# Inspired by Mark Embling # $global:GitPromptSettings = [PoshGitPromptSettings]::new() # Override some of the normal colors if the background color is set to the default DarkMagenta. $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if ($Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor -eq [ConsoleColor]::DarkMagenta) { $s.LocalDefaultStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 'Green' $s.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = 'Red' $s.BeforeIndex.ForegroundColor = 'Green' $s.IndexColor.ForegroundColor = 'Green' $s.WorkingColor.ForegroundColor = 'Red' } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new instance of a PoshGitPromptSettings object that can be assigned to $GitPromptSettings. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new instance of a PoshGitPromptSettings object that can be used to reset the $GitPromptSettings back to its default. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS PoshGitPromptSettings .EXAMPLE PS> $GitPromptSettings = New-GitPromptSettings This will reset the current $GitPromptSettings back to its default. #> function New-GitPromptSettings { [PoshGitPromptSettings]::new() } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the object to the display or renders it as a string using ANSI/VT sequences. .DESCRIPTION Writes the specified object to the display unless $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is enabled. In this case, the Object is rendered, along with the specified colors, as a string with the appropriate ANSI/VT sequences for colors embedded in the string. If a StringBuilder is provided, the string is appended to the StringBuilder. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-Prompt "PS > " -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor Black On a system where $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is set to $false, this will write the above to the display using the Write-Host command. If AnsiConsole is set to $true, this will return a string of the form: "`e[96m`e[40mPS > `e[0m". .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() PS C:\> $sb | Write-Prompt "PS > " -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor Black On a system where $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is set to $false, this will write the above to the display using the Write-Host command. If AnsiConsole is set to $true, this will append the following string to the StringBuilder object piped into the command: "`e[96m`e[40mPS > `e[0m". #> function Write-Prompt { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] param( # Specifies objects to display in the console or render as a string if # $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is enabled. If the Object is of type # [PoshGitTextSpan] the other color parameters are ignored since a # [PoshGitTextSpan] provides the colors. [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] $Object, # Specifies the foreground color. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default")] $ForegroundColor = $null, # Specifies the background color. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default")] $BackgroundColor = $null, # Specifies both the background and foreground colors via [PoshGitCellColor] object. [Parameter(ParameterSetName="CellColor")] [ValidateNotNull()] [PoshGitCellColor] $Color, # When specified and $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is enabled, the Object parameter # is written to the StringBuilder along with the appropriate ANSI/VT sequences for # the specified foreground and background colors. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder ) if (!$Object -or (($Object -is [PoshGitTextSpan]) -and !$Object.Text)) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "CellColor") { $bgColor = $Color.BackgroundColor $fgColor = $Color.ForegroundColor } else { $bgColor = $BackgroundColor $fgColor = $ForegroundColor } $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if ($s) { if ($null -eq $fgColor) { $fgColor = $s.DefaultColor.ForegroundColor } if ($null -eq $bgColor) { $bgColor = $s.DefaultColor.BackgroundColor } if ($s.AnsiConsole) { if ($Object -is [PoshGitTextSpan]) { $str = $Object.ToAnsiString() } else { $e = [char]27 + "[" $fg = Get-ForegroundVirtualTerminalSequence $fgColor $bg = Get-BackgroundVirtualTerminalSequence $bgColor $str = "${fg}${bg}${Object}${e}0m" } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder.Append($str) } else { $str }) } } if ($Object -is [PoshGitTextSpan]) { $bgColor = $Object.BackgroundColor $fgColor = $Object.ForegroundColor $Object = $Object.Text } $writeHostParams = @{ Object = $Object; NoNewLine = $true; } if ($bgColor -and ($bgColor -ge 0) -and ($bgColor -le 15)) { $writeHostParams.BackgroundColor = $bgColor } if ($fgColor -and ($fgColor -ge 0) -and ($fgColor -le 15)) { $writeHostParams.ForegroundColor = $fgColor } Write-Host @writeHostParams return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the Git status for repo. Typically, you use Write-VcsStatus function instead of this one. .DESCRIPTION Writes the Git status for repo. This includes the branch name, branch status with respect to its remote (if exists), index status, working dir status, working dir local status and stash count (optional). Various settings from GitPromptSettngs are used to format and color the Git status. On systems that support ANSI terminal sequences, this method will return a string containing ANSI sequences to color various parts of the Git status string. This string can be written to the host and the ANSI sequences will be interpreted and converted to the specified behaviors which is typically setting the foreground and/or background color of text. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitStatus (Get-GitStatus) Writes the Git status for the current repo. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String This command returns a System.String object. #> function Write-GitStatus { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return } $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new(150) # When prompt is first (default), place the separator before the status summary if (!$s.DefaultPromptWriteStatusFirst) { $sb | Write-Prompt $s.PathStatusSeparator.Expand() > $null } $sb | Write-Prompt $s.BeforeStatus > $null $sb | Write-GitBranchName $Status -NoLeadingSpace > $null $sb | Write-GitBranchStatus $Status > $null if ($s.EnableFileStatus -and $Status.HasIndex) { $sb | Write-Prompt $s.BeforeIndex > $null $sb | Write-GitIndexStatus $Status > $null if ($Status.HasWorking) { $sb | Write-Prompt $s.DelimStatus > $null } } if ($s.EnableFileStatus -and $Status.HasWorking) { $sb | Write-GitWorkingDirStatus $Status > $null } $sb | Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary $Status > $null if ($s.EnableStashStatus -and ($Status.StashCount -gt 0)) { $sb | Write-GitStashCount $Status > $null } $sb | Write-Prompt $s.AfterStatus > $null # When status is first, place the separator after the status summary if ($s.DefaultPromptWriteStatusFirst) { $sb | Write-Prompt $s.PathStatusSeparator.Expand() > $null } if ($sb.Length -gt 0) { $sb.ToString() } } <# .SYNOPSIS Formats the branch name text according to $GitPromptSettings. .DESCRIPTION Formats the branch name text according the $GitPromptSettings: BranchNameLimit and TruncatedBranchSuffix. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $branchName = Format-GitBranchName (Get-GitStatus).Branch Gets the branch name formatted as specified by the user's $GitPromptSettings. .INPUTS System.String This is the branch name as a string. .OUTPUTS System.String This command returns a System.String object. #> function Format-GitBranchName { param( # The branch name to format according to the GitPromptSettings: # BranchNameLimit and TruncatedBranchSuffix. [Parameter(Position=0)] [string] $BranchName ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$s -or !$BranchName) { return "$BranchName" } $res = $BranchName if (($s.BranchNameLimit -gt 0) -and ($BranchName.Length -gt $s.BranchNameLimit)) { $res = "{0}{1}" -f $BranchName.Substring(0, $s.BranchNameLimit), $s.TruncatedBranchSuffix } $res } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the colors to use for the branch status. .DESCRIPTION Gets the colors to use for the branch status. This color is typically used for the branch name as well. The default color is specified by $GitPromptSettins.BranchColor. But depending on the Git status object passed in, the colors could be changed to match that of one these other $GitPromptSettings: BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol, BranchBehindStatusSymbol or BranchAheadStatusSymbol. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $branchStatusColor = Get-GitBranchStatusColor (Get-GitStatus) Returns a PoshGitTextSpan with the foreground and background colors for the branch status. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS PoshGitTextSpan A PoshGitTextSpan with colors reflecting those to be used by branch status symbols. #> function Get-GitBranchStatusColor { param( # The Git status object that provides branch status information. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$s) { return [PoshGitTextSpan]::new() } $branchStatusTextSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($s.BranchColor) if (($Status.BehindBy -ge 1) -and ($Status.AheadBy -ge 1)) { # We are both behind and ahead of remote $branchStatusTextSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($s.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol) } elseif ($Status.BehindBy -ge 1) { # We are behind remote $branchStatusTextSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($s.BranchBehindStatusSymbol) } elseif ($Status.AheadBy -ge 1) { # We are ahead of remote $branchStatusTextSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($s.BranchAheadStatusSymbol) } $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = '' $branchStatusTextSpan } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the branch name given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the branch name given the current Git status which can retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. Branch name can be affected by the $GitPromptSettings: BranchColor, BranchNameLimit, TruncatedBranchSuffix and Branch*StatusSymbol colors. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitBranchName (Get-GitStatus) Writes the name of the current branch. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitBranchName { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the branch name is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder, # If specified, suppresses the output of the leading space character. [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLeadingSpace ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $str = "" # Use the branch status colors (or CustomAnsi) to display the branch name $branchNameTextSpan = Get-GitBranchStatusColor $Status $branchNameTextSpan.Text = Format-GitBranchName $Status.Branch if (!$NoLeadingSpace) { $branchNameTextSpan.Text = " " + $branchNameTextSpan.Text } if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $branchNameTextSpan > $null } else { $str = Write-Prompt $branchNameTextSpan } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the branch status text given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the branch status text given the current Git status which can retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. Branch status includes information about the upstream branch, how far behind and/or ahead the local branch is from the remote. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitBranchStatus (Get-GitStatus) Writes the status of the current branch to the host. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitBranchStatus { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the branch status is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder, # If specified, suppresses the output of the leading space character. [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLeadingSpace ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $branchStatusTextSpan = Get-GitBranchStatusColor $Status if (!$Status.Upstream) { $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = $s.BranchUntrackedText } elseif ($Status.UpstreamGone -eq $true) { # Upstream branch is gone $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = $s.BranchGoneStatusSymbol.Text } elseif (($Status.BehindBy -eq 0) -and ($Status.AheadBy -eq 0)) { # We are aligned with remote $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = $s.BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol.Text } elseif (($Status.BehindBy -ge 1) -and ($Status.AheadBy -ge 1)) { # We are both behind and ahead of remote if ($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Full") { $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = ("{0}{1} {2}{3}" -f $s.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.Text, $Status.BehindBy, $s.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.Text, $status.AheadBy) } elseif ($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Compact") { $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = ("{0}{1}{2}" -f $Status.BehindBy, $s.BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol.Text, $Status.AheadBy) } } elseif ($Status.BehindBy -ge 1) { # We are behind remote if (($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Full") -Or ($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Compact")) { $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = ("{0}{1}" -f $s.BranchBehindStatusSymbol.Text, $Status.BehindBy) } } elseif ($Status.AheadBy -ge 1) { # We are ahead of remote if (($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Full") -or ($s.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay -eq "Compact")) { $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = ("{0}{1}" -f $s.BranchAheadStatusSymbol.Text, $Status.AheadBy) } } else { # This condition should not be possible but defaulting the variables to be safe $branchStatusTextSpan.Text = "?" } $str = "" if ($branchStatusTextSpan.Text) { $textSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($branchStatusTextSpan) if (!$NoLeadingSpace) { $textSpan.Text = " " + $branchStatusTextSpan.Text } if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $textSpan > $null } else { $str = Write-Prompt $textSpan } } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the index status text given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the index status text given the current Git status. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitIndexStatus (Get-GitStatus) Writes the Git index status to the host. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitIndexStatus { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the index status is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder, # If specified, suppresses the output of the leading space character. [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLeadingSpace ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $str = "" if ($Status.HasIndex) { if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $Status.Index.Added) { $indexStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $indexStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $indexStatusText += "$($s.FileAddedText)$($Status.Index.Added.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor } } if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $status.Index.Modified) { $indexStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $indexStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $indexStatusText += "$($s.FileModifiedText)$($status.Index.Modified.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor } } if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $Status.Index.Deleted) { $indexStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $indexStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $indexStatusText += "$($s.FileRemovedText)$($Status.Index.Deleted.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor } } if ($Status.Index.Unmerged) { $indexStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $indexStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $indexStatusText += "$($s.FileConflictedText)$($Status.Index.Unmerged.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $indexStatusText -Color $s.IndexColor } } } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the working directory status text given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the working directory status text given the current Git status. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitWorkingDirStatus (Get-GitStatus) Writes the Git working directory status to the host. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitWorkingDirStatus { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the working dir status is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder, # If specified, suppresses the output of the leading space character. [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLeadingSpace ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $str = "" if ($Status.HasWorking) { if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $Status.Working.Added) { $workingStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $workingStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $workingStatusText += "$($s.FileAddedText)$($Status.Working.Added.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor } } if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $Status.Working.Modified) { $workingStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $workingStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $workingStatusText += "$($s.FileModifiedText)$($Status.Working.Modified.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor } } if ($s.ShowStatusWhenZero -or $Status.Working.Deleted) { $workingStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $workingStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $workingStatusText += "$($s.FileRemovedText)$($Status.Working.Deleted.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor } } if ($Status.Working.Unmerged) { $workingStatusText = " " if ($NoLeadingSpace) { $workingStatusText = "" $NoLeadingSpace = $false } $workingStatusText += "$($s.FileConflictedText)$($Status.Working.Unmerged.Count)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $workingStatusText -Color $s.WorkingColor } } } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the working directory status summary text given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the working directory status summary text given the current Git status. If there are any unstaged commits, the $GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol will be output. If not, then if are any staged but uncommmited changes, the $GitPromptSettings.LocalStagedStatusSymbol will be output. If not, then $GitPromptSettings.LocalDefaultStatusSymbol will be output. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary (Get-GitStatus) Outputs the Git working directory status summary text. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the working dir local status is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder, # If specified, suppresses the output of the leading space character. [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLeadingSpace ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $str = "" # No uncommited changes $localStatusSymbol = $s.LocalDefaultStatusSymbol if ($Status.HasWorking) { # We have un-staged files in the working tree $localStatusSymbol = $s.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol } elseif ($Status.HasIndex) { # We have staged but uncommited files $localStatusSymbol = $s.LocalStagedStatusSymbol } if ($localStatusSymbol.Text) { $textSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($localStatusSymbol) if (!$NoLeadingSpace) { $textSpan.Text = " " + $localStatusSymbol.Text } if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $textSpan > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $textSpan } } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the stash count given the current Git status. .DESCRIPTION Writes the stash count given the current Git status. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-GitStashCount (Get-GitStatus) Writes the Git stash count to the host. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject This is PSCustomObject returned by Get-GitStatus .OUTPUTS System.String, System.Text.StringBuilder This command returns a System.String object unless the -StringBuilder parameter is supplied. In this case, it returns a System.Text.StringBuilder. #> function Write-GitStashCount { param( # The Git status object that provides the status information to be written. # This object is retrieved via the Get-GitStatus command. [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Status, # If specified the working dir local status is written into the provided StringBuilder object. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Text.StringBuilder] $StringBuilder ) $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$Status -or !$s) { return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { "" }) } $str = "" if ($Status.StashCount -gt 0) { $stashText = "$($Status.StashCount)" if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $s.BeforeStash > $null $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $stashText -Color $s.StashColor > $null $StringBuilder | Write-Prompt $s.AfterStash > $null } else { $str += Write-Prompt $s.BeforeStash $str += Write-Prompt $stashText -Color $s.StashColor $str += Write-Prompt $s.AfterStash } } return $(if ($StringBuilder) { $StringBuilder } else { $str }) } if (!(Test-Path Variable:Global:VcsPromptStatuses)) { $global:VcsPromptStatuses = @() } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes all version control prompt statuses configured in $global:VscPromptStatuses. .DESCRIPTION Writes all version control prompt statuses configured in $global:VscPromptStatuses. By default, this includes the PoshGit prompt status. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-VcsStatus Writes all version control prompt statuses that have been configured with the global variable $VscPromptStatuses #> function Global:Write-VcsStatus { Set-ConsoleMode -ANSI $OFS = "" $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new(256) foreach ($promptStatus in $global:VcsPromptStatuses) { [void]$sb.Append("$(& $promptStatus)") } if ($sb.Length -gt 0) { $sb.ToString() } } # Add scriptblock that will execute for Write-VcsStatus $PoshGitVcsPrompt = { try { $global:GitStatus = Get-GitStatus Write-GitStatus $GitStatus } catch { $s = $global:GitPromptSettings if ($s) { $errorText = "PoshGitVcsPrompt error: $_" $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() # When prompt is first (default), place the separator before the status summary if (!$s.DefaultPromptWriteStatusFirst) { $sb | Write-Prompt $s.PathStatusSeparator.Expand() > $null } $sb | Write-Prompt $s.BeforeStatus > $null $sb | Write-Prompt $errorText -Color $s.ErrorColor > $null if ($s.Debug) { if (!$s.AnsiConsole) { Write-Host } Write-Verbose "PoshGitVcsPrompt error details: $($_ | Format-List * -Force | Out-String)" -Verbose } $sb | Write-Prompt $s.AfterStatus > $null if ($sb.Length -gt 0) { $sb.ToString() } } } } $global:VcsPromptStatuses += $PoshGitVcsPrompt |