"arch": "Command: nvm arch [32/64]\nShow if node is running in 32 or 64 bit mode.", "arch 32": "Set the default running state to 32bit mode.", "arch 64": "Set the default running state to 64bit mode", "current": "Display active version", "debug": "Check the NVM4W process for known problems (troubleshooter)", "install": "Command: nvm install <version> [arch] [--insecure]\nInstall node\neg: nvm install lts", "install lts": "Install the lts version of node", "install lts --insecure": "Bypass SSL validation of the remote download server", "install latest": "Install the latest version of node", "install latest --insecure": "Bypass SSL validation of the remote download server", "list": "Command: nvm list [available]\nList the node.js installations", "list available": "View installable versions", "on": "Enable node.js version management.", "off": "Disable node.js version management.", "proxy": "Command: nvm proxy [url]\nSet a proxy to use for downloads. \nLeave [url] blank to see the current proxy\nSet [url] to \"none\" to remove the proxy.", "uninstall": "Command: nvm uninstall <version>\nUninstall the specified version of node", "use": "Command: nvm use [version] [arch]\nSwitch to use the specified version.", "root": "Command: nvm root [path]\nSet the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js.\nIf <path> is not set, the directory where node.js is currently stored will be displayed.", "version": "Alias: --version/v \nDisplays the current running version of nvm", "node_mirror": "Command: nvm node_mirror [url]\nSet the node mirror. \nDefaults to https://nodejs.org/dist/.\nLeave [url] blank to use default url.", "npm_mirror": "Command: nvm npm_mirror [url]\nSet the npm mirror.\nDefaults to https://github.com/npm/cli/archive/.\nLeave [url] blank to default url.", "nvm_info":{ "warn":"Module Warning(nvm-tab-completion): It's no longer maintained and improved!", "tip":"You should install and import the PSCompletions module, and run \"psc add nvm\" to add nvm completion\nFor more information: https://github.com/abgox/PSCompletions" } } |