#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Set-StrictMode -Version Latest if (-not (Test-Command docker) -and (-not (Get-Variable -Name PWSHRC_FORCE_MODULES_EXPORT_UNSUPPORTED -Scope Global -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))) { return } Set-Alias -Name dk -Value docker function Get-DockerContainerLatest { docker ps -l @args --format json ` | ConvertFrom-Json } Set-Alias -Name dklc -Value Get-DockerContainerLatest function Get-DockerContainerLatestQuiet { docker ps -l -q @args } Set-Alias -Name dklcid -Value Get-DockerContainerLatestQuiet function Get-DockerContainerLatestIPAddress { docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" (Get-DockerContainerLatestQuiet) } Set-Alias -Name dklcip -Value Get-DockerContainerLatestIPAddress function Get-DockerContainerRunning { docker ps @args --format json ` | ConvertFrom-Json ` | Select-Object -Property ID, Image, Command, CreatedSince, Status, Ports, Names ` | Format-Table } Set-Alias -Name dkps -Value Get-DockerContainerRunning function Get-DockerContainerAll { docker ps -a @args --format json ` | ConvertFrom-Json ` | Select-Object -Property ID, Image, Command, CreatedSince, Status, Ports, Names ` | Format-Table } Set-Alias -Name dkpsa -Value Get-DockerContainerAll function Get-DockerImage { docker images @args --format json ` | ConvertFrom-Json ` | Select-Object -Property Repository, Tag, ID, CreatedSince, Size ` | Format-Table } Set-Alias -Name dki -Value Get-DockerImage function Remove-DockerContainerAll { docker rm (docker ps -a -q) @args } Set-Alias -Name dkrmac -Value Remove-DockerContainerAll function Remove-DockerUnusedImage { [string[]] $imageIds = (docker images -q -f dangling=true) if ($imageIds) { docker rmi $imageIds } } Set-Alias -Name dkrmui -Value Remove-DockerUnusedImage <# .SYNOPSIS Delete most recent (i.e., last) Docker container. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-remove-most-recent-container { docker ps -ql | xargs docker rm } Set-Alias -Name dkrmlc -Value docker-remove-most-recent-container <# .SYNOPSIS Delete exited containers and dangling images. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-remove-stale-assets { docker ps --filter status=exited -q | xargs docker rm --volumes docker images --filter dangling=true -q | xargs docker rmi } Set-Alias -Name dkrmall -Value docker-remove-stale-assets <# .SYNOPSIS Delete most recent (i.e., last) Docker image. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-remove-most-recent-image { docker images -q | head -1 | xargs docker rmi } Set-Alias -Name dkrmli -Value docker-remove-most-recent-image <# .SYNOPSIS Remove images with supplied tags or all if no tags are supplied. .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images ubuntu .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images ubuntu:latest .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images ubuntu:latest ubuntu:trusty .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images $(docker images -q) .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images $(docker images -q ubuntu) .EXAMPLE docker-remove-images $(docker images -q ubuntu:latest ubuntu:trusty) .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-remove-images { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true )] [string[]] $dockerImage ) if (-not $dockerImage) { docker rmi $(docker images -q) return } $extantDockerImages = (docker images --format json | ConvertFrom-Json) $dockerImageIds = @() foreach ($image in $dockerImage) { $dockerImageIds += ` $extantDockerImages ` | Where-Object { ($image -eq $_.ID) -or ($image -eq $_.Repository) -or ($image -eq $_.Repository+":"+$_.Tag) } ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ID } $dockerImageIds = ($dockerImageIds | Select-Object -Unique) if ($dockerImageIds) { docker rmi @dockerImageIds } } Set-Alias -Name dkrmi -Value docker-remove-images <# .SYNOPSIS List the environmental variables of the supplied image ID. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-runtime-environment { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerImage ) docker run $dockerImage env } Set-Alias -Name dkre -Value docker-runtime-environment <# .SYNOPSIS Enter the latest docker container. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-enter-latest-container { docker exec -it (Get-DockerContainerLatestQuiet) bash --login } Set-Alias -Name dkelc -Value docker-enter-latest-container Set-Alias -Name dkbash -Value 'docker-enter-latest-container' <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the latest docker container. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-remove-latest-container { docker rm -f $(Get-DockerContainerLatestQuiet) } Set-Alias -Name dkrmflast -Value 'docker-remove-latest-container' <# .SYNOPSIS Executes the given command in the given container. .EXAMPLE docker-execute-in-container oracle-xe 'ls -l /u01/app/oracle/oradata' .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-execute-in-container { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $command ) docker exec -it $dockerContainer $command } Set-Alias -Name dkex -Value docker-execute-in-container <# .SYNOPSIS Runs the given command in the given container, then removes the container afterward. .EXAMPLE docker-run-in-container-transient oracle-xe 'ls -l /u01/app/oracle/oradata' .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-run-in-container-transient { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $command ) docker run --rm -i $dockerContainer $command } Set-Alias -Name dkri -Value docker-run-in-container-transient <# .SYNOPSIS Runs the given command in the given container, while mounting the current working directory as the container's working directory. .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-run-in-container-transient-with-mounted-cwd { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $command ) docker run --rm -i -v ${PWD}:/cwd -w /cwd $dockerContainer $command } Set-Alias -Name dkric -Value docker-run-in-container-transient-with-mounted-cwd function docker-run-in-container-transient-interactively { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $command ) docker run --rm -it $dockerContainer $command } Set-Alias -Name dkrit -Value docker-run-in-container-transient-interactively function docker-run-in-container-transient-interactively-with-mounted-cwd { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $command ) docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/cwd -w /cwd $dockerContainer $command } Set-Alias -Name dkritc -Value docker-run-in-container-transient-interactively-with-mounted-cwd function docker-image-prune-all-forcefully { docker image prune -a -f } Set-Alias -Name dkip -Value docker-image-prune-all-forcefully function docker-volume-prune-forcefully { docker volume prune -f } Set-Alias -Name dkvp -Value docker-volume-prune-forcefully function docker-system-prune-all-forcefully { docker system prune -a -f } Set-Alias -Name dksp -Value docker-system-prune-all-forcefully <# .SYNOPSIS Enter the specified docker container using bash. .EXAMPLE docker-enter oracle-xe .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-enter { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerContainer ) docker exec -it $dockerContainer /bin/bash; } <# .SYNOPSIS Show the content of the provided Docker image archive. .EXAMPLE docker-archive-content images.tar.gz .COMPONENT Docker #> function docker-archive-content() { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $dockerImageArchive ) tar -xzOf $dockerImageArchive manifest.json | jq '[.[] | .RepoTags] | add' } function docker-build { docker build @args } Set-Alias -Name dbl -Value docker-build function docker-container-inspect { docker container inspect @args } Set-Alias -Name dcin -Value docker-container-inspect function docker-container-list { docker container ls @args } Set-Alias -Name dcls -Value docker-container-list function docker-container-list-all { docker container ls -a @args } Set-Alias -Name dclsa -Value docker-container-list-all function docker-image-build { docker image build @args } Set-Alias -Name dib -Value docker-image-build function docker-image-inspect { docker image inspect @args } Set-Alias -Name dii -Value docker-image-inspect function docker-image-list { docker image ls @args } Set-Alias -Name dils -Value docker-image-list function docker-image-push { docker image push @args } Set-Alias -Name dipu -Value docker-image-push function docker-image-remove { docker image rm @args } Set-Alias -Name dirm -Value docker-image-remove function docker-image-tag { docker image tag @args } Set-Alias -Name dit -Value docker-image-tag function docker-container-logs { docker container logs @args } Set-Alias -Name dlo -Value docker-container-logs function docker-network-create { docker network create @args } Set-Alias -Name dnc -Value docker-network-create function docker-network-connect { docker network connect @args } Set-Alias -Name dncn -Value docker-network-connect function docker-network-disconnect { docker network disconnect @args } Set-Alias -Name dndcn -Value docker-network-disconnect function docker-network-inspect { docker network inspect @args } Set-Alias -Name dni -Value docker-network-inspect function docker-network-list { docker network ls @args } Set-Alias -Name dnls -Value docker-network-list function docker-network-remove { docker network rm @args } Set-Alias -Name dnrm -Value docker-network-remove function docker-container-port-open { docker container port @args } Set-Alias -Name dpo -Value docker-container-port-open function docker-pull { docker pull @args } Set-Alias -Name dpu -Value docker-pull function docker-container-run { docker container run @args } Set-Alias -Name dr -Value docker-container-run function docker-container-run-interactively { docker container run -it @args } Set-Alias -Name drit -Value docker-container-run-interactively function docker-container-remove { docker container rm @args } Set-Alias -Name drm -Value docker-container-remove function docker-container-remove-forcefully { docker container rm -f @args } Set-Alias -Name drm! -Value docker-container-remove-forcefully function docker-container-start { docker container start @args } Set-Alias -Name dst -Value docker-container-start function docker-container-restart { docker container restart @args } Set-Alias -Name drs -Value docker-container-restart function docker-container-stop-all { docker container stop (docker ps -q) } Set-Alias -Name dsta -Value docker-container-stop-all function docker-container-stop { docker container stop @args } Set-Alias -Name dstp -Value docker-container-stop function docker-top { docker top @args } Set-Alias -Name dtop -Value docker-top function docker-volume-inspect { docker volume inspect @args } Set-Alias -Name dvi -Value docker-volume-inspect function docker-volume-list { docker volume ls @args } Set-Alias -Name dvls -Value docker-volume-list function docker-volume-prune { docker volume prune @args } Set-Alias -Name dvprune -Value docker-volume-prune function docker-container-execute { docker container exec @args } Set-Alias -Name dxc -Value docker-container-execute function docker-container-execute-interactively { docker container exec -it @args } Set-Alias -Name dxcit -Value docker-container-execute-interactively Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |