
#region VDS
$RunSpace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(); $RunSpace.ApartmentState = "STA"; $RunSpace.Open(); $PowerShell = [powershell]::Create();$PowerShell.RunspacePool = $RunSpace; [void]$PowerShell.AddScript({

function Add-CTRL {
        Sends the CTRL key plus string. Only useful with 'Send-Window'.
        This function will prepend a the string parameter with the ctrl key
        commonly specified by the '^' character.
    .PARAMETER TextValue
        The text being passed to the Function
        $ctrls = "$(Add-CTRL S)"
        $ctrls = "$(Add-CTRL -TextValue S)"
        $ctrls = "$('S' | Add-CTRL)"
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) "$(Add-CTRL S)"
        TextValue as String

    param (

    return "^$TextValue"

function Add-Tab() {
        Sends the tab key
        This function sends the tab key
        Send-Window (Get-Window notepad) Add-Tab
        Only useful with 'Send-Window'.
    return "`t" 

function Assert-List {
        Asserts a list operation
        This function asserts a list operation.
        The list to assert the operation.
    .PARAMETER Assertion
        The assertion for the list.
        Add, Append, Assign, Clear, Create, Copy,
        Delete, Insert, Paste, Put, Reverse, Seek, Sort,
        Dropfiles, Filelist, Folderlist, Fontlist, Loadfile,
        Loadtext, Modules, Regkeys, Regvals, Savefile, Tasklist,
    .PARAMETER Parameter
        The Parameter to the assertion.
        Add=Text, Append=LineFeedItems, Assign=List, Insert=Text, Put=Text,
        Seek=Text, DropFiles=$_, Filelist=Path, Folderlist=Path,
        Loadfile=Path, Loadtext=LineFeedItems, Modules=Process, Regkeys=Path,
        Regvals=Path, Savefile=Path
        Assert-List $list1 Add "item"
        Assert-List -list $list1 -assertion Add -parameter "item"
        $list1 | Assert-List -assertion Add -parameter "item"
        Assert-List $list1 append "Banana
        Assert-List $list1 assign $list2
        Assert-List $list1 clear
        $list1 = Assert-List -assertion Create
        Assert-List $list1 copy
        Assert-List $list1 delete
        Assert-List $list1 insert $item
        Assert-List $list1 paste
        Assert-List $list1 put $item
        Assert-List $list1 reverse
        Assert-List $list1 seek 5
        Assert-List $list1 sort
        $list1.AllowDrop = $true
            Assert-List $list1 dropfiles $_
        Assert-List $list1 filelist "c:\temp\"
        Assert-List $list1 folderlist "c:\temp\"
        Assert-List $ComboBox1 Fontlist
        Assert-List $list1 Loadfile 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        Assert-List $list1 loadtext "Rice
        Assert-List $list1 modules "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
        Assert-List $list1 regkeys hkcu:\software\dialogshell
        Assert-List $list1 regvals hkcu:\software\dialogshell
        Assert-List $list1 savefile "c:\temp\temp-modifled.txt"
        Assert-List $list1 tasklist
        Assert-List $list1 winlist
        List as Object, Assertion as String, Parameter as String

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Add', 'Append', 'Assign', 'Clear', 'Create', 'Copy',
        'Delete', 'Insert', 'Paste', 'Put', 'Reverse', 'Seek', 'Sort', 
        'Dropfiles', 'Filelist', 'Folderlist', 'Fontlist', 'Loadfile', 
        'Loadtext', 'Modules', 'Regkeys', 'Regvals', 'Savefile', 'Tasklist',
    switch ($Assertion) {
        add {
            $List.Items.Add($Parameter) | Out-Null
        append {
        assign {
        clear {
        return New-Object System.Windows.Forms.listbox
        copy {
            Set-Clipboard $List.items
        delete {
        insert {
        paste {     
                $clip = Get-Clipboard
        put {
                $sel = $List.selectedIndex
        reverse {
            $rev = [array]$List.items
        seek {
            $List.selectedIndex = $Parameter
        sort {
            $List.sorted = $true
        dropfiles {
            if ($Parameter.Data.GetDataPresent([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                foreach ($filename in $Parameter.Data.GetData([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                    list add $List $filename
        }# list dropfiles $List1 $_
         # declare: $List1.AllowDrop = $true
         # Use $List1.add_DragEnter
        filelist {
            $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($item in $items) {
                if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory") {
                    list add $List $item
        folderlist {
            $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($item in $items) {
                if ($item.Attributes -eq "Directory") {
                    list add $List $item
        fontlist {  
            $r = (New-Object System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection).Families
            foreach ($s in $r){
        loadfile {
            $content = (get-content $Parameter).Split([char][byte]10)
        loadtext {
        modules {
            $process = Get-Process $Parameter -module
            foreach ($module in $process) {
                $List.items.Add($module) | Out-Null
        regkeys {
            $keys = Get-ChildItem -Path $Parameter
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                $List.items.add($key) | Out-Null
        regvals {
            #$name = Get-Item -Path $Parameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | Out-String
            $name = $(out-string -inputobject $(select-object -inputobject $(get-item -path $Parameter) -expandproperty property))
        savefile {
        $List.items | Out-File $Parameter
        tasklist {
            $proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName | Out-String
        winlist {
            $win = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -ne ""} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MainWindowTitle | Out-String

function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {
        Opens a form from XAML in the format specified by 'powershell-designer'
        or its predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        This function opens a form from XAML in the format specified by 'powershell-designer'
        or its predecessor, PowerShell WinForms Creator
        The XML object or XML string specifying the parameters for the form object
    .PARAMETER Reference
        This function recursively calls itself. Internal parameter for child
        objects, not typically called programatically. Also this function is
        maintained for legacy compatibility PowerShell WinForm Creator, which
        does require the call in some instances due to not creating automatic
    .PARAMETER Supress
        This function recursively calls itself. Internal parameter for child
        objects, not typically called programatically.
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
        <Form Name="MainForm" Size="800,600" Tag="VisualStyle,DPIAware" Text="MainForm">
            <Button Name="Button1" Location="176,94" Text="Button1" />
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML @"
        <Form Name="MainForm" Size="800,600" Tag="VisualStyle,DPIAware" Text="MainForm">
            <Button Name="Button1" Location="176,94" Text="Button1" />
    $content = [xml](get-content $Path)
    ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -xml $content.Data.Form.OuterXml
    $content = [xml](get-content $Path)
    ConvertFrom-WinformsXML $content.Data.Form.OuterXml
        Xml as String || Xml as xml
        Each object created has a variable created to access the object
        according to its Name attribute e.g. $Button1

    try {
        if ( $Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {
            $Xml = ([xml]$Xml).ChildNodes
        $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            if ($attribName -eq 'Tag'){
                if (($attrib.Value | Out-String).Contains("VisualStyle")) {
                if (($attrib.Value | Out-String).Contains("DPIAware")) {
        if ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'Form' ) {
            $newControl = [vdsForm]
        if ( $Xml.ToString() -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {
            $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString())
        if ( $ParentControl ) {
            if ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ToolStrip' ) {
                $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
            else {
                if ( $Xml.ToString() -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    if ( $ParentControl.GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    else {
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {
                    $ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = $newControl
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {
                    $newControl = $ParentControl.$($Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])
                else {

        $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            $attrib = $_
            $attribName = $_.ToString()
            if ($attribName -eq 'Opacity'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split('%')
                $attrib.value = $n[0]/100
            if ($attribName -eq 'Size'){                
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'Location'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'MaximumSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'MinimumSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
            if ($attribName -eq 'ImageScalingSize'){
                $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"

            if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $attribName ) {
                if ( $attribName -eq 'Items' ) {
                    $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object {
                else {
                        # Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control
                    $methodName = "Add$($attribName)" -replace "s$"
                    $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object { 
            else {
                switch ($attribName) {
                    FlatAppearance {
                        $attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {
                            $newControl.FlatAppearance.$($_.Split('=')[0]) = $_.Split('=')[1]
                    default {
                        if ( $null -ne $newControl.$attribName ) {
                            if ( $newControl.$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                                if ( $attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {
                                    $value = $true
                                else {
                                    $value = $false
                            else {
                                $value = $attrib.Value
                        else {
                            $value = $attrib.Value
                        switch ($xml.ToString()) {
                            "FolderBrowserDialog" {
                                if ($xml.Description) {
                                    $newControl.Description = $xml.Description
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.RootFolder) {
                                    $newControl.RootFolder = $xml.RootFolder
                                if ($xml.SelectedPath) {
                                    $newControl.SelectedPath = $xml.SelectedPath
                                if ($xml.ShowNewFolderButton) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNewFolderButton = $xml.ShowNewFolderButton
                            "OpenFileDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AddExtension) {
                                        $newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension
                                if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled) {
                                    $newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled
                                if ($xml.CheckFileExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists
                                if ($xml.CheckPathExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists
                                if ($xml.DefaultExt) {
                                    $newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt
                                if ($xml.DereferenceLinks) {
                                    $newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks
                                if ($xml.FileName) {
                                    $newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName
                                if ($xml.Filter) {
                                    $newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter
                                if ($xml.FilterIndex) {
                                    $newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex
                                if ($xml.InitialDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory
                                if ($xml.Multiselect) {
                                    $newControl.Multiselect = $xml.Multiselect
                                if ($xml.ReadOnlyChecked) {
                                    $newControl.ReadOnlyChecked = $xml.ReadOnlyChecked
                                if ($xml.RestoreDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowReadOnly) {
                                    $newControl.ShowReadOnly = $xml.ShowReadOnly
                                if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions) {
                                    $newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.Title) {
                                    $newControl.Title = $xml.Title
                                if ($xml.ValidateNames) {
                                    $newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames
                            "ColorDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowFullOpen) {
                                    $newControl.AllowFullOpen = $xml.AllowFullOpen
                                if ($xml.AnyColor) {
                                    $newControl.AnyColor = $xml.AnyColor
                                if ($xml.Color) {
                                    $newControl.Color = $xml.Color
                                if ($xml.FullOpen) {
                                    $newControl.FullOpen = $xml.FullOpen
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.SolidColorOnly) {
                                    $newControl.SolidColorOnly = $xml.SolidColorOnly
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "FontDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowScriptChange) {
                                    $newControl.AllowScriptChange = $xml.AllowScriptChange
                                if ($xml.AllowSimulations) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSimulations = $xml.AllowSimulations
                                if ($xml.AllowVectorFonts) {
                                    $newControl.AllowVectorFonts = $xml.AllowVectorFonts
                                if ($xml.Color) {
                                    $newControl.Color = $xml.Color
                                if ($xml.FixedPitchOnly) {
                                    $newControl.FixedPitchOnly = $xml.FixedPitchOnly
                                if ($xml.Font) {
                                    $newControl.Font = $xml.Font
                                if ($xml.FontMustExists) {
                                    $newControl.FontMustExists = $xml.FontMustExists
                                if ($xml.MaxSize) {
                                    $newControl.MaxSize = $xml.MaxSize
                                if ($xml.MinSize) {
                                    $newControl.MinSize = $xml.MinSize
                                if ($xml.ScriptsOnly) {
                                    $newControl.ScriptsOnly = $xml.ScriptsOnly
                                if ($xml.ShowApply) {
                                    $newControl.ShowApply = $xml.ShowApply
                                if ($xml.ShowColor) {
                                    $newControl.ShowColor = $xml.ShowColor
                                if ($xml.ShowEffects) {
                                    $newControl.ShowEffects = $xml.ShowEffects
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "PageSetupDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowMargins) {
                                    $newControl.AllowMargins = $xml.AllowMargins
                                if ($xml.AllowOrientation) {
                                    $newControl.AllowOrientation = $xml.AllowOrientation
                                if ($xml.AllowPaper) {
                                    $newControl.AllowPaper = $xml.AllowPaper
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.EnableMetric) {
                                    $newControl.EnableMetric = $xml.EnableMetric
                                if ($xml.MinMargins) {
                                    $newControl.MinMargins = $xml.MinMargins
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowNetwork) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            "PrintDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AllowCurrentPage) {
                                    $newControl.AllowCurrentPage = $xml.AllowCurrentPage
                                if ($xml.AllowPrintToFile) {
                                    $newControl.AllowPrintToFile = $xml.AllowPrintToFile
                                if ($xml.AllowSelection) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSelection = $xml.AllowSelection
                                if ($xml.AllowSomePages) {
                                    $newControl.AllowSomePages = $xml.AllowSomePages
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.PrintToFile) {
                                    $newControl.PrintToFile = $xml.PrintToFile
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.ShowNetwork) {
                                    $newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.UseEXDialog) {
                                    $newControl.UseEXDialog = $xml.UseEXDialog
                            "PrintPreviewDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AutoSizeMode) {
                                    $newControl.AutoSizeMode = $xml.AutoSizeMode
                                if ($xml.Document) {
                                    $newControl.Document = $xml.Document
                                if ($xml.MainMenuStrip) {
                                    $newControl.MainMenuStrip = $xml.MainMenuStrip
                                if ($xml.ShowIcon) {
                                    $newControl.ShowIcon = $xml.ShowIcon
                                if ($xml.UseAntiAlias) {
                                    $newControl.UseAntiAlias = $xml.UseAntiAlias
                            "SaveFileDialog" {
                                if ($xml.AddExtension) {
                                    $newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension
                                if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled) {
                                    $newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled
                                if ($xml.CheckFileExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists
                                if ($xml.CheckPathExists) {
                                    $newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists
                                if ($xml.CreatePrompt) {
                                    $newControl.CreatePrompt = $xml.CreatePrompt
                                if ($xml.DefaultExt) {
                                    $newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt
                                if ($xml.DereferenceLinks) {
                                    $newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks
                                if ($xml.FileName) {
                                    $newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName
                                if ($xml.Filter) {
                                    $newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter
                                if ($xml.FilterIndex) {
                                    $newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex
                                if ($xml.InitialDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory
                                if ($xml.Multiselect) {
                                    $newControl.OverwritePrompt = $xml.OverwritePrompt
                                if ($xml.RestoreDirectory) {
                                    $newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory
                                if ($xml.ShowHelp) {
                                    $newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp
                                if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions) {
                                    $newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                                if ($xml.Title) {
                                    $newControl.Title = $xml.Title
                                if ($xml.ValidateNames) {
                                    $newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames
                            "Timer" {
                                if ($xml.Enabled) {
                                    $newControl.Enabled = $xml.Enabled
                                if ($xml.Interval) {
                                    $newControl.Interval = $xml.Interval
                                if ($xml.Tag) {
                                    $newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag
                            default {
                                $newControl.$attribName = $value
            if ($newControl.Name){             
                if ((Test-Path variable:global:"$($newControl.Name)") -eq $False) {
                    New-Variable -Name $newControl.Name -Scope global -Value $newControl | Out-Null
            if (( $attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( $Reference -ne '' )) {
                try {
                    $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -Value @{} | Out-Null
                    $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ( $Xml.ChildNodes ) {
            $Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml $_ -ParentControl $newControl -Reference $Reference -Suppress}
        if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {
            return $newControl
    catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"

function Get-Answer {
        Opens a dialog window to ask the user a yes or no question.
        This function will call upon Windows Forms to display a Information
        dialog asking the user a Yes or No quesiton.
    .PARAMETER QuestionText
        The question to ask the end user.
    .PARAMETER TitleText
        Get-Answer "Are the birds singing?"
        Get-Answer "Are the birds singing?" "About the birds"
        Get-Answer -TitleText "About the birds" -QuestionText "Are the birds singing?"
        "Are the birds singing?" | Get-Answer
        QuestionText as String, TitleText as String
        Yes or No as String

    param (
    $GetAnswer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($QuestionText,$TitleText,'YesNo','Info')
    return $GetAnswer

function Get-CarriageReturn {
        Returns a carriage return character.
        This function returns a carriage return character and does not include a line feed.
        $Label1.Text = "Item 1$(Get-CarriageReturn)$(Get-LineFeed)Item 2$(Get-CarriageReturn)$(Get-LineFeed)Item 3"

    return Get-Character(13)

function Get-Character {
        Returns the text character related to the ascii code specified
        in the string parameter.
        This function will return the text character or 'character byte'
        related to the ascii code specified in the string parameter.
    .PARAMETER AsciiCode
        The character being passed to the function.
        Get-Character 34
        Get-Character -AsciiCode 34
        34 | Get-Character
        Write-Host Get-Character -AsciiCode 34
        AsciiCode as String

    param (
    return [char][byte]$AsciiCode

function Get-CurrentDirectory {
        Returns the current directory as string
        This function returns the current directory of the application as string.
        Write-Host Get-CurrentDirectory

    return (Get-Location | Select-Object -expandproperty Path | Out-String).Trim()

function Get-WindowExists {
        Returns the handle of a window, or null if it doesn't exists
        This function returns the handle of a window, or null if it doesn't exists
    .PARAMETER Window
        The title of a window, the class of a window, or the window as a powershell object
        Set-WindowText (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Set-WindowText -handle (Get-WindowExists -window "Untitled - Notepad") -text "Hello World"
        ("Untitled - Notepad" | Get-WindowExists) | Set-WindowText -text "Hello World"
        Window as String

    param (
    $class = [vds]::FindWindowByClass($Window)
    if ($class) {
        return $class/1
    else {
        $title = [vds]::FindWindowByTitle($Window)
        if ($title){
            return $title/1
        else {
            if ($Window.handle) {
                return $Window.handle

function Get-WindowPosition {
        Returns an object with Left, Top, Width and Height properties of a windows position
        This function returns an object with Left, Top, Width and Height properties of a windows position according to a handle specified
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window to return the postion of
        $winpos = Get-WindowPosition (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winpos = Get-WindowPosition -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        $winexists = (Get-ChildWindow "Libraries") | Get-WindowParent
        Handle as Integer

    param (
    $return = [PSCustomObject] | Select-Object -Property Top, Left, Width, Height
    $Rect = New-Object RECT
    [vds]::GetWindowRect($Handle,[ref]$Rect) | Out-Null
    $return.Top = $Rect.Top
    $return.Left = $Rect.Left
    $return.Width = $Rect.Right - $Rect.Left
    $return.Height = $Rect.Bottom - $Rect.Top
    return $return

function Hide-Window {
        Hides a window
        This function hides a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Hide-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Hide-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Hide-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_HIDE")

function Move-Window {
        Moves a window
        This function moves a window per left, top, width and height parameters
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The left position of the window
        The top position of the window
    .PARAMETER Width
        The width of the window
    .PARAMETER Height
        The height of the window
        Move-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 10 100 1000 100
        Move-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -left 10 -height 100 -width 1000 -height 100
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Move-Window -left 10 -height 100 -width 1000 -height 100
        Handle as Handle

    param (

function New-SendMessage {
        Sends a message to a window object using sendmessage API
        This function sends a message to a window object using sendmessage API
        The identifier of the window object
        The message to be sent, usually in hex
    .PARAMETER wParam
        Additonal message specific information
    .PARAMETER lParam
        Additonal message specific information
        $currentrow = (New-SendMessage -hWnd $RichEdit.hWnd -Msg 0x00c1 -wParam $RichEdit.SelectionStart -lParam 0)
        hWnd as HWND, Msg as UINT, wParam as WPARAM, lParam as LPARAM
        A powerful magic, from an ancient time.

    param (
    [vds]::SendMessage($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)

function Send-ClickToWindow {
        Sends a click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
        This function sends a click to a window by the handle, x and y specified.
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The x position for the click
        The y position for the click
        Send-ClickToWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        Send-ClickToWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") 25 50
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Send-ClickToWindow 25 50
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    Set-ActiveWindow $Handle
    $yp = $y + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top
    $xp = $x + (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left
    [vds]::LeftClickAtPoint($xp,$yp,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.width,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.height) | out-null

function Send-Window {
        Sends a string to a window
        This function sends a string to a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
    .PARAMETER String
        The string to send to the window
        Send-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Send-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -string "Hello World"
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Send-Window -string "Hello World"
        Handle as Handle, String as String

    param (
    Set-ActiveWindow $Handle
    $wshell = New-Object -ComObject

function Set-ActiveWindow {
        Sets the window as active
        This function sets the active window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-ActiveWindow (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-ActiveWindow -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-ActiveWindow
        Handle as Handle

    param (

function Set-DPIAware {
        Causes the dialog window to be DPI Aware.
        This function will call upon the windows application programming
        interface to cause the window to be DPI Aware.

    $vscreen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    [vds]::SetProcessDPIAware() | out-null
    $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    $global:ctscale = ($screen/$vscreen)

function Set-EnableVisualStyle {
        Enables modern visual styles in the dialog window.
        This function will call upon the windows application programming
        interface to apply modern visual style to the window.

    [vds]::SetCompat() | out-null

function Set-Types {
        Various C# calls and references

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms,presentationframework, presentationcore, Microsoft.VisualBasic

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class vds {
        public static void SetCompat()
            // SetProcessDPIAware();
        public static extern bool SetProcessDPIAware();
public static extern bool InvertRect(IntPtr hDC, [In] ref RECT lprc);
public static extern IntPtr GetDC(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
public static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point p);
// Now working in pwsh 7 thanks to advice from seeminglyscience#2404 on Discord
public static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int hMsg, int wParam, int lParam);
public static extern bool ShowWindow(int hWnd, WindowState nCmdShow);
public enum WindowState
        SW_HIDE = 0,
        SW_SHOW_NORMAL = 1,
        SW_SHOW_MINIMIZED = 2,
        SW_MAXIMIZE = 3,
        SW_SHOW_MAXIMIZED = 3,
        SW_SHOW_NO_ACTIVE = 4,
        SW_SHOW = 5,
        SW_MINIMIZE = 6,
        SW_SHOW_MIN_NO_ACTIVE = 7,
        SW_SHOW_NA = 8,
        SW_RESTORE = 9,
        SW_SHOW_DEFAULT = 10,
        SW_FORCE_MINIMIZE = 11
private static extern bool SetCursorPos(int x, int y);
public static extern bool MoveWindow(int hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
public static extern bool GetWindowRect(int hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBC(string lpClassName, int ZeroOnly);
public static int FindWindowByClass(string lpClassName) {
return FWBC(lpClassName, 0);}
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBT(int ZeroOnly, string lpTitle);
public static int FindWindowByTitle(string lpTitle) {
return FWBT(0, lpTitle);}
public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
public static extern IntPtr GetWindow(int hWnd, uint uCmd);
     public static extern int GetWindowTextLength(int hWnd);
public static extern IntPtr GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
public static extern IntPtr GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
    public static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags);
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
public static extern bool SetParent(int ChWnd, int hWnd);
public static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string lpString);
//Adapted from script by StephenP
extern static uint SendInput(uint nInputs, INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
public struct INPUT
        public int type; // 0 = INPUT_MOUSE,
                                // 1 = INPUT_KEYBOARD
                                // 2 = INPUT_HARDWARE
        public MOUSEINPUT mi;
public struct MOUSEINPUT
        public int dx ;
        public int dy ;
        public int mouseData ;
        public int dwFlags;
        public int time;
        public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MOVED = 0x0001 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0080 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0100 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0200 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 ;
const int screen_length = 0x10000 ;
public static void LeftClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
public static void RightClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
//End CC-SA
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);
 public struct RECT
    public int Left;
    public int Top;
    public int Right;
    public int Bottom;
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms, System.Drawing, System.Drawing.Primitives

if ((get-host).version.major -eq 7) {
    if ((get-host).version.minor -eq 0) {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives,System.Windows.Forms.Primitives    
else {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing

        Function: FlashWindow
        Author: Boe Prox
        Adapted to VDS: 20190212
        License: Microsoft Limited Public License

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Window
    public struct FLASHWINFO
        public UInt32 cbSize;
        public IntPtr hwnd;
        public UInt32 dwFlags;
        public UInt32 uCount;
        public UInt32 dwTimeout;
    //Stop flashing. The system restores the window to its original state.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_STOP = 0;
    //Flash the window caption.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_CAPTION = 1;
    //Flash the taskbar button.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TRAY = 2;
    //Flash both the window caption and taskbar button.
    //This is equivalent to setting the FLASHW_CAPTION | FLASHW_TRAY flags.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_ALL = 3;
    //Flash continuously, until the FLASHW_STOP flag is set.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMER = 4;
    //Flash continuously until the window comes to the foreground.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 12;
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool FlashWindowEx(ref FLASHWINFO pwfi);
    public static bool FlashWindow(IntPtr handle, UInt32 timeout, UInt32 count)
        IntPtr hWnd = handle;
        FLASHWINFO fInfo = new FLASHWINFO();
        fInfo.cbSize = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(fInfo));
        fInfo.hwnd = hWnd;
        fInfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL | FLASHW_TIMERNOFG;
        fInfo.uCount = count;
        fInfo.dwTimeout = timeout;
        return FlashWindowEx(ref fInfo);

$global:ctscale = 1

function Set-WindowOnTop {
        Causes a window to be on top of other windows
        This function causes a window to be on top of other windows
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Set-WindowOnTop (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Set-WindowOnTop -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowOnTop
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::SetWindowPos($Handle, -1, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Left, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Top, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Width, (Get-WindowPosition $Handle).Height, 0x0040) | out-null

function Set-WindowParent {
        This function fuses a window into another window
        This function fuses a child window into a parent window
    .PARAMETER Child
        The child window
    .PARAMETER Parent
        The parent window
        Set-WindowParent (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        Set-WindowParent -child (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -parent (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowParent -parent (Get-WindowExists "Libraries")
        Child as Handle,Parent as Handle

    param (

function Set-WindowText {
        Sets the text of a window
        This function sets the text of a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        The text to set the window to
        Set-WindowText (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") "Hello World"
        Set-WindowText -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") -text "Hello World"
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Set-WindowText -text "Hello World"
        Handle as Handle, String as String

    param (

function Show-Form {
        Ensures forms are ran in the correct application space, particularly
        when multiple forms are involved.
        This function runs the first form in an application space, and shows
        successive forms.
        The form to show.
    .PARAMETER Modal
        Switch that specifies the window is to be shown as a modal dialog.
        Show-Form $Form1
        Show-Form -Form $Form1 -modal
        $Form1 | Show-Form
        Form as Object

    param (
    if ($Modal) {
        $Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    else {
        if ($global:apprunning -eq $true) {
            $Form.Show() | Out-Null
        else {
            $global:apprunning = $true
            [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::Run($Form) | Out-Null

function Show-Window {
        Shows a window
        This function shows a window
    .PARAMETER Handle
        The handle of the window
        Show-Window (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        Show-Window -handle (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad")
        (Get-WindowExists "Untitled - Notepad") | Show-Window
        Handle as Handle

    param (
    [vds]::ShowWindow($Handle, "SW_SHOW_NORMAL")

function Test-File {
        Test for the existance of a file
        This function test for the existance of a file
        The path to the file.
        $fileExists = Test-File 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        $fileExists = Test-File -Path 'c:\temp\temp.txt'
        $fileExists = 'c:\temp\temp.txt' | Test-File
        Path as String

    param (
    if (Test-Path -path $Path) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false

function Update-ErrorLog {
        Logs errors to the text file 'exceptions.txt' for use in the catch
        statement of a try catch.
        This function logs errors to the text file 'exceptions.txt' residing in
        the current directory in use by powershell, for use in the catch
        statement of a try catch.
    .PARAMETER ErrorRecord
        The object from the pipeline represented by $_ or $PSItem
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message to display to the end user.
    .PARAMETER Promote
        Switch that defines to also call a throw of the ValueFromPipeline
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"
        Update-ErrorLog -Promote -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"
        ErrorRecord as ValueFromPipeline, Message as String, Promote as Switch
        String || String, Throw method of ValueFromPipeline


    if ( $Message -ne '' ) {
        [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($Message)`r`n`r`nCheck '$(get-currentdirectory)\exceptions.txt' for details.",'Exception Occurred')
    $date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'
    $ErrorRecord | Out-File "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt"
    Add-Content -Path "$(get-currentdirectory)\exceptions.txt" -Value "$($date): $($(Get-Content "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt") -replace "\s+"," ")"
    Remove-Item -Path "$(get-currentdirectory)\tmpError.txt"
    if ( $Promote ) {
        throw $ErrorRecord
ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Reference refs -Suppress -Xml @"
<Form Name="MainForm" Size="800,600" Tag="IsMDIContainer, DPIAware, VisualStyle" Text="PowerShell Designer" IsMDIContainer="True"><TabControl Name="tcl_Top" Dock="Top" ShowToolTips="True" Size="378,20"><TabPage Name="tpg_Form1" Size="370,0" Text="NewProject.fbs" /></TabControl><Label Name="lbl_Left" Dock="Left" BackColor="35, 35, 35" Cursor="VSplit" Size="3,489" /><Label Name="lbl_Right" Dock="Right" BackColor="35, 35, 35" Cursor="VSplit" Size="3,489" /><Panel Name="pnl_Left" Dock="Left" BorderStyle="Fixed3D" Size="200,489"><SplitContainer Name="spt_Left" Dock="Fill" BackColor="ControlDark" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="247"><SplitterPanel Name="spt_Left_Panel1"><TreeView Name="trv_Controls" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel><SplitterPanel Name="spt_Left_Panel2" BackColor="ControlLight"><TreeView Name="TreeView" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" DrawMode="OwnerDrawText" HideSelection="False" /></SplitterPanel></SplitContainer></Panel><Panel Name="pnl_Right" Dock="Right" BorderStyle="Fixed3D" Size="200,489"><SplitContainer Name="spt_Right" Dock="Fill" BackColor="ControlDark" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="262"><SplitterPanel Name="spt_Right_Panel1"><PropertyGrid Name="PropertyGrid" Dock="Fill" ViewBackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel><SplitterPanel Name="spt_Right_Panel2" BackColor="Control"><TabControl Name="TabControl2" Dock="Fill"><TabPage Name="Tab 1" Size="188,193" Text="Events"><SplitContainer Name="SplitContainer3" Dock="Fill" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="146"><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer3_Panel1" AutoScroll="True"><ListBox Name="lst_AvailableEvents" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer3_Panel2" AutoScroll="True"><ListBox Name="lst_AssignedEvents" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel></SplitContainer></TabPage><TabPage Name="TabPage3" Size="188,348" Text="Functions"><SplitContainer Name="SplitContainer4" Dock="Fill" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="258"><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer4_Panel1" AutoScroll="True"><CheckedListBox Name="lst_Functions" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer4_Panel2" AutoScroll="True"><TextBox Name="lst_Params" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" Multiline="True" ScrollBars="Both" Size="188,86" /></SplitterPanel></SplitContainer></TabPage><TabPage Name="TabPage4" Size="188,348" Text="Finds"><SplitContainer Name="SplitContainer5" Dock="Fill" Orientation="Horizontal" SplitterDistance="25"><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer5_Panel1"><TextBox Name="txt_Find" BackColor="Azure" /><Button Name="btn_Find" Location="105,0" Size="23,23" Text="+" /><Button Name="btn_RemoveFind" Location="130,0" Size="23,23" Text="-" /></SplitterPanel><SplitterPanel Name="SplitContainer5_Panel2"><ListBox Name="lst_Find" Dock="Fill" BackColor="Azure" /></SplitterPanel></SplitContainer></TabPage></TabControl></SplitterPanel></SplitContainer></Panel><MenuStrip Name="ms_Left" Dock="Left" AutoSize="False" BackColor="ControlDarkDark" Font="Verdana, 9pt" LayoutStyle="VerticalStackWithOverflow" Size="23,901" TextDirection="Vertical90" Visible="False"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Toolbox" AutoSize="False" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" Size="23,100" Visible="False" Text="Toolbox" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_FormTree" AutoSize="False" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" Size="23,100" TextAlign="MiddleLeft" TextDirection="Vertical90" Visible="False" Text="Form Tree" /></MenuStrip><MenuStrip Name="ms_Right" Dock="Right" AutoSize="False" BackColor="ControlDarkDark" Font="Verdana, 9pt" LayoutStyle="VerticalStackWithOverflow" Size="23,901" TextDirection="Vertical90" Visible="False"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Properties" AutoSize="False" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" Size="23,100" TextAlign="MiddleLeft" TextDirection="Vertical270" Visible="False" Text="Properties" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ms_Events" AutoSize="False" BackColor="RoyalBlue" ForeColor="AliceBlue" ImageTransparentColor="White" Size="23,100" TextDirection="Vertical270" Visible="False" Text="Events" /></MenuStrip><MenuStrip Name="ToolStrip" RenderMode="Professional" Text="ToolStrip1"><ToolStripButton Name="tsNewBtn" BackColor="Control" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="New" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsOpenbtn" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="ToolStripButton2" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsSavebtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton4" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsSaveAsbtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton5" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="ToolStripSeparator7" Margin="10, 0, 10, 0" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsUndoBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton6" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsRedoBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton7" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsCutBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton8" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsCopyBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton9" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsPasteBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton10" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsSelectAllBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="ToolStripButton12" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsFindBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton13" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsReplaceBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="ToolStripButton14" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsGoToLineBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton15" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsCollapseAllBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton16" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsExpandAllBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="ToolStripButton17" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsRecordBtn" ImageTransparentColor="White" ToolTipText=" " /><ToolStripButton Name="tsPlayBtn" ToolTipText=" " /><ToolStripSeparator Name="ToolStripSeparator9" Margin="10, 0, 10, 0" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsRenameBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton16" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsDeleteBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton17" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsControlCopyBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton18" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsControlPasteBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton20" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsMoveUpBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton21" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsMoveDownBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton22" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="ToolStripSeparator10" Margin="10, 0, 10, 0" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsToolBoxBtn" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="Toolbox" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsFormTreeBtn" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="Form Tree" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsPropertiesBtn" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="Properties" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsEventsBtn" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="Events" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="ToolStripSeparator110" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsTermBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="ToolStripButton28" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsGenerateBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton29" /><ToolStripButton Name="tsRunBtn" DisplayStyle="Image" Text="ToolStripButton30" /></MenuStrip><MenuStrip Name="MenuStrip" RenderMode="Professional"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_File" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="&amp;File"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="New" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ImageTransparentColor="White" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+N" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+N" Text="&amp;New" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Open" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+O" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+O" Text="&amp;Open" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Save" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+S" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+S" Text="&amp;Save" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Save As" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+S" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+S" Text="S&amp;ave As" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="FileSep" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Exit" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+X" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+X" Text="E&amp;xit" /></ToolStripMenuItem><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_Edit" Text="&amp;Edit"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Undo" BackgroundImageLayout="None" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Z" Text="&amp;Undo" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Redo" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Y" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Y" Text="Re&amp;do" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep4" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Cut" BackgroundImageLayout="None" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+X" Text="Cu&amp;t" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Copy" BackgroundImageLayout="None" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+C" Text="&amp;Copy" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Paste" BackgroundImageLayout="None" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+V" Text="&amp;Paste" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Select All" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+A" Text="Select &amp;All" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep5" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Find" BackgroundImageLayout="None" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+F" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+F" Text="&amp;Find" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Replace" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+H" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+H" Text="&amp;Replace" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Goto" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+G" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+G" Text="&amp;Go To Line..." /><ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep6" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Collapse All" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F10" ShortcutKeys="F10" Text="Co&amp;llapse All" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Expand All" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F11" ShortcutKeys="F11" Text="E&amp;xpand All" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="ToolStripSeparator11" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="mnuRecord" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+M" Text="R&amp;ecord Macro" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="mnuPlay" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+E" Text="Play &amp;Macro" /></ToolStripMenuItem><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_Controls" Text="&amp;Controls"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Rename" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+R" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+R" Text="&amp;Rename" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Delete" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+D" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+D" Text="&amp;Delete" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep1" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="CopyNode" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+C" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+C" Text="&amp;Copy Control" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="PasteNode" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+V" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+V" Text="&amp;Paste Control" /><ToolStripSeparator Name="EditSep2" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Move Up" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F5" ShortcutKeys="F5" Text="Move &amp;Up" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Move Down" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F6" ShortcutKeys="F6" Text="Move &amp;Down" /></ToolStripMenuItem><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_View" Text="&amp;View"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Toolbox" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F1" ShortcutKeys="F1" Text="&amp;Toolbox" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="FormTree" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F2" ShortcutKeys="F2" Text="&amp;Form Tree" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Properties" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F3" ShortcutKeys="F3" Text="&amp;Properties" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Events" Checked="True" CheckState="Checked" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F4" ShortcutKeys="F4" Text="&amp;Events" /></ToolStripMenuItem><ToolStripMenuItem Name="ts_Tools" DisplayStyle="Text" Text="&amp;Tools"><ToolStripMenuItem Name="functionsModule" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeys="F7" Text="&amp;Load Functions Module in PowerShell" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="Generate" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeys="F8" Text="&amp;Generate Script File" /><ToolStripMenuItem Name="RunLast" BackgroundImageLayout="None" DisplayStyle="Text" ShortcutKeys="F9" Text="&amp;Run Script File" /></ToolStripMenuItem></MenuStrip><StatusStrip Name="sta_Status"><ToolStripStatusLabel Name="tsl_StatusLabel" Text="tsl_StatusLabel" /><ToolStripStatusLabel Name="tsLeftTop" ImageTransparentColor="White" Text="tsLeftTop" /><ToolStripStatusLabel Name="tsHeightWidth" Text="tsHeightWidth" /></StatusStrip></Form>

#endregion VDS
#region Images
$tsTermBtn.Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String("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"))
$MainForm.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle(([System.Drawing.Bitmap][System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String("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"))).GetHicon())


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Benjamin Turmo
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
        FileName: Designer.ps1
        Modified: Brandon Cunningham
        Created On: 1/15/2020
        Last Updated: 5/9/2024
        Version: 2.3.7
        Use this script in the creation of other WinForms PowerShell scripts. Has the ability to
        Save/Open a project, modify most properties of any control, and generate a script
        file. The resulting script file initializes the Form in a STA runspace.
        PowerShell 4.0
    .UPDATES - 06/13/2020
        Added MIT License - 06/20/2020
        Added DataGridView
        Corrected issue where able to add controls directly to TabControl instead of TabPage - 7/10/2020
        Added TabPage for TabControl
        Added SplitterPanel for SplitContainer
        Fixed Size property being saved when Dock set to Fill or AutoSize to true
        Updated UI: Moved Toolbox/Events to SplitterPanel in a TabControl on Mainform. All controls now
            in SplitContainers to allow for finer UI customization and to allow for maximization of
            the Mainform. There are some changes to the UI that were made in preparation for updating
            to a MDI child form and to allow for other future development. - 12/14/2020
        Complete UI Overhaul to make more traditional and allow for future feature additions/enhancement
        Property values being saved in the form XML is now dependent on the property reflector of the
            PropertyGrid GridItem. Does still keep track of every change because of issues with
            reflectors (see Known Issues).
            Drag/Drop addition of controls
            Adding Mouse Events to WebBrowser control
            Previous pre- version save files will not open properly in
                If the Items Element is removed from Data it should load properly
        Known Issues:
            DataGridView - All CellStyle Properties will save, but get exception when setting on Open
            ListView - ListViewItem and ListViewGroup Properties will not save
            TreeView - Nodes property will not save
            TextBox - AutoCompleteCustomSource Property will not save
            Form - Unable to change IsMDIContainer to True and issue Maximizing Window State
            Certain property reflectors will show that a value has been changed when it has not. This
                issue affects the following properties on all controls: UseCompatibleTextRendering,
                TabIndex, and TabStop. In order for these properties to be saved to form XML they need
                to be manually changed in the PropertyGrid. After this point, the property value will
                always be generated in the form XML for that specific control.
            Images/Icons do not save - 12/26/2020
        Corrected issue after resizing of Form in design after resize to refresh parent Form
        Fixed issue with Size property on Forms and Textboxes to save correctly - 4/13/2022
        Removed FileDialog because it was unstable.
        Removed Global Context Menus because they were unstable.
        Fixed control attached Context Menus.
        Fixed generation of and behavior of common dialogs, which did not work previously.
        Fixed Save and Save As functions to not be locked to preset directory
        Assigned controls to variables rather than a script reference array and removed abstract reference table.
        If the VDS Module is installed, it is integrated into the script file output.
        Added DataGrid, HScrollBar, StatusStrip, TrackBar, VScrollBar,ToolStripButton,ToolStripSplitButton - 4/14/2022
        Changed location of vds module export, added to functions
        Added ToolStrip, just for layout purposes. Cannot add items within GUI - 4/15/2022
        Added FastColoredTextBox for editing events - attached to \Events.ps1
        Added 'RunLast' function
        'Copy' and 'Paste' shortcuts (CTRL+C, CTRL+V) broken by addition of FastColoredTextBox. Removed shortcuts.
        Created menu items and context menu for FastColoredTextBox
        Removed (unlisted in version backup system now that Event outputs are much harder to overwrite.
    2.0.4 - 4/16/2022
        Changed some appearance elements.
        Renamed this effort to PowerShell Designer with the intent to replace previous.
        Renamed from WinFormsCreator to Designer.ps1.
        Changed documents path
        Fixed SaveFildDialog path reference
        Fixed F9 for folders with spaces.
        Switched to Semantic Versioning, this product supercedes Powershell Designer 1.0.3
        Slicked to topnode if control add error.
    2.0.5 - 4/16/2022
        Fixed path issue when installing new version.
    2.0.6 - 4/16/2022
        Fixed bug in path issue fix.
    2.0.7 - 4/16/2022
        Github repository created
    2.0.8 - 4/17/2022
        Fixed adding ToolStrip items
        Eliminated DialogShell info function calls
    2.0.9 - 4/18/2022
        In previous update removed vds module integration, not sure which.
        Added sender [sender] and events [e] parameters to control events
        Scaling fix added for High Resolution Displays. Set Form 'Tag' Property to 'DPIAware' to attempt. See 'DPI Scaling.txt'
        Modern Visual Control Styles Added. Add the tag 'VisualStyle'
        Fixed bugs with File>New
        Adjustments to Size Buttons for window maximized. Added DesignerDPI.ps1 for clear text editing, adjusted math in that script for size buttons, but the controls will be squished at runtime (intentional, wontfix).
    2.0.10 4/19/2022
        Resolved issue with cancel on file open.
        Dot sourced events.ps1 to calc.ps1 and added VisualStyle tag.
    2.1.0 4/21/2022
        Changed ctscale variable to cctscale for dialogshell compatibility. Call to variable in resize events must be updated to cctscale
        Here there be math involving scaling.
        DPIScale is now default mode for editing.
        DPIScale and VisualStyle are now defaults for new projects.
        Added status bar advising of $cctscale stuff.
    2.1.1 4/22/2022
        Reverted cctscale back to ctscale due to cross compatibility issues.
        Refactored versioning. This (ctscale) is no longer considered a breaking change, since it impacts no known published scripts.
        Added AutoNaming and AutoTexting controls by control type.
    2.1.2 4/24/2022
        Added FormName to FormText on New Project.
        Added a try-catch for loading FastColoredTextBox that should cause the script to be portable.
    2.1.3 4/25/2022
        Added warning concerning item collections in the property grid.
        Seperated edit and control menu.
        Fixed bug with timers causing them to not be initialized.
        Changed behavior of Paste Control to 'slick' to top node upon paste failure.
        Added image and icon embedding.
        Removed toolstrip due to buggy behavior. Toolstrip is now an alias for MenuStrip.
    2.1.4 4/26/2022
        Fixed double file dialog for icons, images
        Fixed WebBrowser control
        Fixed bug with direct control selection (accidental code delete in 2.1.3, restored)
        More control resize math for when client is maximized.
        Removed some problem attributes from export (image attributes) that are handled programmatically
        Added image import on solution open.
    2.1.5 4/27/2022
        Fixed bug with Powershell 7 not loading saved images.
        Added 'region Images' for collecting applied images and icons.
    2.1.6 4/28/2022
        Removed HScrollBar and VScrollBar due to support issues with DPI Scaling (these can still be added programmatically within 'events', if so multiply Width by $ctscale for HScrollBar but exclude width, and the opposite is true for VScrollBar).
        Fixed minor bug involving ToolStripProgressBar sizing (Set AutoSize to False to save the size of this element)
        Fixed minor bug involving ToolStripSeparator
        Fixed bug loading projects with ImageScalingSize and MinimumSize attributes.
    2.1.7 4/29/2022
        Changed several message box dialogs to status bar label updates with timer instances.
    2.1.9 #3.0.0# 4/19/2024 - 4/20/2024
        In a bit of a mad dash, I've refactored script output and I've added abstract syntax tree parsing and a function reference.
        Outputted scripts have the same functionality as before but are using a different system.
        The console window is no longer hidden when running your script.
        You can easily add your functions into the region 'Custom Functions' and they will show up in the GUI, you can then select them and save them with your projects.
        This will partially break previous projects.
        To fix, open your old project, navigate to the Functions tab and click the first Seven functions listed.
        Save your project. Done.
    2.2.0 4/20/2024 - 4/21/2024
        Fixed 'partually breaks previous projects'. Demoted Semantic Version. Added a metric s-ton of custom functions, a refactor of Visual DialogShell
        Fixed Timers. Fixed AST injection issues. Established custom function dependency check system.
        Forms created are now custom objects [vdsForm] that support hot keys. See previous version of this program if that upsets you. References to this custom Object are simply 'Object' so it is cross compatible with Systems.Windows.Forms.Form
        NOTE: Considering renaming to "Visual Designer Shell", that's what this is in my mind already. This is to honor the codebase from which the custom functions are derived, which in turn honors Julian Moss, the creator of Visual DialogScript.
        NOTE: A serious refactor is needed to eliminate abstract references to objects in Designer.ps1 and to conform to my current style guide standards. This may or may not be performed.
    2.2.1 4/21/2024
        Moved custom function (execution) into user customizable file. Moved dependency function (execution) into user customizable file. Theses files are in Documents\PowerShell Designer\functions.
        Changed AST code a bit to parse the external function file instead of the modules own script base.
        Added parameter label for displaying options for each custom function instead of injecting them into FastText
    2.2.2 4/22/2024
        Changed functions.ps1 to functions.psm1 so it can be imported as a module and commands such as get-help may be used to learn more about functions.
        Changed $lst_Functions.add_Click to $lst_Functions.add_SelectedIndexChanged
        Chanced parameter label to TextBox. Did some string tricks to format it properly for display. Enabled on purpose for copy/paste/scroll.
        Changed Function hotkeys around a little. Added a menu item to load functions.psm1 into PowerShell for testing (F7). Added F8 for generating script file.
        Function CheckListBox DoubleClick now injects function into FastText window and checks the item
        Events.ps1 is no longer dot sourced. Changed text to just "Run Script File" and canceled the save to Events.ps1
        Fixed custom function Get-Arctangent
    2.2.3 4/23/2024
        Further GUI improvements, images in menus, main window icon
        Turned off hide console for Designer.ps1
        In my FastText github repository brandoncomputer, lots of updates to FastColoredTextBox.dll
        Not sure what else I might have done... don't be surprised if these comments don't line up with the diffs.
    2.2.4 4/25/2024
        Abstacted initial funcitons calls to module import, which allows us to call get-command instead of invoking AST parsing for function information after functions are loaded into lst_functions
        Added all commands from Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility into the funciton checked list box
        Fixed typos in Dependencies.ps1 - typos cause the program to crash. Add custom functions and dependencies carefully.
        Note: Remember, if a Function isn't checked, it will not export to your script.
        Began adding a toolstrip.
    2.2.5a(lpha) 4/26/2024
        Partial incomplete refactor to format code (bookmarkFormatRefactor), eliminate orphaned code eliminate abstract references and perform toolstrip codeout
        Runspace refactor to match standard outputs
        (Re)Added STA (Single Thread Aparment) to this refactor and user script outputs
        Fixed bug with SMOVE buttions where on some configuratons they would appear above the top of the form this will cause some displays/configs to show them lower than they should be. This only occurs on-click.
        Began new toolstrip GUI element, incomplete.
    2.2.6a 4/28/2024
        Completed GUI coding.
        Begain alphabetically sorting functions, they have to be resorted in the module, which is a grind.
        Various message box to statusbar changes, added exit question so people are less likely to lose work
        Finished function alpha sorting
        Other minor changes.
        Users again should remove Documents\PowerShell Designer\funcitons folder before upgrading.
    2.2.7 4/29/2024
        Fixed encoding issues causing non-latin based languages to not display (#7)
        Added feature to open FBS file with argument passed to script (#8)
        Decided Designer.ps1 will require a 'loose refactor' for legibility.
        Completed style (loose) refactor.
    2.2.8 4/30/2024
        VDS style alias's added to functions.
        Very minor changes. Changed Set-Hotkey to Add-Hotkey.
        Added Microsoft.PowerShell.Management to function list and dependencies.
        Considering unchecking imported functions, part of me says 'check, because they can be used without export',
            the other part of me says 'uncheck, because they take up space in the xml data'.
        This is a release candidate.
    2.2.9rc 5/1/2024
        Found bug (Issue #9) related to module differences between 5.1 and 7x PowerShell and function dependencies script.
        Due to this bug, we are switching to 'unchecked' for standard modules, although I also error trapped the problem quite a bit as well.
        Moved powershell module load into function checklistbox to the Dependencies.ps1 script, so that more modules can easily be added by the end user.
        Logged issue #10, fixed issue #10 (Shortcuts)
    2.3.0rc 5/2/2024
        Fixed IsMDIContainer trouble by adding IsMDIContainer as an option in the tag and interception of the xml upon output generation. Ends up it was #1 'willfix'.
        This software can now edit itself. Slight restructure of code due to being generated from PowerShell Designer itself.
        Designer.fbs and events.ps1 now editable from within the software
        Fixed issue #11 regarding $PSScriptRoot by having the core powershell-designer.psm1 handle that standup.
        Designer.fbs and dependencies copied to Documents\PowerShell Designer
    2.3.1 5/3/2024
        Added Microsoft.PowerShell.Core to function list and dependencies.
        Updated FastColoredText.dll. Please see that repository for diffs and details, but I added statements and the Core module as class words and got rid of maroon coloring for variable objects.
        Changed location of Designer.ps1 and Events.ps1 and update core module to reflect.
        If you are a regex expert and want to help me with something, kindly reply to the issue called "Regex expert needed"
        In either this or the last revision added file switch to process a file argument to all scripts are are compiled with the software.
        Fixed Assert-List LoadFile
        Added 'Finds' Tab for navigating files.
        Moved functions to functions subdirectory in module root.
    2.3.2 5/4/2024
        'Find and Replace' and 'Find' window are now child windows (through API calls). Positioned windows.
        Change to Find behavior, no longer notifies when last result is reached wontfix.
        Find List DoubleClick searches for result twice, so the list should only be used for unique strings. Wontfix
    2.3.3 5/5/2024
        Added vertical folding line marks. Minor code cleanup.
        Changed FastText backcolor.
        Got rid of common edit shortcuts, they are still there, but unlabled. If I label them, then they override those shortcuts for the find and replace windows and elsewhere.
        Fixed regex for multiline comments
        Changes to FastColoredTextBox.dll,
    2.3.4 5/6/2024
        Highlight syntax refresh no longer happens on click for multiline comments, added check for typing timer.
        Added references to Designer.fbs project (checked boxes in functions and event references) - this wasn't 100% needed for this software, but it is a best practice regardless - your software might not work if you don't
            check the boxes and make the selections to include the needed references, and I want this to be a good example.
        Now copies finds.txt to designer project directory.
        Upgraded Selenium Functions from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 syntax
    2.3.5 5/7/2024
        Implemented drag and drop from the control selection
        Tweaking of position buttons for controls
        Added Move-Cursor
    2.3.6rc 5/8/2024
        Exposed macro functions
        Readded shortcut labels w/o setting keys
        Set-Types now autoloads in the load module to console command
        "Poor mans tooltips"
        Got rid of notifications on common error popups adding controls so the user may try again without a nag screen.
        Made debugger ontop and labeled it, because I kept forgetting to close them.
        Updated FastColoredTextBox to include Move-Cursor
        Added resize notifiers to status bar
    2.3.7 5/9/2024
        Changed menu RenderMode to professional.
        Added Alt &'s to menu items.
Original available at for deeper comparison.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Brandon Cunningham
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import-module ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\PowerShell Designer\functions\functions.psm1")
    $global:ControlBeingSelected = $false
    $global:control_track = @{}
    function Convert-XmlToTreeView {

        try {
            $controlType = $Xml.ToString()
            $controlName = "$($Xml.Name)"
            if (($controlType -eq "Functions") -or ($controlType -eq "Function")){
            if ( $IncrementName ) {
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                $returnObj = [pscustomobject]@{OldName=$controlName;NewName=""}
                $loop = 1

                while ($objRef.Objects.Keys -contains $controlName) {
                    if ($controlName.Contains('_')) {
                        $afterLastUnderscoreText = $controlName -replace "$($controlName.Substring(0,($controlName.LastIndexOf('_') + 1)))"
                        if ($($afterLastUnderscoreText -replace "\D").Length -eq $afterLastUnderscoreText.Length) {
                            $controlName = $controlName -replace "_$($afterLastUnderscoreText)$","_$([int]$afterLastUnderscoreText + 1)"
                        else {
                            $controlName = $controlName + '_1'
                    else {
                        $controlName = $controlName + '_1' 
                        # Make sure does not cause infinite loop
                    if ($loop -eq 1000) {
                        throw "Unable to determine incremented control name."
                $returnObj.NewName = $controlName

            if ($controlType -ne 'SplitterPanel'){
                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $TreeObject -ControlType $controlType -ControlName $controlName
            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
            $newControl = $objRef.Objects[$controlName]
                if ( $_.ToString() -ne 'Name' ) {
                    if ($null -eq $objRef.Changes[$controlName]) {
                        $objRef.Changes[$controlName] = @{}
                    if ($null -ne $($newControl.$($_.ToString()))){
                        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'Size'){
                            $n = $_.Value.split(',')
                            $n[0] = [math]::Round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                            $n[1] = [math]::Round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                            if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                                $_.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'Location'){
                            $n = $_.Value.split(',')
                            $n[0] = [math]::Round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                            $n[1] = [math]::Round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                            if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                                $_.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'MaximumSize'){
                            $n = $_.Value.split(',')
                            $n[0] = [math]::Round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                            $n[1] = [math]::Round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                            if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                                $_.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'MinimumSize'){
                            $n = $_.Value.split(',')
                            $n[0] = [math]::Round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                            $n[1] = [math]::Round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                            if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                                $_.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'ImageScalingSize'){
                            $n = $_.Value.split(',')
                            $n[0] = [math]::Round(($n[0]/1) * $ctscale)
                            $n[1] = [math]::Round(($n[1]/1) * $ctscale)
                            if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                                $_.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                        if ( $($newControl.$($_.ToString())).GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                            if ( $_.Value -eq 'True' ) {
                                $value = $true
                            else {
                                $value = $false
                        else {
                            $value = $_.Value
                    else {
                        $value = $_.Value
                    try {
                        if ($controlType -ne "ContextMenuStrip"){
                            $newControl.$($_.ToString()) = $value
                        if ($_.Exception.Message -notmatch 'MDI container forms must be top-level'){
                            throw $_
                    $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$_.ToString()] = $_.Value
            if ($Xml.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0){
                if ($IncrementName){
                    $Xml.ChildNodes.ForEach({Convert-XmlToTreeView -Xml $_ -TreeObject $objRef.TreeNodes[$controlName] -IncrementName})
                    $Xml.ChildNodes.ForEach({Convert-XmlToTreeView -Xml $_ -TreeObject $objRef.TreeNodes[$controlName]})
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding '$($Xml.ToString()) - $($Xml.Name)' to Treeview."

    function Get-CustomControl {
        try {
            $refGuid = [guid]::NewGuid()
            $control = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml "$($ControlInfo.XMLText)" -Reference $refGuid
            $refControl = Get-Variable -Name $refGuid -ValueOnly
            if ($ControlInfo.Events){
            if ($Reference -ne '') {
                New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value $refControl
            Remove-Variable -Name refGuid -Scope Script
            if ($Suppress -eq $false) {
                return $control
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered getting custom control."

    function Get-UserInputFromForm {
        try {
            $inputForm = Get-CustomControl -ControlInfo $Script:childFormInfo['NameInput']
            if ($inputForm) {
                $inputForm.AcceptButton = $inputForm.Controls['StopDingOnEnter']
                $inputForm.Controls['UserInput'].Text = $SetText
                $returnVal = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Result = $inputForm.DialogResult
                    NewName = $inputForm.Controls['UserInput'].Text
                return $returnVal
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered setting new control name."
        finally {
            try {
            catch {
                if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression." ) {
                    throw $_

    function Add-TreeNode {
        if ($ControlText){
            #Do nothing.
        else {
            if ($control_track.$controlType -eq $null){
                $control_track[$controlType] = 1
            else {
                $control_track.$controlType = $control_track.$controlType + 1
        if ($ControlType -eq 'ToolStrip') {
            $ControlType = 'MenuStrip'
        if ($ControlName -eq ''){
            $userInput = Get-UserInputFromForm -SetText "$($Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $ControlType}).Prefix)_"
            if ($userInput.Result -eq 'OK') {
                $ControlName = $userInput.NewName
        try {
            if ($TreeObject.GetType().Name -eq 'TreeView' ){
                if ($ControlType -eq 'Form') {
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false
                    $newTreeNode = $TreeObject.Nodes.Add($ControlName,"Form - $($ControlName)")
                    $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
                    $form.Name = $ControlName
                    $form.text = $ControlName
                    $form.Height = 600
                    $form.Width = 800
                    $form.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                        $e.Cancel = $true
                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text ="Current DPIScale: $ctscale $(Add-Tab)"
                        if ($ControlBeingSelected -eq $true){
                            $global:ControlBeingSelected = $false
                            $MainForm.Cursor = 'Default'
                            $controlName = $trv_Controls.SelectedNode.Name
                            switch ($controlName) {
                                'MenuStrip' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'ContextMenuStrip' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'StatusStrip' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'ToolStrip' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'ToolStripDropDownButton' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'ToolStripSplitButton' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                                'ToolStripMenuItem' {
                                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                            if ( $controlName -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ){
                                $context = 1
                            else {
                                $context = 2
                            if ( @('All Controls','Common','Containers', 'Menus and ToolStrips','Miscellaneous') -notcontains $controlName ) {
                                $controlObjectType = $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $controlName}).Type
                                try {
                                    if (( $controlObjectType -eq 'Parentless' ) -or ( $context -eq 0 )) {
                                        $controlType = $controlName
                                        $Script:newNameCheck = $false
                                        $Script:newNameCheck = $true
                                        if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Text -match "$($controlType) - $($userInput.NewName)" ) {
                                            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlType) with the Name '$($userInput.NewName)' already exists.",'Error')
                                        else {
                                            if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null){
                                                $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                            else {
                                                $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                            if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Text -match "$($controlType) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" ) {
                                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlType) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists.",'Error')
                                            else {
                                                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                                    else {
                                        if ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({
                                            $_.Name -eq $($refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$")}).ChildTypes -contains $controlObjectType ) {
                                            if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null){
                                                $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                            else {
                                                $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                            if ($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Nodes | Where-Object { 
                                            $_.Text -eq "$($controlName) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" }) {
                                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlName) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists. Try again to create '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName + 1)'",'Error')
                                            else {
                                                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                                        else {
                                            if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null) {
                                                $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                            else {
                                                $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                            if ($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Nodes | Where-Object { 
                                                $_.Text -eq "$($controlName) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" }) {
                                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlName) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists. Try again to create '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName + 1)'",'Error')
                                            else {
                                                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].TopNode -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                                catch {
                                    #Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while adding '$($controlName)'."
                            $Script:oldMousePos = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position
                            $Script:OldMousePos.Y = 125 + $MainForm.Top + ($btn_SizeAll.Parent).Top
                            $Script.OldMousePos.X = $MainForm.Left + ($btn_SizeAll.Parent).Left
                            New-SendMessage -hWnd $btn_SizeAll.handle -Msg 0x0201 -wParam 0 -lParam 0
                        if (($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left')) {
                            $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                        if ($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this) {
                            $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                        if ($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this) {
                            $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                    $Script:sButtons = $null
                    Remove-Variable -Name btn_SizeAll -Scope global
                    Remove-Variable -Name sButtons -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_SizeAll" Cursor="SizeAll" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_TLeft" Cursor="SizeNWSE" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_TRight" Cursor="SizeNESW" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_BLeft" Cursor="SizeNESW" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_BRight" Cursor="SizeNWSE" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MLeft" Cursor="SizeWE" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MRight" Cursor="SizeWE" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MTop" Cursor="SizeNS" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                    ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -ParentControl $form -Reference sButtons -Suppress -Xml '<Button Name="btn_MBottom" Cursor="SizeNS" BackColor="White" Size="8,8" Visible="False" />'
                            param($Sender, $e)
                            try {
                                $currentMousePOS = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position
                                if (($e.Button -eq 'Left') -and (($currentMousePOS.X -ne $Script:oldMousePOS.X) -or ($currentMousePOS.Y -ne $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))) {
                                    if (@('SplitterPanel','TabPage') -notcontains $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.GetType().Name) {
                                        $sObj = $Script:sRect
                                        $msObj = @{}
                                        switch ($Sender.Name) {
                                                btn_SizeAll {
                                                    if ((@('FlowLayoutPanel','TableLayoutPanel') -contains $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Parent.GetType().Name) -or ($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Dock -ne 'None')) {
                                                        $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    } else {
                                                        $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = $Script:sRect.Size
                                                btn_TLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_TRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_BLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_BRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_MLeft {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $Script:oldMousePOS.X - $currentMousePOS.X),$sObj.Size.Height)
                                                btn_MRight {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(($sObj.Size.Width + $currentMousePOS.X - $Script:oldMousePOS.X),$sObj.Size.Height)
                                                btn_MTop {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,($currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($sObj.Size.Width,($sObj.Size.Height + $Script:oldMousePOS.Y - $currentMousePOS.Y))
                                                btn_MBottom {
                                                    $msObj.LocOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0,0)
                                                    $newSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($sObj.Size.Width,($sObj.Size.Height + $currentMousePOS.Y - $Script:oldMousePOS.Y))
                                        $msObj.Size = $newSize
                                        $Script:MouseMoving = $true
                                        Move-SButtons -Object $msObj
                                        $Script:MouseMoving = $false
                                        $refFID = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects.Values.Where({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Form'})
                                        $clientParent = $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Parent.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                                        $clientForm = $refFID.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                                        $newLocation = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Script:sRect.Location.X - (($clientParent.X - $clientForm.X) * -1)),($Script:sRect.Location.Y - (($clientParent.Y - $clientForm.Y) * -1)))
                                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Size = $Script:sRect.Size
                                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Location = $newLocation
                                    $Script:oldMousePos = $currentMousePOS
                                else {
                                    $Script:oldMousePos = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position
                            catch {
                            # Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while moving mouse over selected control."
                        #do not uncomment # Move-SButtons -Object $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject
                    $form.MDIParent = $refs['MainForm']
                    $Script:refsFID = @{
                        Form = @{
                            TreeNodes=@{"$($ControlName)" = $newTreeNode}
                            Objects=@{"$($ControlName)" = $form}
                elseif ((@('ContextMenuStrip','Timer') -contains $ControlType) -or ($ControlType -match "Dialog$")) {
                    $newTreeNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Add($ControlName,"$($ControlType) - $($ControlName)")
                    if ($null -eq $Script:refsFID[$ControlType]){
                    $Script:refsFID[$ControlType][$ControlName] = @{
                        TreeNodes = @{"$($ControlName)" = $newTreeNode}
                        Objects = @{"$($ControlName)" = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ControlType}
                        Changes = @{}
                        Events = @{}
            else {
                if (($ControlName -ne '') -and ($ControlType -ne 'SplitterPanel')){
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $TreeObject
                    if ($objRef.Success -ne $false) {
                        $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ControlType
                        $newControl.Name = $ControlName
                        switch ($ControlType){
                            default{$newControl.Text = $controlText}
                        if ($newControl.height){
                            $newControl.height = $newControl.height * $ctscale
                        if ($newControl.width){
                            $newControl.width = $newControl.width * $ctscale

                        if ($newControl.ImageScalingSize) {
                            $newControl.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * $newControl.imagescalingsize.width),[int]($ctscale * $newControl.imagescalingsize.Height))
                    if ( $ControlType -eq "ToolStrip" ) {
                        if ($ControlType -match "^ToolStrip") {
                            if ($objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip") {
                                if ($objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].GetType().ToString() -eq "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip"){
                                else {
                            else {
                        elseif ($ControlType -eq 'ContextMenuStrip') {
                            $objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name].ContextMenuStrip = $newControl
                        else {
                        if ($ControlType -ne 'WebBrowser'){                     
                            try {
                                    if (( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left' )) {
                                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
                            catch {
                                if ($_.Exception.Message -notmatch 'not valid on this control') {
                                    throw $_
                        $newTreeNode = $TreeObject.Nodes.Add($ControlName,"$($ControlType) - $($ControlName)")
                        $objRef.TreeNodes[$ControlName] = $newTreeNode
                        $objRef.Objects[$ControlName] = $newControl
                        if ($ControlType -eq 'SplitContainer') {
                            for ( $i=1;$i -le 2;$i++ ) {
                                $objRef.TreeNodes["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"] = $newTreeNode.Nodes.Add("$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)","SplitterPanel - $($ControlName)_Panel$($i)")
                                $objRef.Objects["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"] = $newControl."Panel$($i)"
                                $objRef.Objects["$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"].Name = "$($ControlName)_Panel$($i)"
                                    if (( $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject -ne $this ) -and ( $args[1].Button -eq 'Left' )) {
                                        $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refsFID.Form.TreeNodes[$this.Name]
            if ($newTreeNode) {
                $newTreeNode.ContextMenuStrip = $Script:reuseContext['TreeNode']
                $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $newTreeNode
                if (( $ControlType -eq 'TabControl' ) -and ( $Script:openingProject -eq $false )) {
                    Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $newTreeNode -ControlType TabPage -ControlName 'Tab 1'
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Unable to add $($ControlName) to $($objRef.Objects[$TreeObject.Name])."

    function Get-ChildNodeList {
        $returnVal = @()
        if ($TreeNode.Nodes.Count -gt 0) {
            try {
                    $returnVal += $(if ($Level) { "$($_.Level):$($_.Name)" } else {$_.Name})
                    $returnVal += $(if ( $Level ) { Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $_ -Level } else { Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $_ })
            catch {
                Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered building Treenode list."
        return $returnVal

    function Get-RootNodeObjRef {
        try {
            if ($TreeNode.Level -gt 0) {
                while ($TreeNode.Parent) {
                    $TreeNode = $TreeNode.Parent
            $type = $TreeNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
            $name = $TreeNode.Name
            $returnVal = [pscustomobject]@{
                Success = $true
                RootType = $type
                RootName = $name
                TreeNodes = ''
                Objects = ''
                Changes = ''
                Events = ''

            if ($type -eq 'Form') {
                $returnVal.TreeNodes = $Script:refsFID[$type].TreeNodes
                $returnVal.Objects = $Script:refsFID[$type].Objects
                $returnVal.Changes = $Script:refsFID[$type].Changes
                $returnVal.Events = $Script:refsFID[$type].Events
            elseif ((@('ContextMenuStrip','Timer') -contains $type) -or ($type -match "Dialog$")) {
                $returnVal.TreeNodes = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].TreeNodes
                $returnVal.Objects = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Objects
                $returnVal.Changes = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Changes
                $returnVal.Events = $Script:refsFID[$type][$name].Events
            else {
                $returnVal.Success = $false
            return $returnVal
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered determining root node object reference."

    function Move-SButtons {
        if ($Object.GetType().Name -eq 'ToolStripProgressBar') {
        if (($Script:supportedControls.Where({
            $_.Type -eq 'Parentless'
        }).Name + @('Form','ToolStripMenuItem','ToolStripComboBox','ToolStripTextBox','ToolStripSeparator','ContextMenuStrip')) -notcontains $Object.GetType().Name ) {     
          $newSize = $Object.Size
            if ($Object.GetType().Name -ne 'HashTable') {
                $refFID = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects.Values.Where({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Form'})
                $Script:sButtons.GetEnumerator().ForEach({$_.Value.Visible = $true})
                $newLoc = $Object.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                $clientParent = $Object.Parent.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                $clientForm = $refFID.PointToClient([System.Drawing.Point]::Empty)
                $clientOffset = New-Object System.Drawing.Point((($clientParent.X - $clientForm.X) * -1),(($clientParent.Y - $clientForm.Y) * -1))
                $newLoc = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Object.Location.X + $Object.LocOffset.X),($Object.Location.Y + $Object.LocOffset.Y))
            else {
            $newLoc = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Script:sButtons['btn_TLeft'].Location.X + $Object.LocOffset.X),($Script:sButtons['btn_TLeft'].Location.Y + $Object.LocOffset.Y))
            $Script:sRect = New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle($newLoc,$newSize)
                $btn = $_.Value
                switch ($btn.Name) {
                    btn_SizeAll {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + 13),$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_TLeft {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X,$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_TRight {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),$newLoc.Y)}
                    btn_BLeft {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X,($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))}
                    btn_BRight {$btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))}
                    btn_MLeft {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Height -gt 28 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($newLoc.X ,($newLoc.Y + ($newSize.Height / 2) - 4))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        else {
                            $btn.Visible = $false
                    btn_MRight {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Height -gt 28 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + $newSize.Width - 8),($newLoc.Y + ($newSize.Height / 2) - 4))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        else {
                            $btn.Visible = $false
                    btn_MTop {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Width -gt 40 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + ($newSize.Width / 2) - 4),$newLoc.Y)
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        else {
                            $btn.Visible = $false
                    btn_MBottom {
                        if ( $Object.Size.Width -gt 40 ) {
                            $btn.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($newLoc.X + ($newSize.Width / 2) - 4),($newLoc.Y + $newSize.Height - 8))
                            $btn.Visible = $true
                        else {
                            $btn.Visible = $false

        else {
                $_.Value.Visible = $false
                $stlTimer = new-timer 100
            $tsLeftTop.Text = "$($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Location.Y),$($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Location.X)"
            $tsHeightWidth.Text = "$($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Size.Width),$($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject.Size.Height)"

    function Save-Project {
        $projectName = $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text
        if ($ReturnXML -eq $false) {
            if (($SaveAs) -or ($projectName -eq 'NewProject.fbs')) {
                $saveDialog = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
<SaveFileDialog InitialDirectory="$($Script:projectsDir)" AddExtension="True" DefaultExt="fbs" Filter="fbs files (*.fbs)|*.fbs" FileName="$($projectName)" OverwritePrompt="True" ValidateNames="True" RestoreDirectory="True" />

                    if ($($this.FileName | Split-Path -Leaf) -eq 'NewProject.fbs') {
                        [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You cannot save a project with the file name 'NewProject.fbs'",'Validation Error')
                        $e.Cancel = $true
                try {
                    if (( $saveDialog.FileName -ne '') -and ($saveDialog.FileName -ne 'NewProject.fbs')) {
                        $projectName = $saveDialog.FileName | Split-Path -Leaf
                    } else {
                        $projectName = ''
                catch {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered while selecting Save file name.'
                    $projectName = ''
                finally {
                    $global:projectDirName = $saveDialog.FileName
                    Remove-Variable -Name saveDialog

        if ($projectName -ne '') {
            try {
                $xml = New-Object -TypeName XML
                $xml.LoadXml('<Data><Events Desc="Events associated with controls"></Events><Functions Desc="Functions associated with project"></Functions></Data>')
                $tempPGrid = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid
                $tempPGrid.PropertySort = 'Alphabetical'
                    $currentNode = $xml.Data
                    $rootControlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
                    $rootControlName = $_.Name
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $rootControlName -and $_.Text -match "^$($rootControlType)" })
                    $nodeIndex = @("0:$($rootControlName)")
                    $nodeIndex += Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $objRef.TreeNodes[$rootControlName] -Level
                        $nodeName = $nodeIndex[$_] -replace "^\d+:"
                        $newElementType = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].GetType().Name
                        [int]$nodeDepth = $nodeIndex[$_] -replace ":.*$"
                        $newElement = $xml.CreateElement($newElementType)
                        $tempPGrid.SelectedObject = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]
                            $prop = $_
                            $tempGI = $tempPGrid.SelectedGridItem.Parent.GridItems.Where({$_.PropertyLabel -eq $prop})

                            if ($tempGI.Count -gt 0) {
                                if ($tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component)) {
                            $checkReflector = $true
                            $tempGI = $_
                            if ($Script:specialProps.All -contains $tempGI.PropertyLabel) {
                                switch ($tempGI.PropertyLabel) {
                                    Location {
                                        if (($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Dock -ne 'None') -or
                                           ($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Parent.GetType().Name -eq 'FlowLayoutPanel') -or
                                           (($newElementType -eq 'Form') -and ($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.StartPosition -ne 'Manual')) -or
                                           ($tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue() -eq '0, 0')) {
                                            $checkReflector = $false
                                    Size {
                                        if (($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $true) -or ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Dock -eq 'Fill')) {
                                            if (( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $true ) -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled -eq $false )) {
                                                $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled = $true
                                                if ($tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component)) {
                                                $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Enabled = $false
                                            $checkReflector = $false
                                            if (($newElementType -eq 'Textbox') -and ($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Size.Width -ne 100)) {
                                                $checkReflector = $true
                                        if (($newElementType -eq 'Form') -and ($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.Size -eq (New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,300)))) {
                                            $checkReflector = $false
                                    FlatAppearance {
                                        if ($tempPGrid.SelectedObject.FlatStyle -eq 'Flat') {
                                            $value = ''
                                                if ( $_.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($_.Component.FlatAppearance) ) {$value += "$($_.PropertyLabel)=$($_.GetPropertyTextValue())|"}
                                            if ($value -ne '') {
                                                $newElement.SetAttribute('FlatAppearance',$($value -replace "\|$"))
                                        $checkReflector = $false
                                    default {
                                        if (($Script:specialProps.BadReflector -contains $_) -and ( $null -ne $objRef.Changes[$_] )) {
                                        $checkReflector = $false

                            if ($checkReflector) {
                                if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {
                                elseif (( $newElementType -eq 'Form' ) -and ( $tempGI.PropertyLabel -eq 'Size') -and ( $tempPGrid.SelectedObject.AutoSize -eq $false )) {

                            # Set certain properties last
                            $prop = $_
                            $tempGI = $tempPGrid.SelectedGridItem.Parent.GridItems.Where({$_.PropertyLabel -eq $prop})

                            if ( $tempGI.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $prop ) {
                                    if ( $prop -eq 'Items' ) {
                                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Items.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                            if ( @('CheckedListBox','ListBox','ComboBox','ToolStripComboBox') -contains $newElementType ) {
                                                $value = ''
                                                $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Items.ForEach({$value += "$($_)|*BreakPT*|"})
                                                $newElement.SetAttribute('Items',$($value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|$"))
                                            else {
                                                switch ($newElementType) {
                                                    'MenuStrip' {}
                                                    'ContextMenuStrip' {}
                                                    #'ListView' {}
                                                    default {if ( $ReturnXML -eq $false ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($newElementType) items will not save",'Notification')}}
                                    else {
                                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].$prop.Count -gt 0 ) {
                                            $value = ''
                                            $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].$prop.ForEach({$value += "$($_)|*BreakPT*|"})
                                            $newElement.SetAttribute($prop,$($value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|$"))
                                else {
                                    if ( $tempGI.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($tempGI.Component) ) {$newElement.SetAttribute($tempGI.PropertyLabel,$tempGI.GetPropertyTextValue())}

                            # Set assigned Events
                        if ( $objRef.Events[$nodeName] ) {
                            $newEventElement = $xml.CreateElement($newElementType)
                            $eventString = ''
                            $objRef.Events[$nodeName].ForEach({$eventString += "$($_) "})
                            $newEventElement.SetAttribute('Events',$($eventString -replace " $"))
                           # Set $currentNode for the next iteration
                        if ( $_ -lt ($nodeIndex.Count-1) ) {
                            [int]$nextNodeDepth = "$($nodeIndex[($_+1)] -replace ":.*$")"
                            if ( $nextNodeDepth -gt $nodeDepth ) {$currentNode = $newElement}
                            elseif ( $nextNodeDepth -lt $nodeDepth ) {@(($nodeDepth-1)..$nextNodeDepth).ForEach({$currentNode = $currentNode.ParentNode})}
                foreach ($item in $lst_Functions.items){
                    $checkItem = $lst_Functions.GetItemCheckState($lst_Functions.Items.IndexOf($item)).ToString()
                    $i = $lst_Functions.Items.IndexOf($item)
                    if ($checkItem -eq 'Checked') {
                        $newFunctionElement = $xml.CreateElement('Function')
                $nodes = $xml.SelectNodes('//*')
                foreach ($node in $nodes) {
                    if ($node.Size){
                        $n = ($node.Size).split(',')
                        $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) / $ctscale)
                        $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) / $ctscale)
                        if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                            $node.Size = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                    if ($node.Location){
                        $n = ($node.Location).split(',')
                        $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) / $ctscale)
                        $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) / $ctscale)
                        if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                            $node.Location = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                    if ($node.MaximumSize){
                        $n = ($node.MaximumSize).split(',')
                        $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) / $ctscale)
                        $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) / $ctscale)
                        if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                            $node.MaximumSize = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                    if ($node.MinimumSize){
                        $n = ($node.MinimumSize).split(',')
                        $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) / $ctscale)
                        $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) / $ctscale)
                        if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                            $node.MinimumSize = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                    if ($node.ImageScalingSize){
                        $n = ($node.ImageScalingSize).split(',')
                        $n[0] = [math]::round(($n[0]/1) / $ctscale)
                        $n[1] = [math]::round(($n[1]/1) / $ctscale)
                        if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                            $node.ImageScalingSize = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                if ( $ReturnXML ) {return $xml}
                else {
                    $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text = $projectName
                    $generationPath = "$(Split-Path -Path $global:projectDirName)\$($projectName -replace "\..*$")"
                    if (Test-Path -path $generationPath) {
                    else {
                        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $generationPath
                    $utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
                    Assert-List $lst_Find SaveFile "$generationPath\Finds.txt"
                    if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {$Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = 'Successfully Saved!'}
            catch {
                if ( $ReturnXML ) {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while generating Form XML."
                    return $xml
                else {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while saving project."
            finally {
                if ( $tempPGrid ) {
        else {
            throw 'SaveCancelled'
    function ChangeView {($e, $r)
        try {
            switch ($this.Text) {
                'Toolbox' {
                    $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Left']
                    $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Left']
                    $tsViewItem = $refs['Toolbox']
                    $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Toolbox']
                    $tsBtn = $tsToolBoxBtn
                    $thisNum = '1'
                    $otherNum = '2'
                    $side = 'Left'
                'Form Tree' {
                    $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Left']
                    $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Left']
                    $tsViewItem = $refs['FormTree']
                    $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_FormTree']
                    $tsBtn = $tsFormTreeBtn
                    $thisNum = '2'
                    $otherNum = '1'
                    $side = 'Left'
                'Properties' {
                    $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Right']
                    $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Right']
                    $tsViewItem = $refs['Properties']
                    $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Properties']
                    $tsBtn = $tsPropertiesBtn
                    $thisNum = '1'
                    $otherNum = '2'
                    $side = 'Right'
                'Events' {
                    $pnlChanged = $refs['pnl_Right']
                    $sptChanged = $refs['spt_Right']
                    $tsViewItem = $refs['Events']
                    $tsMenuItem = $refs['ms_Events']
                    $tsBtn = $tsEventsBtn
                    $thisNum = '2'
                    $otherNum = '1'
                    $side = 'Right'
            if (( $pnlChanged.Visible ) -and ( $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" )) {
                $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $false
                $tsViewItem.Checked = $true
                $tsBtn.Checked = $true
                $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'RoyalBlue'
            elseif (( $pnlChanged.Visible ) -and ( $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" -eq $false )) {
                $tsViewItem.Checked = $false
                $tsBtn.Checked = $false
                $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'MidnightBlue'
                if ( $sptChanged."Panel$($otherNum)Collapsed" ) {$pnlChanged.Visible = $false} else {$sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $true}
            else {
                $tsViewItem.Checked = $true
                $tsBtn.Checked = $true
                $tsMenuItem.BackColor = 'RoyalBlue'
                $sptChanged."Panel$($thisNum)Collapsed" = $false
                $sptChanged."Panel$($otherNum)Collapsed" = $true
                $pnlChanged.Visible = $true
            if ( $pnlChanged.Visible -eq $true ) {$refs["lbl_$($side)"].Visible = $true} else {$refs["lbl_$($side)"].Visible = $false}
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during View change."
    function NewProjectClick {
        try {               
            if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Unsaved changes to the current project will be lost. Are you sure you want to start a new project?", 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                $global:control_track = @{}
                $projectName = "NewProject.fbs"
                $FastText.SelectedText = "#region Images

                Assert-List $lst_Find Clear
                $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text = $projectName
                    $controlName = $_.Name
                    $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
                    if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {
                    else {
                Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType Form -ControlName MainForm
                $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].height = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].height * $ctscale
                $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].width = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].width * $ctscale
                $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].tag = "VisualStyle,DPIAware"
                $baseicon = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].Icon          
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during start of New Project."
    function OpenProjectClick ([string]$fileName){
        if ($fileName -eq ''){
            if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You will lose all changes to the current project. Are you sure?", 'Confirm', 4) -eq 'No' ) {
            $openDialog = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml @"
<OpenFileDialog InitialDirectory="$($Script:projectsDir)" AddExtension="True" DefaultExt="fbs" Filter="fbs files (*.fbs)|*.fbs" FilterIndex="1" ValidateNames="True" CheckFileExists="True" RestoreDirectory="True" />

        try {
            $Script:openingProject = $true
            if ($fileName -eq ''){
                if ( $openDialog.ShowDialog() -ne 'OK' ) {return}
                $fileName = $openDialog.FileName
            if ($fileName) {
                for($i=0; $i -lt $lst_Functions.Items.Count; $i++){
                $global:control_track = @{}
                New-Object -TypeName XML | ForEach-Object {
                   # info $fileName
                        $controlName = $_.Name
                        $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {$Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                        else {$Script:refsFID[$controlType][$controlName].Objects[$ControlName].Dispose()}
                    Convert-XmlToTreeView -XML $_.Data.Form -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView']
                    $_.Data.ChildNodes.Where({$_.ToString() -notmatch 'Form' -and $_.ToString() -notmatch 'Events'}) | ForEach-Object {Convert-XmlToTreeView -XML $_ -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView']}
                    if ( $_.Data.Events.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                        $_.Data.Events.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
                            $rootControlType = $_.Root.Split('|')[0]
                            $rootControlName = $_.Root.Split('|')[1]
                            $controlName = $_.Name
                            if ( $rootControlType -eq 'Form' ) {
                                $Script:refsFID.Form.Events[$controlName] = @()
                                $_.Events.Split(' ') | ForEach-Object {$Script:refsFID.Form.Events[$controlName] += $_}
                            } else {
                                $Script:refsFID[$rootControlType][$rootControlName].Events[$controlName] = @()
                                $_.Events.Split(' ') | ForEach-Object {$Script:refsFID[$rootControlType][$rootControlName].Events[$controlName] += $_}
                    if ( $_.Data.Functions.ChildNodes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                        $_.Data.Functions.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                if ( $objRef.Events[$Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name] ) {
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true
            $Script:openingProject = $false
            if ($fileName) {
                $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].Visible = $true
                $Script:refs['tpg_Form1'].Text = "$($fileName -replace "^.*\\")"
                $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }
                $global:projectDirName = $fileName
                $projectName = $Script:refs['tpg_Form1'].Text
                $generationPath = "$(Split-Path -Path $global:projectDirName)\$($projectName -replace "\..*$")"
                if (Test-Path -path "$generationPath\Events.ps1") {
                    Assert-List $lst_Find Clear
                    try{Assert-List $lst_Find LoadFile "$generationPath\Finds.txt"}catch{}
                    $fastArr = ($FastText.Text).split("
                    foreach ($arrItem in $fastArr){
                        $dotSplit = $arrItem.split(".")
                        if ($dotSplit[1]) {
                            $spaceSplit = $dotSplit[1].Split(" ")
                            $baseStr = $arrItem.split(" ")[0]
                            $noCash = $baseStr.split("`$")[1]
                            if ($noCash.count -gt 0) {
                                $Control = $noCash.Split(".")[0]
                                $b64 = $arrItem.split("`"")[1]
                                switch ($spaceSplit[0]) {
                                        $objRef.Objects[$Control].Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle(([System.Drawing.Bitmap][System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))).GetHicon())
                                        $objRef.Objects[$Control].Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))
                                        $objRef.Objects[$Control].BackgroundImage = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))
                                        $objRef.Objects[$Control].ErrorImage = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))
                                        $objRef.Objects[$Control].BackgroundImage = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while opening $($fileName)."
        finally {
            $Script:openingProject = $false
            if ($openDialog){
                Remove-Variable -Name openDialog

    function RenameClick {
        if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {
            $currentName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
            $userInput = Get-UserInputFromForm -SetText $currentName

            if ( $userInput.Result -eq 'OK' ) {
                try {
                    $newName = $userInput.NewName
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                    $objRef.Objects[$currentName].Name = $newName
                    $objRef.Objects[$newName] = $objRef.Objects[$currentName]
                    if ( $objRef.Changes[$currentName] ) {
                        $objRef.Changes[$newName] = $objRef.Changes[$currentName]
                    if ( $objRef.Events[$currentName] ) {
                        $objRef.Events[$newName] = $objRef.Events[$currentName]
                    $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName].Name = $newName
                    $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName].Text = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace "-.*$","- $($newName)"
                    $objRef.TreeNodes[$newName] = $objRef.TreeNodes[$currentName]
                    if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$newName].Text -match "^SplitContainer" ) {
                            $objRef.Objects["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Name = "$($newName)_$($_)"
                            $objRef.Objects["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Objects["$($currentName)_$($_)"]
                            if ( $objRef.Changes["$($currentName)_$($_)"] ) {
                                $objRef.Changes["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Changes["$($currentName)_$($_)"]
                            if ( $objRef.Events["$($currentName)_$($_)"] ) {
                                $objRef.Events["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.Events["$($currentName)_$($_)"]
                            $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Name = "$($newName)_$($_)"
                            $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"].Text = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace "-.*$","- $($newName)_$($_)"
                            $objRef.TreeNodes["$($newName)_$($_)"] = $objRef.TreeNodes["$($currentName)_$($_)"]
                catch {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered renaming '$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text)'."
        else {
            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot perform any action from the 'Edit' Menu against a SplitterPanel control.",'Restricted Action')
    function DeleteClick{
        if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {
            try {
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                if (( $objRef.Success -eq $true ) -and ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Level -ne 0 ) -or ( $objRef.RootType -ne 'Form' )) {
                    if ( [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Are you sure you wish to remove the selected node and all child nodes? This cannot be undone." ,"Confirm Removal" , 4) -eq 'Yes' ) {
                        $nodesToDelete = @($($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode).Name)
                        $nodesToDelete += Get-ChildNodeList -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                            if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodesToDelete[$_]] -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.Node ) {
                                $Script:nodeClipboard = $null
                                Remove-Variable -Name nodeClipboard -Scope Script
                            if ( $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodesToDelete[$_]].Text -notmatch "^SplitterPanel" ) {$objRef.Objects[$nodesToDelete[$_]].Dispose()}
                            if ( $objRef.Changes[$nodesToDelete[$_]] ) {$objRef.Changes.Remove($nodesToDelete[$_])}
                            if ( $objRef.Events[$nodesToDelete[$_]] ) {$objRef.Events.Remove($nodesToDelete[$_])}
                } else {
                    $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = 'Cannot delete the root Form. Start a New Project instead.'
            catch {
                Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered deleting '$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text)'."
        else {
            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Cannot perform any action from the 'Edit' Menu against a SplitterPanel control.",'Restricted Action')
    function CopyNodeClick {
        if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Level -gt 0 ) {
            $Script:nodeClipboard = @{
                ObjRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                Node = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
        else {
            [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('You cannot copy a root node. It will be necessary to copy each individual subnode separately after creating the root node manually.')
    function PasteNodeClick {
        try {
            if ( $Script:nodeClipboard ) {
                $pastedObjType = $Script:nodeClipboard.Node.Text -replace " - .*$"
                $currentObjType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                if ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $currentObjType}).ChildTypes -contains $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $pastedObjType}).Type ) {
                    $pastedObjName = $Script:nodeClipboard.Node.Name
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                    $xml = Save-Project -ReturnXML
                    $pastedXML = Select-Xml -Xml $xml -XPath "//$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType)[@Name=`"$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName)`"]//$($pastedObjType)[@Name=`"$($pastedObjName)`"]"
                    if (( $objRef.RootType -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType ) -and ( $objRef.RootName -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName )) {
                        [array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node -IncrementName
                    else {
                        [array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node
                    Move-SButtons -Object $refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject
                    $newNodeNames.ForEach({if ( $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"] ) {$objRef.Events["$($_.NewName)"] = $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"]}})
                else {
                    $pastedObjName = $Script:nodeClipboard.Node.Name
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].TopNode
                    $xml = Save-Project -ReturnXML
                    $pastedXML = Select-Xml -Xml $xml -XPath "//$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType)[@Name=`"$($Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName)`"]//$($pastedObjType)[@Name=`"$($pastedObjName)`"]"
                    if (( $objRef.RootType -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootType ) -and ( $objRef.RootName -eq $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.RootName )) {
                        [array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].TopNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node -IncrementName
                    else {
                        [array]$newNodeNames = Convert-XmlToTreeView -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].TopNode -Xml $pastedXml.Node
                    Move-SButtons -Object $refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject
                    $newNodeNames.ForEach({if ( $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"] ) {$objRef.Events["$($_.NewName)"] = $Script:nodeClipboard.ObjRef.Events["$($_.OldName)"]}})               
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered while pasting node from clipboard.'         
    function MoveUpClick {
        try {
            $selectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $selectedNode
            $nodeName = $selectedNode.Name
            $nodeIndex = $selectedNode.Index
            if ( $nodeIndex -gt 0 ) {
                $parentNode = $selectedNode.Parent
                $clone = $selectedNode.Clone()


                $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName] = $parentNode.Nodes[$($nodeIndex-1)]
                $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName]
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered increasing index of TreeNode.'
    function MoveDownClick {
        try {
            $selectedNode = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $selectedNode
            $nodeName = $selectedNode.Name
            $nodeIndex = $selectedNode.Index
            if ( $nodeIndex -lt $($selectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1) ) {
                $parentNode = $selectedNode.Parent
                $clone = $selectedNode.Clone()
                if ( $nodeIndex -eq $($parentNode.Nodes.Count - 1) ) {$parentNode.Nodes.Add($clone)}
                else {$parentNode.Nodes.Insert($($nodeIndex+1),$clone)}
                $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName] = $parentNode.Nodes[$($nodeIndex+1)]
                $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRef.TreeNodes[$nodeName]
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message 'Exception encountered decreasing index of TreeNode.'
    function GenerateClick {
        $projectName = $Script:refs['tpg_Form1'].Text
        if ("$global:projectDirName" -eq "") {
            $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please save this project before generating a script file","Script not generated"
        $generationPath = "$(Split-Path -Path $global:projectDirName)\$($projectName -replace "\..*$")"
        $designerpath = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\PowerShell Designer\functions\functions.psm1")
        New-Variable astTokens -Force
        New-Variable astErr -Force
        $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($designerpath, [ref]$astTokens, [ref]$astErr)
        $functions = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true)
        $outstring = "#region VDS
`$RunSpace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(); `$RunSpace.ApartmentState = `"STA`"; `$RunSpace.Open(); `$PowerShell = [powershell]::Create();`$PowerShell.RunspacePool = `$RunSpace; [void]`$PowerShell.AddScript({"

    foreach ($item in $lst_Functions.items){
        $checkItem = $lst_Functions.GetItemCheckState($lst_Functions.Items.IndexOf($item)).ToString()
        $i = $lst_Functions.Items.IndexOf($item)
        if ($checkItem -eq 'Checked') {
            if (($functions[$i].Extent) -ne $null){
        $outstring = "$outstring
    $xmlObj = [xml](([xml](Get-Content "$global:projectDirName" -Encoding utf8)).Data.Form.OuterXml)
    $FormName = $xmlObj.Form.Name
        $controlName = $_.Name
        $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
        if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {
            if ($Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Tag.Contains("IsMDIContainer")){
    $xmlText = $xmlObj.OuterXml | Out-String
    $outstring = "$outstring
ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Reference refs -Suppress -Xml @""
#endregion VDS
Show-Form `$$FormName}); `$PowerShell.AddParameter('File',`$args[0]);`$PowerShell.Invoke(); `$PowerShell.Dispose()"

        if ( (Test-Path -Path "$($generationPath)" -PathType Container) -eq $false ) {
            New-Item -Path "$($generationPath)" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
        $utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
        $outstring | Out-File "$($generationPath)\$($projectName -replace "fbs$","ps1")" -Encoding utf8 -Force
        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Script saved to $($generationPath)\$($projectName -replace "fbs$","ps1")"
    $eventSB = @{
        'New' = @{
            Click = {
        'Open' = @{
            Click = {
        'Rename' = @{
            Click = {
        'Delete' = @{
            Click = {
        'CopyNode' = @{
            Click = {
        'PasteNode' = @{
            Click = {
        'Move Up' = @{
            Click = {
        'Move Down' = @{
            Click = {
        'Generate Script File' = @{
            Click = {
        'TreeView' = @{
            AfterSelect = {
                if ( $Script:openingProject -eq $false ) {
                    try {
                        $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $this.SelectedNode
                        $nodeName = $this.SelectedNode.Name
                        $nodeType = $this.SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject = $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]
                        if ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Parent ) {
                            if (( @('FlowLayoutPanel','TableLayoutPanel') -notcontains $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Parent.GetType().Name ) -and
                               ( $objRef.Objects[$nodeName].Dock -eq 'None' ) -and
                               ( @('SplitterPanel','ToolStripMenuItem','ToolStripComboBox','ToolStripTextBox','ToolStripSeparator','ContextMenuStrip') -notcontains $nodeType ) -and
                               ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({
                                    $_.Type -eq 'Parentless'
                                }).Name -notcontains $nodeType )) {
                            Move-SButtons -Object $objRef.Objects[$nodeName]
                        else {
                            $Script:sButtons.GetEnumerator().ForEach({$_.Value.Visible = $false})
                        if ( $objRef.Events[$this.SelectedNode.Name] ) {
                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true
                        else {
                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false
                        $eventTypes = $($Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject | Get-Member -Force).Name -match "^add_"
                        if ( $eventTypes.Count -gt 0 ) {
                            $eventTypes | ForEach-Object {[void]$Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Items.Add("$($_ -replace "^add_")")}
                        else {
                            [void]$Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Items.Add('No Events Found on Selected Object')
                            $Script:refs['lst_AvailableEvents'].Enabled = $false
                    catch {
                        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after selecting TreeNode."
        'PropertyGrid' = @{
            PropertyValueChanged = {
                try {
                    $changedProperty = $e.ChangedItem
                    if ( @('Location','Size','Dock','AutoSize','Multiline') -contains $changedProperty.PropertyName ) {Move-SButtons -Object $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject}
                    if ( $e.ChangedItem.PropertyDepth -gt 0 ) {
                        $stopProcess = $false
                        ($e.ChangedItem.PropertyDepth-1)..0 | ForEach-Object {
                            if ( $stopProcess -eq $false ) {
                                if ( $changedProperty.ParentGridEntry.HelpKeyword -match "^System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer.Panel" ) {
                                    $stopProcess = $true
                                    $value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()
                                    $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode = $objRefs.Form.TreeNodes["$($Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name)_$($changedProperty.ParentGridEntry.HelpKeyword.Split('.')[-1])"]
                                else {
                                    $changedProperty = $changedProperty.ParentGridEntry
                                    $value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()
                    else {
                        $value = $changedProperty.GetPropertyTextValue()
                    $changedControl = $Script:refs['PropertyGrid'].SelectedObject
                    $controlType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                    $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                    $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                    if ( $changedProperty.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue($changedProperty.Component) ) {
                        switch ($changedProperty.PropertyType) {
                            'System.Drawing.Image' {
                                $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
                                $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].($changedProperty.PropertyName).save($MemoryStream, [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg)
                                $Bytes = $MemoryStream.ToArray()
                                $decodedimage = [convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
                                if ($FastText.GetLineText(0) -eq "#region Images") 
                                    $FastText.SelectionStart = 16
                                $string = "`$$controlName.$($changedProperty.PropertyName) = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String(`"$decodedimage`"))

                                $FastText.SelectedText = $string
                                if ($FastText.GetLineText(0) -eq "#region Images") 
                                $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
                                $Bytes = $MemoryStream.ToArray()
                                $decodedimage = [convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
                                if ($FastText.GetLineText(0) -eq "#region Images") 
                                    $FastText.SelectionStart = 16
                                $string = "`$$controlName.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::FromHandle(([System.Drawing.Bitmap][System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream([System.IO.MemoryStream][System.Convert]::FromBase64String(`"$decodedimage`"))).GetHicon())

                                $FastText.SelectedText = $string
                                if ($FastText.GetLineText(0) -eq "#region Images")
                            default {
                                if ( $null -eq $objRef.Changes[$controlName] ) {$objRef.Changes[$controlName] = @{}}
                                $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$changedProperty.PropertyName] = $value

                    elseif ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName] ) {
                        if ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName][$changedProperty.PropertyName] ) {
                            if ( $objRef.Changes[$controlName].Count -eq 0 ) {$objRef.Changes.Remove($controlName)}
                catch {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after changing property value ($($controlType) - $($controlName))."
        'trv_Controls' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $this.SelectedNode.Name
                switch ($controlName) {
                    'MenuStrip' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'ContextMenuStrip' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'StatusStrip' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'ToolStrip' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'ToolStripDropDownButton' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'ToolStripSplitButton' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                    'ToolStripMenuItem' {
                        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Please do not use item collections in the property grid. Build onto controls by stacking controls from the selection on the left."
                if ( $controlName -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {
                    $context = 1
                else {
                    $context = 2
                if ( @('All Controls','Common','Containers', 'Menus and ToolStrips','Miscellaneous') -notcontains $controlName ) {
                    $controlObjectType = $Script:supportedControls.Where({$_.Name -eq $controlName}).Type
                    try {
                        if (( $controlObjectType -eq 'Parentless' ) -or ( $context -eq 0 )) {
                            $controlType = $controlName
                            $Script:newNameCheck = $false
                            $Script:newNameCheck = $true
                            if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Text -match "$($controlType) - $($userInput.NewName)" ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlType) with the Name '$($userInput.NewName)' already exists.",'Error')
                            else {
                                if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null){
                                    $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                else {
                                    $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                if ( $Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Text -match "$($controlType) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" ) {
                                    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlType) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists.",'Error')
                                else {
                                    Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                        else {
                            if ( $Script:supportedControls.Where({
                                $_.Name -eq $($refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$")}).ChildTypes -contains $controlObjectType ) {
                                if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null){
                                    $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                else {
                                    $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                if ($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Nodes | Where-Object { 
                                $_.Text -eq "$($controlName) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" }) {
                                    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlName) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists. Try again to create '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName + 1)'",'Error')
                                else {
                                    Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                            else {
                                if ($control_track.$controlName -eq $null) {
                                    $control_track[$controlName] = 1
                                else {
                                    $control_track.$controlName = $control_track.$controlName + 1
                                if ($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes.Nodes | Where-Object { 
                                    $_.Text -eq "$($controlName) - $controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" }) {
                                    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("A $($controlName) with the Name '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)' already exists. Try again to create '$controlName$($control_track.$controlName + 1)'",'Error')
                                else {
                                    Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'].TopNode -ControlType $controlName "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)" "$controlName$($control_track.$controlName)"
                    catch {
                        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered while adding '$($controlName)'."
        'lst_AvailableEvents' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items -notcontains $this.SelectedItem ) {
                    if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items -contains 'No Events' ) {$Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Clear()}
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $true
                    $objRef.Events[$controlName] = @($Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items)
                    $FastText.SelectedText = "`$$ControlName.add_$($this.SelectedItem)({param(`$sender, `$e)

        'lst_AssignedEvents' = @{
            DoubleClick = {
                $controlName = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Name
                $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Count -eq 0 ) {
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
                    $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false
                if ( $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items[0] -ne 'No Events' ) {
                    $objRef.Events[$controlName] = @($Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items)
                else {
                    if ( $objRef.Events[$controlName] ) {
        'ChangeView' = {
        'ChangePanelSize' = @{
            'MouseMove' = {
                param($Sender, $e)
                if (( $e.Button -eq 'Left' ) -and ( $e.Location.X -ne 0 ) -and ($ControlBeingSelected -eq $False)) {
                    $side = $Sender.Name -replace "^lbl_"
                    if ( $side -eq 'Right' ) {$newX = $refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Width - $e.Location.X} else {$newX = $refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Width + $e.Location.X}
                    if ( $newX -ge 100 ) {$refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($newX,$refs["pnl_$($side)"].Size.Y)}
        'CheckedChanged' = {
            param ($Sender)
            if ( $Sender.Checked ) {
                $Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Enabled = $true
                $Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Focus()
            else {
                $Sender.Parent.Controls["$($Sender.Name -replace "^c",'t')"].Enabled = $false
    $Script:childFormInfo = @{
        'NameInput' = @{
            XMLText = @"
  <Form Name="NameInput" ShowInTaskbar="False" MaximizeBox="False" Text="Enter Name" Size="700, 125" StartPosition="CenterParent" MinimizeBox="False" BackColor="171, 171, 171" FormBorderStyle="FixedDialog" Font="Arial, 18pt">
    <Label Name="label" TextAlign="MiddleCenter" Location="25, 25" Size="170, 40" Text="Control Name:" />
    <TextBox Name="UserInput" Location="210, 25" Size="425, 25"/>
    <Button Name="StopDingOnEnter" Visible="False" />

            Events = @(
                    Name = 'NameInput'
                    EventType = 'Activated'
                    ScriptBlock = {$this.Controls['UserInput'].Focus()
                    Name = 'UserInput'
                    EventType = 'KeyUp'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        if ( $_.KeyCode -eq 'Return' ) {
                            $objRef = Get-RootNodeObjRef -TreeNode $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode
                            if ( $((Get-Date)-$($Script:lastUIKeyUp)).TotalMilliseconds -lt 250 ) {
                                # Do nothing
                            elseif ( $this.Text -match "(\||<|>|&|\$|'|`")" ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Names cannot contain any of the following characters: `"|<'>`"&`$`".", 'Error')
                            elseif (( $objref.TreeNodes[$($this.Text.Trim())] ) -and ( $Script:newNameCheck -eq $true )) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("All elements must have unique names for this application to function as intended. The name '$($this.Text.Trim())' is already assigned to another element.", 'Error')
                            elseif ( $($this.Text -replace "\s") -eq '' ) {
                                [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("All elements must have names for this application to function as intended.", 'Error')
                                $this.Text = ''
                            else {
                                $this.Parent.DialogResult = 'OK'
                                $this.Text = $this.Text.Trim()
                            $Script:lastUIKeyUp = Get-Date
    $reuseContextInfo = @{
        'TreeNode' = @{
            XMLText = @"
  <ContextMenuStrip Name="TreeNode">
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="MoveUp" ShortcutKeys="F5" Text="Move Up" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F5" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="MoveDown" ShortcutKeys="F6" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="F6" Text="Move Down" />
    <ToolStripSeparator Name="Sep1" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="CopyNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+C" Text="Copy" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+C" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="PasteNode" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+Alt+V" Text="Paste" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+Alt+V" />
    <ToolStripSeparator Name="Sep2" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Rename" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+R" Text="Rename" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+R" />
    <ToolStripMenuItem Name="Delete" ShortcutKeys="Ctrl+D" Text="Delete" ShortcutKeyDisplayString="Ctrl+D" />

            Events = @(
                    Name = 'TreeNode'
                    EventType = 'Opening'
                    ScriptBlock = {
                        $parentType = $Script:refs['TreeView'].SelectedNode.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        if ( $parentType -eq 'Form' ) {
                            $this.Items['Delete'].Visible = $false
                            $this.Items['CopyNode'].Visible = $false
                            $isCopyVisible = $false
                        else {
                            $this.Items['Delete'].Visible = $true
                            $this.Items['CopyNode'].Visible = $true
                            $isCopyVisible = $true
                        if ( $Script:nodeClipboard ) {
                            $this.Items['PasteNode'].Visible = $true
                            $this.Items['Sep2'].Visible = $true
                        else {
                            $this.Items['PasteNode'].Visible = $false
                            $this.Items['Sep2'].Visible = $isCopyVisible
                    Name = 'MoveUp'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Move Up'].Click
                    Name = 'MoveDown'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Move Down'].Click
                    Name = 'CopyNode'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['CopyNode'].Click
                    Name = 'PasteNode'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['PasteNode'].Click
                    Name = 'Rename'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Rename'].Click
                    Name = 'Delete'
                    EventType = 'Click'
                    ScriptBlock = $eventSB['Delete'].Click
    $noIssues = $true
    try {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
        $Script:projectsDir = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\PowerShell Designer")
        if ( (Test-Path -Path "$($Script:projectsDir)") -eq $false ) {New-Item -Path "$($Script:projectsDir)" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null}
        $Script:lastUIKeyUp = Get-Date
        $Script:newNameCheck = $true
        $Script:openingProject = $false
        $Script:MouseMoving = $false
        $Script:supportedControls = @(
            [pscustomobject]@{Name='ListView';Prefix='lsv';Type='Common';ChildTypes=@('Context')},  # need to fix issue with VirtualMode when 0 items
        $Script:specialProps = @{
            All = @('(DataBindings)','FlatAppearance','Location','Size','AutoSize','Dock','TabPages','SplitterDistance','UseCompatibleTextRendering','TabIndex',
            Before = @('Dock','AutoSize')
            After = @('SplitterDistance','AnnuallyBoldedDates','BoldedDates','Items','Text')
            BadReflector = @('UseCompatibleTextRendering','TabIndex','TabStop','IsMDIContainer')
            Array = @('Items','AnnuallyBoldedDates','BoldedDates','MonthlyBoldedDates')
    catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Environment Setup."
        $noIssues = $false
    if ( $noIssues ) {
        try {
            Get-CustomControl -ControlInfo $reuseContextInfo['TreeNode'] -Reference reuseContext -Suppress
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Child Form Initialization."
            $noIssues = $false
    try {
        $Script:refs['Move Up'].Add_Click($eventSB['Move Up'].Click)
        $Script:refs['Move Down'].Add_Click($eventSB['Move Down'].Click)
        $Script:refs['Generate'].Add_Click($eventSB['Generate Script File'].Click)
        function RunLast {
            $projectName = $refs['tpg_Form1'].Text  
            if ($projectName -ne "NewProject.fbs") {                
            $generationPath = "$(Split-Path -Path $global:projectDirName)\$($projectName -replace "\..*$")"
                if (Test-Path -path $generationPath) {
                    #do nothing
                else {
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $generationPath
                $file = "`"$($generationPath)\$($projectName -replace "fbs$","ps1")`""
                start-process -filepath powershell.exe -argumentlist '-ep bypass','-sta','-noexit',"-file $file"
                start-sleep -s 1
            $PS = Get-WindowExists "Windows PowerShell"
            if ($PS -eq $Null){
                $PS = Get-WindowExists "Administrator: Windows PowerShell"
            Set-WindowText $PS "Windows PowerShell - PowerShell Designer Debug Window"
            Set-WindowOnTop -Handle $PS
        function LoadFunctionModule {
        start-process -filepath powershell.exe -argumentlist '-noexit', "-command import-module '$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'))\PowerShell Designer\functions\functions.psm1'; Set-Types" #-workingdirectory "$($global:projectDirName)"
            start-sleep -s 1
            $PS = Get-WindowExists "Windows PowerShell"
            if ($PS -eq $Null){
                $PS = Get-WindowExists "Administrator: Windows PowerShell"
            Set-WindowText $PS "Windows PowerShell - PowerShell Designer Custom Functions Enabled | Set-Types"

        $Script:refs['Select All'].Add_Click({
        $Script:refs['Expand All'].Add_Click({
        $Script:refs['Collapse All'].Add_Click({
        function SaveProjectClick{
             try {Save-Project} catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne 'SaveCancelled' ) {throw $_}}
        function SaveAsProjectClick{
             try {Save-Project -SaveAs} catch {if ( $_.Exception.Message -ne 'SaveCancelled' ) {throw $_}} 
        function bookmarkTS{}
            $ClosingAsk = Get-Answer "Have you saved your work?" "Close PowerShell Designer?"
            if ($ClosingAsk -eq 'Yes'){
                try {
                        $controlName = $_.Name
                        $controlType = $_.Text -replace " - .*$"
                        if ( $controlType -eq 'Form' ) {$Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                        else {$Script:refsFID[$controlType][$controlName].Objects[$controlName].Dispose()}
                catch {
                    Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Form closure."
            else {$e.cancel}
        $Script:refs['Save As'].Add_Click({SaveAsProjectClick})
        $Script:refs['TreeView'].Add_DrawNode({$args[1].DrawDefault = $true})
        $Script:refs['TreeView'].Add_NodeMouseClick({$this.SelectedNode = $args[1].Node})
    catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Event Assignment."
    if ( $noIssues ) {
        try {
            @('All Controls','Common','Containers','Menus and ToolStrips','Miscellaneous').ForEach({
                $treeNode = $Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes.Add($_,$_)
                switch ($_) {
                    'All Controls'         {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ @('Special','SplitContainer') -notcontains $_.Type }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Common'               {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Common' }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Containers'           {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Container' }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Menus and ToolStrips' {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ $_.Type -eq 'Context' -or $_.Type -match "^MenuStrip" -or  $_.Type -match "Status*" -or $_.Type -eq "ToolStrip"}).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
                    'Miscellaneous'        {$Script:supportedControls.Where({ @('TabControl','Parentless') -match "^$($_.Type)$" }).Name.ForEach({$treeNode.Nodes.Add($_,$_)})}
            $Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes.Where({$_.Name -eq 'Common'}).Expand()
            [void]$Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Items.Add('No Events')
            $Script:refs['lst_AssignedEvents'].Enabled = $false
            Add-TreeNode -TreeObject $Script:refs['TreeView'] -ControlType Form -ControlName MainForm
            $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].height = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].height * $ctscale
            $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].width = $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].width * $ctscale
            $Script:refsFID.Form.Objects[$($Script:refs['TreeView'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Text -match "^Form - " }).Name].tag = "VisualStyle,DPIAware"
            Remove-Variable -Name eventSB, reuseContextInfo
            #($Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "^Button"}).ImageIndex = 0
           # $Script:refs['trv_Controls'].Nodes.Where({$_.Name -eq 'Button'}).Remove()
        catch {
            Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered before ShowDialog."
            $noIssues = $false
    try {
        $eventForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
        $eventForm.Text = "Events"
        try {
            if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer).count -gt 1){
            # or? [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(split-path -path ((Get-Module PowerShell-Designer)[((Get-Module PowerShell-Designer).Count -1)]).Path)\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
            [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(split-path -path (Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer)[0].path)\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
            [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(split-path -path (Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-designer).path)\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
        catch {
            [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$BaseDir\FastColoredTextBox.dll") | out-null
        $designerpath = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\PowerShell Designer\functions\functions.psm1")
        New-Variable astTokens -Force
        New-Variable astErr -Force
        $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($designerpath, [ref]$astTokens, [ref]$astErr)
        $functions = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true)
        for ( $i=0;$i -le $functions.count -1;$i++ ) {
        $FastText = New-Object FastColoredTextBoxNS.FastColoredTextBox
        $FastText.Language = "DialogShell"
        $FastText.ShowFoldingLines = $True
        $FastText.BackColor = "Azure"
        $FastText.Dock = "Fill"
        $FastText.Zoom = 100
        $eventForm.MDIParent = $MainForm
        $eventForm.Dock = "Bottom"
        $eventForm.ControlBox = $false
        $eventForm.ShowIcon = $false
        $xpopup = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
        $undo = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $undo.text = "Undo"
        $redo = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $redo.text = "Redo"
        $xpSep1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
        $Cut = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Cut.text = "Cut"
        $Copy = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Copy.text = "Copy"
        $Paste = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Paste.text = "Paste"
        $SelectAll = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $SelectAll.text = "Select All"
        $xpSep2 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
        $Find = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Find.text = "Find"
        $Replace = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Replace.text = "Replace"
        $Goto = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $Goto.text = "Go to Line ..."
        $xpSep3 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
        $ExpandAll = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $ExpandAll.text = "Expand All"
        $CollapseAll = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
        $CollapseAll.text = "Collapse All"
        $eventForm.ContextMenuStrip = $xpopup
        $Script:refs['ms_Left'].visible = $false
        $Script:refs['ms_Right'].visible = $false
        $Script:refs['ms_Left'].Width = 0
        $eventform.height = $eventform.height * $ctscale
        $FastText.SelectedText = "#region Images

        try {
        $Script:refs['tsl_StatusLabel'].text = "Current DPIScale: $ctscale - for resize events multiply all location and size modifiers by `$ctscale."
        $Script:refs['spt_Right'].splitterdistance = $Script:refs['spt_Right'].splitterdistance * $ctscale
        iex (Get-Content (([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\PowerShell Designer\functions\Dependencies.ps1")) | Out-String)
            $lst_Functions.SetItemChecked($lst_Functions.Items.IndexOf($lst_Functions.SelectedItem.ToString()), $true)
            $bldStr = "$($lst_Functions.SelectedItem.ToString())"
            $parameters = (get-command ($lst_Functions.SelectedItem.ToString())).Parameters
            foreach ($param in $parameters){
                foreach ($key in $param.Keys) {
                    switch ($key) {
                        Default {
                            $bldStr = "$bldStr -$((($Key) | Out-String).Trim()) `$$((($Key) | Out-String).Trim())"
            $FastText.SelectedText = $bldStr
        $lst_Functions.add_SelectedIndexChanged({param($sender, $e)
            $lst_Params.text = "$(((Get-Help $lst_Functions.SelectedItem.ToString() -detailed) | Out-String))"
        function EmptyListString{
            foreach ($item in $lst_Functions.items){
                if ($item.ToString() -eq ""){
            $ToolTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TabPage

        $tsRunBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Run Script File | F9"})
        $tsGenerateBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Generate Script File | F8"})
        $tsTermBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Load Functions Module in PowerShell | F7"})
        $tsFormTreeBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Form Tree | F2"})
        $tsEventsBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Events | F4"})
        $tsPropertiesBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Properties | F3"})
        $tsToolBoxBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "ToolBox | F1"})
        $tsMoveDownBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Move Down | F6"})
        $tsMoveUpBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Move Up | F5"})
        $tsControlPasteBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Paste Control | Ctrl+Alt+V"})
        $tsControlCopyBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Copy Control | Ctrl+Alt+C"})
        $tsDeleteBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Delete Control | Ctrl+D"})
        $tsRenameBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Rename Control | Ctrl+R"})
        $tsExpandAllBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Expand All | F11"})
        $tsCollapseAllBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Collapse All | F10"})
        $tsRecordBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Record Macro | Ctrl+M"})
        $tsPlayBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Play Macro | Ctrl+E"})
        $tsGoToLineBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Go To Line... | Ctrl+G"})
        $tsReplaceBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Replace | Ctrl+H"})
        $tsFindBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Find | Ctrl+F"})
        $tsSelectAllBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Select All | Ctrl+A"})
        $tsPasteBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Paste | Ctrl+V"})
        $tsCopyBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Copy | Ctrl+C"})
        $tsCutBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Cut | Ctrl+X"})
        $tsRedoBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Redo | Ctrl+Z"})
        $tsUndoBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Undo | Ctrl+Y"})
        $tsSaveAsbtn.Add_MouseEnter{($tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Save As | Ctrl+Alt+S")}
        $tsSavebtn.Add_MouseEnter{($tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Save | Ctrl+S")}
        $tsOpenbtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "Open | Ctrl+O"})
        $tsNewBtn.Add_MouseEnter({$tcl_Top.Controls[1].Text = "New | Ctrl+N"})
        $btn_Find.add_Click({param($sender, $e)
            if ($lst_Find.SelectedIndex -eq -1){
            Assert-List $lst_Find Add $txt_Find.text
            Assert-List $lst_Find Insert $txt_Find.text
                $txt_Find.text = ""
        $btn_RemoveFind.add_Click({param($sender, $e)
           Send-Window $FindWindowHandle $(Get-CarriageReturn)
           Send-Window $FindWindowHandle $(Get-CarriageReturn)
        $MainForm.WindowState = "Maximized"
        Assert-List $lst_Find Add ""
        $FindWindowHandle = (winexists 'Find')
        Set-WindowParent $FindWindowHandle $MainForm.Handle
        $ReplaceWindowHandle = (winexists 'Find and replace')
        Set-WindowParent $ReplaceWindowHandle $MainForm.Handle
        Move-Window $FindWindowHandle ($MainForm.Width - 625) 75 ((Get-WindowPosition $FindWindowHandle).Width) ((winpos $FindWindowHandle).Height)
        Move-Window $ReplaceWindowHandle ($MainForm.Width - 625) 225 ((Get-WindowPosition $ReplaceWindowHandle).Width) ((Get-WindowPosition $ReplaceWindowHandle).Height)
        Hide-Window $FindWindowHandle
        Hide-Window $ReplaceWindowHandle

        $CheckForTypingTimer = new-timer 2000
            $CheckForTypingTimer.Enabled = $false
        $FastText.Add_KeyUp({param($sender, $e)
            $CheckForTypingTimer.Enabled = $false      
            $CheckForTypingTimer.Enabled = $true
        $trv_Controls.add_MouseDown({param($sender, $e)
        $global:ControlBeingSelected = $true
        $MainForm.Cursor = 'PanEast'

$trv_Controls.add_MouseUp({param($sender, $e)
    $global:ControlBeingSelected = $false
    $MainForm.Cursor = 'Default'

$MainForm.add_MouseUp({param($sender, $e)
    $global:ControlBeingSelected = $false
    $MainForm.Cursor = 'Default' 

function RecordMacro {
    Send-Window -Handle $FastText.Handle -String (Add-CTRL -TextValue 'm')

function PlayMacro {
    Send-Window -Handle $FastText.Handle -String (Add-CTRL -TextValue 'e')

$mnuRecord.add_Click({param($sender, $e)

$mnuPlay.add_Click({param($sender, $e)

$tsRecordBtn.add_Click({param($sender, $e)

$tsPlayBtn.add_Click({param($sender, $e)

        if ($null -ne $args[1]){
            if (($args[0].tolower() -eq "-file") -and (Test-File $args[1])){OpenProjectClick $args[1]}
    catch {
        Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered unexpectedly at ShowDialog."
Show-Form $MainForm}); $PowerShell.AddParameter('File',$args[0]);$PowerShell.Invoke(); $PowerShell.Dispose()