function New-ToastNotification { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a desktop notification message using notify-send .DESCRIPTION Displays a desktop notification message using notify-send with optional parameters .PARAMETER Message The message to display in the notification. This can include the following HTML tags for formatting: <b></b> - bold <i></i> - italic <u></u> - underline <a href="..."></a> - hyperlink <img src="..." alt="..."/> - image .PARAMETER Title The title of the notification. Default is "Notification" .PARAMETER Urgency The urgency level of the notification (low, normal, critical). Default is normal .PARAMETER IconName The icon to display in the notification. Default is dialog-information.png Filenames are found in /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/ if the specified icon is not found, no icon will be displayed .PARAMETER Wait Wait for the notification to be closed before continuing. Default is notification closes after a brief delay .EXAMPLE New-ToastNotification -Message "Hello World!" Displays a notification with the message "Hello World!" .EXAMPLE New-ToastNotification -Message "Hello World!" -Title "Greetings" Displays a notification with the message "Hello World!" and the title "Greetings" .EXAMPLE New-ToastNotification -Message "Hello World!" -Urgency critical Displays a critical notification with the message "Hello World!" .EXAMPLE New-ToastNotification -Message "Hello World!" -Icon dialog-warning.png Displays a notification with the message "Hello World!" and the icon dialog-warning.png .NOTES #notify-send "<b>Hello World!</b>This is a message from PowerShell" -u critical -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/dialog-warning.png .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Message, [parameter()][alias('Summary')][string]$Title = "Notification", [parameter()][alias('Category')][string][ValidateSet('low','normal','critical')]$Urgency = 'normal', [parameter()][alias('Icon')][string]$IconName = 'dialog-information.png', [parameter()][switch]$Wait ) try { $iconPath = '/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/' $iconFile = Join-Path $iconPath $IconName if (!(Test-Path -Path $Icon)) { Write-Warning "Iconfile not found: $Icon" $block = "notify-send -u $Urgency" } else { $block = "notify-send -u $Urgency -i $iconfile" } if ($Wait.IsPresent) { $block += " -w" } Invoke-Expression "$block '$Title' '$Message'" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |