modern visual style to the window.

    [vds]::SetCompat() | out-null

function Set-ExcelCell {
        Sets an excel cell to a value specified
        This function Sets an excel cell to a value specified from the provided row and column parameters
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The Excel object
        The row by number to set to a value
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column by number to set to a value
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value to set the cell to
        Set-ExcelCell $excel 2 4 'Two-Four'
        Set-ExcelCell -excel $excel -row 2 -column 4 -value 'Two-Four'
        $excel | Set-ExcelCell -row 2 -column 4 -value 'Two-Four'
        Excel as Object, Row as Integer, Column as Integer, Value as Variant

    param (
    $Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item($Row,$Column) = $Value

function Set-ExitCode {
        Exits the application with the code specified.
        This function exits the application with the code specified.
    .PARAMETER ExitCode
        The code to exit the application with
        Set-ExitCode 32
        Set-ExitCode -exitcode 32
        32 | Set-ExitCode
        ExitCode as Integer

    param (
    exit $ExitCode

function Set-FileAttribute {
        Sets the attribute of a file
        This function sets the attributes of a file
        The path to the file.
    .PARAMETER Attribute
        The attribute to set (or unset)
    .PARAMETER Unset
        Switch that specifies to unset the attribute
        Set-FileAttribute 'c:\temp\temp.txt' 'Hidden'
        Set-FileAttribute 'c:\temp\temp.txt' 'Hidden' -unset
        Set-FileAttribute -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt' -Attribute 'Hidden'
        Set-FileAttribute -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt' -Attribute 'Hidden' -unset
        'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Set-FileAttribute -Attribute 'Hidden'
        Path as String, Attribute as ValidatedString, Unset as Switch

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Archive', 'Compressed', 'Device', 'Directory',
        'Encrypted', 'Hidden', 'IntegrityStream', 'None', 'Normal', 
        'NoScrubData', 'NotContentIndexed', 'Offline', 'ReadOnly', 
        'ReparsePoint', 'SparseFile', 'System', 'Temporary')]
    if ($Unset) {
        $Path = (Get-ChildItem $Path -force)
        $Path.Attributes = $Path.Attributes -bxor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]$Attributes).value__    
    else {
        $Path = (Get-ChildItem $Path -force)
        $Path.Attributes = $Path.Attributes -bor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]$Attributes).value__    

function Set-FlashWindow {
        Flashes the icon of a window
        This function flashes the tasktray icon of a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-FlashWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-FlashWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-FlashWindow
        Handle as Handle

    param (

function Set-Focus {
        Sets the focus of a form to a control
        This function Sets the focus of a form to a control
        The form to set the control focus
    .PARAMETER Control
        The control to set the focus to on the form
        Set-Focus $Form1 $Button1
        Set-Focus -Form $Form1 -Control $Button1
        $Form1 | Set-Focus -Control $Button1
        Form as Object, Control as Object

    param (
    $Form.ActiveControl = $Control

function Set-Format {
        Formats text according to a specification string
        This function formats text according to a specification string
        The text to format
    .PARAMETER Format
        The specification string to format the text with.
        Set-Format '5556667777' '###-###-####'
        Set-Format -text '5556667777' -format '###-###-####'
        '5556667777' | Set-Format -format '###-###-####'
        Text as String, Format as String

    param (
    return $a | % {

function Set-Innertext {
        Returns the inner text of a string.
        This function sets the inner text of a string
        The text to parse the inner text from
    .PARAMETER LeftText
        The left parse string
    .PARAMETER RightText
        The right parse string
    .PARAMETER InnerText
        The new inside text
        $innertext = Set-Innertext "They don't know" "hey" "kno" " do "
        $innertext = set-Innertext -Text "They don't know" -LeftText "hey" -RightText "kno" -Innertext " do "
        $innertext = "They don't know" | Get-Innertext -LeftText "hey" -RightText "kno" -Innertext " do "
        Text as String, LeftText as String, RightText as String, "InnerText"

    param (
    $split1 = $Text -Split $LeftText
    $split2 = ($split1[1] | out-string) -Split $RightText
    return ($split1[0]+$LeftText+$InnerText+$RightText+$split2[1] | out-string)    

function Set-ObjectPosition {
        Properly sets the position of a DPIAware object created with this module.
        This function properly sets the position of a DPIAware object created with this module.
    .PARAMETER Object
        The Object to position
        The Top postion to set the object to.
        The Left postion to set the object to.
    .PARAMETER Width
        The Width to set the object to.
    .PARAMETER Height
        The Height to set the object to.
        Set-ObjectPosition $Form1 12 12 800 640
        Set-ObjectPosition -Object $Form1 -Top 12 -Left 12 -Width 800 -Height 640
        $Form1 | Set-ObjectPosition -Top 12 -Left 12 -Width 800 -Height 640
        Object as Object, Top as Int, Left as Int, Width as Int, Height as Int
        If you directly modify a position properly of a DPIAware object you
        will mistake by a factor of the current system scale. This function
        allows you to reposition DPIAware objects properly.

    param (
    $Object.Top = $Top * $ctscale
    $Object.Left = $Left * $ctscale
    $Object.Width = $Width * $ctscale
    $Object.Height = $Height * $ctscale

function Set-RegistryValue {
        Modifies a registry value
        This function modifies a registry value
        The path to the registry key containing the value
        The name of the value
    .PARAMETER Value
        The new value of registry object
        Set-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\Software\MyCompany" -Name "NoOfEmployees" -Value 823
        Path as String, Name as String, Value as Variant

    param (
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $Value

function Set-Types {
        Various C# calls and references

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms,presentationframework, presentationcore, Microsoft.VisualBasic

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class vds {
        public static void SetCompat()
            // SetProcessDPIAware();
        public static extern bool SetProcessDPIAware();
public static extern bool InvertRect(IntPtr hDC, [In] ref RECT lprc);
public static extern IntPtr GetDC(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
public static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point p);
// Now working in pwsh 7 thanks to advice from seeminglyscience#2404 on Discord
public static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int hMsg, int wParam, int lParam);
public static extern bool ShowWindow(int hWnd, WindowState nCmdShow);
public enum WindowState
        SW_HIDE = 0,
        SW_SHOW_NORMAL = 1,
        SW_SHOW_MINIMIZED = 2,
        SW_MAXIMIZE = 3,
        SW_SHOW_MAXIMIZED = 3,
        SW_SHOW_NO_ACTIVE = 4,
        SW_SHOW = 5,
        SW_MINIMIZE = 6,
        SW_SHOW_MIN_NO_ACTIVE = 7,
        SW_SHOW_NA = 8,
        SW_RESTORE = 9,
        SW_SHOW_DEFAULT = 10,
        SW_FORCE_MINIMIZE = 11
private static extern bool SetCursorPos(int x, int y);
public static extern bool MoveWindow(int hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
public static extern bool GetWindowRect(int hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBC(string lpClassName, int ZeroOnly);
public static int FindWindowByClass(string lpClassName) {
return FWBC(lpClassName, 0);}
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBT(int ZeroOnly, string lpTitle);
public static int FindWindowByTitle(string lpTitle) {
return FWBT(0, lpTitle);}
public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
public static extern IntPtr GetWindow(int hWnd, uint uCmd);
     public static extern int GetWindowTextLength(int hWnd);
public static extern IntPtr GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
public static extern IntPtr GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
    public static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags);
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
public static extern bool SetParent(int ChWnd, int hWnd);
public static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string lpString);
//Adapted from script by StephenP
extern static uint SendInput(uint nInputs, INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
public struct INPUT
        public int type; // 0 = INPUT_MOUSE,
                                // 1 = INPUT_KEYBOARD
                                // 2 = INPUT_HARDWARE
        public MOUSEINPUT mi;
public struct MOUSEINPUT
        public int dx ;
        public int dy ;
        public int mouseData ;
        public int dwFlags;
        public int time;
        public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MOVED = 0x0001 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0080 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0100 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0200 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 ;
const int screen_length = 0x10000 ;
public static void LeftClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
public static void RightClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
//End CC-SA
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);
 public struct RECT
    public int Left;
    public int Top;
    public int Right;
    public int Bottom;
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms, System.Drawing, System.Drawing.Primitives

if ((get-host).version.major -eq 7) {
    if ((get-host).version.minor -eq 0) {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives,System.Windows.Forms.Primitives    
else {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing

        Function: FlashWindow
        Author: Boe Prox
        Adapted to VDS: 20190212
        License: Microsoft Limited Public License

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Window
    public struct FLASHWINFO
        public UInt32 cbSize;
        public IntPtr hwnd;
        public UInt32 dwFlags;
        public UInt32 uCount;
        public UInt32 dwTimeout;
    //Stop flashing. The system restores the window to its original state.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_STOP = 0;
    //Flash the window caption.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_CAPTION = 1;
    //Flash the taskbar button.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TRAY = 2;
    //Flash both the window caption and taskbar button.
    //This is equivalent to setting the FLASHW_CAPTION | FLASHW_TRAY flags.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_ALL = 3;
    //Flash continuously, until the FLASHW_STOP flag is set.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMER = 4;
    //Flash continuously until the window comes to the foreground.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 12;
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool FlashWindowEx(ref FLASHWINFO pwfi);
    public static bool FlashWindow(IntPtr handle, UInt32 timeout, UInt32 count)
        IntPtr hWnd = handle;
        FLASHWINFO fInfo = new FLASHWINFO();
        fInfo.cbSize = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(fInfo));
        fInfo.hwnd = hWnd;
        fInfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL | FLASHW_TIMERNOFG;
        fInfo.uCount = count;
        fInfo.dwTimeout = timeout;
        return FlashWindowEx(ref fInfo);

$global:ctscale = 1

function Set-WebServerResponse {
        Generates a response to a client request
        This function generates a response to a client request
    .PARAMETER Context
        The client context request
    .PARAMETER Response
        The response to the client request
        Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        Set-WebServerResponse -context $Context -response "404"
        $Context | Set-WebServerResponse -response "404"
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        while (1){
            #Script pauses on the line below until $Context contains a value
            $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
            $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
            if ($Path -eq "/") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Hello World"
            elseif ($Path -eq "/Beans") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Beans"
            elseif($Path -eq "/SecretStop") {
                Stop-WebServer $Server
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        Context as Object
        LocalPath as String

    param (
    $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Response)
    $Context.Response.ContentLength64 = ($buffer.length)
    $Context.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length)

function Set-WindowNotOnTop {
        Causes a window to not be on top of other windows
        This function causes a window to not be on top of other windows
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-WindowNotOnTop (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-WindowNotOnTop -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowNotOnTop
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::SetWindowPos($Handle, -2, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Width, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Height, 0x0040) | out-null

function Set-WindowOnTop {
        Causes a window to be on top of other windows
        This function causes a window to be on top of other windows
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-WindowOnTop (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-WindowOnTop -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowOnTop
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::SetWindowPos($Handle, -1, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Width, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Height, 0x0040) | out-null

function Set-WindowParent {
        This function fuses a window into another window
        This function fuses a child window into a parent window
    .PARAMETER Child
        The child window
    .PARAMETER Parent
        The parent window
        Set-WindowParent (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        Set-WindowParent -child (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -parent (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowParent -parent (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        Child as Handle,Parent as Handle

    param (

function Set-WindowText {
        Sets the text of a window
        This function sets the text of a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The text to set the window to
        Set-WindowText (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Set-WindowText -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -text "Hello World"
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowText -text "Hello World"
        Handle as Handle, String as String

    param (

function Set-WPFHAlign {
        Horizontally aligns an object according to the specified parameter.
        This function Horizontally aligns an object according to the specified parameter.
    .PARAMETER Object
        The object to align
    .PARAMETER Halign
        The position to horizontally align the control to. May be the value
        Left, Center, Right or Stretch.
        Set-WPFHAlign $Button1 'Left'
        Set-WPFHAlign -Object $Button1 -halign 'Center'
        $Button1 | Set-WPFHAlign -halign 'Right'
        Object as Object, Halign as String
        Format of Horizontal Alignment

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Left', 'Center', 'Right', 'Stretch')]
    $Object.HorizontalAlignment = $Halign

function Set-WPFValign {
        Vertically aligns an object according to the specified parameter.
        This function vertically aligns an object according to the specified parameter.
    .PARAMETER Object
        The object to align
    .PARAMETER Valign
        The position to vertically align the control to. May be the value
        Top, Center, Bottom or Stretch.
        Set-WPFValign $Button1 'Top'
        Set-WPFValign -Object $Button1 -valign 'Top'
        $Button1 | Set-WPFValign -valign 'Top'
        Object as Object, Valign as String
        Format of Vertical Alignment

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Top', 'Center', 'Bottom', 'Stretch')]
    $Object.VerticalAlignment = $Valign

function Show-ColorDialog {
        Presents a color dialog to the end user for color selection
        This function presents a color dialog to the end user and returns
        either the entire object or the common name of the color depending
        upon if the ColorNameText switch is utilized.
    .PARAMETER ColorNameText
        Switch that specifies if the color name only should be returned.
        $colorDialog = Show-ColorDialog
        $colorName = Show-ColorDialog -ColorNameText
        $colorDialog = Show-ColorDialog
        if ($colorDialog){
            Button1.BackColor = Get-ColorByRGB($colorDialog.color.R $colorDialog.color.G $colorDialog.color.B)
        ColorNameText as Bool
        System Windows Forms ColorDialog or String or False
        If cancel is not pressed which returns False, when the ColorNameText
        switch is specified this will return the color name as string,
        otherwise this will return a System Windows Forms ColorDialog object.

    $colorDialog = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog
    if ($colorDialog.ShowDialog() -eq 'OK'){
        if ($ColorNameText -eq $False) {
            return $colorDialog
        else {
            return $
    else {
        return $False

function Show-Excel {
        Shows an initialized excel application object
        This function will show an initialized excel application object
    .PARAMETER Excel
        The initialized excel object to show
        Show-Excel $Excel
        Show-Excel -Excel $Excel
        $Excel | Show-Excel
        $Excel as Excel.Application

    param (
    $Excel.visible = $true

function Show-FolderBrowserDialog {
        Returns the value from a Foloder Browser Dialog.
        This function presents a folder browser dialog and returns the user selection.
    .PARAMETER Description
        The description presented to the user on what they are looking for.
    .PARAMETER RootFolder
        The root folder for the user to begin making their selecton. Must be
        one of the following values:
        Desktop, Programs, MyDocuments, Personal,
        Favorites, Startup, Recent, SendTo, StartMenu, MyMusic,
        MyVideos, DesktopDirectory, MyComputer, NetworkShortcuts,
        Fonts, Templates, CommonStartMenu, CommonPrograms,
        CommonStartup, CommonDesktopDirectory, ApplicationData,
        PrinterShortcuts, LocalApplicationData, InternetCache, Cookies,
        History, CommonApplicationData, Windows, System,
        ProgramFiles, MyPictures, UserProfile, SystemX86,
        ProgramFilesX86, CommonProgramFiles, CommonProgramFilesX86,
        CommonTemplates, CommonDocuments, CommonAdminTools, AdminTools,
        CommonMusic, CommonPictures, CommonVideos, Resources,
        LocalizedResources, CommonOemLinks, CDBurning
        $Folder = Show-FolderBrowserDialog "Please select a folder" "MyComputer"
        $Folder = Show-FolderBrowserDialog -Description "Please select a folder" -RootFolder "MyComputer"
        $Folder = "Please select a folder" | Show-FolderBrowserDialog -RootFolder "MyComputer"
        Description as String, RootFolder as ValidatedString
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Desktop', 'Programs', 'MyDocuments', 'Personal', 
        'Favorites', 'Startup', 'Recent', 'SendTo', 'StartMenu', 'MyMusic',
        'MyVideos', 'DesktopDirectory', 'MyComputer', 'NetworkShortcuts',
        'Fonts', 'Templates', 'CommonStartMenu', 'CommonPrograms', 
        'CommonStartup', 'CommonDesktopDirectory', 'ApplicationData', 
        'PrinterShortcuts', 'LocalApplicationData', 'InternetCache', 'Cookies',
        'History', 'CommonApplicationData', 'Windows', 'System', 
        'ProgramFiles', 'MyPictures', 'UserProfile', 'SystemX86', 
        'ProgramFilesX86', 'CommonProgramFiles', 'CommonProgramFilesX86', 
        'CommonTemplates', 'CommonDocuments', 'CommonAdminTools', 'AdminTools', 
        'CommonMusic', 'CommonPictures', 'CommonVideos', 'Resources',
        'LocalizedResources', 'CommonOemLinks', 'CDBurning')]
    $dirdlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $dirdlg.description = $Descriptiion
    $dirdlg.rootfolder = $RootFolder
    if($dirdlg.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")   {
        $folder += $dirdlg.SelectedPath
        return $folder

function Show-FontDialog {
        Returns a font dialog
        This function returns a font dialog
        $font = Show-FontDialog

    $fontdlg = new-object windows.forms.fontdialog
    $fontdlg.showcolor = $true
    return $fontdlg

function Show-Form {
        Shows a form
        This function will show a form, or show a form modal according to the modal switch.
        The form to show.
    .PARAMETER Modal
        Switch that specifies the window is to be shown as a modal dialog.
        Show-Form $Form1
        Show-Form -Form $Form1 -modal
        $Form1 | Show-Form
        Form as Object

    param (
    if ($Modal) {
        $Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    else {
            $Form.Show() | Out-Null

function Show-HTMLHelp {
        Displays a page in a compiled html manual.
        This function displays a page in a compiled html manual.
    .PARAMETER chm
        The string to send to the html help process.
        Show-HTMLHelp 'mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\textpad.chm::/Help/new.htm'
        Show-HTMLHelp -chm 'mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\textpad.chm::/Help/new.htm'
        'mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\textpad.chm::/Help/new.htm' | Show-HTMLHelp
        Text as String
        Html Help Process displaying specified argument.

    param (
    start-process -filepath hh.exe -argumentlist $chm

function Show-InformationDialog {
        Displays a information dialog with a message and title specified.
        This function displays a information dialog with a message and title specified.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to display
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title to display
        Show-InformationDialog "Message"
        Show-InformationDialog -message "Message" -title "Title"
        "Message" | Show-InformationDialog -title "Title"
        Message as String, Title as String

    param (
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message,$Title,'OK',64) | Out-Null

function Show-OpenFileDialog {
        Shows a window for opening a file.
        This function shows a window for opening a file.
    .PARAMETER InitialDirectory
        The initial path for the file dialog.
    .PARAMETER Filter
        The extension filter to apply
        $file = Show-OpenFileDialog '%userprofile%' 'Text Files|*.txt'
        $file = Show-OpenFileDialog -InitialDirectory '%userprofile%' -Filter 'Text Files|*.txt'
        $file = '%userprofile%' | Show-OpenFileDialog -Filter 'Text Files|*.txt'
        InitialDirectory as String, Filter as String
    param (
    $filedlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $filedlg.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
    $filedlg.filter = $Filter
    $filedlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    return $filedlg.FileName

function Show-SaveFileDialog {
        Shows a window for saving a file.
        This function shows a window for saving a file.
    .PARAMETER InitialDirectory
        The initial path for the file dialog.
    .PARAMETER Filter
        The extension filter to apply
        $file = Show-SaveFileDialog '%userprofile%' 'Text Files|*.txt'
        $file = Show-SaveFileDialog -InitialDirectory '%userprofile%' -Filter 'Text Files|*.txt'
        $file = '%userprofile%' | Show-SaveFileDialog -Filter 'Text Files|*.txt'
        InitialDirectory as String, Filter as String
    param (
    $filedlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
    $filedlg.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
    $filedlg.filter = $Filter
    $filedlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    return $filedlg.FileName

function Show-TaskBar {
        Shows the taskbar
        This function will show the taskbar

    $hWnd = [vds]::FindWindowByClass("Shell_TrayWnd")
    [vds]::ShowWindow($hWnd, "SW_SHOW_DEFAULT")

function Show-Warning {
        Displays a warning dialog
        This function displays a warning dialog
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to present to the user
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title of the warning box
        $input = Show-Warning "System memory is sideways" "Encounter Issue"
        $input = Show-Warning -Message "System memory is sideways" -Title "Encounter Issue"
        $input = "System memory is sideways" | Show-Warning -Title "Encounter Issue"
        Message as String, Title as String

    param (

function Show-Window {
        Shows a window
        This function shows a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Show-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Show-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Show-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_SHOW_NORMAL")

function Start-WebServer {
        Starts a WebServer
        This function starts a WebServer
    .PARAMETER ServerPath
        The path of the server
    .PARAMETER ServerPort
        The port for the server to listen on
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        $Server = Start-WebServer -ServerPath http://localhost -ServerPort 5051
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        while (1){
            #Script pauses on the line below until $Context contains a value
            $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
            $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
            if ($Path -eq "/") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Hello World"
            elseif ($Path -eq "/Beans") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Beans"
            elseif($Path -eq "/SecretStop") {
                Stop-WebServer $Server
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        ServerPath as String, ServerPort as String

    param (
    $Server = New-Object Net.HttpListener
    $serverURL = $ServerPath + ':' + $ServerPort + '/'
    return $Server

function Step-ListNext {
        Steps to the next item in a list
        This function steps to the next item in a list
        The list object
        Step-ListNext $ListBox1
        Step-ListNext -list $ComboBox1
        $ListBox1 | Step-ListNext
        List as Object
        String || Boolean

    param (
    if ($List.items.count -gt $List.selectedIndex + 1) {
        $List.selectedIndex = $List.selectedIndex + 1
        return $List.selectedItems
    else {
        return $false

function Stop-Selenium {
        Ends a Selenium session
        This function ends a Selenium session
    .PARAMETER Selenium
        The Selenium object
        Stop-Selenium $Selenium
        Stop-Selenium -selenium $Selenium
        $Selenium | Stop-Selenium
        Selenium as Object

    param (

function Stop-WebServer {
        Stops a WebServer
        This function stops a WebServer
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server object
        Stop-WebServer $Server
        Stop-WebServer -server $Server
        $Server | Stop-WebServer
        $Server = Start-WebServer http://localhost 5051
        while (1){
            #Script pauses on the line below until $Context contains a value
            $Context = Get-WebServerContext $Server
            $Path = Get-WebServerLocalPath $Context
            if ($Path -eq "/") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Hello World"
            elseif ($Path -eq "/Beans") {
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "Beans"
            elseif($Path -eq "/SecretStop") {
                Stop-WebServer $Server
                Set-WebServerResponse $Context "404"
        Server as Object

    param (

function Test-File {
        Test for the existance of a file
        This function test for the existance of a file
        The path to the file.
        $fileExists = Test-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        $fileExists = Test-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        $fileExists = 'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Test-File
        Path as String

    param (
    if (Test-Path -path $Path) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false

function Unprotect-Secret {
        Decrypts a secret from a value key pair.
        This function decrypts a secret that has been created using the
        Protect-Secret function using the "Secret" and "Key" property that was
        This function takes the text that you input and returns the encrypted
        value locked with a AES Key to a single object that has "Secret" and
        "Key" property attributes than can then be passed to the
        Unprotect-Secret function for decryption.
    .PARAMETER Secret
        The text to unprotect.
        The text that locked the secret.
        $Secret = Unprotect-Secret $Secret.Secret $Secret.Key
        $Secret = Unprotect-Secret -secret $Secret.Secret -key $Secret.Key
        Secret as String, Key as String

    param (
    [byte[]]$Key = $Key.split(" ")
    $secure = $Secret | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
    $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secure)
    $UnprotectedSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
    return $UnprotectedSecret

function Update-ErrorLog {
        Logs errors to the text file 'exceptions.txt' for use in the catch
        statement of a try catch.
        This function logs errors to the text file 'exceptions.txt' residing in
        the current directory in use by powershell, for use in the catch
        statement of a try catch.
    .PARAMETER ErrorRecord
        The object from the pipeline represented by $_ or $PSItem
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to display to the end user.
    .PARAMETER Promote
        Switch that defines to also call a throw of the ValueFromPipeline
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"
        Update-ErrorLog -Promote -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"
        ErrorRecord as ValueFromPipeline, Message as String, Promote as Switch
        String || String, Throw method of ValueFromPipeline


    if ( $Message -ne '' ) {
        [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($Message)`r`n`r`nCheck '$(get-currentdirectory)\exceptions.txt' for details.",'Exception Occurred')
    $date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'
    $ErrorRecord | Out-File "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt"
    Add-Content -Path "$(get-currentdirectory)\exceptions.txt" -Value "$($date): $($(Get-Content "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt") -replace "\s+"," ")"
    Remove-Item -Path "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt"
    if ( $Promote ) {
        throw $ErrorRecord

function Write-CSV {
        Write a cell to a CSV file.
        This function will write in the value to a cell within a CSV file
        according to column and row specified
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        The path to the file to write in the cell value to
    .PARAMETER Column
        The column of the cell to write in the value to
        The row of the cell to write in the value to
    .PARAMETER ColumnCount
        Optional parameter for specifying the count of the columns if the value is greater than 256
        Write-CSV "c:\temp\temp.csv" 2 3 "Write" 340
        Write-CSV "c:\temp\temp.csv" 2 3 "Write"
        Write-CSV -FilePath "c:\temp\temp.csv" -Column 2 -Row 3 -Value "Write" -ColumnCount 340
        Write-CSV -FilePath "c:\temp\temp.csv" -Column 2 -Row 3 -Value "Write"
        "c:\temp\temp.csv" | Write-CSV -Column 2 -Row 3 -Value "Write"
        FilePath as String, Column as Int, Row as Int, Value as String, ColumnCount as Integer
        utf8 encoded modified CSV file at FilePath specified.

    param (
    if ($ColumnCount){
        while ($i -lt $ColumnCount) {
        $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
        $i = $i+2
    else {
        while ($i -lt 256) {
        $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
        $i = $i+2

    $csv = Import-Csv $FilePath -header $build.ForEach({ $_ })
    $i = 0
    $csv | %{
    $i = $i+1
        if ($i -eq $Row){
        $_.$Column = $Value
            $csv | export-csv $FilePath -NoTypeInformation
            $Content = Get-content $FilePath | select-object -skip 1
            $Content | out-file $FilePath -Encoding utf8       

function Write-InitializationFile {
        Writes a key value pair to a section of a initialization file.
        This function writes a key value pair to a section of a initialization file.
        The initialization file to write to
    .PARAMETER Section
        The section to write the key value pair to.
        The key of the key value pair.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value of the key value pair.
        Write-InitializationFile "c:\temp\temp.ini" "Section" "Key" "Value"
        Write-InitializationFile -File "c:\temp\temp.ini" -section "Section" -key "Key" -value "Value"
        "c:\temp\temp.ini" | Write-InitializationFile -section "Section" -key "Key" -value "Value"
        File as String, Section as String, Key as String, Value as String
        Initialization File

    param (
    $Items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    $content = get-content $File
    if ($content) {
    if ($Items.indexof("[$Section]") -eq -1) {
        $Items | Out-File $File -enc ascii
    else {
        For ($i=$Items.indexof("[$Section]")+1; $i -lt $Items.count; $i++) {
        if ($Items[$i].length -gt $Key.length) {
            if ($Items[$i].substring(0,$Key.length) -eq $Key -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                    $Items[$i] = "$Key=$Value"
                    $tgate = $true
            if ($Items[$i].length -gt 0) {
                if (($Items[$i].substring(0,1) -eq "[") -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                    $tgate = $true
        if ($Items.indexof("$Key=$Value") -eq -1) {
        $Items | Out-File $File -enc ascii