#Region './prefix.ps1' 0 Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Modules\PSNativeCmdDevKit -ErrorAction Stop #EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 2 #Region './Enum/nxFileSystemAccessRight.ps1' 0 [Flags()] enum nxFileSystemAccessRight { Read = 4 Write = 2 Execute = 1 None = 0 } #EndRegion './Enum/nxFileSystemAccessRight.ps1' 10 #Region './Enum/nxFileSystemItemType.ps1' 0 enum nxFileSystemItemType { File Directory Link } #EndRegion './Enum/nxFileSystemItemType.ps1' 7 #Region './Enum/nxFileSystemSpecialMode.ps1' 0 [Flags()] enum nxFileSystemSpecialMode { SetUserId = 4 # S_ISUID: Set user ID on execution SetGroupId = 2 # S_ISVTX: Set group ID on execution StickyBit = 1 # S_ISVTX: Sticky bit None = 0 } #EndRegion './Enum/nxFileSystemSpecialMode.ps1' 10 #Region './Enum/nxFileSystemUserClass.ps1' 0 [Flags()] enum nxFileSystemUserClass { User = 4 # u Group = 2 # g Others = 1 # o } #EndRegion './Enum/nxFileSystemUserClass.ps1' 8 #Region './Classes/nxFileSystemInfo.ps1' 0 class nxFileSystemInfo : System.IO.FileSystemInfo { [nxFileSystemPermissions] $nxFileSystemAccessRight [nxFileSystemItemType] $nxFileSystemItemType [int] $nxLinkCount [System.String] $nxOwner [System.String] $nxGroup [long] $Length [string] $Name [datetime] $LastWriteTime nxFileSystemInfo ([System.Collections.IDictionary]$properties) { Write-Verbose -Message "Creating [nxFileSystemInfo] with path '$($properties.FullPath)'." $this.OriginalPath = $properties.FullPath $this.FullPath = $properties.FullPath $this.SetPropertiesFromIDictionary($properties) $this.Name = [System.Io.Path]::GetFileName($this.FullPath) } hidden [void] SetPropertiesFromIDictionary ([System.Collections.IDictionary]$properties) { Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Propeties from Dictionary." $properties.keys.Foreach{ if ($this.psobject.Properties.name -contains $_) { try { Write-Debug -Message "`tAdding '$_' with value '$($properties[$_])'." $this.($_) = $properties[$_] } catch { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "The key '$_' is not a property." } } } nxFileSystemInfo([string]$Path) { # ctor $this.OriginalPath = $Path $this.FullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path) $this.Name = [System.Io.Path]::GetFileName($this.FullPath) } nxFileSystemInfo([string]$Path, $permission, $linkCount, $owner, $group, $Length, $lastModifyDate, $lastModifyTime, $fileName) { # ctor $this.OriginalPath = $Path $this.FullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path) $this.Name = [System.Io.Path]::GetFileName($this.FullPath) } [void] Delete() { Remove-Item -Path $this.FullName -ErrorAction Stop $this.Dispose() } } #EndRegion './Classes/nxFileSystemInfo.ps1' 69 #Region './Classes/nxFileSystemPermissions.ps1' 0 class nxFileSystemPermissions { hidden static [string] $SymbolicTriadParser = '^[-dl]?(?<User>[-wrxsStT]{3})(?<Group>[-wrxsStT]{3})(?<Others>[-wrxsStT]{3})$' hidden static [string] $SymbolicOperationParser = '^(?<userClass>[ugoa]{1,3})(?<operator>[\-\+\=]{1})(?<permissions>[wrxTtSs-]{1,3})$' [nxFileSystemSpecialMode] $SpecialModeFlags [nxFileSystemAccessRight] $OwnerPermission [nxFileSystemAccessRight] $GroupPermission [nxFileSystemAccessRight] $OthersPermission nxFileSystemPermissions() { # default ctor, can be used like this: <# [nxFileSystemPermissions]@{ SpecialModeFlags = 'None' OwnerPermission = 'Read, Write, Execute' GroupPermission = 'Read, Execute' OthersPermission = 7 } #> } nxFileSystemPermissions([String]$Permissions) { if ($Permissions -match '^\d{3,4}$') { # Convert from Int to nxFileSystemAccessRight $this.setNxFileSystemPermissionFromInt([int]::Parse($Permissions)) } elseif ($Permissions -cmatch [nxFileSystemPermissions]::SymbolicTriadParser) { $this.setNxFileSystemPermissionFromSymbolicTriadNotation($Permissions) } elseif (-not ($Permissions -split '\s+').Where{$_ -cnotmatch [nxFileSystemPermissions]::SymbolicOperationParser}) { # All items of the space delimited Symbolic operations have been checked. $this.DoSymbolicChmodOperation($Permissions) } else { throw "The symbolic string '$Permissions' is invalid." } } nxFileSystemPermissions([int]$Permissions) { $this.setNxFileSystemPermissionFromInt($Permissions) } hidden [void] setNxFileSystemPermissionFromSymbolicTriadNotation([string]$SymbolicTriad) { $null = $SymbolicTriad -cmatch [nxFileSystemPermissions]::SymbolicTriadParser $this.DoSymbolicChmodOperation(@( ('u=' + $Matches['User']) ('g=' + $Matches['Group']) ('o=' + $Matches['Others']) ) -join ' ') } hidden [void] setNxFileSystemPermissionFromInt([Int]$Permissions) { # Adding leading 0s to ensure we have a 0 for the special flags i.e. 777 -> 0777 $StringPermission = "{0:0000}" -f $Permissions Write-Debug -Message "Trying to parse the permission set expressed by '$($Permissions)'." if ($StringPermission.Length -gt 4) { throw "Permission set should be expressed with 4 or 3 digits (you can omit the one on the left): setuid(4)/setgid(2)/sticky bit(1)|Owner|Group|Others). '$($StringPermission)'" } Write-Debug -Message "Parsing Special Mode Flags: $([int]::Parse($StringPermission[0]))" $this.SpecialModeFlags = [int]::Parse($StringPermission[0]) $this.OwnerPermission = [int]::Parse($StringPermission[1]) $this.GroupPermission = [int]::Parse($StringPermission[2]) $this.OthersPermission = [int]::Parse($StringPermission[3]) } [void] DoChmodOperation ([nxFileSystemUserClass]$UserClass, [char]$Operator, [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$AccessRights, [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$SpecialMode) { switch ($operator) { '=' { $this.SetMode($userClass, $accessRights, $specialMode) } '+' { $this.AddMode($userClass, $accessRights, $specialMode) } '-' { $this.RemoveMode($userClass, $accessRights, $specialMode) } default { throw "Operator not recognised '$operator'." } } } [void] DoSymbolicChmodOperation ([string]$SymbolicChmodString) { $symbolicChmodList = $SymbolicChmodString -split '\s+' foreach ($symbolicChmodStringItem in $symbolicChmodList) { Write-Debug -Message "Doing Symbolic Operation '$symbolicChmodStringItem'." if ($symbolicChmodStringItem -match [nxFileSystemPermissions]::SymbolicOperationParser) { $userClassChars = $Matches['userClass'] $operator = $Matches['operator'] $permissions = $Matches['permissions'] $userClass = [nxFileSystemUserClass](Convert-CharToNxFileSystemUserClass -Char $userClassChars) Write-Debug -Message "Parsing $permissions" $specialMode = [nxFileSystemSpecialMode](Convert-CharToNxFileSystemSpecialMode -SpecialModeSymbol $permissions -UserClass $UserClass) $accessRights = [nxFileSystemAccessRight](Convert-CharToNxFileSystemAccessRight -AccessRightSymbol $permissions) $this.DoChmodOperation($userClass, $operator, $accessRights, $specialMode) } } } [void] SetMode ([nxFileSystemUserClass]$UserClass, [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$AccessRights, [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$SpecialMode) { Write-Debug -Message "Setting rights '$($AccessRights)' and special flag '$($SpecialMode)' to '$($UserClass)'" switch ($UserClass) { { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User } { $this.OwnerPermission = $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group } { $this.GroupPermission = $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others } { $this.OthersPermission = $AccessRights } default { throw "Error with unrecognized User Class '$UserClass'." } } $this.SpecialModeFlags = $SpecialMode } [void] AddMode ([nxFileSystemUserClass]$UserClass, [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$AccessRights, [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$SpecialMode) { Write-Debug -Message "Adding rights '$($AccessRights)' and special flag '$($SpecialMode)' to '$($UserClass)'" switch ($UserClass) { { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User } { $this.OwnerPermission = $this.OwnerPermission -bor $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group } { $this.GroupPermission = $this.GroupPermission -bor $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others } { $this.OthersPermission = $this.OthersPermission -bor $AccessRights } default { throw "Error with unrecognized User Class '$UserClass'." } } $this.SpecialModeFlags = $this.SpecialModeFlags -bor $SpecialMode } [void] RemoveMode ([nxFileSystemUserClass]$UserClass, [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$AccessRights, [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$SpecialMode) { Write-Debug -Message "Removing rights '$($AccessRights)' and special flag '$($SpecialMode)' to '$($UserClass)'" switch ($UserClass) { { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User } { $this.OwnerPermission = $this.OwnerPermission -band -bnot $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group } { $this.GroupPermission = $this.GroupPermission -band -bnot $AccessRights } { $_ -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others } { $this.OthersPermission = $this.OthersPermission -band -bnot $AccessRights } default { throw "Error with unrecognized User Class '$UserClass'." } } $this.SpecialModeFlags = $this.SpecialModeFlags -band -bnot $SpecialMode } [string] ToString() { Write-Verbose -Message "$($this.OwnerPermission)" Write-Verbose -Message "$(@($this.OthersPermission, $this.SpecialModeFlags) -join '|')" $SymbolNotation = [PSCustomObject]@{ UserClass = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User AccessRight = $this.OwnerPermission UseDashWhenAbsent = $true }, [PSCustomObject]@{ UserClass = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group AccessRight = $this.GroupPermission UseDashWhenAbsent = $true }, [PSCustomObject]@{ UserClass = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User AccessRight = $this.OthersPermission UseDashWhenAbsent = $true } | Convert-FileSystemAccessRightToSymbol Write-Verbose -Message "SymbolNotation: $SymbolNotation" return ($SymbolNotation -join '') } } #EndRegion './Classes/nxFileSystemPermissions.ps1' 226 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemAccessRight.ps1' 0 function Convert-CharToNxFileSystemAccessRight { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([nxFileSystemAccessRight])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Char[]] [Alias('Char')] $AccessRightSymbol ) process { foreach ($charItem in $AccessRightSymbol) { switch -CaseSensitive ($charItem) { 'w' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Write } 'r' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Read } 'x' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute } '-' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::None } 'T' { Write-Debug -Message "The UpperCase 'T' means there's no Execute right." [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::None } 't' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute } 'S' { Write-Debug -Message "The UpperCase 'S' means there's no Execute right." [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::None } 's' { [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute } } } } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemAccessRight.ps1' 63 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemSpecialMode.ps1' 0 function Convert-CharToNxFileSystemSpecialMode { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([nxFileSystemSpecialMode])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Char[]] [Alias('Char')] # the possible char are [sStT], but if other values sucha as [rwx-] are passed, we should just ignore them (no special permission). $SpecialModeSymbol, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [nxFileSystemUserClass] $UserClass ) process { foreach ($charItem in $SpecialModeSymbol) { Write-Debug -Message "Converting '$charItem' to [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]." switch ($charItem) { 't' { Write-Debug -Message "Adding StickyBit." [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::StickyBit } 's' { if ($UserClass -eq [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User) { Write-Debug -Message "Adding SetUserId." [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetUserId } if ($UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group) { Write-Debug -Message "Adding SetGroupId." [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetGroupId } if ((-not $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group) -and (-not $UserClass -eq [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User)) { Write-Warning -Message "Cannot determine whether to set the SUID or SGID because the User class is invalid: '$UserClass'" } } default { Write-Debug -Message "Nothing to return for char '$charItem'." } } } } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemSpecialMode.ps1' 57 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemUserClass.ps1' 0 function Convert-CharTonxFileSystemUserClass { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([nxFileSystemUserClass])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [char[]] $Char ) process { foreach ($charItem in $char) { switch ($charItem) { 'u' { [nxFileSystemUserClass]'User' } 'g' { [nxFileSystemUserClass]'Group' } 'o' { [nxFileSystemUserClass]'Others' } 'a' { [nxFileSystemUserClass]'User, Group, Others' } default { throw "Unexpected char '$CharItem'" } } } } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-CharToNxFileSystemUserClass.ps1' 26 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemAccessRightToSymbol.ps1' 0 function Convert-FileSystemAccessRightToSymbol { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [System.String[]] [ValidateScript({$_ -as [nxFileSystemAccessRight] -or $_ -as [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]})] $AccessRight, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [nxFileSystemUserClass] [Alias('Class')] $UserClass, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $UseDashWhenAbsent ) process { Write-Verbose "Access Right: '$($AccessRight -join "', '")'" [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$AccessRightEntry = 'none' [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$SpecialModeEntry = 'none' $AccessRight.ForEach({ if ($_ -as [nxFileSystemAccessRight]) { $AccessRightEntry = $AccessRightEntry -bor [nxFileSystemAccessRight]$_ } elseif ($_ -as [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]) { $SpecialModeEntry = $SpecialModeEntry -bor [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]$_ } }) Write-Debug -Message "AccessRight: '$AccessRightEntry', SpecialMode: $SpecialModeEntry" $Symbols = @( $AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Read ? 'r' : ($UseDashWhenAbsent ? '-':'') $AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Write ? 'w' : ($UseDashWhenAbsent ? '-':'') if ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetGroupId -and $AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute ) { 's' } elseif ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetGroupId ) { 'S' } elseif ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetUserId -and $AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute ) { 's' } elseif ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::SetUserId ) { 'S' } elseif ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::StickyBit -and $AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute ) { 't' } elseif ( $UserClass -band [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others -and $SpecialModeEntry -band [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]::StickyBit ) { 'T' } elseif ($AccessRightEntry -band [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::Execute) { 'x' } elseif ($UseDashWhenAbsent) { '-' } ) Write-Verbose -Message "Symbols: '$($Symbols -join '')'." ($Symbols -join '') } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemAccessRightToSymbol.ps1' 104 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation.ps1' 0 function Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('Class')] [nxFileSystemUserClass] $UserClass, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [System.String] [ValidateScript({$_ -as [nxFileSystemAccessRight] -or $_ -as [nxFileSystemSpecialMode]})] [Alias('InputObject')] $EnumValue, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $SideIndicator ) process { # FTR the side indicator points where the EnumValue is found: REFERENCE <=> DIFFERENCE # The SympolicOperation generated aims to make the DifferencePermission compliante with the reference. Write-Debug "[$UserClass] [$EnumValue] [$SideIndicator]" if ($SideIndicator -eq '<=') { # Need to add something that is not in the reference $operator = '+' } else { # Need to remove something that is not in the reference $operator = '-' } $UserClassSymbol = Convert-FileSystemUserClassToSymbol -UserClass $UserClass $PermissionSymbol = Convert-FileSystemAccessRightToSymbol -AccessRight $EnumValue -UserClass $UserClass return ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $UserClassSymbol, $operator, $PermissionSymbol) } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation.ps1' 46 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemUserClassToSymbol.ps1' 0 function Convert-FileSystemUserClassToSymbol { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [nxFileSystemUserClass] [Alias('Class')] $UserClass ) $symbols = switch ($UserClass) { ([nxFileSystemUserClass]::User) { 'u' } ([nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group) { 'g' } ([nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others) { 'o' } } return ($symbols -join '') } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-FileSystemUserClassToSymbol.ps1' 22 #Region './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-LsEntryToFileSystemInfo.ps1' 0 function Convert-LsEntryToFileSystemInfo { param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.String] $lsLine, [Parameter()] [System.String] $InitialPath = '.', [Parameter()] [scriptblock] $ErrorHandler = { switch -Regex ($_) { default { Write-Error "$_" } } } ) begin { $lastParent = $null } process { foreach ($lineToParse in $lsLine.Where{$_}) { Write-Verbose -Message "Parsing ls line output: '$lineToParse'." if ($lineToParse -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $lineToParse | &$ErrorHandler } elseif ($lineToParse -match 'Permission denied|No such file or directory') { Write-Error -Message $lineToParse } elseif ($lineToParse -match '^\s*total') { Write-Verbose -Message $lineToParse } elseif ($lineToParse -match '^(?<parent>/.*):$') { $lastParent = $Matches.parent } else { $nxFileSystemAccessRight, $nxLinkCount, $nxOwner, $nxGroup, $Length, $lastModifyDate, $lastModifyTime, $lastModifyTimezone, $fileName = $lineToParse -split '\s+',9 $nxFileSystemItemType = switch ($nxFileSystemAccessRight[0]) { '-' { 'File' } 'd' { 'Directory' } 'l' { 'Link' } } $lastWriteTime = Get-Date -Date ($lastModifyDate + " " + $lastModifyTime + $lastModifyTimezone) # Maybe there's no $lastParent yet (top folder from search Path) if ($null -eq $lastParent) { if ($InitialPath -eq [io.Path]::GetFullPath($fileName, $PWD.Path)) { Write-Debug -Message "No `$lastParent and Initial path is '$InitialPath' same as file name is '$fileName'." # no Last parent and the InitialPath is the same as the file Name. (i.e. ./CHANGELOG.md or CHANGELOG.md) $lastParent = [io.path]::GetFullPath("$InitialPath/..") } else { $lastParent = [io.Path]::GetFullPath($InitialPath) } $fullPath = [io.Path]::GetFullPath($fileName, $lastParent) } else { Write-Debug -Message "`$lastParent is '$lastParent', Initial Path is '$InitialPath' and file name is '$fileName'." $fullPath = [io.path]::GetFullPath($fileName, $lastParent) } [nxFileSystemInfo]::new( @{ FullPath = $fullPath LastWriteTime = $lastWriteTime nxFileSystemItemType = $nxFileSystemItemType nxOwner = $nxOwner nxGroup = $nxGroup Length = [long]::Parse($Length) nxLinkCount = $nxLinkCount nxFileSystemAccessRight = $nxFileSystemAccessRight } ) } } } } #EndRegion './Private/nxFileSystem/Convert-LsEntryToFileSystemInfo.ps1' 98 #Region './Public/Compare-FileSystemPermission.ps1' 0 function Compare-FileSystemPermission { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [nxFileSystemPermissions] $ReferencePermission, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [nxFileSystemPermissions[]] [Alias('nxFileSystemAccessRight')] $DifferencePermission, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] [Alias('FullName', 'Path')] $DifferencePath, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeEqual ) process { foreach ($PermissionItem in $DifferencePermission) { Write-Verbose -Message "Comparing '$ReferencePermission' with '$PermissionItem'" $diffOwner = $ReferencePermission.OwnerPermission -bxor $PermissionItem.OwnerPermission $diffGroup = $ReferencePermission.GroupPermission -bxor $PermissionItem.GroupPermission $diffOthers = $ReferencePermission.OthersPermission -bxor $PermissionItem.OthersPermission $diffSpecialModeFlags = $ReferencePermission.SpecialModeFlags -bxor $PermissionItem.SpecialModeFlags foreach ($enumValue in ([Enum]::GetValues([nxFileSystemAccessRight]).Where({$_ -ne [nxFileSystemAccessRight]::None}))) { if ($diffOwner -band $enumValue) { $sideIndicator = $ReferencePermission.OwnerPermission -band $enumValue ? '<=' : '=>' Write-Verbose -Message "[$([nxFileSystemUserClass]::User)]'$enumValue' is only on this side [REF '$sideIndicator' DIFF]." [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = $sideIndicator DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } | Add-Member -PassThru -Name RemediationOperation -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {$this | Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation} } elseif ($IncludeEqual) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::User InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = '=' RemediationOperation = '' DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } } if ($diffGroup -band $enumValue) { $sideIndicator = $ReferencePermission.GroupPermission -band $enumValue ? '<=' : '=>' Write-Verbose -Message "[$([nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group)]'$enumValue' is only on this side [REF '$sideIndicator' DIFF]." [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = $sideIndicator DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } | Add-Member -PassThru -Name RemediationOperation -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {$this | Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation} } elseif ($IncludeEqual) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Group InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = '=' RemediationOperation = '' DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } } if ($diffOthers -band $enumValue) { $sideIndicator = $ReferencePermission.OthersPermission -band $enumValue ? '<=' : '=>' Write-Verbose -Message "[$([nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others)]'$enumValue' is only on this side [REF '$sideIndicator' DIFF]." [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = $sideIndicator DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } | Add-Member -PassThru -Name RemediationOperation -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {$this | Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation} } elseif ($IncludeEqual) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::Others InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = '=' RemediationOperation = '' DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } } } foreach ($enumValue in ([Enum]::GetValues([nxFileSystemSpecialMode]))) { if ($diffSpecialModeFlags -band $enumValue) { $sideIndicator = $ReferencePermission.SpecialModeFlags -band $enumValue ? '<=' : '=>' Write-Verbose -Message "[$([nxFileSystemUserClass]::None)]'$enumValue' is only on this side [REF '$sideIndicator' DIFF]." [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::None InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = $sideIndicator DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } | Add-Member -PassThru -Name RemediationOperation -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {$this | Convert-FileSystemPermissionComparisonToSymbolicOperation} } elseif ($IncludeEqual) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Class = [nxFileSystemUserClass]::None InputObject = $enumValue SideIndicator = '=' RemediationOperation = '' DifferencePath = $DifferencePath } } } } } } #EndRegion './Public/Compare-FileSystemPermission.ps1' 132 #Region './Public/Get-FileSystemChildItem.ps1' 0 function Get-FileSystemChildItem { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $Path = '.', [Parameter()] [Switch] $Recurse, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Directory ) begin { $lsParams = @('-Al','--full-time','--group-directories-first') switch ($PSboundParameters.keys) { 'Recurse' { $lsParams += '--recursive' } 'Directory' { $lsParams += '-d' } default { Write-Debug -Message "Parameter '$_' not added automatically." } } } process { foreach ($pathItem in $Path.Where{$_}) { $pathItem = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($pathItem, $PWD.Path) Invoke-NativeCommand -Executable 'ls' -Parameters ($lsParams + @($pathItem)) | Convert-lsEntryToFileSystemInfo -InitialPath $pathItem } } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-FileSystemChildItem.ps1' 39 #Region './Public/Get-KernelInfo.ps1' 0 function Get-KernelInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $kernelName, $ComputerName, $kernelRelease, $machineHardware, $processor, $hardwarePlatform, $OS = (Invoke-NativeCommand -Executable 'uname' -Parameters @( '--kernel-name', '--nodename', '--kernel-release', '--machine', '--processor', '--hardware-platform', '--operating-system' ) ) -split '\s' $kernelVersion = Invoke-NativeCommand -Executable 'uname' -Parameters '--kernel-version' [PSCustomObject]@{ kernelName = $kernelName ComputerName = $ComputerName KernelRelease = $kernelRelease KernelVersion = $kernelVersion MachineHardware = $machineHardware processor = $processor hardwarePlatform = $hardwarePlatform OS = $OS } | Add-Member -TypeName 'OS.KernelInfo' -PassThru } #EndRegion './Public/Get-KernelInfo.ps1' 33 #Region './Public/Get-LinuxStandardBaseRelease.ps1' 0 # By default on Debian 10, lsb-release package is not installed, so lsb_release # gives a command not found. function Get-LinuxStandardBaseRelease { [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) if ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -or $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { $Verbose = $true } else { $Verbose = $false } $properties = Invoke-NativeCommand -Executable 'lsb_release' -Parameters '--all' -Verbose:$Verbose | Get-PropertyHashFromListOutput -ErrorHandling { switch -Regex ($_) { '' { } 'No\sLSB\smodules' { Write-Verbose $_ } default { Write-Error "$_" } } } [PSCustomObject]$properties | Add-Member -TypeName 'Package.LsbRelease' -PassThru } Set-Alias -Name Get-LsbRelease -Value Get-LinuxStandardBaseRelease #EndRegion './Public/Get-LinuxStandardBaseRelease.ps1' 34 #Region './Public/Get-OSDistributionInfo.ps1' 0 function Get-OSDistributionInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $InfoFilePath = '/etc/*-release' ) $InfoFilePath = [string[]](Get-Item $InfoFilePath -ErrorAction Stop) Write-Verbose -Message "Extracting distro info from '$($InfoFilePath -join "', '")'" $properties = Get-Content -Path $InfoFilePath | Get-PropertyHashFromListOutput -Regex '^\s*(?<property>[\w-\s]*)=\s*"?(?<val>.*)\b' [PSCustomObject]$properties | Add-Member -TypeName 'OSDistribution.Info' -PassThru } #EndRegion './Public/Get-OSDistributionInfo.ps1' 19 |