function Install-PipEnv { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [switch]$Force ) begin { $has_pipenv = { [bool](Get-Command pipenv -ea Ignore) } $skip_minst = !$Force -and $has_pipenv.Invoke() $_set_alias = { Set-Alias pipenv pipEnv\Invoke-PipEnv -Scope Global } } process { if ($skip_minst) { return } Write-Console "Installing pipEnv ..." -f LimeGreen # "pip" comes pre-installed with Python versions 3.4+, but just in case if its not there we use the one in the venv if (!(Get-Command python -type Application -ea Ignore)) { pipEnv\Install-Python } $pip_path = Get-Command pip -type Application -ea Ignore | Select-Object -Expand Source -First 1 # $pip_path = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pip_path) ? ([IO.Path]::combine($venv_name, 'bin', 'pip')) : $pip_path if (![IO.File]::Exists($pip_path)) { throw [IO.FileNotFoundException]::new("pip was not found") } &$pip_path install --upgrade pip --break-system-packages Install-PyEnv [void][venv]::SetLocalVersion() &$pip_path install pipenv --user --no-warn-script-location --break-system-packages if ([venv]::data.Os.Equals('Windows')) { cliHelper.env\Update-SessionEnv } [void]("`nif (!$($has_pipenv.ToString().Trim())) {$_set_alias}" >> (Get-Variable PROFILE -ValueOnly)) if (!$has_pipenv.Invoke()) { $_set_alias.Invoke() } } end { if (!$skip_minst) { Write-Console "verifying: gcm pipenv " -f Yellow -NoNewLine $has_pipenv.Invoke() ? (Write-Console "Successfully installed pipenv" -f LimeGreen) : (Write-Console "pipenv install failed" -f LightCoral) } else { Write-Console "$(pipenv --version) is already installed" -f LimeGreen } } } |