# add helper functions here function getGridSelect { <# .SYNOPSIS Display a grid view of the specified data set and return the selected item(s) .DESCRIPTION Display a grid view of the specified data set and return the selected item(s) .PARAMETER DataSet Specify the data set (array, arraylist, collection) to display in the grid view .PARAMETER Title Specify the title of the grid view window .PARAMETER OutputMode Specify the output mode: Single or Multiple. Default is Multiple .EXAMPLE getGridSelect -DataSet $users -Title "Select a User Account" -OutputMode Single Display a grid view of the specified data set and return the selected item .EXAMPLE getGridSelect -DataSet $users -Title "Select User Accounts" Display a grid view of the specified data set and return the selected item(s) #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$DataSet, [parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$Title, [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string][ValidateSet('Single','Multiple')]$OutputMode = 'Multiple' ) if (Get-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -ListAvailable) { @($DataSet | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title $Title -OutputMode $OutputMode) } else { Write-Warning "Linux platforms require module: microsoft.powershell.consoleguitools" } } function IsCinnamonInstalled { <# .SYNOPSIS Determine if Cinnamon desktop is installed .DESCRIPTION Determine if Cinnamon desktop is installed #> param() $desktop = Get-ChildItem -Path "/usr/share/xsessions" -Filter "cinnamon.desktop" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($desktop) { Write-Output $true $global:IsCinnamon = $true } else { Write-Output $false $global:IsCinnamon = $false } } function Get-LogFile { param() Get-Content -Path $global:LogFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } |