# PSake makes variables declared here available in other scriptblocks # Init some things Properties { # Find the build folder based on build system $projectName = $($env:CI_PROJECT_NAME).tolower() Set-BuildEnvironment "ProjectName is $projectName" $env:BHProjectName = $projectName $ProjectRoot = $ENV:BHProjectPath -replace ("/", "\") if (-not $ProjectRoot) { $ProjectRoot = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent } $Timestamp = Get-date -uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------------' $outputdir = "$projectroot\" "Output dir is $outputdir" $Verbose = @{} if ($ENV:BHCommitMessage -match "!verbose") { $Verbose = @{Verbose = $True} } $excludedrules = "PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "PSUseSingularNouns" $tags = 'PasswordState', 'Password', 'Management','PSEdition_Desktop','PSEdition_Core','Windows','Linux','MacOS' $Guid = '752125dd-c0e4-4f87-bad9-dd7dc9b45b58' } Task default -Depends Build Task Init { $lines Set-Location $ProjectRoot "Build System Details:" Get-Item ENV:BH* "`n" #Get-BuildEnvironment } Task Clean -Depends Init { $lines "`nCleaning Old Builds." "`n" try { Remove-Module $Projectname -Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item "$projectroot\$($Projectname)" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Catch {} } Task Build -Depends Clean { $lines $Functions = (Get-ChildItem $ProjectRoot\functions\*.ps1) Write-Verbose "ProjectName is $($Projectname)" $commitmsg = $ENV:BHCommitMessage try { $global:buildversion = $(((Find-Module -Name $($Projectname) -repository psgallery -ErrorAction Stop))| Sort-Object version |Select-Object -Last 1 ).Version switch -Wildcard ($commitmsg){ "*major*"{ $global:buildversion = $global:buildversion | Step-Version -By Major } "*minor*"{ $global:buildversion = $global:buildversion | Step-Version -By Minor } "*nobuild*"{ exit 0 } Default { $global:buildversion = $global:buildversion | Step-Version -By Patch } } $global:buildversion } Catch { $v = ([Version]::new(0, 0, 1)) $global:buildversion = $v } #Should just use plaster... $ModuleName = "$($Projectname)" $ModPath = "$outputdir" $PSD1Path = Join-Path -path $ModPath -ChildPath "$($Projectname).psd1" New-ModuleManifest -Guid $Guid ` -Path $PSD1Path ` -Author 'Daryl Newsholme' ` -ModuleToProcess "$($Projectname).psm1" ` -ModuleVersion "$global:buildversion" ` -Description "Powershell Module for managing Password State" ` -FunctionsToExport $($Functions.Name -replace ".ps1") ` -AliasesToExport "*" ` -RequiredModules "PSFramework" ` -ProjectUri "" ` -IconUri "" ` -HelpInfoUri "" ` -ReleaseNotes "$((Get-Content $projectroot\ -raw | select-string -pattern '(\+[\sA-z0-9\.]+[\sA-z0-9\.]+){1,}(?=\n)').Matches.Value)" ` -Tags $tags # We have a module, BuildHelpers will see it #Set-BuildEnvironment -Force $global:modpath = $ModPath $env:modulepath = $modpath } |