# Copyright 2018, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script GraphDataModel) . (import-script EntityEdge) . (import-script EntityVertex) . (import-script EntityGraph) ScriptClass GraphBuilder { $graphEndpoint = $null $version = $null $dataModel = $null $namespace = $null $percentComplete = 0 $metadata = $null $deferredBuild = $false function __initialize($graphEndpoint, $version, $metadata, $deferredBuild) { $this.graphEndpoint = $graphEndpoint $this.version = $version $this.metadata = $metadata $this.dataModel = new-so GraphDataModel $metadata $this.namespace = $this.dataModel |=> GetNamespace $this.deferredBuild = $deferredBuild } function NewGraph { $graph = new-so EntityGraph $this.namespace $this.version $this.graphEndpoint __UpdateProgress 0 __AddRootVertices $graph __AddEntitytypeVertices $graph __AddEdgesToEntityTypeVertices $graph __ConnectEntityTypesWithMethodEdges $graph __CopyEntityTypeEdgesToSingletons $graph __UpdateProgress 100 $graph } function __AddRootVertices($graph) { $singletons = $this.dataModel |=> GetSingletons __AddVerticesFromSchemas $graph $singletons $entitySets = $this.dataModel |=> GetEntitySets __AddVerticesFromSchemas $graph $entitySets __UpdateProgress 5 } function __AddVerticesFromSchemas($graph, $schemas) { $progressTotal = $schemas.count $progressIndex = 0 $schemas | foreach { $::.ProgressWriter |=> WriteProgress -id 2 -activity "Adding $($_.localname) vertices" -Status "In progress" -PercentComplete (100 * ($progressIndex / $progressTotal)) -currentoperation "Adding $($" __AddVertex $graph $_ $progressIndex += 1 } } function __AddVertex($graph, $schema) { $entity = new-so Entity $schema $this.namespace $graph |=> AddVertex $entity } function __AddEntityTypeVertices($graph) { $entityTypes = $this.dataModel |=> GetEntityTypes __AddVerticesFromSchemas $graph $entityTypes __UpdateProgress 20 } function __AddEdgesToEntityTypeVertices($graph) { $types = $graph.typeVertices.Values $progressTotal = $types.count $progressIndex = 0 $types | foreach { $source = $_ $::.ProgressWriter |=> WriteProgress -id 2 -activity "Adding entity type navigations" -currentoperation "Processing entity $($" -percentcomplete (100 * ( $progressIndex / $progressTotal )) $transitions = if ( $source.entity.navigations ) { $source.entity.navigations } else { @() } $transitions | foreach { $transition = $_ $sink = $graph |=> TypeVertexFromTypeName $transition.typedata.entitytypename if ( $sink -ne $null ) { $edge = new-so EntityEdge $source $sink $transition $source |=> AddEdge $edge } else { write-verbose "Unable to find entity type for '$($transition.type)', skipping" } } $progressIndex += 1 } __UpdateProgress 40 } function __ConnectEntityTypesWithMethodEdges($graph) { $actions = $this.dataModel |=> GetActions __AddMethodTransitions $graph $actions $functions = $this.dataModel |=> GetFunctions __AddMethodTransitions $graph $functions __UpdateProgress 75 } function __CopyEntityTypeEdgesToSingletons($graph) { if ( ! $this.deferredBuild ) { $this.scriptclass |=> __CopyEntityTypeEdgesToSingletons $graph } else { write-verbose "Deferred build set -- skipping connection of singletons to entity types to avoid deserialization depth issues" } } function __UpdateProgress($deltaPercent) { $metadataActivity = "Building graph version '$($this.version)' for endpoint '$($this.graphEndpoint)'" $this.percentComplete += $deltaPercent $completionArguments = if ( $this.percentComplete -ge 100 ) { @{Status="Complete";PercentComplete=100;Completed=[System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]::new($true)} } else { @{Status="In progress";PercentComplete=$this.percentComplete} } $::.ProgressWriter |=> WriteProgress -id 1 -activity $metadataActivity @completionArguments } function __AddMethodTransitions($graph, $methods) { $methods | foreach { $parameters = try { $_.parameter } catch { } $method = $_ $source = if ( $parameters ) { $bindingParameter = $parameters | where { $ -eq 'bindingParameter' -or $ -eq 'bindParameter' } if ( $bindingParameter ) { $bindingTargetVertex = $graph |=> TypeVertexFromTypeName $bindingParameter.Type if ( $bindingTargetVertex ) { $bindingTargetVertex } else { write-verbose "Unable to bind '$($' of type '$($bindingParameter.Type)', skipping" } } else { write-verbose "Unable to find a bindingParameter in parameters for $($" } } else { write-verbose "Method '$($' does not have a parameter attribute, skipping" } if ( $source ) { $sink = if ( $method | gm ReturnType ) { $typeName = if ( $method.localname -eq 'function' ) { $method.ReturnType.Type } else { $method.ReturnType } $typeVertex = $graph |=> TypeVertexFromTypeName $typeName if ( $typeVertex ) { $typeVertex } else { write-verbose "Type $($typeName) returned by $($ cannot be found, configuring Scalar vertex" $::.EntityVertex.ScalarVertex } } else { $::.Entityvertex.NullVertex } __AddMethod $source $method $sink } } } function __AddMethod($targetVertex, $methodSchema, $returnTypeVertex) { if ( ! ($targetVertex |=> EdgeExists($ ) { $methodEntity = new-so Entity $methodSchema $this.namespace $edge = new-so EntityEdge $targetVertex $returnTypeVertex $methodEntity $targetVertex |=> AddEdge $edge } else { write-verbose "Skipped add of edge $($ to $($ from vertex $($ because it already exists." } } static { function CompleteDeferredBuild($graph) { write-verbose "Completing deferred build by connecting singletons" __CopyEntityTypeEdgesToSingletons $graph } function __CopyEntityTypeEdgesToSingletons($graph) { ($graph |=> GetRootVertices).values | foreach { $source = $_ $edges = if ( $source.type -eq 'Singleton' ) { $typeVertex = $graph |=> TypeVertexFromTypeName ($source.entity.typeData).EntityTypeName if ( $typeVertex -eq $null ) { throw "Unable to find an entity type for type '$($source.entity.type)" } $typeVertex.outgoingEdges.values | foreach { if ( ( $_ | gm transition ) -ne $null ) { $_ } } } $edges | foreach { $sink = $_.sink $transition = $_.transition $edge = new-so EntityEdge $source $sink $transition $source |=> AddEdge $edge } } } } } |