
# wakatime for powershell
# include this file in your `$profile`
# Don't forget to create and configure your "~/.wakatime.cfg" file.
# based on posh-git, bash-wakatime, powershell-wakatime and conda(powershell)

if (Get-Module posh-wakatime) { return }

Import-Module posh-git

## PROMPT MANAGEMENT ###########################################################

        Modifies the current prompt to send wakatime a tick.
        Causes a WakaTime heartbeat sent at the current session's prompt.

# Use the same procedure as in conda to nest prompts.
if (Test-Path Function:\prompt) {
    Rename-Item Function:\prompt WakaTimePromptBackup
} else {
    function WakaTimePromptBackup() {
        # Restore a basic prompt if the definition is missing.
        "PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";

function Test-Wakatime {return $(if($(where.exe wakatime)) {$True} else {$False})}

if (!$env:wakaDebug) {$env:wakaDebug = $False}

function Send-Wakatime(){
    if(!(Test-Wakatime)) {
    $command = "";
    try {
        $historyItem = (Get-History | Select-Object -Last 1)
        $commandObj = ($historyItem | Select-Object -Property CommandLine).CommandLine
        $commandText = ([regex]::split($commandObj,"[ |;:]")[0])
        $command = $commandText.Replace("(","")
    } catch [Exception] {
        if($command -eq "") {
            $command = "error"
    $gitFolder = (Get-GitDirectory);
    Get-Job -State Completed|Where-Object{$_.Name.Contains("WakaJob")}|Remove-Job
    $job = Start-Job -Name "WakaJob" -ScriptBlock {
        param($command, $gitFolder)

        Write-Host "Sending wakatime"
        Write-Host "Waka command: $command"
        if($command -eq "") {

        $PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.2";

        $wakaCommand = 'wakatime --write'
        $wakaCommand+= " --plugin `"powershell-wakatime-gravifer-plugin/$PLUGIN_VERSION`""
        $wakaCommand+= ' --entity-type app '
        $wakaCommand+= ' --entity "'
        $wakaCommand+=  $command
        $wakaCommand+= '" '
        $wakaCommand+= ' --language "PowerShell"'

        if($null -eq $gitFolder){
        } else {
            $gitFolder = (Get-Item ($gitFolder).Replace(".git",""))
            $wakaCommand =$wakaCommand + ' --project "'
            $wakaCommand =$wakaCommand + $gitFolder.Name
            $wakaCommand =$wakaCommand + '"'
        # $envwakaDebug=$env:wakaDebug
        Write-Host "wakaDebug: $Env:wakaDebug"
            $wakaCommand | Out-File ~/.posh-wakatime.log -Append
        iex $wakaCommand
    } -ArgumentList $command, $gitFolder

function Send-HeartbeatAtPrompt() {
    function global:prompt() {
        entity=$(echo $(fc -ln -0) | cut -d ' ' -f1)
        [ -z "$entity" ] && return # $entity is empty or only whitespace
        $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null) && local project="$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))" || local project="Terminal"
        (wakatime --write --plugin "bash-wakatime/$version" --entity-type app --project "$project" --entity "$entity" 2>&1 > /dev/null &)
            $Env:WAKATIME_PROMPT_MODIFIER | Write-Host -NoNewline