#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = "poshy-lucidity"; RequiredVersion = "0.4.1" } <# .SYNOPSIS Opens the given target in the default application for its file type. .PARAMETER Target The target to open. .PARAMETER Rest Any additional arguments to pass to the open command. #> function open_command { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [string[]] $rest = @() ) [string[]] $open_cmd = $null if ($Env:BROWSER) { [Uri] $targetAsUri = $null [Uri]::TryCreate($target, [ref] $targetAsUri) if ($targetAsUri -and $targetAsUri.Scheme -notin @("http", "https")) { $targetAsUri = $null } } # define the open command $IsWSL = (Get-Variable -Name IsWSL -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or (Test-Path Env:\WSL_DISTRO_NAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($targetAsUri) { $open_cmd = @($Env:BROWSER) } elseif ($IsWSL) { $open_cmd=@('cmd.exe', '/c', 'start', '""') if (Test-Path $target) { $target = (wslpath -w $target) } } elseif ($IsWindows) { $open_cmd=@('cmd.exe', '/c', 'start', '""') } elseif ($IsLinux) { if (Test-Command xdg-open) { $open_cmd=@('nohup', 'xdg-open') } elseif (Test-Command gvfs-open) { $open_cmd=@('nohup', 'gvfs-open') } elseif (Test-Command exo-open) { $open_cmd=@('nohup', 'exo-open') } elseif (Test-Command kde-open) { $open_cmd=@('nohup', 'kde-open') } else { throw [System.PlatformNotSupportedException]::new("No supported open command found. Please install one of xdg-open, gvfs-open, exo-open, or kde-open.") } } elseif ($IsMacOS) { $open_cmd=@('open') } else { throw [System.PlatformNotSupportedException]::new() } # add the target $open_cmd += @($target) # add the rest of the arguments if ($rest) { $open_cmd += @($rest) } # run the command &$x[0] $x[1..($x.Length-1)] } |