
function Get-AnyConnectProfile() # {{{
  Write-Verbose "Starting the AnyConnect cli"
  $vpncli = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
  $vpncli.StartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Get-AnyConnect)
  $vpncli.StartInfo.Arguments = "hosts"
  $vpncli.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow  = $false
  $vpncli.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
  $vpncli.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
  $vpncli.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = $true
  $vpncli.Start() | Out-Null

  $profiles = @()
  Write-Verbose "Reading its output"
  for ($output = $vpncli.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); $output -ne $null; $output = $vpncli.StandardOutput.ReadLine())
      Write-Debug $output
      if ($output -match ' >> note: (.*)')
        Write-Warning $matches[1]
        $status = 'Note'
      elseif ($output -match '.*\[hosts\]')
        Write-Verbose "Found VPN profiles:"
      elseif ($output -match '.*> (.*)')
        Write-Verbose " Adding $($matches[1])"
        $profiles += $matches[1]
  for ($output = $vpncli.StandardError.ReadLine(); $output -ne $null; $output = $vpncli.StandardError.ReadLine())
      Write-Warning $output
  return $profiles
} #}}}

  Displays all profiles/Computers that can be used with a given Provider
  Displays all profiles/Computers that can be used with a given Provider
  Only Cisco AnyConnect VPNs are supported as of now.
  The VPN Provider to use.
  One of: AnyConnect
  The list of profiles, servers that can be connected to from the local computer.
  $session = Get-VPNProfile -Provider AnyConnect
  Gives the list of servers the user can connect to

function Get-VPNProfile() # {{{
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
    [string] $Provider
  $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Provider') | Out-Null
    'AnyConnect' { Get-AnyConnectProfile @PSBoundParameters }
    default      { Throw "Unsupported VPN Provider: $Provider" }
} # }}}