#!/usr/bin/env pwsh using namespace System.IO using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Management.Automation #Requires -RunAsAdministrator #Requires -Modules clihelper.env, cliHelper.core #Requires -Psedition Core #region Classes enum EnvState { Inactive Active } enum PackageManager { pip poetry } enum EnvManagerName { pipEnv } class EnvManager { static [Dictionary[string, string]]$Environments = @{} static [PsRecord]$data = @{ # Cached data SharePipcache = $False ProjectPath = (Resolve-Path .).Path Session = $null Manager = [EnvManagerName]::pipEnv Home = [EnvManager]::Get_work_Home() Os = Get-HostOs } static [string] Get_work_Home() { $xdgDataHome = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("XDG_DATA_HOME", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # For Unix-like systems $whm = $xdgDataHome ? ([IO.Path]::Join($xdgDataHome, "virtualenvs")) : ([IO.Path]::Combine([Environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile"), ".local", "share", "virtualenvs")) $exp = [IO.Path]::Combine([Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($whm), "") $exp = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath([Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($exp)) if (![IO.Directory]::Exists($exp)) { try { New-Item -Path $exp -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } catch { throw "Failed to create directory '$exp': $_" } } return $exp } static [void] LoadEnvironments() { # Example: Load environments from a JSON file (you can customize this) $envFilePath = Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE ".python_environments.json" if (Test-Path $envFilePath) { [EnvManager]::Environments = Get-Content $envFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable } else { [EnvManager]::Environments = @{} } } static [void] SaveEnvironments() { $envFilePath = Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE ".python_environments.json" [EnvManager]::Environments | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $envFilePath } static [bool] InstallPackage([string]$Environment, [string]$Package, [string]$Version) { try { if (![EnvManager]::Environments.ContainsKey($Environment)) { throw "Environment '$Environment' does not exist." } $pipPath = [EnvManager]::GetPipPath($Environment) if (!$pipPath) { throw "Could not find pip for environment '$Environment'." } $packageSpec = if ($Version) { "$Package==$Version" } else { $Package } & $pipPath install $packageSpec return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to install package. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } static [string] FindEnvFile() { return [EnvManager]::FindEnvFile((Resolve-Path .).Path) } static [string] FindEnvFile([string]$folderPath) { $envFilePriority = @(".env.local", ".env", ".env.development", ".env.production", ".env.test") $files = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $folderPath -Force foreach ($envFile in $envFilePriority) { $foundFile = $files.Where({ $_.Name -eq $envFile }) | Select-Object -First 1 if ($foundFile) { return $foundFile.FullName } } return [IO.Path]::Combine($folderPath, ".env") } static [bool] UpdatePackage([string]$Environment, [string]$Package, [string]$Version) { try { if (![EnvManager]::Environments.ContainsKey($Environment)) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Environment '$Environment' does not exist!") } $pipPath = [EnvManager]::GetPipPath($Environment) if (!$pipPath) { throw "Could not find pip for environment '$Environment'." } $packageSpec = if ($Version) { "$Package==$Version" } else { $Package } & $pipPath install --upgrade $packageSpec return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to update package. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } static [List[Hashtable]] ListPackages([string]$Environment) { try { if (![EnvManager]::Environments.ContainsKey($Environment)) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Environment '$Environment' does not exist!") } $pipPath = [EnvManager]::GetPipPath($Environment) if (!$pipPath) { throw "Could not find pip for environment '$Environment'." } $packages = & $pipPath list --format=json return $packages | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { @{ Name = $_.name Version = $_.version } } } catch { Write-Console "Failed to list packages. $_" -f LightCoral return [List[Hashtable]]::new() } } static [List[string]] ListEnvironments() { return [List[string]][EnvManager]::Environments.Keys } static [string] GetPipPath([string]$Environment) { $envPath = [EnvManager]::Environments[$Environment] if (!$envPath) { return $null } if ((xcrypt Get_Host_Os) -eq "Windows") { return [IO.Path]::Combine($envPath, "Scripts", "pip.exe") } else { return [IO.Path]::Combine($envPath, "bin", "pip") } } static [bool] AddEnvironment([string]$Name, [string]$Path) { if ([EnvManager]::Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) { Write-Console "Environment '$Name' already exists." -f LightCoral return $false } [EnvManager]::Environments[$Name] = $Path [EnvManager]::SaveEnvironments() return $true } static [bool] RemoveEnvironment([string]$Name) { if (![EnvManager]::Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) { Write-Console "Environment '$Name' does not exist." -f LightCoral return $false } [EnvManager]::Environments.Remove($Name) [EnvManager]::SaveEnvironments() return $true } } # .SYNOPSIS # python virtual environment manager class venv : EnvManager, IDisposable { [string]$Path [string]$CreatedAt [version]$PythonVersion [PackageManager]$PackageManager static [validateNotNullOrEmpty()][InstallRequirements]$req = @{ list = @() } hidden [string]$__name venv() { [void][venv]::From([IO.DirectoryInfo]::new([venv]::data.ProjectPath), [ref]$this) } venv([string]$dir) { [void][venv]::From([IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($dir), [ref]$this) } venv([IO.DirectoryInfo]$dir) { [void][venv]::From($dir, [ref]$this) } static [venv] Create() { return [venv]::Create([IO.DirectoryInfo]::new([venv]::data.ProjectPath)) } static [venv] Create([string]$dir) { return [venv]::Create([IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($dir)) } static [venv] Create([IO.DirectoryInfo]$dir) { # .INPUTS # DirectoryInfo: It can be ProjectPath or the exact path for the venv. if (!$dir.Exists) { throw [Argumentexception]::new("Please provide a valid path!", [DirectoryNotFoundException]::new("Directory not found: $dir")) } $p = $null; $e = $null; $v = (Get-Variable 'VerbosePreference' -ValueOnly) -eq 'Continue' try { $_p_short = $dir.FullName | Invoke-PathShortener if (![venv]::IsValid($dir.FullName)) { $v ? $(Write-Console "[venv] " -f SlateBlue -NoNewLine; Write-Console "Try Create from '$_p_short' ... "-f LemonChiffon -NoNewLine) : $null $_env_paths = $dir.EnumerateDirectories("*", [SearchOption]::TopDirectoryOnly).Where({ [venv]::IsValid($_.FullName) }) if ($_env_paths.count -eq 0) { throw "No environment directory found for in '$_p_short' ." } if ($_env_paths.count -gt 1) { throw "Multiple environment directories found in '$_p_short' ." } $p = $_env_paths[0].FullName; } else { $dir } } catch { $v ? $(Write-Console "✖" -f PaleTurquoise -NoNewLine; Write-Console "`n Search already created env in: $([venv]::data.Home | Invoke-PathShortener) ... "-f LemonChiffon -NoNewLine) : $null $p = [venv]::get_project_envpath($dir.FullName) } finally { $e = $p ? [venv]::new($p) : $null } if ($e.IsValid) { $v ? $(Write-Console "Done" -f Green) : $null; return $e } else { $v ? $(Write-Console "✖" -f PaleVioletRed) : $null } # Create new virtual environment named $dir.BaseName and save in work_home [venv]::data.Home Push-Location $dir.FullName Write-Console "[venv] " -f SlateBlue -NoNewLine; Write-Console "Creating new env ... "-f LemonChiffon -NoNewLine; $usrEnvfile = [FileInfo]::new([venv]::FindEnvFile()); $wasNotHere = !$usrEnvfile.Exists $name = ($dir.BaseName -as [version] -is [version]) ? ("{0}_{1}" -f $dir.Parent.BaseName, $dir.BaseName) : $dir.BaseName # https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/virtualenv.html#virtual-environment-name if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) { Edit-EnvCfg -Path $usrEnvfile.FullName -Pair ([KeyValuePair[string, string]]::new("PIPENV_CUSTOM_VENV_NAME", $name)) } Invoke-PipEnv "install", "check" if ($wasNotHere) { $usrEnvfile.FullName | Remove-Item -Force -ea Ignore } Pop-Location; Write-Console "Done" -f Green # Search path of newly created venv $p = [venv]::get_project_envpath($dir.FullName) if (![Directory]::Exists("$p")) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Failed to create a venv Object", [DirectoryNotFoundException]::new("Directory not found: $p")) } return [venv]::new($p) } static hidden [venv] From([IO.DirectoryInfo]$dir, [ref]$o) { # .SYNOPSIS # Loads the venv object from directory info # .DESCRIPTION # Does not create a new venv, meaning it can create a valid venv object from a directory # Only if that directory is a valid env directory. [venv]::data.set('Session', $([ref]$o.Value).Value) [IO.Directory]::Exists($dir.FullName) ? ($dir | Set-ItemProperty -Name Attributes -Value ([IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)) : $null [venv].PsObject.Properties.Add([PsScriptproperty]::new('CONSTANTS', { return [scriptblock]::Create("@{ # Add your constant primitives here: validversionregex = '^(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.(0|[1-9]\d*)){0,3}$' }").InvokeReturnAsIs() }, { throw [SetValueException]::new("CONSTANTS is read-only") } ) ) if (![venv]::IsValid($dir.FullName)) { [InvalidOperationException]::new("$dir is not a valid venv folder") | Write-Console -f LightCoral } $o.Value.PsObject.Properties.Add([Psscriptproperty]::new('Name', { $v = [venv]::IsValid($this.Path) $has_deact_command = $null -ne (Get-Command deactivate -ea Ignore); $this.PsObject.Properties.Add([Psscriptproperty]::new('State', [scriptblock]::Create("return [EnvState][int]$([int]$($has_deact_command -and $v))"), { throw [SetValueException]::new("State is read-only") })); $this.PsObject.Properties.Add([Psscriptproperty]::new('IsValid', [scriptblock]::Create("return [IO.Path]::Exists(`$this.Path) -and [bool]$([int]$v)"), { throw [SetValueException]::new("IsValid is read-only") })); return "({0}) {1}" -f [venv]::data.Manager, ($v ? $this.__name : '✖'); }, { Param([string]$n) [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace("$($this.__name) ".Trim()) ? ($this.__name = $n) : $null } ) ) $o.Value.Name = $dir.Name; $o.Value.Path = $dir.FullName; #the exact path for the venv $o.Value.PsObject.Properties.Add([Psscriptproperty]::new('BinPath', { return [IO.Path]::Combine($this.Path, "bin") }, { throw [SetValueException]::new("BinPath is read-only") })) $o.Value.CreatedAt = [Datetime]::Now.ToString(); [venv]::data.PsObject.Properties.Add([PsScriptproperty]::new('PythonVersions', { return [venv]::get_python_versions() }, { throw [SetValueException]::new("PythonVersions is read-only") })) [venv]::data.PsObject.Properties.Add([PsScriptproperty]::new('SelectedVersion', { return [version]$(python --version).Split(" ").Where({ $_ -match [venv].CONSTANTS.validversionregex })[0] }, { throw [SetValueException]::new("SelectedVersion is read-only") })) # $p = python -c "import pipenv; print(pipenv.__file__)"; ie: (Get-Command pipenv -Type Application -ea Ignore).Source [venv]::data.set('RequirementsFile', "requirements.txt") ![venv]::req ? ([venv]::req = [InstallRequirements][requirement]("pipenv", "Python virtualenv management tool", { Install-Pipenv } )) : $null ![venv]::req.resolved ? [venv]::req.Resolve() : $null $o.Value.PythonVersion = [venv]::data.selectedversion; if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dir.Name) -and $o.Value.IsValid) { $venvconfig = Read-Env -File ([IO.Path]::Combine($o.Value.Path, 'pyvenv.cfg')); $c = @{}; $venvconfig.Name.ForEach({ $n = $_; $c[$n] = $venvconfig.Where({ $_.Name -eq $n }).value }); [venv]::data.Set($c) } return $o.Value } static hidden [version[]] get_python_versions() { return ((pyenv versions).Split("`n").Trim() | Select-Object @{l = "version"; e = { $l = $_; if ($l.StartsWith("*")) { $l = $l.Substring(1).TrimStart().Split(' ')[0] }; $m = $l -match [venv].CONSTANTS.validversionregex; $m ? $l : "not-a-version" } } | Where-Object { $_.version -ne "not-a-version" }).version } static [Object[]] SetLocalVersion() { return [venv]::SetLocalVersion([Path]::Combine([venv]::data.ProjectPath, ".python-version")) } static [Object[]] SetLocalVersion([string]$str = "versionfile_or_version") { [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()][string]$str = $str; $res = $null; $ver = switch ($true) { ([IO.File]::Exists($str)) { $ver_in_file = Get-Content $str; $localver = pyenv local ($localver -ne $ver_in_file) ? $ver_in_file : $null break } ($str -as [version] -is [version]) { $str; break } Default { $null } } if ($null -ne $ver) { $sc = [scriptblock]::Create("pyenv install $ver") Write-Console "[Python v$ver] " -f SlateBlue -NoNewLine; $res = [progressUtil]::WaitJob("Installing", (Start-Job -Name "Install python $ver" -ScriptBlock $sc)); } return $res } [string] GetActivationScript() { return $this.GetActivationScript($this.Path) } [string] GetActivationScript([string]$ProjectPath) { $s = ([venv]::IsValid($ProjectPath) ? ([IO.Path]::Combine($ProjectPath, 'bin', 'activate.ps1')) : '') if (![IO.File]::Exists($s)) { throw [Exception]::new("Failed to get activation script", [FileNotFoundException]::new("file '$s' not found!")) } return $s } static [bool] IsValid([string]$dir) { $v = $true; $d = [IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($dir); ("bin", "lib").ForEach{ $_d = $d.EnumerateDirectories($_); $v = $v -and (($_d.count -eq 1) ? $true : $false) if ($_ -eq 'bin') { $v = $v -and (($_d[0].EnumerateFiles("activate*").Count -gt 0) ? $true : $false) } }; $v = $v -and (($d.EnumerateFiles("pyvenv.cfg").Count -eq 1) ? $true : $false); return $v } [Object[]] Activate() { return & ([venv]::data.Session.GetActivationScript()) } [Object[]] Verify() { return Invoke-PipEnv "verify" } [Object[]] Upgrade() { pip install --user --upgrade pipenv; return Invoke-PipEnv "upgrade" } [Object[]] Sync() { return Invoke-PipEnv "sync" } [Object[]] Lock() { return Invoke-PipEnv "lock" } [Object[]] Install() { python -m pipenv install -q; return Invoke-PipEnv "install" } [Object[]] Install([string]$package) { python -m pipenv install -q $package; return Invoke-PipEnv "install" } [Object[]] Remove() { return python -m pipenv --rm } static [IO.DirectoryInfo] get_project_envpath() { return Search-ProjectEnvPath } static [IO.DirectoryInfo] get_project_envpath([string]$ProjectPath) { return Search-ProjectEnvPath $ProjectPath } static [string] get_pipenv_script() { $p = Get-Command pipenv -CommandType Application -ea Ignore | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -Expand Source $s = python -m site --user-site; $s = ((xcrypt Get_Host_Os) -eq 'Windows') ? $s.Replace('site-packages', 'Scripts') : $s return [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($p) ? ([IO.Path]::combine($s, 'pipenv', '__main__.py')) : $p } [bool] Clone([string]$Source, [string]$Destination) { try { if (!$this.Environments.ContainsKey($Source)) { throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Source environment '$Source' does not exist!") } $sourcePath = $this.Environments[$Source] $destinationPath = "$sourcePath\..\$Destination" Copy-Item -Path "$sourcePath" -Destination $destinationPath -Recurse $this.Environments[$Destination] = $destinationPath $this.Save() return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to clone environment. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [bool] Export([string]$Name, [string]$OutputFile) { try { if (!$this.Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) { throw "Environment '$Name' does not exist." } & "$($this.Environments[$Name])/$Name/Scripts/pip.exe" freeze > $OutputFile return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to export environment. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [bool] Import([string]$InputFile) { try { $packages = Get-Content $InputFile foreach ($package in $packages) { $this.InstallPackage($package, $null) } return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to import environment. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [bool] CheckCompatibility([string]$Package, [string]$Version) { try { $result = pip check "$Package==$Version" return ($result -eq "No broken dependencies") } catch { Write-Console "Failed to check compatibility: $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [Hashtable] GetDetails([string]$Name) { try { if (!$this.Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) { throw "Environment '$Name' does not exist." } $details = @{ Name = $Name Path = $this.Environments[$Name] Packages = $this.ListPackages($Name) Active = ($this.Name -eq $Name) } return $details } catch { Write-Console "Failed to get details. $_" -f LightCoral return @{} } } [bool] SyncWithGlobal([List[string]]$Exclusions) { try { if ($null -eq $this.Name) { throw "No environment is currently active." } $globalPackages = pip list --format=json | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { $_.name } foreach ($package in $globalPackages) { if (!($Exclusions -contains $package)) { $this.InstallPackage($package, $null) } } return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to sync with global. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [EnvState] CheckStatus([string]$Name) { if (!$this.Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) { throw "Environment '$Name' does not exist." } $status = '' try { $status = switch ($true) { ($this.Name -eq $Name) { "active"; break } default { "inactive" } } } catch { throw "Failed to check status: $_" } return $status } [bool] Deactivate() { try { if ($null -eq $this.Name) { throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new("No environment is currently active.") } if ([bool](Get-Command deactivate -CommandType Function -ea Ignore)) { deactivate } else { & "$($this.BinPath)/deactivate.ps1" } $this.Name = $null return $true } catch { Write-Console "Failed to deactivate environment. $_" -f LightCoral return $false } } [void] Save() { # Save environments to a configuration file or registry # This is a placeholder for actual implementation # For example, writing to a JSON file # $config = @{ Environments = $this.Environments } # $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "EnvManagerConfig.json" } [void] Delete() { $this.Path | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Verbose:$false -ea Ignore } [void] Dispose() { $this.Deactivate() $this.Delete() } } #endregion Classes # Types that will be available to users when they import the module. $typestoExport = @( [EnvManagerName], [EnvState], [venv] ) $TypeAcceleratorsClass = [PsObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators') foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { if ($Type.FullName -in $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Get.Keys) { $Message = @( "Unable to register type accelerator '$($Type.FullName)'" 'Accelerator already exists.' ) -join ' - ' [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.InvalidOperationException]::new($Message), 'TypeAcceleratorAlreadyExists', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation, $Type.FullName ) | Write-Warning } } # Add type accelerators for every exportable type. foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Add($Type.FullName, $Type) } # Remove type accelerators when the module is removed. $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Remove($Type.FullName) } }.GetNewClosure(); $scripts = @(); $Public = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/Public" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $scripts += Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/Private" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $scripts += $Public foreach ($file in $scripts) { Try { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file.fullname)) { continue } . "$($file.fullname)" } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to import function $($file.BaseName): $_" $host.UI.WriteErrorLine($_) } } $Param = @{ Function = $Public.BaseName Cmdlet = '*' Alias = '*' Verbose = $false } Export-ModuleMember @Param |