@{ RootModule = 'pglet.psm1' ModuleVersion = '0.5.6' GUID = '6d0d7541-197f-4cd4-9655-6928a25c6b13' Author = 'AppVeyor Systems Inc.' CompanyName = 'AppVeyor Systems Inc.' Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2021 Appveyor Systems Inc. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Pglet client for PowerShell - easily create rich and responsive web apps in PowerShell.' PowerShellVersion = '5.0' NestedModules = @('bin\Pglet.PowerShell.dll') FunctionsToExport = @( 'Write-Trace' ) CmdletsToExport = '*' VariablesToExport = '*' AliasesToExport = '*' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ #Tags = @() LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' IconUri = '' # ReleaseNotes of this module # ReleaseNotes = '' # Prerelease string of this module Prerelease = 'beta1' } } # End of PrivateData hashtable # HelpInfoURI = '' # DefaultCommandPrefix = '' } |