#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = "poshy-lucidity"; RequiredVersion = "0.4.1" } [string] $terminalnotifier_bin = Search-CommandPath terminal-notifier if ($terminalnotifier_bin) { # for macOS, output is "app ID, window ID" (com.googlecode.iterm2, 116) function get-current-appid-windowid-pair { if (Test-Command osascript) { return (osascript -e 'tell application (path to frontmost application as text) to get the {id, id of front window}' 2> $null) } elseif (Test-Command xprop) { [string] $xpropResult = (xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 2> $null) return ($xpropResult.Trim() -split ' ')[5] } else { [int] $unixEpochSeconds = (Get-Date -UFormat %s) return $unixEpochSeconds } } function ensure-current-appid-windowid-pair { Set-Variable -Name notifysend_appid_windowid_pair -Value (get-current-appid-windowid-pair) } Set-Variable -Name notifysend_appid_windowid_pair_retrieval_job -Value ( Start-Job -ScriptBlock ${function:ensure-current-appid-windowid-pair} ) -Scope Global -Option AllScope function notify-send-terminalnotifier { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [string] $Message ) if (-not $Global:notifysend_appid_windowid_pair) { Receive-Job -Job $Global:notifysend_appid_windowid_pair_retrieval_job -Keep } [string] $term_id = ( $Global:notifysend_appid_windowid_pair -split ',' | Select-Object -First 1 ) if (-not $term_id) { switch ($Env:TERM_PROGRAM) { '' { $term_id='com.googlecode.iterm2' } 'Apple_Terminal' { $term_id='' } } } if (-not $term_id) { & $terminalnotifier_bin -message $Message -title $Title | Out-Null } else { & $terminalnotifier_bin -message $Message -title $Title -activate "$term_id" -sender "$term_id" | Out-Null } } Export-ModuleMember -Function notify-send-terminalnotifier } |