<# .SYNOPSIS Set the Activity Status. .DESCRIPTION OpenTelemetry allows each Activity to report a Status that represents the pass/fail result of the work. .PARAMETER StatusCode An ActivityStatusCode. The ActivityStatusCode values are represented as either, `Unset`, `Ok`, and `Error`. .PARAMETER Description Optional Description that provides a descriptive message of the Status. `Description` **MUST** only be used with the `Error` `StatusCode` value. .NOTES StatusCode is one of the following values: - Unset: The default status. - Ok: The operation has been validated by an Application developer or Operator to have completed successfully. - Error: The operation contains an error. .LINK Start-Activity #> function Set-ActivityStatus { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [System.Diagnostics.ActivityStatusCode] $StatusCode, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Diagnostics.Activity] $Activity ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description') -and $StatusCode -ne [System.Diagnostics.ActivityStatusCode]::Error ) { $Description = $null Write-Warning "Description MUST only be used with the Error StatusCode value." } if ($null -ne $Activity) { $Activity.SetStatus($StatusCode, $Description) } } |